435 research outputs found

    Sleep of pre-school children and their parents : FinAdo substudy

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    According to the Official Statistics of Finland, approximately 75% of the Finnish population become parents. At the same time, the grave impact of poor sleep on the health and wellbeing of an individual has been shown in numerous studies. Therefore, it is regrettable that studies have also shown that having a child deteriorates the sleep of the parent for a period of six years. During these six years the physical, psychological, and social development of the child is at its peak and the child needs a loving, constructive, and consistent adult to rely on. The aim of this study was to examine the interactions of child and parental sleep and their impact on the parental perceptions of child sleep. This study on healthy children living with their biological families and internationally adopted children was conducted as a part of the FinAdo 2 study, which is an on-going follow-up study examining the health and wellbeing of internationally adopted children in Finland. This collaboration allowed for examining the impact of genetic associations within sleep-related interactions. In addition to the 78 internationally adopted children, the study included 108 children living with their biological families, recruited from day-care facilities in Turku and Kaarina, Finland. The sleep of the children was examined by an actigraphy device, an activity sensor, during a period of one week. The parents answered on questions about socio-economic factors, and the sleep and well-being of the child and themselves. The recordings were repeated at approximately one year from the baseline for those willing to participate in the follow-up study. The study revealed that poorly sleeping parents perceive the sleep of their children being worse than what sleep parameters in the child’s actigraphy recording indicate. It also found that the poor sleep experienced by the parent does not precede child sleep problems one year later. The third finding was that parents of eveningtype children, those who prefer to stay up late and wake up late in the morning, are at a higher risk of later sleep problems than parents of morning-type children, those who prefer to wake up and go to bed early. These results underline the importance of addressing poor parental sleep quality, in addition to the child’s eveningness when discovering ways to help families with sleep related problems.Lasten ja heidän vanhempiensa uni - FinAdo osatutkimus Tilastokeskuksen tietojen mukaan noin 75 % suomalaisista saa elämänsä aikana lapsen. Samaan aikaan lukemattomat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet vähäisen unen negatiiviset vaikutukset yksilön terveydelle ja hyvinvoinnille. Siksi onkin valitettavaa, että lapsen saannin on todettu huonontavan vanhemman unta kuuden vuoden ajaksi. Juuri näiden kuuden vuoden aikana lapsen fyysinen, psyykkinen ja sosiaalinen kehitys on nopeimmillaan ja hän tarvitsee rinnalleen rakastavan, luotettavan ja johdonmukaisen aikuisen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää lapsen ja hänen vanhempansa unen vuorovaikutusta ja sen yhteyttä vanhemman käsitykseen lapsensa unesta. Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin terveiden, biologisissa perheissään elävien lasten ja ulkomailta Suomeen adoptoitujen lasten unta, ja se tehtiin osana ulkomailta Suomeen adoptoitujen lasten terveyttä ja hyvinvointia tutkivan FinAdo 2- tutkimuksen kanssa. Näin voitiin ottaa huomioon myös univaikeuksien perinnölliset mekanismit. Adoptoitujen 78 lasten lisäksi tutkimukseen osallistui 108 biologisissa perheissään eläviä, Turun ja Kaarinan päiväkodeista mukaan tulleita lapsia perheineen. Lasten unta rekisteröitiin viikon ajan aktigrafilla, joka on unta arvioiva aktiivisuusmittari. Lisäksi vanhemmat vastasivat omaa ja lapsensa unenlaatua ja hyvinvointia selvittäviin kyselyihin. Tutkimus toistettiin halukkaille noin vuoden kuluttua ensimmäisestä rekisteröinnistä. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että huonosti nukkuvat vanhemmat kokevat lapsensa unen huonompana kuin se on aktigrafilla mitattuna. Lisäksi todettiin, että vanhemman huono uni ei ennusta lapsen univaikeuksia vuoden seurannassa. Kolmantena löydöksenä todettiin, että lapsen iltavirkkuus, eli taipumus herätä ja mennä nukkumaan myöhään, on yhteydessä vanhemman huonoon uneen vuoden seurannassa verrattuna aamuvirkkujen, eli varhain heräävien ja varhain nukkumaan menevien, lasten vanhempiin. Nämä tutkimustulokset muistuttavat siitä, miten tärkeää on ottaa huomioon myös vanhemman unen laatu, ja toisaalta lapsen iltavirkkuus, kun käsitellään perheen uneen liittyviä huolia ja ongelmia

