111 research outputs found

    Ion radial diffusion in an electrostatic impulse model for stormtime ring current formation

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    Guiding-center simulations of stormtime transport of ring-current and radiation-belt ions having first adiabatic invariants mu is approximately greater than 15 MeV/G (E is approximately greater than 165 keV at L is approximately 3) are surprisingly well described (typically within a factor of approximately less than 4) by the quasilinear theory of radial diffusion. This holds even for the case of an individual model storm characterized by substorm-associated impulses in the convection electric field, provided that the actual spectrum of the electric field is incorporated in the quasilinear theory. Correction of the quasilinear diffusion coefficient D(sub LL)(sup ql) for drift-resonance broadening (so as to define D(sub LL)(sup ql)) reduced the typical discrepancy with the diffusion coefficients D(sub LL)(sup sim) deduced from guiding-center simulations of representative-particle trajectories to a factor of approximately 3. The typical discrepancy was reduced to a factor of approximately 1.4 by averaging D(sub LL)(sup sim), D(sub LL)(sup ql), and D(sub LL)(sup rb) over an ensemble of model storms characterized by different (but statistically equivalent) sets of substorm-onset times

    Relativistic magnetospheric electrons: Lower ionospheric conductivity and long-term atmospheric variability

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    Long term observations of relativistic electrons in the earth's outer magnetosphere show a strong solar cycle dependence with a prominent intensity maximum during the approach to solar minimum. This population therefore closely corresponds to the presence of high speed solar wind streams emanating from solar coronal holes. Using a numerical code, the precipitating electron energy deposition in the earth's upper and middle atmosphere were calculated. Observed events (typically persisting several days) would have maximum effect in the 40 to 60 km altitude range with peak energy depositions greater than 110 keV/cu cm-s. It is suggested that this electron population could play an important long term role in modulating lower D region ionization and middle atmospheric ozone chemistry. Methods are described of observing middle atmospheric and lower ionospheric effects of the electrons including balloon, riometer, and space-based ozone sensor systems. A particularly promising approach may involve the monitoring of global Schumann resonance modes which are sensitive to global changes in the properties of the earth-ionosphere cavity. Present work indicates that Schumann resonance properties are moderately correlated with the flux of precipitating relativistic electrons thus offering the possibility of continuously monitoring this aspect of magnetosphere-atmosphere coupling

    Modelling of auroral electrodynamical processes: Magnetosphere to mesosphere

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    Research conducted on auroral electrodynamic coupling between the magnetosphere and ionosphere-atmosphere in support of the development of a global scale kinetic plasma theory is reviewed. Topics covered include electric potential structure in the evening sector; morning and dayside auroras; auroral plasma formation; electrodynamic coupling with the thermosphere; and auroral electron interaction with the atmosphere

    Stormtime transport of ring current and radiation belt ions

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    This is an investigation of stormtime particle transport that leads to formation of the ring current. Our method is to trace the guiding-center motion of representative ions (having selected first adiabatic invariants mu) in response to model substorm-associated impulses in the convection electric field. We compare our simulation results qualitatively with existing analytically tractable idealizations of particle transport (direct convective access and radial diffusion) in order to assess the limits of validity of these approximations. For mu approximately less than 10 MeV/G (E approximately less than 10 keV at L equivalent to 3) the ion drift period on the final (ring-current) drift shell of interest (L equivalent to 3) exceeds the duration of the main phase of our model storm, and we find that the transport of ions to this drift shell is appropriately idealized as direct convective access, typically from open drift paths. Ion transport to a final closed drift path from an open (plasma-sheet) drift trajectory is possible for those portions of that drift path that lie outside the mean stormtime separatrix between closed and open drift trajectories, For mu approximately 10-25 MeV/G (110 keV approximately less than E approximately less than 280 keV at L equivalent to 3) the drift period at L equivalent to 3 is comparable to the postulated 3-hr duration of the storm, and the mode of transport is transitional between direct convective access and transport that resembles radial diffusion. (This particle population is transitional between the ring current and radiation belt). For mu approximately greater than 25 MeV/G (radiation-belt ions having E approximately greater than 280 keV at L equivalent to 3) the ion drift period is considerably shorter than the main phase of a typical storm, and ions gain access to the ring-current region essentially via radial diffusion. By computing the mean and mean-square cumulative changes in 1/L among (in this case) 12 representative ions equally spaced in drift time around the steady-state drift shell of interest (L equivalent to 3), we have estimated (from both our forward and our time-reversed simulations) the time-integrated radial-diffusion coefficients D(sup sim)(sub LL) for particles having selected values of mu approximately greater than 15 MeV/G. The results agree surprisingly well with the predictions (D(sup ql)(sub LL)) of quasilinear radial diffusion theory, despite the rather brief duration (approximately 3 hrs) of our model storm and despite the extreme variability (with frequency) of the spectral-density function that characterizes the applied electric field during our model storm. As expected, the values of D(sup sim)(sub LL) deduced (respectively) from our forward and time-reversed simulations agree even better with each other and with D(sup sim)(sub LL) when the impulse amplitudes which characterize the individual substorms of our model storm are systematically reduced

