188 research outputs found

    Intergenerational redistribution in the Great Recession

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    In this paper we construct a stochastic overlapping-generations general equilibrium model in which households are subject to aggregate shocks that affect both wages and asset prices. We use a calibrated version of the model to quantify how the welfare costs of severe recessions are distributed across different household age groups. The model predicts that younger cohorts fare better than older cohorts when the equilibrium decline in asset prices is large relative to the decline in wages, as observed in the data. Asset price declines hurt the old, who rely on asset sales to finance consumption, but benefit the young, who purchase assets at depressed prices. In our preferred calibration, asset prices decline more than twice as much as wages, consistent with the experience of the US economy in the Great Recession. A model recession is approximately welfare-neutral for households in the 20–29 age group, but translates into a large welfare loss of around 10% of lifetime consumption for households aged 70 and over.

    Diseño de un plan estratégico para mejorar la gestión de la empresa Frankimport Cía. Ltda, Quito

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo diseñar un Plan Estratégico para mejorar la gestión de la empresa FRANKIMPORT Cía. Ltda.; en este sentido, se realizó un diagnóstico de la situación actual de la empresa, tanto del ambiente externo e interno, del cual se desplegaron oportunidades,amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades; con la información arrojada del diagnóstico se procedió a definir su direccionamiento estratégico y a elaborar su mapa estratégico a fin de que permita la visualización de la organización, indicando dónde está, hacia dónde quiere ir; y cómo lo quiere lograr. Ya teniendo las acciones propuestas para lograr los objetivos de la empresa, su misión y visión, se desarrolló el plan estratégico, táctico y operativo, los cuales se encuentran sintetizados ordenadamente, recopilando objetivos, estrategias, acciones, indicadores, metas, responsables y plazos. Para finalizar se describen las correspondientes conclusiones y recomendaciones del estudio.This research aims to design a Strategic Plan to improve management of FRANKIMPORT LTD.; for this, a diagnosis of the company’s current situation was carried out, both for its internal and external environments, from which we identified its opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. With the information gathered from the diagnosis, its strategic direction was defined and its strategic map was produced, in order to allow visualizing the company’s organization, showing where its current place is, where it seeks to be, and how it’s going to get there. With the proposed actions in place to achieve the company’s objectives, its mission and vision, the strategic, tactical and operational plans were developed, which are orderly synthesized, collecting objectives, strategies, actions, indicators, goals, people responsible and deadlines. Finally, the corresponding conclusions and recommendations of this study are stated

    The Industrial Revolution in the 1st Bachillerato manuals: analysis and didactic proposal

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    RESUMEN La Revolución Industrial supuso el mayor cambio en la historia de las sociedades humanas desde el Neolítico. Dentro de la educación secundaria postobligatoria, la Revolución Industrial se imparte dentro del curso de 1º de Bachillerato en la materia de Historia del Mundo Contemporáneo. En este sentido, el presente Trabajo Final de Máster recoge los elementos fundamentales de la Revolución Industrial atendiendo a los factores que la dotan de un mayor carácter explicativo. Asimismo, se analizan como recurso didáctico los manuales de 1º de Bachillerato de Historia del Mundo Contemporáneo, advirtiendo no solo a sus contenidos, y a cuáles son a los que se les da una mayor importancia, sino también a la metodología didáctica de sus actividades. Todo ello, con la intención de abordar el principal objetivo del Trabajo Final de Máster, la de llevar a cabo una propuesta didáctica que trate de mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Revolución Industrial en el curso de 1º de Bachillerato.ABSTRACT The Industrial Revolution was the greatest change in the history of human societies since the Neolithic. Within the post-compulsory secondary education, the Industrial Revolution is taught within the 1st year of Baccalaureate in the subject of Contemporary World History. In this sense, this Master's Final Project includes the fundamental elements of the Industrial Revolution, taking into account the factors that give it a greater explanatory character. Likewise, the manuals of the 1st year of High School History of the Contemporary World are analyzed as a didactic resource, not only warning their contents, and which ones are given greater importance, but also the didactic methodology of their activities. All this, with the intention of addressing the main objective of the Final Master's Project, that of carrying out a didactic proposal that tries to improve the teaching-learning process of the Industrial Revolution in the 1st year of Bachillerato.Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundari

    Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession

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    In this paper we construct a stochastic overlapping-generations general equilibrium model in which households are subject to aggregate shocks that affect both wages and asset prices. We use a calibrated version of the model to quantify how the welfare costs of severe recessions are distributed across different household age groups. The model predicts that younger cohorts fare better than older cohorts when the equilibrium decline in asset prices is large relative to the decline in wages, as observed in the data. Asset price declines hurt the old, who rely on asset sales to finance consumption, but benefit the young, who purchase assets at depressed prices. In our preferred calibration, asset prices decline more than twice as much as wages, consistent with the experience of the US economy in the Great Recession. A model recession is approximately welfare-neutral for households in the 20-29 age group, but translates into a large welfare loss of around 10% of lifetime consumption for households aged 70 and over.

    Highly Educated Men Establish Strong Emotional Links with Their Dogs : A Study with Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) in Committed Spanish Dog Owners

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    The characteristics of the human-animal bond may be influenced by both owner-related and dog-related factors. A study was designed to explore the existence of different dog ownership patterns and their related factors. We created an on line questionnaire that included demographic questions about the dog and the owner, a Spanish version of the Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) and a validated measure of satisfaction with life (Cantril's ladder). We collected 1140 valid responses from adult dog owners, who were recruited using the client databases of Spanish veterinary practices. We explored the presence of groups within the population using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of the MDORS variables combined with Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA). Two groups were found; Group I having a higher level of emotional involvement with their dogs compared with Group II. Binary logistic regression was used to explore demographic factors that influenced group membership. Four variables were significantly associated with membership of Group I (p<0.0001); male gender of the owner (OR = 32.36), high school level of maximum educational attainment (OR = 0.052), university level of maximum educational attainment (OR = 8.652), and owner Cantril's score (OR = 0.807). The results obtained from this convenience sample demonstrate that different patterns of dog-ownership may be present within a population of owner-dog dyads, and that certain owner characteristics are associated with the type of owner-dog relationship. Future research could apply a similar approach to different types of sample population in order to identify specific patterns of dog-ownership

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of the phase diagram of solid molecular hydrogen at extreme pressures.

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    Establishing the phase diagram of hydrogen is a major challenge for experimental and theoretical physics. Experiment alone cannot establish the atomic structure of solid hydrogen at high pressure, because hydrogen scatters X-rays only weakly. Instead, our understanding of the atomic structure is largely based on density functional theory (DFT). By comparing Raman spectra for low-energy structures found in DFT searches with experimental spectra, candidate atomic structures have been identified for each experimentally observed phase. Unfortunately, DFT predicts a metallic structure to be energetically favoured at a broad range of pressures up to 400 GPa, where it is known experimentally that hydrogen is non-metallic. Here we show that more advanced theoretical methods (diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations) find the metallic structure to be uncompetitive, and predict a phase diagram in reasonable agreement with experiment. This greatly strengthens the claim that the candidate atomic structures accurately model the experimentally observed phases.We thank Dominik Jochym for help with the implementation of the BLYP density functional. Financial support was provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), U.K. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. Additional calculations were performed on the Cambridge High Performance Computing Service facility Darwin and the N8 high-performance computing facility provided and funded by the N8 consortium and EPSRC (Grant No. EP/K000225/1). We thank Dominik Jochym for help with the mplementation of the BLYP density functional. Financial support was provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), U.K. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. Additional calculations were performed on the Cambridge High Performance Computing Service facility Darwin and the N8 high-performance computing facility provided and funded by the N8 consortium and EPSRC (Grant No. EP/K000225/1).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms879

