178 research outputs found

    Distribution of extracellular flavins in a coastal marine basin and their relationship to redox gradients and microbial community members

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    The flavins (including flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and riboflavin (RF)) are a class of organic compounds synthesized by organisms to assist in critical redox reactions. While known to be secreted extracellularly by some species in laboratory-based cultures, flavin concentrations are largely unreported in the natural environment. Here, we present pore water and water column profiles of extracellular flavins (FMN and RF) and two degradation products (lumiflavin and lumichrome) from a coastal marine basin in the Southern California Bight alongside ancillary geochemical and 16S rRNA microbial community data. Flavins were detectable at picomolar concentrations in the water column (93–300 pM FMN, 14–40 pM RF) and low nanomolar concentrations in pore waters (250–2070 pM FMN, 11–210 pM RF). Elevated pore water flavin concentrations displayed an increasing trend with sediment depth and were significantly correlated with the total dissolved Fe (negative) and Mn (positive) concentrations. Network analysis revealed a positive relationship between flavins and the relative abundance of Dehalococcoidia and the MSBL9 clade of Planctomycetes, indicating possible secretion by members of these lineages. These results suggest that flavins are a common component of the so-called shared extracellular metabolite pool, especially in anoxic marine sediments where they exist at physiologically relevant concentrations for metal oxide reduction

    Improving the transferability of suspended solid estimation in wetland and deltaic waters with an empirical hyperspectral approach

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    The deposition of suspended sediment is an important process that helps wetlands accrete surface material and maintain elevation in the face of sea level rise. Optical remote sensing is often employed to map total suspended solids (TSS), though algorithms typically have limited transferability in space and time due to variability in water constituent compositions, mixtures, and inherent optical properties. This study used in situ spectral reflectances and their first derivatives to compare empirical algorithms for estimating TSS using hyperspectral and multispectral data. These algorithms were applied to imagery collected by NASA’s Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) over coastal Louisiana, USA, and validated with a multiyear in situ dataset. The best performing models were then applied to independent spectroscopic data collected in the Peace–Athabasca Delta, Canada, and the San Francisco Bay–Delta Estuary, USA, to assess their robustness and transferability. A derivative-based partial least squares regression (PLSR) model applied to simulated AVIRIS-NG data showed the most accurate TSS retrievals (R2 = 0.83) in these contrasting deltaic environments. These results highlight the potential for a more broadly applicable generalized algorithm employing imaging spectroscopy for estimating suspended solids

    The contribution of algae to freshwater dissolved organic matter: implications for UV spectroscopic analysis

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    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important constituent of freshwater that participates in a number of key ecological and biogeochemical processes but can be problematic during water treatment. Thus, the demand for rapid and reliable monitoring is growing, and spectroscopic methods are potentially useful. A model with 3 components—2 that absorb in the ultraviolet (UV) range and are present at variable concentrations and a third that does not absorb light and is present at a low constant concentration—was previously found to yield reliable predictions of dissolved organic carbon concentration [DOC]. The model underestimated [DOC] in shallow eutrophic lakes in the Yangtze Basin, China, however, raising the possibility that DOM derived from algae might be poorly estimated, an idea supported by new data reported here for eutrophic British lakes. We estimated the extinction coefficients in the UV range of algae-derived DOM from published data on algal cultures and from new data from outdoor mesocosm experiments in which high concentrations of DOC were generated under conditions comparable to those in eutrophic freshwaters. The results demonstrate the weak UV absorbance of DOM from algae compared to DOM from terrestrial sources. A modified model, in which the third component represents algae-derived DOM present at variable concentrations, allowed contributions of such DOM to be estimated by combining the spectroscopic data with [DOC] measured by laboratory combustion. Estimated concentrations of algae-derived DOC in 77 surface freshwater samples ranged from 0 to 8.6 mg L−1, and the fraction of algae-derived DOM ranged from 0% to 100%

    A unified approach to estimate land and water reflectances with uncertainties for coastal imaging spectroscopy

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    Coastal ecosystem studies using remote visible/infrared spectroscopy typically invert an atmospheric model to estimate the water-leaving reflectance signal. This inversion is challenging due to the confounding effects of turbid backscatter, atmospheric aerosols, and sun glint. Simultaneous estimation of the surface and atmosphere can resolve the ambiguity enabling spectral reflectance maps with rigorous uncertainty quantification. We demonstrate a simultaneous retrieval method that adapts the Optimal Estimation (OE) formalism of Rodgers (2000) to the coastal domain. We compare two surface representations: a parametric bio-optical model based on Inherent Optical Properties (IOPs); and an expressive statistical model that estimates reflectance in every instrument channel. The latter is suited to both land and water reflectance, enabling a unified analysis of terrestrial and aquatic domains. We test these models with both vector and scalar Radiative Transfer Models (RTMs). We report field experiments by two airborne instruments: NASA's Portable Remote Imaging SpectroMeter (PRISM) in an overflight of Santa Monica, California; and NASA's Next Generation Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG) in an overflight of the Wax Lake Delta and lower Atchafalaya River, Louisiana. In both cases, in situ validation measurements match remote water-leaving reflectance estimates to high accuracy. Posterior error predictions demonstrate a closed account of uncertainty in these coastal observations

    GLORIA - A globally representative hyperspectral in situ dataset for optical sensing of water quality