    Stormtime ring current and radiation belt ion transport: Simulations and interpretations

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    We use a dynamical guiding-center model to investigate the stormtime transport of ring current and radiation-belt ions. We trace the motion of representative ions' guiding centers in response to model substorm-associated impulses in the convection electric field for a range of ion energies. Our simple magnetospheric model allows us to compare our numerical results quantitatively with analytical descriptions of particle transport, (e.g., with the quasilinear theory of radial diffusion). We find that 10-145-keV ions gain access to L approximately 3, where they can form the stormtime ring current, mainly from outside the (trapping) region in which particles execute closed drift paths. Conversely, the transport of higher-energy ions (approximately greater than 145 keV at L approximately 3) turns out to resemble radial diffusion. The quasilinear diffusion coefficient calculated for our model storm does not vary smoothly with particle energy, since our impulses occur at specific (although randomly determined) times. Despite the spectral irregularity, quasilinear theory provides a surprisingly accurate description of the transport process for approximately greater than 145-keV ions, even for the case of an individual storm. For 4 different realizations of our model storm, the geometric mean discrepancies between diffusion coefficients D(sup sim, sub LL) obtained from the simulations and the quasilinear diffusion coefficient D(sup ql, sub LL) amount to factors of 2.3, 2.3, 1.5, and 3.0, respectively. We have found that these discrepancies between D(sup sim, sub LL) and D(sup ql, sub LL) can be reduced slightly by invoking drift-resonance broadening to smooth out the sharp minima and maxima in D(sup ql, sub LL). The mean of the remaining discrepancies between D(sup sim, sub LL) and D(sup ql, sub LL) for the 4 different storms then amount to factors of 1.9, 2.1, 1.5, and 2.7, respectively. We find even better agreement when we reduce the impulse amplitudes systematically in a given model storm (e.g., reduction of all the impulse amplitudes by half reduces the discrepancy factor by at least its square root) and also when we average our results over an ensemble of 20 model storms (agreement is within a factor of 1.2 without impulse-amplitude reduction). We use our simulation results also to map phase-space densities f in accordance with Liouville's theorem. We find that the stormtime transport of approximately greater than 145-keV ions produces little change in f-bar the drift-averaged phase-space density on any drift shell of interest. However, the stormtime transport produces a major enhancement from the pre-storm phase-space density at energies approximately 30-145 keV, which are representative of the stormtime ring current

    Medicine in the Popular Press: The Influence of the Media on Perceptions of Disease

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    In an age of increasing globalization and discussion of the possibility of global pandemics, increasing rates of reporting of these events may influence public perception of risk. The present studies investigate the impact of high levels of media reporting on the perceptions of disease. Undergraduate psychology and medical students were asked to rate the severity, future prevalence and disease status of both frequently reported diseases (e.g. avian flu) and infrequently reported diseases (e.g. yellow fever). Participants considered diseases that occur frequently in the media to be more serious, and have higher disease status than those that infrequently occur in the media, even when the low media frequency conditions were considered objectively ‘worse’ by a separate group of participants. Estimates of severity also positively correlated with popular print media frequency in both student populations. However, we also see that the concurrent presentation of objective information about the diseases can mitigate this effect. It is clear from these data that the media can bias our perceptions of disease

    When Less Is Best: Female Brown-Headed Cowbirds Prefer Less Intense Male Displays

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    Sexual selection theory predicts that females should prefer males with the most intense courtship displays. However, wing-spread song displays that male brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) direct at females are generally less intense than versions of this display that are directed at other males. Because male-directed displays are used in aggressive signaling, we hypothesized that females should prefer lower intensity performances of this display. To test this hypothesis, we played audiovisual recordings showing the same males performing both high intensity male-directed and low intensity female-directed displays to females (N = 8) and recorded the females' copulation solicitation display (CSD) responses. All eight females responded strongly to both categories of playbacks but were more sexually stimulated by the low intensity female-directed displays. Because each pair of high and low intensity playback videos had the exact same audio track, the divergent responses of females must have been based on differences in the visual content of the displays shown in the videos. Preferences female cowbirds show in acoustic CSD studies are correlated with mate choice in field and captivity studies and this is also likely to be true for preferences elucidated by playback of audiovisual displays. Female preferences for low intensity female-directed displays may explain why male cowbirds rarely use high intensity displays when signaling to females. Repetitive high intensity displays may demonstrate a male's current condition and explain why these displays are used in male-male interactions which can escalate into physical fights in which males in poorer condition could be injured or killed. This is the first study in songbirds to use audiovisual playbacks to assess how female sexual behavior varies in response to variation in a male visual display