981 research outputs found

    Perturbative Computation of Glueball Superpotentials for SO(N) and USp(N)

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    We use the superspace method of hep-th/0211017 to prove the matrix model conjecture for N=1 USp(N) and SO(N) gauge theories in four dimensions. We derive the prescription to relate the matrix model to the field theory computations. We perform an explicit calculation of glueball superpotentials. The result is consistent with field theory expectations.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    A solution to the hierarchy problem from an almost decoupled hidden sector within a classically scale invariant theory

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    If scale invariance is a classical symmetry then both the Planck scale and the weak scale should emerge as quantum effects. We show that this can be realized in simple scale invariant theories with a hidden sector. The weak/Planck scale hierarchy emerges in the (technically natural) limit where the hidden sector decouples from the ordinary sector. The weak scale is protected from quadratic divergences because of classical scale invariance, so there is no hierarchy problem.Comment: 10 page

    On multicurve models for the term structure

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    In the context of multi-curve modeling we consider a two-curve setup, with one curve for discounting (OIS swap curve) and one for generating future cash flows (LIBOR for a give tenor). Within this context we present an approach for the clean-valuation pricing of FRAs and CAPs (linear and nonlinear derivatives) with one of the main goals being also that of exhibiting an "adjustment factor" when passing from the one-curve to the two-curve setting. The model itself corresponds to short rate modeling where the short rate and a short rate spread are driven by affine factors; this allows for correlation between short rate and short rate spread as well as to exploit the convenient affine structure methodology. We briefly comment also on the calibration of the model parameters, including the correlation factor.Comment: 16 page

    Santon Diprenilasi dari Kayu Akar Garcinia Tetranda Pierre

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    Garcinia tetranda merupakan salah satu spesies dari famili Clusiaceae yang mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder. Senyawa golongan santon telah berhasil diisolasi dari fraksi S ekstrak etil asetat kayu akar Garcinia tetranda Pierre. Senyawa golongan santon ini adalah α-mangostin 1 yang berupa padatan kuning dengan titik leleh 173-1740C. Metode isolasi yang digunakan yaitu Kromatografi Cair Vakum (KCV) menggunakan silika gel 60 GF254 dan dielusi dengan peningkatan kepolaran pelarut. Penentuan struktur senyawa dilakukan menggunakan analisis UV, IR, 1H dan 13C NMR, DEPT 135, korelasi HSQC dan HMBC serta dibandingkan dengan literatur

    On balanced complementation for regular t-wise balanced designs

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    AbstractVanstone has shown a procedure, called r-complementation, to construct a regular pairwise balanced design from an existing regular pairwise balanced design. In this paper, we give a generalization of r-complementation, called balanced complementation. Necessary and sufficient conditions for balanced complementation which gives a regular t-wise balanced design from an existing regular t-wise balanced design are shown. We characterize those aspects of designs which permit balanced complementation. Results obtained here will be applied to construct regular t-wise balanced designs which are useful in Statistics

    Paper Session II-A - Space Station On-Orbit Solar Array Loads During Assembly

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    This paper is concerned with the closed-loop dynamic analysis of on-orbit maneuvers when the Space Shuttle is fully mated to the Space Station Freedom. A flexible model of the Space Station in the form of component modes is attached to a rigid orbiter and on-orbit maneuvers are performed using the Shuttle Primary Reaction Control System jets. The traditional approach for this type of problems is to perform an open-loop analysis to determine the attitude control system jet profiles based on rigid vehicles and apply the resulting profile to a flexible Space Station. In this study a closed-loop Structure/Control model was developed in the Dynamic Analysis and Design System (DADS) program and the solar array loads were determined for single axis maneuvers with various delay times between jet firings. It is shown that the Digital Auto Pilot jet selection is affected by Space Station flexibility. It is also shown that for obtaining solar array loads the effect of high frequency modes cannot be ignored

    On Exact Superpotentials, Free Energies and Matrix Models

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    We discuss exact results for the full nonperturbative effective superpotentials of four dimensional N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theories with additional chiral superfield in the adjoint representation and the free energies of the related zero dimensional bosonic matrix models with polynomial potentials in the planar limit using the Dijkgraaf-Vafa matrix model prescription and integrating in and out. The exact effective superpotentials are produced including the leading Veneziano-Yankielowicz term directly from the matrix models. We also discuss how to use integrating in and out as a tool to do random matrix integrals in the large NN limit.Comment: 14 pages; v2: typos corrected; v3: the scheme for computing exact superpotentials including both the Veneziano-Yankielowicz term and all instanton corrections directly using matrix models is emphasized and references added, to appear in JHE

    Peran Consumer Awareness dan Perception terhadap Buying Interest pada Properti Syariah

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    The purpose of this study is to study the interaction of consumer awareness and perception of buying interests. The method in this study uses non propbability sampling, namely convenience sampling by distributing questionnaires to prospective sharia property buyers. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis, and for hypothesis testing is a statistical test simultaneously (F test). F test results show a sig value of 0,000 <0,05 which means that together Consumer Awareness (X1) and Perception (X2) have a significant effect on Buying Interests (Y). Based on the test of the coefficient of determination of 0.749 can be interpreted according to the contribution given Consumer awareness and Perception of Buying Interest is 74.9%, then by 25.1% can be changed by other variables that are not necessary in this study. Keywords : Consumer Awareness, Perception  dan Buying Interes

    Efisiensi Teknis USAha Tani Padi Petani Peserta dan Petani Nonpeserta Program Sl-ptt di Kabupaten Sukabumi

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    The objectives of this study were to analyze the influence of farmers\u27 participation in SL-PTT rice program on the technical efficiency of farm businesses run by the farmers. The measurement of technical efficiency was conducted by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) oriented toward the inputs of 35 SL-PTT rice program participants and 35 non-participant farmers of SL-PTT rice program in Cisaat District of Sukabumi Regency, particularly during the harvest season III in 2014. The significant difference of the mean value of technical efficiency between the participant farmers and non-participant farmers of SL-PTT rice program was examined by using t-test (different test). The results show that the average value of technical efficiency for all respondents is 0,83. The average value of the technical efficiency of the participant farmers in SL-PTT rice program (0,84) is higher than that of the non-participant farmers in SL-PTT rice program (0,82). The t-test results also show that the values of technical efficiency between both types of farmers are not significantly different. The development of SL-PTT program can be achieved by improving the delivery methods on the PTT technological information to the participant farmers i.e. by involving farmers who hold a role as progressive farmers to convey information and advice to other farmers

    Menginterpretasikan Makna Yang Terkandung Dalam Lagu “Ragu Semesta” Isyana Sarasvati

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    This study aims to explore the meaning contained in the song entitled "Ragu Semesta" composed by Isyana Sarasvati from her third album "LEXICON" which was released on November 29, 2019. One of the Indonesian singers, Isyana Sarasvati, born on May 2, 1993. "LEXICON" which is the third album from Isyana Sarasvati attracted attention for showing Isyana's true identity. Isyana's identity is the music that she really liked and admired from a long time ago, classical music. The song "ragu Semester" has varied parts with arrangements with beautiful dynamics and describes the patience of the universe that is never undeniable. The lyrics of the song "Ragu Semesta" are not only related to romance with someone, but it's also about calling yourself a decision-making in life. The methods used to analyze data use a qualitative descriptive method, which is a method that is described by words or sentences separated by categories to obtain conclusions. The expected result of this research is to be able to understand the meaning of describing and expressing the poet's feelings in the reality of life, which cannot escape uncertainty, especially in the search for identity and saturation when undergoing an unhealthy relationship
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