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    The development of algorithms for remote sensing of water quality (RSWQ) requires a large amount of in situ data to account for the bio-geo-optical diversity of inland and coastal waters. The GLObal Reflectance community dataset for Imaging and optical sensing of Aquatic environments (GLORIA) includes 7,572 curated hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance measurements at 1 nm intervals within the 350 to 900 nm wavelength range. In addition, at least one co-located water quality measurement of chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, absorption by dissolved substances, and Secchi depth, is provided. The data were contributed by researchers affiliated with 59 institutions worldwide and come from 450 different water bodies, making GLORIA the de-facto state of knowledge of in situ coastal and inland aquatic optical diversity. Each measurement is documented with comprehensive methodological details, allowing users to evaluate fitness-for-purpose, and providing a reference for practitioners planning similar measurements. We provide open and free access to this dataset with the goal of enabling scientific and technological advancement towards operational regional and global RSWQ monitoring

    Whole genome sequence and manual annotation of Clostridium autoethanogenum, an industrially relevant bacterium

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    Clostridium autoethanogenum is an acetogenic bacterium capable of producing high value commodity chemicals and biofuels from the C1 gases present in synthesis gas. This common industrial waste gas can act as the sole energy and carbon source for the bacterium that converts the low value gaseous components into cellular building blocks and industrially relevant products via the action of the reductive acetyl-CoA (Wood-Ljungdahl) pathway. Current research efforts are focused on the enhancement and extension of product formation in this organism via synthetic biology approaches. However, crucial to metabolic modelling and directed pathway engineering is a reliable and comprehensively annotated genome sequence

    Technical Design Report EuroGammaS proposal for the ELI-NP Gamma beam System

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    The machine described in this document is an advanced Source of up to 20 MeV Gamma Rays based on Compton back-scattering, i.e. collision of an intense high power laser beam and a high brightness electron beam with maximum kinetic energy of about 720 MeV. Fully equipped with collimation and characterization systems, in order to generate, form and fully measure the physical characteristics of the produced Gamma Ray beam. The quality, i.e. phase space density, of the two colliding beams will be such that the emitted Gamma ray beam is characterized by energy tunability, spectral density, bandwidth, polarization, divergence and brilliance compatible with the requested performances of the ELI-NP user facility, to be built in Romania as the Nuclear Physics oriented Pillar of the European Extreme Light Infrastructure. This document illustrates the Technical Design finally produced by the EuroGammaS Collaboration, after a thorough investigation of the machine expected performances within the constraints imposed by the ELI-NP tender for the Gamma Beam System (ELI-NP-GBS), in terms of available budget, deadlines for machine completion and performance achievement, compatibility with lay-out and characteristics of the planned civil engineering

    A global database of dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration measurements in coastal waters (CoastDOM v1)

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    Measurements of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DON), and phosphorus (DOP) con-centrations are used to characterize the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool and are important components ofbiogeochemical cycling in the coastal ocean. Here, we present the first edition of a global database (CoastDOMv1; available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.964012, L\uf8nborg et al., 2023) compiling previously pub-lished and unpublished measurements of DOC, DON, and DOP in coastal waters. These data are complementedby hydrographic data such as temperature and salinity and, to the extent possible, other biogeochemical variables(e.g. chlorophyll a, inorganic nutrients) and the inorganic carbon system (e.g. dissolved inorganic carbon andtotal alkalinity). Overall, CoastDOM v1 includes observations of concentrations from all continents. However,most data were collected in the Northern Hemisphere, with a clear gap in DOM measurements from the SouthernHemisphere. The data included were collected from 1978 to 2022 and consist of 62 338 data points for DOC,20 356 for DON, and 13 533 for DOP. The number of measurements decreases progressively in the sequenceDOC > DON > DOP, reflecting both differences in the maturity of the analytical methods and the greater focuson carbon cycling by the aquatic science community. The global database shows that the average DOC concen-tration in coastal waters (average \ub1 standard deviation (SD): 182 \ub1 314 ÎŒmol C L−1; median: 103 ÎŒmol C L−1) is13-fold higher than the average coastal DON concentration (13.6 \ub1 30.4 ÎŒmol N L−1; median: 8.0 ÎŒmol N L−1),which is itself 39-fold higher than the average coastal DOP concentration (0.34 \ub1 1.11 ÎŒmol P L−1; median:0.18 ÎŒmol P L−1). This dataset will be useful for identifying global spatial and temporal patterns in DOM and willhelp facilitate the reuse of DOC, DON, and DOP data in studies aimed at better characterizing local biogeochem-ical processes; closing nutrient budgets; estimating carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous pools; and establishing abaseline for modelling future changes in coastal waters

    Uniform Selection as a Primary Force Reducing Population Genetic Differentiation of Cavitation Resistance across a Species Range

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    Background: Cavitation resistance to water stress-induced embolism determines plant survival during drought. This adaptive trait has been described as highly variable in a wide range of tree species, but little is known about the extent of genetic and phenotypic variability within species. This information is essential to our understanding of the evolutionary forces that have shaped this trait, and for evaluation of its inclusion in breeding programs. Methodology: We assessed cavitation resistance (P 50), growth and carbon isotope composition in six Pinus pinaster populations in a provenance and progeny trial. We estimated the heritability of cavitation resistance and compared the distribution of neutral markers (FST) and quantitative genetic differentiation (QST), for retrospective identification of the evolutionary forces acting on these traits. Results/Discussion: In contrast to growth and carbon isotope composition, no population differentiation was found for cavitation resistance. Heritability was higher than for the other traits, with a low additive genetic variance (h 2 ns = 0.4360.18, CVA = 4.4%). QST was significantly lower than FST, indicating uniform selection for P50, rather than genetic drift. Putativ
