844 research outputs found
Desain Komplesi Sumur Sour Gas; Sebuah Study Kasus
AbstrakDesain komplesi harus mempertimbangkan beberapa parameter dari sumur, meliputi tekanan, temperatur, jenis fluida yang diproduksikan dan laju alir produksi sumur tersebut, dimana desain harus tahan terhadap beban yang dapat terjadi selama usia sumur. Jenis fluida yang dihasilkan berperan penting dalam pemilihan material, terutama untuk gas asam yang mengandung konsentrasi H2S dan CO2 yang tinggi. Analisa pemilihan material tubing, jenis packer dan aksesoris pelengkap dianggap perlu untuk memastikan bahwa material dan desain dapat menahan semua beban yang mungkin terjadi selama usia sumur.Setelah desain secara konseptual ditentukan, maka desain detail secara keteknikan dapat dilakukan. Pemilihan material dan desian komplesi sumur didasarkan pada kondisi sumuran dengan menggunakan beberapa metode, seperti stress analysis, triaxial stress analysis dan tubing movement analysis. Material yang terpilih kemudian diuji dengan kondisi masa produksi sumur dan selama tahap instalasi untuk melihat integritas sistem. Tubing 25CRW-80, Retrievable Packer dengan long locator seal bore complete with Perfluoro Elastomers, Tubing Retrievable SCSSV (Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve) dan 25CR aksesoris komplesi dapat menahan semua kemungkinan beban selama siklus dan usia sumur.Kata kunci: gas asam, desain, komplesi, material. AbstractWell completion design is an important aspect in oil or gas well before the production phase. Completion design should consider some crucial parameters of the well including pressure, temperature, type of produced fluid and the flow rate of the well, where the design should last and overcome all of disturbance that migh occurs during well life cycle. The type of produced fluid plays an important roles in material selection, especially for sour gas that contains high concentration of H2S and CO2. Analyzing the tubing material selection, type of packer and completion accessories is considered necessary to ensure that the materials and design could withstand all the loads during well life. After conceptual completion design is define, then detailed engineering design is proceed. Material selection and completion design is based on the condition of the well by using several methods, such as stress analysis, triaxial stress analysis and tubing movement analysis. The selected materials then tested by the well production condition and during the installation phase to see the integration of the system. Tubing 25CRW-80, Retrievable Packer with long locator seal bore complete with Perfluoro Elastomers, Tubing Retrievable SCSSV (Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve) and 25CR completion accessories could withstand all load possibilities for the well life cycle.Keywords: Sour Gas, Completion, Design, Material
Permasalahan pada kemampuan menulis yang dialami siswa sangat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, di antaranya faktor guru dalam memilih model pembelajaran. Pemilihan model pembelajaran sangat tergantung pada kompetensi yang akan dicapai siswa. Untuk itu dalam pembelajaran menulis cerpen harus dipilih model yang dapat memudahkan siswa dalam menulis dengan berbagai upaya, termasuk perantara untuk melanjutkan cerita melalui orientasi krisis dalam alur cerita. Untuk itu, penelitian ini mengimplementasikan model Problem Based Learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dalam pembelajaran melanjutkan akhir cerita pendek berorientasi krisis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode campuran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas XI SMA Handayani 1 Pameungpeuk. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes uraian. Instrumen dikategorikan valid dan reliabel setelah dilakukan pengujian statistik (validitas dan reliabilitas). Perhitungan penelitian ini melalui uji rata-rata kelas pretest dan posttest, mengetahui nilai maksimal dan nilai minimal, serta menguji hipotesis dengan sampel uji-t berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas siswa meningkat dengan rata-rata skor pretest 44,90 dan rata-rata posttest 78,10, serta hasil uji hipotesis gain nilai probabilitas atau Tanda. (2-ekor) 0,00<0,05. Besarnya dampak peningkatan lanjutan cerpen berorientasi krisis ditunjukkan dengan hasil uji hipotesis yang menyatakan perbedaan data pada hasil pretest dan posttest serta menunjukkan hasil peningkatan belajar dengan melihat rata-rata setiap kegiatan. Dengan demikian model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis cerpen.Problems in the ability to write experienced by students are strongly influenced by various factors, including the teacher's factor in choosing a learning model. The selection of learning models is highly dependent on the competencies that students will achieve. For this