226 research outputs found

    Integral equation mei applied to three-dimensional arbitrary surfaces

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    The authors present a new formulation of the integral equation of the measured equation of invariance (MEI) as a confined field integral equation discretised by the method of moments, in which the use of numerically derived testing functions results in an approximately sparse linear system with storage memory requirements and a CPU time for computing the matrix coefficients proportional to the number of unknowns.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Analysis of microstrip antennas by multilevel matrix decomposition algorithm

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    Integral equation methods (IE) are widely used in conjunction with Method of Moments (MoM) discretization for the numerical analysis of microstrip antennas. However, their application to large antenna arrays is difficult due to the fact that the computational requirements increase rapidly with the number of unknowns N. Several techniques have been proposed to reduce the computational cost of IE-MoM. The Multilevel Matrix Decomposition Algorithm (MLMDA) has been implemented in 3D for arbitrary perfectly conducting surfaces discretized in Rao, Wilton and Glisson linear triangle basis functions . This algorithm requires an operation count that is proportional to N·log2N. The performance of the algorithm is much better for planar or piece-wise planar objects than for general 3D problems, which makes the algorithm particularly well-suited for the analysis of microstrip antennas. The memory requirements are proportional to N·logN and very low. The main advantage of the MLMDA compared with other efficient techniques to solve integral equations is that it does not rely on specific mathematical properties of the Green's functions being used. Thus, we can apply the method to interesting configurations governed by special Green's functions like multilayered media. In fact, the MDA-MLMDA method can be used at the top of any existing MoM code. In this paper we present the application to the analysis of large printed antenna arrays.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury VII. The NGC 4214 Starburst and the Effects of Star Formation History on Dwarf Morphology

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    We present deep Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) optical observations obtained as part of the ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury (ANGST) as well as early release Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) ultra-violet and infrared observations of the nearby dwarf starbursting galaxy NGC 4214. Our data provide a detailed example of how covering such a broad range in wavelength provides a powerful tool for constraining the physical properties of stellar populations. The deepest data reach the ancient red clump at M_F814W -0.2. All of the optical data reach the main sequence turnoff for stars younger than ~300 Myr, and the blue He burning sequence for stars younger than 500 Myr. The full CMD-fitting analysis shows that all three fields in our data set are consistent with ~75% of the stellar mass being older than 8 Gyr, in spite of showing a wide range in star formation rates at the present day. Thus, our results suggest that the scale length of NGC 4214 has remained relatively constant for many Gyr. As previously noted by others, we also find the galaxy has recently ramped up production, consistent with its bright UV luminosity and its population of UV-bright massive stars. In the central field we find UV point sources with F336W magnitudes as bright as -9.9. These are as bright as stars with masses of at least 52-56 M_sun and ages near 4 Myr in stellar evolution models. Assuming a standard IMF, our CMD is well-fitted by an increase in star formation rate beginning 100 Myr ago. The stellar populations of this late-type dwarf are compared with those of NGC 404, an early-type dwarf that is also the most massive galaxy in its local environment. The late-type dwarf appears to have a similar high fraction of ancient stars, suggesting that these dominant galaxies may form at early epochs even if they have low total mass and very different present-day morphologies.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Determination of the Most Influential Factors in the Concentration of Bacteria in Coastal Waters

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    Control of water quality of coastal waters is essential to ensure the safety of bathers. Therefore, the current legislation establishes maximum concentration levels of faecal bacteria, in particular Escherichia coli and intestinal Enterococci. After several studies, it is known that there are environmental and physical factors such as the level of urbanization of the beach, sediment type, rainfall, salinity and water temperature, which influence the concentration of these bacteria. However, there are many other factors, such as the morphology of the beach, its orientation relative to waves and the proximity of spills, that can affect the survival of these bacteria and therefore directly influence the water quality in the coastal zone. In this article, 270 beaches between the provinces of Valencia and Granada (Spain) were analysed. It was observed that the local factors that further affect the concentration of faecal bacteria in coastal water are the presence of meadows of Posidonia oceanica, the orientation of the beach with respect to the direction of the most common incident waves and the agricultural discharges in the sea.This research has been partially funded by Universidad de Alicante through the project ‘Estudio sobre el perfil de equilibrio y la profundidad de cierre en playas de arena’ (YGRE15-02)

    The young stellar population of NGC 4214 as observed with HST. II. Results

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    We present the results of a detailed UV-optical study of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 4214 using multifilter HST/WFPC2+STIS photometry. The stellar extinction is found to be quite patchy, with some areas having values of E(4405-5495)< 0.1 mag and others, associated with star forming regions, much more heavily obscured, a result which is consistent with previous studies of the nebular extinction. We determined the ratio of blue-to-red supergiants and found it to be consistent with theoretical models for the metallicity of the SMC. The stellar IMF of the field in the range 20-100 solar masses is found to be steeper than Salpeter. A number of massive clusters and associations with ages between a few and 200 million years are detected and their properties are discussed.Comment: 49 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Effect of Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) maternally derived antibodies on performance and PCV-2 viremia in vaccinated piglets under field conditions

