2,161 research outputs found

    La Europa que nos elude: la Unión Europea como ente político complejo

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    In the past the European Union was perceived as a functional and ideal polity despite media coverage pointing to the contrary and academic literature featuring its complexities. This article agrees with the assessment that the EU is not quite the ideal polity of yore and its functionality is the product of intense interstate bargains and policy coordination between member states. The absence of these would comprise a critical juncture, which would usually mean stagnation in the process of integration. These junctures were especially poignant between 1997 and 2005 but were also frequent in the period leading up to the institutional overhaul made possible by the Treaty of Lisbon (2009). Because it is of recent implementation, assessments of institutional refit are mere speculations at this point; the passage of time being the only recourse for procurement of data necessary to provide adequate assessment of the new EU regime. This does not exempt the polity from experimenting cyclical periods of crisis nor does it invalidate past recommendations for approaching the study of politics and policy in the EU. That is, taking into account the constant interaction of the ontical and ontological when studying such a complex polity, a student of the European Union needs to consider various criteria. First, the institutional dynamics of this unique type of regime and the assumption of the EU as a multilevel entity and the integration process as running in multiple velocities (Europe à deux vitesses). And second, as such, for the European Union to be understood it needs to be studied from various theoretical approaches.La noción de la Unión Europea (UE) como una entidad política ideal y funcional choca constantemente con la dificultad de su práctica cotidiana presentada en reseñas mediáticas y en el largo plazo a través de trabajos académicos que estudian el variopinto de aspectos de su andamiaje institucional. El argumento de este artículo sostiene que, si bien la UE contiene elementos funcionales, éstos son productos de intensas negociaciones interestatales a nivel comunitario y de una coordinación de política pública entre los Estados miembros. La ausencia de una o ambas, implicaría un estancamiento crítico prolongado que afectaría considerablemente el proceso de integración. La evidencia apunta parcialmente a que, entre 1997 y 2005 la UE sostuvo varios episodios de crisis, entre los cuales se distinguen dos pertinentes a la integración europea: las negociaciones que produjeron el tratado de Niza en 2000 y las negociaciones a partir de la cumbre de Laeken (2001) para la redacción de una Constitución Europea que en 2005 acabó en fracaso. Una mirada a reportajes periodísticos e investigaciones posteriores presentan el inventario de adversidades sobrellevadas por el binomio Estados Miembros/Instituciones Europeas para superar dificultades y reformular el proceso de integración europea concluyendo favorablemente en el Tratado de Lisboa (2009). Tomando en cuenta lo anterior se precisa en el estudio de la integración europea la consideración de una interacción dinámica (¿conflicto?) constante de lo óntico y lo ontológico de la UE. Se concluye con una serie de recomendaciones prácticas que giran en torno a asumir el proceso de integración a múltiples niveles y velocidades (Grasa 2007) y el acercamiento –igualmente multidimensional– a nivel teórico en la comprensión de la Unión Europea como objeto de estudio

    Corticosterone mediates the deleterious effect of medial septal inactivation on memory retrieval.

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    Manipulations of hippocampal afferents, as well as exposure to glucocorticoids, impair spatial memory retrieval. Objective: We evaluated the combined effect of medial septum inactivation with muscimol (GABAA agonist) and systemic corticosterone on spatial memory retrieval. Method: Forty-one male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: Vehicle intraseptal–Vehicle intraperitoneal (Veh–Veh, n = 10), Vehicle intraseptal–Corticosterone intraperitoneal (Veh–Cort, n = 11), Muscimol intraseptal–Vehicle intraperitoneal (Mus–Veh, n = 10), and Muscimol intraseptal–Corticosterone intraperitoneal (Mus–Cort, n = 10). Animals were trained in the Barnes maze and tested for retrieval 24 hr later. Results: Animals in the groups Veh–Cort, Veh–Mus, and Mus–Cort showed deficits in the retrieval test. However, the magnitude of this deficit was smaller in the animals with the combined treatment (Mus–Cort) than in those with only muscimol (d = 0.97 for escape latency; d = 0.95 for weighted nongoal explorations). Conclusions: We reproduced the effects of muscimol and corticosterone on memory retrieval. In addition, our data showed a reduced deficit in memory retrieval after the combined treatment suggesting a role of corticosterone on the attenuation of the effect of muscimol on hippocampal synaptic activity, possible through an underlying mechanism involving glutamatergic activity on the hippocampus. We describe for the first time the relation between the activity of the septo-hippocampal system and the rapid effects of corticosterone on memory retrieval. These results suggest a therapeutic potential of compounds derived from glucocorticoids as an alternative intervention to the traditional cholinergic therapies in the alleviation of the memory impairments observed on several pathologies related to hippocampal decline. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved

    MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 variability in patients with essential hypertension: 1-year follow-up study