    "Kun se on niin pienest kiinni" : Viriketoimintaa ikäihmisille vapaaehtoisvoimin

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on vapaaehtoistyön kehittäminen Pappilanlammen palvelukeskuksessa Ulvilassa. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi luotiin työkalu, jota Pappilanlammen palvelukeskuksen henkilökunta ja siellä toimivat vapaaehtoiset voivat halutessaan hyödyntää ikäihmisten päiväkeskustoiminnassa. Opinnäytetyönä toteutettiin virikeopas "Viriketuokioita vuoden jokaiselle kuukaudelle". Se sisältää valmiiksi suunniteltuja toteutuksia kuukauden viriketuokioksi ja siitä pyrittiin tekemään mahdollisimman selkeä ja helppokäyttöinen. Kahden viriketuokion toimivuutta testattiin käytännössä päiväkeskuksen asiakkaiden kanssa. Kumpaankin testituokioon osallistui noin 20 asiakasta. Testituokioiden perusteella havaittiin, että ohjaajalta vaaditaan ohjaustilanteessa kuuluvaa ääntä ja selkeää artikulointia. Ohjaajan tulee myös perehtyä etukäteen viriketuokion materiaaliin ja liikunnallisissa tuokioissa liikkeiden oikeanlaiseen suorittamiseen tulee kiinnittää huomiota. Viriketuokiot pyrittiin suunnittelemaan siten, että ne voi toteuttaa ryhmässä, jossa ihmiset ovat toimintakyvyltään eri tasoilla. Suunnittelussa otettiin huomioon, että viriketuokion voi ohjata myös ei-ammattilainen. Teoreettista taustaa viriketuokioihin haettiin muistelutyöstä, liikunnan merkityksestä ikäihmisille, kulttuuritoiminnasta ja hengellisyydestä. Nämä näkökulmat käsitellään opinnäytetyössä laajasti. Opinnäytetyönä syntynyt virikeopas on työkalu, jota ryhmän ohjaajan on helppo hyödyntää. Se toimii myös kannustimena esimerkiksi ryhmänohjaustaitojaan harjoitteleville opiskelijoille. Opinnäytetyön kirjallisessa osuudessa pohditaan vapaaehtoisuutta ja vapaaehtoisena toimimista. Kuka tahansa voi aloittaa vapaaehtoistoiminnan ja jokainen lähtee toimintaan omien voimavarojensa mukaan. Perimmäinen vapaaehtoisena toimimisen syy on usein halu ja tahto tehdä hyvää. Vapaaehtoistyötä tehdään monissa eri paikoissa ja erityisesti urheiluseurat ja pienet yhdistykset toimivat pitkälti vapaaehtoisten voimin. Vapaaehtoistyön voi mieltää monella tavalla ja siihen vaikuttavat pääasiassa ihmisen omat lähtökohdat ja arvomaailma. Vapaaehtoistoiminta lisääntyy koko ajan. Sen vuoksi vapaaehtoistoiminnalle olisi hyvä määritellä rajoja ja ehtoja, joiden puitteissa toimia.The aim of this study was to develop voluntary work at Pappilanlampi retirement home in Ulvila. A guide of recreational activities was created to be used in Pappilanlampi retirement home. The guide was named Recreational Moments for Every Month of the Year and it can be used by both professionals and volunteers. The guide consists of thoroughly planned recreational moments. The aim was to make it as clear and easy to use as possible. Two of the recreational moments were tested in practice. About 20 customers participated in both the moments. The moments were evaluated, which showed that the group leaders must pay close attention to the way they speak and also to their articulation. It is also helpful to study the contents of the recreational moment and especially pay attention to the correct performance of different exercises. The recreational moments were planned so that they can be executed in a group of people with different functional abilities. Also the fact that the group leader might be a non-professional was taken into account. Reminiscing, the importance of exercise for the elderly, cultural aspects and spirituality formed the theoretical background. The recreational guide is a tool that especially a volunteer can easily use. It is also a helpful tool for students practicing their group managing skills. Anyone can start to work as a volunteer. How much time people give to voluntary work is entirely up to them and their own resources. Most often the basic reason is the need to give and do something good for others. Voluntary work appears in many different connections and especially small societies are run by volunteers. Voluntary work is a broad concept. How it is understood is mainly based on a person’s own values. The amount of voluntary work grows constantly and therefore it would be important to define boundaries and conditions within which to operate