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    Background: Nowadays, the most common presentation of PCV-2 is the subclinical infection in piglets after weaning. The success of PCV-2 vaccination is associated with the control of the clinical disease as well as the improvement of production parameters. In consequence, the objective of the present study was to analyse the effect of PCV-2 maternally derived antibody (MDA) levels on vaccine efficacy in piglets vaccinated at three weeks of age with a commercial PCV-2 subunit vaccine. The study was performed analysing a database with 6112 wean-to-slaughter piglets from 4 different European regions. Results: Results showed that the use of the vaccine was able to decrease the PCV-2 viremia calculated as area under the curve (AUC = 60.29 ± 3.73), increase average daily weight gain (ADWG = 0.65 ± 0.01 kg/day) and reduce mortality (7%) in vaccinated piglets compared to non-vaccinated ones (AUC of 198.27 ± 6.14, 0.62 ± 0.01 kg/day and 11% respectively). The overall difference of ADWG between both groups was close to 30 g per day (p < 0.05), also when they were split for low and high levels of MDA titres. Moreover, the animals with the highest ADWG were observed in the group of piglets vaccinated with high or extremely high antibody titres (0.66 and 0.65 kg/day respectively). Considering only animals with extremely high antibody titres, both study groups performed similar, however there was a numerical difference of 10 g/day in favour of vaccinated piglets. Likewise, lack of correlation between ADWG and MDA was observed suggesting that no maternal antibody interference was present with the tested vaccine because the vaccinated animals grew faster compared to unvaccinated control animals, regardless of the level of maternal antibodies present at the time of vaccination. Conclusions: The results of the present study demonstrated that the MDA against PCV-2 transferred through the colostrum intake has a protective effect against this viral infection. The vaccine used in the present study (Ingelvac CircoFLEX®) was effective when applied at three weeks of age and was not affected by the level of MDA at the time of vaccination

    Increased Prevalence of Symptomatic Human Intestinal Spirochetosis in MSM with High-Risk Sexual Behavior in a Cohort of 165 Individuals

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    Human intestinal spirochetosis (HIS) can cause gastrointestinal symptoms, although asymptomatic infections have been described. Individuals from low-income countries, people living with HIV, and men who have sex with men (MSM) show increased risk. A retrospective review of all patients diagnosed with HIS (n = 165) between January 2013 and October 2020 at a tertiary hospital in Madrid, Spain, was performed to assess risk factors for symptomatic HIS, symptoms, and response to treatment. Most patients were male (n = 156; 94.5%), 86.7% were MSM, and 23.5% practiced chemsex, of whom most were symptomatic (p = 0.039). Most patients (78.4%) reported unprotected oral-anal intercourse. A total of 124 (81.1%) were symptomatic; diarrhea was the most common complaint (68.3%). Multivariable regression showed increased odds of symptoms associated with age under 41 (odds ratio 5.44, 95% CI 1.87-15.88; p = 0.002). Colonoscopy was normal in 153 (92.7%). Furthermore, 66.7% presented previous or concomitant sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Among the patients, 102 underwent testing for other gastrointestinal pathogens, with positive results in 20 (19.6%). All symptomatic patients without concomitant gastrointestinal infection presenting improvement on follow-up (42 of 53) had received either metronidazole or doxycycline (p = 0.049). HIS should be considered as a cause of chronic diarrhea in MSM with high-risk sexual behavior after other causes have been ruled out; treatment with metronidazole is recommended. Coinfection with other STDs is common.S

    Supramolecular zippers elicit interbilayer adhesion of membranes producing cell death

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    11 pags, 6 figsBackground: The fluorescent dye 10-N-nonyl acridine orange (NAO) is widely used as a mitochondrial marker. NAO was reported to have cytotoxic effects in cultured eukaryotic cells when incubated at high concentrations. Although the biochemical response of NAO-induced toxicity has been well identified, the underlying molecular mechanism has not yet been explored in detail. Methods: We use optical techniques, including fluorescence confocal microscopy and lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) both in model membranes built up as giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) and cultured cells. These experiments are complemented with computational studies to unravel the molecular mechanism that makes NAO cytotoxic. Results: We have obtained direct evidence that NAO promotes strong membrane adhesion of negatively charged vesicles. The attractive forces are derived from van der Waals interactions between anti-parallel H-dimers of NAO molecules from opposing bilayers. Semi-empirical calculations have confirmed the supramolecular scenario by which anti-parallel NAO molecules form a zipper of bonds at the contact region. The membrane remodeling effect of NAO, as well as the formation of H-dimers, was also confirmed in cultured fibroblasts, as shown by the ultrastructure alteration of the mitochondrial cristae. Conclusions: We conclude that membrane adhesion induced by NAO stacking accounts for the supramolecular basis of its cytotoxicity. General significance: Mitochondria are a potential target for cancer and gene therapies. The alteration of the mitochondrial structure by membrane remodeling agents able to form supramolecular assemblies via adhesion properties could be envisaged as a new therapeutic strategy.This work was supported by the ERC Starting Grant “mitochon” (ERC-StG-2013 338133) and the ERC Proof of Concept “mitozippers” (ERC-PoC-2017 780440), FIS2015-70339-C2-1-R from MINECO (I. L-M.and F.M.), FIS2015-70339-C2-2-R (M.P.L. and C.G.) and S2013/MIT-2807 from the Madrid Regional Government (F.M. and A. G-M.)