reason, in learning short story writing, a model must be chosen that can make it easier for students to write with various efforts, including intermediary to continue the story through crisis orientation in the storyline. To do that, this study implements the Problem Based Learning model. This study aims to determine the implementation of the problem-based learning model in learning to continue the end of crisis-oriented short stories. The research method used is a mix method.' This research was carried out in class XI of SMA Handayani 1 Pameungpeuk. The instrument used in this study was an essay test. The instruments are categorized as vaid and reliable after statistical testing (validity and reliability). The calculation of this study is through the average test of the pretest and posttest classes, knowing the max value and minimum value, and testing the hypothesis with a paired t-test sample. The results showed that student activities increased with an average pretest score of 44.90 and an average posttest of 78.10, and the results of the gain hypothesis test were probability values or Signs. (2-tailed) 0.00<0.05. The magnitude of the impact on the improvement of continuing crisis-oriented short stories is shown by the results of hypothesis tests that state differences in data on pretetst and posttest results and show the results of increased learning by looking at the average of each activity. Thus the problem-based learning model can be used as an alternative learning model used to improve the ability to write short stories
Implementasi Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) Dan E-commerce Pada Packing House
[Enterprise Resource Planning and E-Commerce Implementation in Packing House] Packing House is a business unit of DISPERINDAG (Department of Industry and Trade) Central Java Province which specialized in producing cardboard packaging. In carrying out its business process, Packing House have problems on business process. The problems are Packing House can't compete with their competitors because they uses reliable technology, product ordering can only be through receptionist and the opportunity to obtain new customer is very small because the promotion is only through brochures. One of technology that can optimize, integrate business process and make business process more automated is information system Enterprise Resource Planning (Wibisono, 2005). ERP implementations used to support business process Packing House is Odoo 8. Odoo 8 is one of the open ERP software which contains modules to support running of the business process in the company
Pendekatan Level Data Untuk Menangani Ketidakseimbangan Kelas Pada Prediksi Cacat Software
Dataset software metrics secara umum bersifat tidak seimbang, hal ini dapat menurunkan kinerja model prediksi cacat software karena cenderung menghasilkan prediksi kelas mayoritas. Secara umum ketidakseimbangan kelas dapat ditangani dengan dua pendekatan, yaitu level data dan level algoritma. Pendekatan level data ditujukan untuk memperbaiki keseimbangan kelas, sedangkan pendekatan level algoritma ditujukan untuk memperbaiki algoritma atau menggabungkan (ensemble) pengklasifikasi agar lebih konduktif terhadap kelas minoritas. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan pendekatan level data dengan resampling, yaitu random oversampling (ROS), dan random undersampling (RUS), dan mensintesis menggunakan algoritma FSMOTE. Pengklasifikasi yang digunakan adalah Naϊve Bayes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model FSMOTE+NB merupakan model pendekatan level data terbaik pada prediksi cacat software karena nilai sensitivitas dan G-Mean model FSMOTE+NB meningkat secara signifikan, sedangkan model ROS+NB dan RUS+NB tidak meningkat secara signifikan
Identification of Technical Skills Achievements of Students Based on Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI)
The purpose of this study is to identify in detail the technical skills of students based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) that consists of two aspects, namely special skills and knowledge of students. This research uses descriptive quantitative research method with independent variables that are the main observations. The treatment of this study was to observe the student practicum directly to identify the aspects of specific skills and take theoretical values in the subject area of expertise to identify issues of knowledge. The element of special abilities was detected to have 18 indicators, while the aspects of culture was determined to have 23 signs. The results of this study indicate that the average student technical skills assessment based on KKNI on the issues of unique skills and knowledge is in the very high category with a score of 97.3% for aspects of individual abilities and a score of 90.3% for aspects of expertise.
