410 research outputs found

    Employing Environmental Data and Machine Learning to Improve Mobile Health Receptivity

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    Behavioral intervention strategies can be enhanced by recognizing human activities using eHealth technologies. As we find after a thorough literature review, activity spotting and added insights may be used to detect daily routines inferring receptivity for mobile notifications similar to just-in-time support. Towards this end, this work develops a model, using machine learning, to analyze the motivation of digital mental health users that answer self-assessment questions in their everyday lives through an intelligent mobile application. A uniform and extensible sequence prediction model combining environmental data with everyday activities has been created and validated for proof of concept through an experiment. We find that the reported receptivity is not sequentially predictable on its own, the mean error and standard deviation are only slightly below by-chance comparison. Nevertheless, predicting the upcoming activity shows to cover about 39% of the day (up to 58% in the best case) and can be linked to user individual intervention preferences to indirectly find an opportune moment of receptivity. Therefore, we introduce an application comprising the influences of sensor data on activities and intervention thresholds, as well as allowing for preferred events on a weekly basis. As a result of combining those multiple approaches, promising avenues for innovative behavioral assessments are possible. Identifying and segmenting the appropriate set of activities is key. Consequently, deliberate and thoughtful design lays the foundation for further development within research projects by extending the activity weighting process or introducing a model reinforcement.BMBF, 13GW0157A, Verbundprojekt: Self-administered Psycho-TherApy-SystemS (SELFPASS) - Teilvorhaben: Data Analytics and Prescription for SELFPASSTU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Phytol synthesis from geranylgeraniol in spinach chloroplasts

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    The reduction of /2-14C/-geranylgeranylpyrophosphate to phytylpyrophosphosphate is shown for the first time in chloroplasts. The esterification of exogenous /2-14C/-geranylgeranylpyrophosphate with endogenous chlorophyllide and the stepwise reduction of the pigment bound geranylgeraniol to phytol was also proved for spinach chloroplasts for the first time

    IL-2 Therapy Diminishes Renal Inflammation and the Activity of Kidney-Infiltrating CD4+ T Cells in Murine Lupus Nephritis

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    An acquired deficiency of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and related disturbances in regulatory T cell (Treg) homeostasis play an important role in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Low-dose IL-2 therapy was shown to restore Treg homeostasis in patients with active SLE and its clinical efficacy is currently evaluated in clinical trials. Lupus nephritis (LN), a challenging organ manifestation in SLE, is characterized by the infiltration of pathogenic CD4+ T cells into the inflamed kidney. However, the role of the Treg-IL-2 axis in the pathogenesis of LN and the mode of action of IL-2 therapy in the inflamed kidneys are still poorly understood. Using the (NZB × NZW) F1 mouse model of SLE we studied whether intrarenal Treg are affected by a shortage of IL-2 in comparison with lymphatic organs and whether and how intrarenal T cells and renal inflammation can be influenced by IL-2 therapy. We found that intrarenal Treg show phenotypic signs that are reminiscent of IL-2 deprivation in parallel to a progressive hyperactivity of intrarenal conventional CD4+ T cells (Tcon). Short-term IL-2 treatment of mice with active LN induced an expansion the intrarenal Treg population whereas long-term IL-2 treatment reduced the activity and proliferation of intrarenal Tcon, which was accompanied by a clinical and histological amelioration of LN. The association of these immune pathologies with IL-2 deficiency and their reversibility by IL-2 therapy provides important rationales for an IL-2-based immunotherapy of LN.DFG, SFB 650, Zelluläre Ansätze zur Suppression unerwünschter Immunreaktionen - From Bench to Bedsid

