648 research outputs found

    Pensiuni in Romania: Rediscovering and Reinventing the Countryside through Tourism

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    Rural tourism is a long-established practice in the industrialised West, but it is a comparatively recent and on-going development in postsocialist contexts. This thesis examines the development of rural tourism in Romania and draws on fieldwork carried out in one of the oldest and most popular destinations of the country, as well as in a newer and less visited location. As homestays are central to rural tourism, my research has an extensive focus on what happens with guesthouses and their owners. Countryside tourism is a practice grounded in a discourse that praises images of unspoilt nature, close-knit communities, material and cultural heritage and natural healthy food. Discourses about rurality also suggest that for city dwellers, village stays in their own countries can provide a way of getting in touch with their national identity, building, at the same time a sense of belonging. In Romania, such discourses are promoted by NGOs, state institutions and tour operators that aim to develop rural tourism. In spite of their efforts, in the destinations that I studied, rural tourism has strayed away from the ideal model. Instead of bucolic cottages inspired by the vernacular architecture of the region, hosts welcome their guests into large, modern villas equipped with state-of-the art amenities. Tourists too show a strong concern with material aspects of their accommodation, they rarely venture in outdoor pursuits and have little interest in notions of ‘heritage’ or ‘traditions’. My findings show that the lived experiences of local entrepreneurs have shaped worldviews that in many respects are at odds with the ideal models and best tourism practices promoted by various institutions. I also show how hosts and guests share similar notions of achievement and success and how this has turned rural tourism into a house-centred event. In explaining why discourses have little grounding in reality, I pay close attention to the economics of tourism, trying to understand guesthouses as businesses interlinked both with the wider forces of the market and with the socio-economic history of rural Romania. I show how the development of pensiuni was influenced by specific material and social constraints, arguing that a long history of living under oppressive regimes actually endowed locals with qualities that made them ready to embark on entrepreneurial pursuits. I also examine how kinship can be both a catalyst for growth and a factor that contributes to the stagnation or decline of businesses. Most notably, however, it was the unstable and burdensome legislative environment that had perhaps the strongest impact over the evolution of guesthouses, determining over half of the owners to stay in the shadow economy. My findings raise questions about the effectiveness and utility of many of the norms currently imposed on tourist entrepreneurs and I conclude by discussing a few ways in which institutions could respond better to the needs of guesthouse owners

    Plausible role of estrogens in pathogenesis, progression and therapy of lung cancer

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    Malignant neoplasms are among the most common diseases and are responsible for the majority of deaths in the developed world. In contrast to men, available data show a clear upward trend in the incidence of lung cancer in women, making it almost as prevalent as breast cancer. Women might be more susceptible to the carcinogenic effect of tobacco smoke than men. Furthermore, available data indicate a much more frequent mutation of the tumor suppressor genep53 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) female patients compared to males. Another important factor, however, might lie in the female sex hormones, whose mitogenic or carcinogenic effect is well known. Epidemiologic data show a correlation between hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or oral contraceptives (OCs), and increased mortality rates due to the increased incidence of malignant tumors, including lung cancer. Interestingly, two types of estrogen receptors have been detected in lung cancer cells: ERα and ERÎČ. The presence of ERα has been detected in tissues and non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) cell lines. In contrast, overexpression of ERÎČ is a prognostic marker in NSCLC. Herein, we summarize the current knowledge on the role of estrogens in the etiopathogenesis of lung cancer, as well as biological, hormonal and genetic sex-related differences in this neoplasm

    Periodontal therapy and treatment of hypertension-alternative to the pharmacological approach. A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Aim: Quantitative comparison of the effects of intensive (IPT) or conventional (CPT) periodontal treatment on arterial blood pressure, endothelial function and inflammatory/metabolic biomarkers. / Materials and methods: A systematic search was conducted to identify randomized controlled trials (RCT) of IPT (supra and subgingival instrumentation). Eight RCTs were included in the meta-analysis. Difference in change of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) before and after IPT or CPT were the primary outcomes. The secondary outcomes included: endothelial function and selected inflammatory/anti-inflammatory (CRP, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ) and metabolic biomarkers (HDL, LDL, TGs). / Results: The overall effect estimates (pooled Weighted Mean Difference (WMD)) of the primary outcome for SBP and DBP was −4.3 mmHg [95%CI: −9.10–0.48], p = 0.08 and −3.16 mmHg [95%CI: −6.51–0.19], p = 0.06 respectively. These studies were characterized by high heterogeneity. Therefore, random effects model for meta-analysis was performed. Sub-group analyses confirmed statistically significant reduction in SBP [WMD = −11.41 mmHg (95%CI: −13.66, −9.15) P < 0.00001] and DBP [WMD = −8.43 mmHg (95%CI: −10.96,−5.91)P < 0.00001] after IPT vs CPT among prehypertensive/hypertensive patients, while this was not observed in normotensive individuals. The meta-analyses showed significant reductions in CRP and improvement of endothelial function following IPT at all analysed timepoints. / Conclusions: IPT leads to improvement of the cardiovascular health in hypertensive and prehypertensive individuals