    Diplomats or Defendants? Defining the Future of Head-of-State Immunity

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    Fluorescence nanoscopy provides means to discernthe finer details of protein localization and interaction in cells by offeringan order of magnitude higher resolution than conventional optical imagingtechniques. However, these super resolution techniques put higher demands onthe optical system as well as on the fluorescent probes, making multicolorfluorescence nanoscopy a challenging task. Here we present a new and simpleprocedure which exploits the photostability and excitation spectra of dyes toincrease the number of simultaneous recordable targets in STED nanoscopy. Weuse this procedure to demonstrate four color STED imaging of platelets with ≤40 nm resolution and low crosstalk. Platelets can selectively store, sequesterand release a multitude of different proteins, and in a manner specific fordifferent physiological and disease states. By applying multicolor nanoscopy tostudy platelets, we can achieve spatial mapping of the protein organizationwith a high resolution, for multiple proteins at the same time and in the samecell. This provides a means to identify specific platelet activation states fordiagnostic purposes and to understand the underlying protein storage andrelease mechanisms. We studied the organization of the pro- and anti-angiogenicproteins VEGF and PF-4 together with fibrinogen and filamentous actin, andfound distinct features in their respective protein localization. Further,colocalization analysis revealed only minor overlap between the proteins VEGFand PF-4 indicating that they have separate storage and release mechanisms,corresponding well with their opposite rules as pro- and anti-angiogenicproteins, respectively.Updated from "Submitted" to "Published". QC 20140630</p

    Skolkuratorns syn på sin yrkesroll och rollkonflikter : rollförväntningar och samarbete i den mångprofessionella elevvårdsgruppen

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Den här undersökningen behandlar skolkuratorns syn på sin yrkesroll. Fokuset finns på upplevda rollförväntningar och rollkonflikter. Skolkuratorerna är en viktig del av den mångprofessionella elevvårdsgruppen i högstadieskolorna och deras arbete påverkas av samarbetet med denna grupp. Det är viktigt att se på hurdan arbetssituation skolkuratorerna befinner sig i och hur eventuella rollkonflikter påverkar deras arbete. Undersökningen utfördes kvalitativt. Materialet samlades in genom temaintervjuer med sex skolkuratorer i svenskfinland. Kravet för skolkuratorernas deltagande i undersökningen var att de var medlemmar i en elevvårdsgrupp i en högstadieskola. Temaområden för intervjun var: elevvårdsgruppen, skolkuratorns arbete, rollförväntningar, rollkonflikter och samarbete. Resultaten analyserades enligt innehållsanalys. Resultaten visade att skolkuratorerna upplevde elevvårdsgruppen som en viktig grupp. Genom elevvårdsgruppen fick de det stöd som de behövde i sitt arbete. Skolkuratorn var något av en kontaktperson mellan t.ex. skolan och hemmet samt till övriga instanser utanför skolan. De var neutrala personer i skolan, som fanns till för att arbeta för elevernas bästa. Skolkuratorerna ansåg att det inte alltid var lätt att veta vilka förväntningar de övriga i elevvårdsgruppen hade på dem. Ju längre arbetserfarenhet skolkuratorerna hade, desto vanligare var det att arbetet bara rullade på och de reflekterade inte desto mer över andras rollförväntningar på dem. Rollkonflikter var förekommande, men det var inget som skolkuratorerna hade funderat speciellt mycket över. En konflikt som förekom hos alla skolkuratorer var att de upplevde att de hade alltför många rollkrav. Israel (1963) tar upp sex olika rollkonflikter medan McGrath (1984)tar upp olika rollbelastningar, rollkonflikter och oklara roller. Alla dessa kunde dock inte hittas i den här undersökningen bland skolkuratorer. Viktiga källor var: Israel (1963), "Socialpsykologi"; Biddle (1979), "Expectations, identities and behaviors"; McGrath (1984), "Groups- interaction and performance"; Sipilä-Lähdekorpi (2004), "Hirveesti tekijänsä näköistä. Koulukuraattorin työ peruskoulun yläluokilla"