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    The aim of this study is to analyze MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 variability, potent predictors of cardiovascular events, in stable hypertensive patients during a 12-month followup. 234 asymptomatic patients (age 6 0 ± 1 3 , 136 male) out of 252 patients with essential hypertension were followed up. MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 were measured at baseline and after 12 months (stage I). To compare MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 levels over time interval, we used the statistical method of Bland-Altman. MMP-2 and sTNF-R1 reproducibility was good in our patients for the two intervals with a coefficient of reproducibility of 8.2% and 11.3%, respectively. The percentages of patients within 1.96 × standard deviation of the mean were 93.6% and 92.7%. An elevated coefficient of correlation was obtained for MMP-2, basal versus stage I

    ¿Cómo afecta la minería en el Guavio (Colombia)?

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    This article presents true and reliable information about mining in Colombia, particularly concerning Guavio, highlighting the problems generated by mining in that region, to raise awareness among Colombian and foreign mining companies. In the Guavio region, there is a great potential to extract construction materials and immensity of minerals, that is why there is a high level of mining activity. Likewise, there is a great variety of environmental and social problems, such as contamination of water bodies by solid waste, generating deviation in riverbeds, causing overflows and loss of land and crops. Finally, possible alternatives are analyzed to reduce the problems generated by mining in Guavio.Este artículo presenta información verídica y confiable sobre la minería en Colombia, particularmente respecto al Guavio, resaltando las problemáticas generadas por la minería en dicha región, con el fin de concientizar a las empresas mineras colombianas y extranjeras. En la región del Guavio se presenta un gran potencial para extraer materiales de construcción e inmensidad de minerales, es por esto que allí se presenta un alto nivel de actividad minera. Así mismo, se presentan una gran variedad de problemas ambientales y sociales, como contaminación de los cuerpos de agua por residuos sólidos, generando desviación en los cauces de los ríos, causando desbordamientos y pérdidas de terreno y cultivos. Finalmente, se analizan posibles alternativas para poder reducir las problemáticas generadas por la minería en el Guavio

    Respiration rate determination of black truffles (Tuber melanosporum) and summer truffles (Tuber aestivum) recollected in Aragón

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    [SPA] Entre los hongos comestibles las trufas son las más apreciadas por sus propiedades organolépticas y las que alcanzan un mayor valor económico. Actualmente los procedimientos de conservación postcosecha que son aplicados a numerosos productos frescos (frutas, vegetales y algunas especies de setas) no se utilizan en trufas frescas, limitando así la vida útil de tan apreciado producto. El envasado en atmósferas modificadas (EAM) podría ser una alternativa muy válida. La determinación de la velocidad de respiración del producto es un paso necesario y previo al diseño del sistema de conservación en atmósferas modificadas. La velocidad de respiración se determinó en función del consumo de O2 y la producción de CO2 en el tiempo y en las especies Tuber aestivum y Tuber melanosporum. Se utilizó un sistema cerrado para valorar la concentración de O2 y de CO2 mediante cromatografía de gases (cromatógrafo Hewlett Packard 4890-A, con detector de conductividad térmica). Los ensayos se realizaron por triplicado y a tres distintas temperaturas: 4°C, 10°C y 23°C. Los resultados demuestran una alta actividad metabólica (45-174 mL kg-1 h-1 O2 para trufa de verano y 48-217 O2 mL kg-1 h-1 para trufa negra) que se incrementa con la temperatura. También establecen una dependencia lineal entre la velocidad de respiración y la concentración de O2 y que la tasa respiratoria a 4°C y 10°C es similar en ambas especies; sin embargo a 23°C es claramente superior en la trufa negra. [ENG] Among the edible fungi, truffles (Tuber spp.) have an important gastronomic value due to their organoleptic properties such as their taste and unique aroma. Currently, conservation procedures applied to other fresh produce (fruits, vegetables and mushrooms) are not applied to fresh truffles thus limiting their shelf life. The use of modified atmospheres packaging (MAP) to extend the shelf life of truffles would be considered as an alternative. Before designing the MAP for a product it is necessary to determine the respiration rate. Therefore, the respiration rate of Tuber aestivum and Tuber melanosporum was determined by O2 depletion and CO2 formation. The O2 and CO2 concentrations were determined using a close-system by gas chromatography (Hewlett Packard 4890-A chromatograph, equipped with a thermal conductivity detector). Essays were performed in triplicates at three different temperatures: 4°C, 10°C and 23°C. The close-system experiments with Tuber aestivum and Tuber melanosporum revealed high respiration rates in both species (45-174 O2 mL kg-1 h-1 for summer truffle and 48-217 O2 mL kg-1 h-1 for black truffle) increasing with temperature. A linear dependence of respiration rate on O2 concentration was also founded. The respiration rate at 4°C and 10°C were similar for both species, nevertheless at 23°C the metabolic activity was higher for black truffles