    Media Entrepreneurship:A Consensual Definition

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    Media Entrepreneurship has been an ambiguous, unclear and controversial concept and despite of growing academic efforts in the last decade, it is still a poorly defined subject. This paper is an effort to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive definition of media entrepreneurship. Firstly, a literature review conducted and entrepreneurship, media, opportunity and innovation as building blocks of media entrepreneurship explained. Then by using of a mixed of bibliographic method and a Delphi method with multi-stage analysis process, a consensual definition of media entrepreneurship proposed. This definition integrates some key features of the emerging media environment such as distinction of content and platform, value delivery, opportunity development, non-monetary benefit, etc. It is expected that the findings of this research clear the ground for further researches in the field of media entrepreneurshipEl emprendimiento mediático ha sido un concepto ambiguo, confuso y controversial y a pesar de los crecientes esfuerzos académicos de la última década, sigue siendo una materia de estudio no muy bien definida. Este artículo es un esfuerzo por llenar esta brecha al proveer una definición amplia sobre el emprendimiento mediático. En primer lugar, se lleva a cabo una revisión de la literatura y se ponen el em- prendimiento, los medios de comunicación, las oportunidades y la innovación como elementos básicos de la explicación del emprendimiento mediático. Luego, utilizando un método bibliográfico combinado y un método Delphi con un proceso de análisis de múltiples etapas, se propone una definición consen- suada del emprendimiento mediático. Esta definición integra algunas de las principales características del naciente entorno mediático tales como la distinción entre “contenido” y “plataforma”, “valor entre- gado”, “desarrollo de oportunidad”, “beneficio no monetario”, etc. Se espera que los hallazgos de esta investigación allanen el camino para futuros investigadores en el campo del emprendimiento mediátic

    Site of Prenylation Reaction in Synthesis of Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) by Spinach Chloroplasts

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    In spinach chloroplasts, 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate is prenylated by phytyldiphosphate and subsequently methylated by S-adenosylmethionine to form phylloquinol. The site of the prenylation reaction is the chloroplast envelope membrane

    Chlorophylls of the c family: absolute configuration and inhibition of NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase

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    AbstractUsing circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, the stereochemistry at C-132 of members of the chlorophyll (Chl) c family, namely Chls c1, c2, c3 and [8-vinyl]-protochlorophyllide a (Pchlide a) was determined. By comparison with spectra of known enantiomers, all Chl c members turned out to have the (R) configuration, which is in agreement with considerations drawn from chlorophyll biosynthesis. Except for a double bond in the side chain at C-17, the chemical structure of Chl c1 is identical with Pchlide a, the natural substrate of the light-dependent NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR). Thus, lack of binding to the active site due to the wrong configuration at C-132, which had been proposed previously, cannot be an explanation for inactivity of Chl c in this enzymic reaction. Our results show rather that Chl c1 is a competitive inhibitor for this enzyme, tested with Pchlide a and Zn-protopheophorbide a (Zn-Ppheide a) as substrates

    Phosphorylation of mitotic kinesin-like protein 2 by polo-like kinase 1 is required for cytokinesis

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    We have investigated the function of mitotic kinesin-like protein (MKlp) 2, a kinesin localized to the central spindle, and demonstrate that its depletion results in a failure of cleavage furrow ingression and cytokinesis, and disrupts localization of polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1). MKlp2 is a target for Plk1, and phosphorylated MKlp2 binds to the polo box domain of Plk1. Plk1 also binds directly to microtubules and targets to the central spindle via its polo box domain, and this interaction controls the activity of Plk1 toward MKlp2. An antibody to the neck region of MKlp2 that prevents phosphorylation of MKlp2 by Plk1 causes a cytokinesis defect when introduced into cells. We propose that phosphorylation of MKlp2 by Plk1 is necessary for the spatial restriction of Plk1 to the central spindle during anaphase and telophase, and the complex of these two proteins is required for cytokinesis

    Влияние метеорологических параметров на годовой тренд радиационного фона приземной атмосферы

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    The surface and interface structure as well as the electronic properties of thin epitaxial Fe3O4(111) films prepared by in situ oxidation of thin Fe(110) films grown on Al2O3(1120) substrates using a Mo(110) buffer layer were investigated by low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM),transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and spin-polarized angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SPARPES). The annealing of Fe(110) films at 700 °C in an O2 atmosphere leads to the formation of epitaxial Fe3O4(111) films. Atomically resolved STM images of the Fe3O4(111) surface show a hexagonal symmetry with 6 Å periodicity. Well-controlled interface properties at the Fe3O4(111)/Fe(110) and Fe(110)/Mo(110) interfaces were confirmed by TEM. A high spin polarization value of about 2(6065)% was found near the Fermi energy EF at room temperature by means of SPARPES with a photon energy of hv=21.2 eV. The electronic structure and spin polarization are compared to the corresponding values recently found on epitaxial Fe3O4(111) films grown on W(110) single-crystal substrates