    Justice in and through education? Students’ participation in decision-making

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    Drawing on one year of ethnographic work in three Swedish lower secondary schools, this article problematizes students’ participation in decision-making in everyday school life in the perspective of social justice. In order to extend the traditional liberal understanding of justice and include also relational, procedurial, social and cultural aspects of justice, the analysis focuses on the range, depth and breadth of the participation. The analysis highlights how students’ participation in decision-making was curtailed and restricted in ways that referred to both the range and the depth of the participation. There were also deficiencies as regards the breadth.  The analysis indicates inconveniences as regards students’ participation in decision-making in the perspective of social justice. At the same time it raises questions about social justice in educational contexts – to what extent is it possible to reach a social just school and classroom culture? Based on this analysis, it is argued that school actors need to be more explicit about the institutional frameworks and boundaries that regulate and frame students’ participation in decision-making in school. Such an approach might facilitate for students and staff to negotiate within these frameworks to a greater extent than was the case in these three schools. It is also argued that more students need to be involved in decision-making

    Översättning av oral poesi : En analys av svenska bibelöversättningar av Psalm 27:1–6

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    Based on the theories and methods of biblical performance criticism, this study examines Psalm 27:1–6 as oral performance. The purpose is to investigate to what degree an analysis of the Psalter as oral literature, exemplified through Ps 27:1–6, can provide insights for Bible translation into Swedish today. The initial exegetical analysis combines Ernst Wendland’s methods for oral exegesis with Adele Berlin’s and Robert Alter’s insights in parallelism. The analysis identifies a significant number of poetic devices originating from oral discours. Examples include extensive repetition of words, themes, and sounds, as well as introductory rhetorical questions, graphic imagery, descriptions of gestures, in addition to parallelism on every level of the language. After this, the study analyses the text of Ps 27:1–6 in two Swedish Bible translations, Kyrkobibel 1917 (KB1917) and Bibel 2000, in order to see to what extent these qualities are transferred. The results indicate that the oral qualities are transferred to a varied and limited degree. The semantically based parallelism is transferred to a high degree, although some idiomatic translations remove qualities from oral discourse. The repetition of words and sounds are transferred only partly, however, KB1917 transfer the repeated words to a higher degree than Bibel 2000. Finally, the study presents a translation that intends a) to render the Hebrew to the highest extent possible in intelligible Swedish and b) to transfer in the highest extent possible qualities from oral discourse. The translation presented transfers the characteristics of oral discourse to a higher degree than both the Swedish translations analysed, indicating the value of analysing the text as oral performance

    Normative values for sleep parameters in pre-schoolers using actigraphy

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    Objective: There are currently no reference values for actigraphy-measured sleep length and fragmentation in preschool children. We created standardized parameters using a community sample. Methods: Ninety-seven 2-to-6-year-old children (56 boys) wore an actigraph on their non-dominant wrist for seven days. The data was extracted and scored, calculating total sleep time, sleep latency, sleep efficiency, fragmentation index, circadian rhythm length, cosine peak and light/dark ratio. Subjects were divided into groups of 2-3-year-olds, 4-5-year-olds and 6-year-olds. Means and standard deviations were calculated, and reference values were created using the 2.5th and the 97.5th percentiles. Results: Reference intervals were 7 h 23 min-9 h 47 min for 24-hour total sleep time, 0.2-48.4 min for sleep latency, 69-87% for sleep efficiency, 23-53% for fragmentation index, 23 h 39 min-24 h 24 min for circadian rhythm length, 12: 37-15: 53 for the timing of the cosine peak, and 1.14-5.63 for the light-dark ratio. With increasing age, daily sleep time, sleep latency, sleep fragmentation, and napping decreased. Conclusions: We were able to create previously non-established reference values, including trends with increasing age, on actigraphy-assessed sleep in preschool children. Significance: Sleep disorders in young children are easier to evaluate against normative data. (C) 2018 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Debatt kring svensk vapenexport nu och då: argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatter rörande tveksamma svenska exportbeslut