    Coulomb excitation of exotic nuclei at the R3B-LAND setup

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    Exotic Ni isotopes have been measured at the R3B-LAND setup at GSI in Darmstadt, using Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics at beam energies around 500 MeV/u. As the experimental setup allows kinematically complete measurements, the excitation energy was reconstructed using the invariant mass method. The GDR and additional low-lying strength have been observed in 68Ni, the latter exhausting 4.1(1.9)% of the E1 energy-weighted sum rule. Also, the branching ratio for the non-statistical decay of the excited 68Ni nuclei was measured and amounts to 24(4)%.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Invited Talk given at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Doxorubicin anti-tumor mechanisms include Hsp60 post-translational modifications leading to the Hsp60/p53 complex dissociation and instauration of replicative senescence

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    The chaperone Hsp60 is pro-carcinogenic in certain tumor types by interfering with apoptosis and with tumor cell death. In these tumors, it is not yet known whether doxorubicin anti-tumor effects include a blockage of the pro-carcinogenic action of Hsp60. We found a doxorubicin dose-dependent viability reduction in a human lung mucoepidermoid cell line that was paralleled by the appearance of cell senescence markers. Concomitantly, intracellular Hsp60 levels decreased while its acetylation levels increased. The data suggest that Hsp60 acetylation interferes with the formation of the Hsp60/p53 complex and/or promote its dissociation, both causing an increase in the levels of free p53, which can then activate the p53-dependent pathway toward cell senescence. On the other hand, acetylated Hsp60 is ubiquitinated and degraded and, thus, the anti-apoptotic effect of the chaperonin is abolished with subsequent tumor cell death. Our findings could help in the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms by which doxorubicin counteracts carcinogenesis and, consequently, it would open new roads for the development of cancer treatment protocols targeting Hsp60

    Core-coupled states and split proton-neutron quasi-particle multiplets in 122-126Ag

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    Neutron-rich silver isotopes were populated in the fragmentation of a 136Xe beam and the relativistic fission of 238U. The fragments were mass analyzed with the GSI Fragment separator and subsequently implanted into a passive stopper. Isomeric transitions were detected by 105 HPGe detectors. Eight isomeric states were observed in 122-126Ag nuclei. The level schemes of 122,123,125Ag were revised and extended with isomeric transitions being observed for the first time. The excited states in the odd-mass silver isotopes are interpreted as core-coupled states. The isomeric states in the even-mass silver isotopes are discussed in the framework of the proton-neutron split multiplets. The results of shell-model calculations, performed for the most neutron-rich silver nuclei are compared to the experimental data

    Framework Report: The AIDS Accountability Workplace Scorecard, September 2011

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    The aim of the AIDS Accountability Workplace Scorecard is to improve HIV and AIDS workplace programmes in the countries and sectors most affected by the disease, and improve the health of employees, their families and communities. Through this initiative we will: / 1. Provide tools for HIV and AIDS workplace programme monitoring and evaluation AAI has developed scorecard tools for small, medium and large workplaces, which can be used to assess a global, regional or national HIV and AIDS programme or interventions at a specific workplace site. The scorecards can serve as both internal monitoring and evaluation tools and as assessments to present to stakeholders within and outside the organization. / 2. Publish annual Rankings of HIV and AIDS Workplace Programmes Scorecard users who wish to receive a ranking analysis and recommendations for how to improve their programmes can submit their scorecards to AAI. AAI ‘s ranking analysis will allow users to compare their performance with others and over time also measure their own progress. Respondents will be encouraged to publish their ranking in AAI’s yearly Ranking Reports. / 3. Share good practice The knowledge and good practices generated through the published rankings will be used to stimulate improved HIV and AIDS Workplace Programmes worldwide. Large networks of companies, trade union confederations, and national and international organizations can use the scorecard as a common framework for monitoring and evaluation of workplace programmes

    Controlled assembly of SNAP-PNA-fluorophore systems on DNA templates to produce fluorescence resonance energy transfer

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    The SNAP protein is a widely used self-labeling tag that can be used for tracking protein localization and trafficking in living systems. A model system providing controlled alignment of SNAP-tag units can provide a new way to study clustering of fusion proteins. In this work, fluorescent SNAP-PNA conjugates were controllably assembled on DNA frameworks forming dimers, trimers, and tetramers. Modification of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) with the O6-benzyl guanine (BG) group allowed the generation of site-selective covalent links between PNA and the SNAP protein. The modified BG-PNAs were labeled with fluorescent Atto dyes and subsequently chemo-selectively conjugated to SNAP protein. Efficient assembly into dimer and oligomer forms was verified via size exclusion chromatography (SEC), electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and fluorescence spectroscopy. DNA directed assembly of homo- and hetero-dimers of SNAP-PNA constructs induced homo- and hetero-FRET, respectively. Longer DNA scaffolds controllably aligned similar fluorescent SNAP-PNA constructs into higher oligomers exhibiting homo-FRET. The combined SEC and homo-FRET studies indicated the 1:1 and saturated assemblies of SNAP-PNA-fluorophore:DNA formed preferentially in this system. This suggested a kinetic/stoichiometric model of assembly rather than binomially distributed products. These BG-PNA-fluorophore building blocks allow facile introduction of fluorophores and/or assembly directing moieties onto any protein containing SNAP. Template directed assembly of PNA modified SNAP proteins may be used to investigate clustering behavior both with and without fluorescent labels which may find use in the study of assembly processes in cells
