121 research outputs found

    Highly concentrated and stable few-layers graphene suspensions in pure and volatile organic solvents

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    Highly stable graphene suspensions in pure organic solvents, including volatile solvents such as ethanol, tetrahydrofurane, chloroform, acetone or toluene have been prepared by re-dispersion of a graphene-powder. Such re-dispersable solid is produced by precipitation or solvent elimination from graphene suspensions obtained by sonication of graphite in several organic solvent-water mixtures. Re-dispersion is feasible in a wide range of pure organic solvents, obtaining high quality few-layers graphene flakes stable in suspension for months. As a proof-of-concept, on-glass spray deposition of some of these suspensions, e.g. ethanol or tetrahydrofuran, results on electrically conductive transparent coatings. These results suggest industrial potential use of the scalable technology here developed to fabricate low-cost devices with many different potential applicationsThis research was financially supported by Abengoa Co., the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P and RYC2012-09864) and Comunidad de Madrid (CAM 09-S2009_MAT-1467

    Multicenter, International Study of MIC/ MEC Distributions for definition of epidemiological cutoff values for sporothrix species identified by molecular methods

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    Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) conditions for testing the susceptibilities of pathogenic Sporothrix species to antifungal agents are based on a collaborative study that evaluated five clinically relevant isolates of Sporothrix schenckii sensu lato and some antifungal agents. With the advent of molecular identification, there are two basic needs: to confirm the suitability of these testing conditions for all agents and Sporothrix species and to establish species-specific epidemiologic cutoff values (ECVs) or breakpoints (BPs) for the species. We collected available CLSI MICs/minimal effective concentrations (MECs) of amphotericin B, five triazoles, terbinafine, flucytosine, and caspofungin for 301 Sporothrix schenckii sensu stricto, 486 S. brasiliensis, 75 S. globosa, and 13 S. mexicana molecularly identified isolates. Data were obtained in 17 independent laboratories (Australia, Europe, India, South Africa, and South and North America) using conidial inoculum suspensions and 48 to 72 h of incubation at 35°C. Sufficient and suitable data (modal MICs within 2-fold concentrations) allowed the proposal of the following ECVs for S. schenckii and S. brasiliensis, respectively: amphotericin B, 4 and 4 /ml; itraconazole, 2 and 2 μg/ml; posaconazole, 2 and 2 μg/ml; and voriconazole, 64 and 32 μg/ml. Ketoconazole and terbinafine ECVs for S. brasiliensis were 2 and 0.12 μg/ml, respectively. Insufficient or unsuitable data precluded the calculation of ketoconazole and terbinafine (or any other antifungal agent) ECVs for S. schenckii, as well as ECVs for S. globosa and S. mexicana. These ECVs could aid the clinician in identifying potentially resistant isolates (non-wild type) less likely to respond to therapy.A. Espinel-Ingroff, D. P. B. Abreu, R. Almeida-Paes, R. S. N. Brilhante, A. Chakrabarti, A. Chowdhary, F. Hagen, S. Córdoba, G. M. Gonzalez, N. P. Govender, J. Guarro, E. M. Johnson, S. E. Kidd, S. A. Pereira, A. M. Rodrigues, S. Rozental, M. W. Szeszs, R. Ballesté Alaniz, A. Bonifaz, L. X. Bonfietti, L. P. Borba-Santos, J. Capilla, A. L. Colombo, M. Dolande, M. G. Isla, M. S. C. Melhem, A. C. Mesa-Arango, M. M. E. Oliveira, M. M. Panizo, Z. Pires de Camargo, R. M. Zancope-Oliveira, J. F. Meis, J. Turnidge

    Towards robust alkane oxidation catalysts: electronic variations in non-heme iron(II) complexes and their effect in catalytic alkane oxidation

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    A series of non-heme iron(II) bis(triflate) complexes containing linear and tripodal tetradentate ligands has been prepared. Electron withdrawing and electron donating substituents in the para position of the pyridine ligands as well as the effect of pyrazine versus pyridine and sulfur or oxygen donors instead of nitrogen donors have been investigated. The electronic effects induced by these substituents influence the strength of the ligand field. UV-vis spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility studies have been used to quantify these effects and VT 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy as well as X-ray diffraction have been used to elucidate structural and geometrical aspects of these complexes. The catalytic properties of the iron(II) complexes as catalysts for the oxidation of cyclohexane with hydrogen peroxide have been evaluated. In the strongly oxidising environment required to oxidise alkanes, catalyst stability determines the overall catalytic efficiency of a given catalyst, which can be related to the ligand field strength and the basicity of the ligand and its propensity to undergo oxidation

    Van der Waals heterostructures

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    Research on graphene and other two-dimensional atomic crystals is intense and likely to remain one of the hottest topics in condensed matter physics and materials science for many years. Looking beyond this field, isolated atomic planes can also be reassembled into designer heterostructures made layer by layer in a precisely chosen sequence. The first - already remarkably complex - such heterostructures (referred to as 'van der Waals') have recently been fabricated and investigated revealing unusual properties and new phenomena. Here we review this emerging research area and attempt to identify future directions. With steady improvement in fabrication techniques, van der Waals heterostructures promise a new gold rush, rather than a graphene aftershock