Keywords: technical skills, special skills, knowledg
Improvement of the Operation for KOPIBIKE Restaurant Using Menu Engineering Approach
In the food business today, having a list of regular customers is not enough to remain successful. One of the key is needs a well performed sales mix analysis and pricing strategies to keep the food businesses thriving. For this analysis it can be used Menu Engineering which provide calculating the sales and it's constribution margin, and categorizing it. From the aspect of Operation Management restaurant need to control their inventory, a complete listing of their stock of raw materials and components, works in progress and finished products. The purpose of inventory control is to efficiently manage the availability of stock for production, sales and delivery and services of a business to maximize the volume of business and profits. This final project is focused on how the menu engineering result can change the menu design and it's component with the aim of improving profitability and improvement on inventory management in the restaurant can support effective and efficient business process in order to delight customers by fulfilling their demand
Penentuan Jumlah Server Optimal untuk Peningkatan Utilitas Server dengan Menggunakan Simulasi Extend di Restoran Cepat Saji Mcdonald's
[ Title : Determined Optimal server to improve server's utility use extend simulation at Fast Food McDonald's] The objective of this study was to determine average queuing time, average service time, utility each server and give improvements for queuing system and the corresponding model in the McDonald's fast food restaurant in Pandanaran Street number. 44, Semarang. The method used is simulation with software extend4. Simulation can be the best method in this study / case because it did not need a lot of time and cost compared to direct observation system. The data used in this study is the primary data. Based on the results of the three scenarios that run in the system. The best scenario is screnario 2, because it is the most optimal scenario depend on utilization and average queue time
Permasalahan pada kemampuan menulis yang dialami siswa sangat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, di antaranya faktor guru dalam memilih model pembelajaran. Pemilihan model pembelajaran sangat tergantung pada kompetensi yang akan dicapai siswa. Untuk itu dalam pembelajaran menulis cerpen harus dipilih model yang dapat memudahkan siswa dalam menulis dengan berbagai upaya, termasuk perantara untuk melanjutkan cerita melalui orientasi krisis dalam alur cerita. Untuk itu, penelitian ini mengimplementasikan model Problem Based Learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dalam pembelajaran melanjutkan akhir cerita pendek berorientasi krisis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode campuran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas XI SMA Handayani 1 Pameungpeuk. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes uraian. Instrumen dikategorikan valid dan reliabel setelah dilakukan pengujian statistik (validitas dan reliabilitas). Perhitungan penelitian ini melalui uji rata-rata kelas pretest dan posttest, mengetahui nilai maksimal dan nilai minimal, serta menguji hipotesis dengan sampel uji-t berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas siswa meningkat dengan rata-rata skor pretest 44,90 dan rata-rata posttest 78,10, serta hasil uji hipotesis gain nilai probabilitas atau Tanda. (2-ekor) 0,00<0,05. Besarnya dampak peningkatan lanjutan cerpen berorientasi krisis ditunjukkan dengan hasil uji hipotesis yang menyatakan perbedaan data pada hasil pretest dan posttest serta menunjukkan hasil peningkatan belajar dengan melihat rata-rata setiap kegiatan. Dengan demikian model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis cerpen.Problems in the ability to write experienced by students are strongly influenced by various factors, including the teacher's factor in choosing a learning model. The selection of learning models is highly dependent on the competencies that students will achieve. For this reason, in learning short story writing, a model must be chosen that can make it easier for students to write with various efforts, including intermediary to continue the story through crisis orientation in the storyline. To do that, this study implements the Problem Based Learning model. This study aims to determine the implementation of the problem-based learning model in learning to continue the end of crisis-oriented short stories. The research method used is a mix method.' This research was carried out in class XI of SMA Handayani 1 Pameungpeuk. The instrument used in this study was an essay test. The instruments are categorized as vaid and reliable after statistical testing (validity and reliability). The calculation of this study is through the average test of the pretest and posttest classes, knowing the max value and minimum value, and testing the hypothesis with a paired t-test sample. The results showed that student activities increased with an average pretest score of 44.90 and an average posttest of 78.10, and the results of the gain hypothesis test were probability values or Signs. (2-tailed) 0.00<0.05. The magnitude of the impact on the improvement of continuing crisis-oriented short stories is shown by the results of hypothesis tests that state differences in data on pretetst and posttest results and show the results of increased learning by looking at the average of each activity. Thus the problem-based learning model can be used as an alternative learning model used to improve the ability to write short stories
Vendor Held Stock (HVS) Implementation to Improve and Innovate Fuel Management System: Case Study at Prabumulih Field-Pertamina EP
Management of fuel in PERTAMINA EP has not managed properly. The current system cannot guarantee the availability of fuel. Losses during storage and distribution exceed the allowable tolerance limits. Equipment, facilities, and infrastructure not meet existing standards as result in fuel consumption data at each location is not accurate. The above matter can lead to high operating costs and affect the company\u27s image. For improvements things mentioned above, the first step is to conduct observation and data collection. The data was analyzed and identified what the potential problems. Potential problems are discussed for the problem solving expectations. After knowing the expectations of the solution designed a new concept of the fuel management system. One alternative designed concept is managing fuel by using a Vendor Held Stock system. After the comparison between the old fuel management concept with a new one, select a better concept fuel management and more profitable for the company. By applying good fuel management system, the problems faced in the management of fuel can be overcom
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