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    I följande arbete analyserar vi två riksdagsdebatter vilka behandlar svensk vapenexport. Vi ställer oss frågor gällande om det finns en skillnad i hur en socialdemokratisk respektive borgerlig regering argumenterar när tveksamma vapenaffärer debatteras. Vi intresserar oss för om det finns någon skillnad i hur argumentationen förs om man är i opposition eller regeringsställning. Metodologiskt använder vi oss av argumentationsanalys och vi analyserar en debatt från 1986 där svensk export till Indonesien debatteras (Riksdagens protokoll 1986/87:29, anförandena 76-98) samt en som handlar om affärer med Saudiarabien (Riksdagens protokoll 2011/12:94, anförandena 57-82). Det visade det sig att de olika argumentationer som förs från regeringshåll har mycket gemensamt, och inte varierar dramatiskt med om det är en socialdemokratisk eller borgerlig regering. Intressant var även att observera hur pass frispråkiga partier som inte hade någon historia av att sitta i regering kunde vara i dessa debatter

    Psychological Flexibility and Self-Compassion as Predictors of Well-Being: Mediating Role of a Balanced Time Perspective

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    Measures of psychological flexibility and self-compassion are strongly associated with well-being. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that these relationships are mediated by a balanced time perspective, a proposed ideal way of relating to the past, present, and future that may correspond with an ability to flexibly switch temporal focus. For this purpose, a Polish community sample (N = 421) responded to a web-survey including measures of psychological flexibility (AAQ-II), self-compassion (SCS), two measures of positive aspects of well-being (Satisfaction with Life, Quality of Life), and the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI). Structural equation models, involving a measure of deviation from a balanced time perspective (DBTP) as a mediator of relationships between latent-level psychological flexibility, self-compassion and well-being factors, were tested. We examined separate models for psychological flexibility and self-compassion and a model including both constructs. The results for separate models were consistent with partial mediation of relationships with well-being, both for psychological flexibility and self-compassion. Results for the analysis involving both constructs, suggested unique contributions of both to DBTP, which in turn predicted well-being, but the link between psychological flexibility and DBTP appeared to be the strongest. In further analyses, three ZTPI dimensions were identified as most critical, namely Past Positive, Present Fatalistic, and Past Negative, each of which were part of an indirect effect on well-being. Psychological flexibility in particular, showed a strong negative association with a Past Negative orientation. Taken together, the results indicate that time perspective is a factor to understand the links between psychological flexibility/self-compassion and well-being. While the results pertaining to self-compassion were consistent with results of a couple of prior studies, this is, to our knowledge, the first demonstration of a link between psychological flexibility and a balanced time perspective. These findings should be relevant for clinical research and practice

    Changes in objectively measured sleep among internationally adopted children in 1-year follow-up during the first years in new families

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    Background Psychosocial risks and environmental changes experienced by internationally adopted children may predict sleep problems, which are incidentally among the main concerns of adoptive parents. Several questionnaire studies have found sleep of internationally adopted children to be problematic, but none of those used an objective measure in a controlled study. Objective To determine whether the objectively recorded sleep of internationally adopted children is worse than their controls who are living with their biological parents. Methods To this case-control part of the Finnish Adoption Study, we recruited children who were adopted internationally to Finland between October 2012 and December 2016. Simultaneously, control children were recruited from 16 daycare centers. To assess sleep in children, actigraphy recordings were made twice, 1 year apart, between December 2013 and April 2018. In the adopted group, the first assessment took place 10 months after they had arrived in their families. The associations between adoption status and sleep parameters were analyzed using linear mixed modeling and adjusted for multiple potential confounders, including child age. Results Seventy-eight internationally adopted children (boys 64%) aged 1-7 years and 99 controls (boys 53%) aged 2-6 years attended the first sleep recording. The recordings showed that the internationally adopted children slept longer (B = 0.48, 95% CI 0.23-0.73, P < 0.001) than the controls. There were no significant differences in sleep fragmentation or sleep efficiency between the groups. During the 1-year follow-up, the sleep patterns of the adopted children approached those of the controls. Conclusions The internationally adopted children spent more time in bed and slept more than their control children in both recordings. However, their sleep patterns were not very different from those of their peers and the differences appeared to vanish during the first years in their new family.Peer reviewe