    Hydrodynamic slip can align thin nanoplatelets in shear flow

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    The large-scale processing of nanomaterials such as graphene and MoS2 relies on understanding the flow behaviour of nanometrically-thin platelets suspended in liquids. Here we show, by combining non-equilibrium molecular dynamics and continuum simulations, that rigid nanoplatelets can attain a stable orientation for sufficiently strong flows. Such a stable orientation is in contradiction with the rotational motion predicted by classical colloidal hydrodynamics. This surprising effect is due to hydrodynamic slip at the liquid-solid interface and occurs when the slip length is larger than the platelet thickness; a slip length of a few nanometers may be sufficient to observe alignment. The predictions we developed by examining pure and surface-modified graphene is applicable to different solvent/2D material combinations. The emergence of a fixed orientation in a direction nearly parallel to the flow implies a slip-dependent change in several macroscopic transport properties, with potential impact on applications ranging from functional inks to nanocomposites.Energy Technolog

    El barranc de la Boella de la Canonja (Tarragonès) revisitat en la intervenció arqueològica preventiva de l'any 2007

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    El barranc de la Boella de la Canonja és un jaciment descobert en el primer terç del segle XX. Cinquanta anys després de la seva descoberta, la publicació d'aquest jaciment pels senyors R. Capdevila i S. Vilaseca va permetre actualitzar l'escàs coneixement de la bioestratigrafia del quaternari del Camp de Tarragona (Vilaseca, 1973). Tal com assenyala el mateix S. Vilaseca, la presència de fòssils de mamífers en el barranc va ser donada a conèixer per J. R. Bataller en la memòria explicativa del segon mapa geològic del full 473 de l'IGME corresponent a Tarragona (Bataller, 1935). El mateix S. Vilaseca apunta altres descobertes de mamífers ressenyades en el Camp de Tarragona, com la nota de Faura i Sans sobre un fragment de molar de proboscidi que Harlé determinaria com Elephas meridionalis el mateix any (Faura i Sans, 1920; Harlé, 1920). Aquesta resta va ser enviada per A. Romaní, aleshores director del Museu Balaguer de Vilanova i la Geltrú, a qui li van fer arribar des d'unes pedreres del Port de Tarragona. Els treballs geològics de M. Faura i Sans, J.R. Bataller i S. Vilaseca durant el primer quart del segle XX protagonitzaren el desenvolupament de la geologia, la paleontologia i la prehistòria en el marc del Servei del Mapa de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya

    Multicenter, International Study of MIC/MEC Distributions for Definition of Epidemiological Cutoff Values for Sporothrix Species Identified by Molecular Methods

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    ABSTRACT Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) conditions for testing the susceptibilities of pathogenic Sporothrix species to antifungal agents are based on a collaborative study that evaluated five clinically relevant isolates of Sporothrix schenckii sensu lato and some antifungal agents. With the advent of molecular identification, there are two basic needs: to confirm the suitability of these testing conditions for all agents and Sporothrix species and to establish species-specific epidemiologic cutoff values (ECVs) or breakpoints (BPs) for the species. We collected available CLSI MICs/minimal effective concentrations (MECs) of amphotericin B, five triazoles, terbinafine, flucytosine, and caspofungin for 301 Sporothrix schenckii sensu stricto, 486 S. brasiliensis, 75S. globosa, and 13 S. mexicana molecularly identified isolates. Data were obtained in 17 independent laboratories (Australia, Europe, India, South Africa, and South and North America) using conidial inoculum suspensions and 48 to 72 h of incubation at 35°C. Sufficient and suitable data (modal MICs within 2-fold concentrations) allowed the proposal of the following ECVs for S. schenckii and S. brasiliensis, respectively: amphotericin B, 4 and 4 g/ml; itraconazole, 2 and 2 g/ml; posaconazole, 2 and 2 g/ml; and voriconazole, 64 and 32 g/ml. Ketoconazole and terbinafine ECVs for S. brasiliensis were 2 and 0.12 g/ml, respectively. Insufficient or unsuitable data precluded the calculation of ketoconazole and terbinafine (or any other antifungal agent) ECVs for S. schenckii, as well as ECVs for S. globosa and S. mexicana. These ECVs could aid the clinician in identifying potentially resistant isolates (non-wild type) less likely to respond to therapy


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    SUMMARY Infection by Candidaspp. is associated with high mortality rates, especially when treatment is not appropriate and/or not immediate. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly identify the genus and species of Candida. The aim of this study was to compare the identification of 89 samples of Candida spp. by the manual methods germ tube test, auxanogram and chromogenic medium in relation to the ID 32C automated method. The concordances between the methods in ascending order, measured by the Kappa index were: ID 32C with CHROMagar Candida(κ = 0.38), ID 32C with auxanogram (κ = 0.59) and ID 32C with germ tube (κ = 0.9). One of the species identified in this study was C. tropicalis,which demonstrated a sensitivity of 46.2%, a specificity of 95.2%, PPV of 80%, NPV of 81.1%, and an accuracy of 80.9% in tests performed with CHROMagar Candida;and a sensitivity of 76.9%, a specificity of 96.8%, PPV of 90.9%, NPV of 91%, and an accuracy of 91% in the auxanogram tests. Therefore, it is necessary to know the advantages and limitations of methods to choose the best combination between them for a fast and correct identification of Candidaspecies