    Seasonality and predictability shape temporal species diversity

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    Temporal environmental fluctuations, such as seasonality, exert strong controls on biodiversity. While the effects of seasonality are well known, the predictability of fluctuations across years may influence seasonality in ways that are less well understood. The ability of a habitat to support unique, non‐nested assemblages of species at different times of the year should depend on both seasonality (occurrence of events at specific periods of the year) and predictability (the reliability of event recurrence) of characteristic ecological conditions. Drawing on tools from wavelet analysis and information theory, we developed a framework for quantifying both seasonality and predictability of habitats, and applied this using global long‐term rainfall data. Our analysis predicted that temporal beta diversity should be maximized in highly predictable and highly seasonal climates, and that low degrees of seasonality, predictability, or both would lower diversity in characteristic ways. Using stream invertebrate communities as a case study, we demonstrated that temporal species diversity, as exhibited by community turnover, was determined by a balance between temporal environmental variability (seasonality) and the reliability of this variability (predictability). Communities in highly seasonal mediterranean environments exhibited strong oscillations in community structure, with turnover from one unique community type to another across seasons, whereas communities in aseasonal New Zealand environments fluctuated randomly. Understanding the influence of seasonal and other temporal scales of environmental oscillations on diversity is not complete without a clear understanding of their predictability, and our framework provides tools for examining these trends at a variety of temporal scales, seasonal and beyond. Given the uncertainty of future climates, seasonality and predictability are critical considerations for both basic science and management of ecosystems (e.g., dam operations, bioassessment) spanning gradients of climatic variability

    Diseño del sistema de alcantarillado pluvial y sanitario para las ciudadelas Cica y los Laureles del cantón Santa Elena

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    La presente tesis tiene como propósito el contribuir al saneamiento básico de las ciudadelas CICA y Los Laureles ubicados en el cantón Santa Elena de la provincia de Santa Elena. Este proyecto incluye el estudio, diseño, cálculos, presupuesto general y planos donde se detalla la obra civil. Esta consta de siete capítulos. En el primero se mencionan todas las generalidades del diseño en estudio, así como objetivos y descripción general de la zona. El segundo capítulo se enfoca a los trabajos de campo e investigaciones. En el tercer capítulo consta el diseño de red de alcantarillado sanitario, y pluvial. En el capítulo cuarto se establecen las especificaciones técnicas usadas en este diseño como también los materiales empleados para la ejecución del mismo. En el capítulo quinto se detallan los análisis de precios unitarios y el presupuesto de la obra. En el capítulo sexto se menciona el estudio del impacto ambiental causado y las posibles medidas de mitigación. Por último, en el capítulo séptimo se encuentran conclusiones, recomendaciones, bibliografía y apéndices

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema de monitoreo remoto para un calentador solar

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    Este trabajo se realizó con el fin de colaborar en la investigación para mejorar el rendimiento de un colector solar, haciendo la medición de dos variables que intervienen dentro del tanque del colector, como son la temperatura y el nivel del agua, el cual se lleva a cabo en la Fundación Cristiana Kyrios. La Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira y el programa de Tecnología Mecánica, están liderando un proyecto de viviendas eco-sostenibles en dicha institución con el fin de beneficiar a los habitantes de la fundación. La idea principal del proyecto es dar las herramientas necesarias para la investigación de cómo hacer más eficiente el colector solar ubicado allí, donde se hizo instrumentación electrónica de las variables dentro del tanque del colector, realizando luego el tratamiento para convertir las señales analógicas en digitales por medio de una tarjeta de adquisición de datos ARDUINO UNO. Luego se transmiten los datos a través de un módulo ARDUINO GSM-GPRS por medio de internet móvil gracias a la señal celular que se conecta a un portal web y utilizando servidor gratuito, se sube la información para monitorear el cambio de las condiciones y así llevar un histórico del comportamiento de las variables de temperatura y nivel dentro del tanque del colector solar