    Artificial intelligence assisted Mid-infrared laser spectroscopy in situ detection of petroleum in soils

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    A simple, remote-sensed method of detection of traces of petroleum in soil combining artificial intelligence (AI) with mid-infrared (MIR) laser spectroscopy is presented. A portable MIR quantum cascade laser (QCL) was used as an excitation source, making the technique amenable to field applications. The MIR spectral region is more informative and useful than the near IR region for the detection of pollutants in soil. Remote sensing, coupled with a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, was used to accurately identify the presence/absence of traces of petroleum in soil mixtures. Chemometrics tools such as principal component analysis (PCA), partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), and SVM demonstrated the e ectiveness of rapidly di erentiating between di erent soil types and detecting the presence of petroleum traces in di erent soil matrices such as sea sand, red soil, and brown soil. Comparisons between results of PLS-DA and SVM were based on sensitivity, selectivity, and areas under receiver-operator curves (ROC). An innovative statistical analysis method of calculating limits of detection (LOD) and limits of decision (LD) from fits of the probability of detection was developed. Results for QCL/PLS-DA models achieved LOD and LD of 0.2% and 0.01% for petroleum/soil, respectively. The superior performance of QCL/SVM models improved these values to 0.04% and 0.003%, respectively, providing better identification probability of soils contaminated with petroleum

    Analysis of the Relationship between Lifestyle and Coffee Consumption Habits, from the Myth Approach, in the Municipalities of Orizaba, Tehuipango, and Zongolica Veracruz.

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    Coffee consumption habits have evolved along with society for more than 300 years around the world. Social changes imply different lifestyles in each culture. Lifestyles influence the myths used by people in their consumption decisions. The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between lifestyle and coffee consumption habits, from the perspective of myth, in the inhabitants of the Mexican municipalities of Orizaba, Tehuipango, and Zongolica. A survey was conducted with a sample of inhabitants of the three municipalities studied. The statistical analyzes applied were the central limit theorem, Pearson, and Chi-square. The results show that the variables Consumption habits-Lifestyle-Myth, are highly dependent on the level of perception of people. It is concluded that the coffee myth corresponds to the "family union" in the study municipalities. This myth is not characterized in the evolutionary stages contemplated in the "waves of coffee"

    The Galactic evolution of phosphorus

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    As a galaxy evolves, its chemical composition changes and the abundance ratios of different elements are powerful probes of the underlying evolutionary processes. Phosphorous is an element whose evolution has remained quite elusive until now, because it is difficult to detect in cool stars. The infrared weak P I lines of the multiplet 1, at 1050-1082 nm, are the most reliable indicators of the presence of phosphorus. The availability of CRIRES at VLT has permitted access to this wavelength range in stellar spectra.We attempt to measure the phosphorus abundance of twenty cool stars in the Galactic disk. The spectra are analysed with one-dimensional model-atmospheres computed in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). The line formation computations are performed assuming LTE. The ratio of phosphorus to iron behaves similarly to sulphur, increasing towards lower metallicity stars. Its ratio with respect to sulphur is roughly constant and slightly larger than solar, [P/S]=0.10+- 0.10. We succeed in taking an important step towards the understanding of the chemical evolution of phosphorus in the Galaxy. However, the observed rise in the P/Fe abundance ratio is steeper than predicted by Galactic chemical evolution model model developed by Kobayashi and collaborators. Phosphorus appears to evolve differently from the light odd-Z elements sodium and aluminium. The constant value of [P/S] with metallicity implies that P production is insensitive to the neutron excess, thus processes other than neutron captures operate. We suggest that proton captures on 30Si and alpha captures on $27Al are possibilities to investigate. We see no clear distinction between our results for stars with planets and stars without any detected planet.Comment: To be published on A&

    In Vitro and In Silico Analysis of New n-Butyl and Isobutyl Quinoxaline-7-carboxylate 1,4-di-N-oxide Derivatives against Trypanosoma cruzi as Trypanothione Reductase Inhibitors

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    American trypanosomiasis is a worldwide health problem that requires attention due to ineffective treatment options. We evaluated n-butyl and isobutyl quinoxaline-7-carboxylate 1,4-di-N-oxide derivatives against trypomastigotes of the Trypanosoma cruzi strains NINOA and INC-5. An in silico analysis of the interactions of 1,4-di-N-oxide on the active site of trypanothione reductase (TR) and an enzyme inhibition study was carried out. The n-butyl series compound identified as T-150 had the best trypanocidal activity against T. cruzi trypomastigotes, with a 13% TR inhibition at 44 μM. The derivative T-147 behaved as a mixed inhibitor with Ki and Ki' inhibition constants of 11.4 and 60.8 µM, respectively. This finding is comparable to the TR inhibitor mepacrine (Ki = 19 µM)