157 research outputs found

    La revolució industrial, l’eix del treball de síntesi a 2n d’eso

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    El treball de síntesi és un conjunt d’activitats interdisciplinàries que permet que l’alumnat apliqui els coneixements i habilitats adquirits durant un període d’aprenentatge. Es tracta d’una tasca que té un paper molt important dins el currículum de l’educació secundària obligatòria. Cada centre és l’encarregat de desenvolupar les diverses activitats orientant-les, lliurement, entorn una temàtica central, aprofitant per treballar les diverses competències bàsiques a partir d’un projecte conjunt entre les diferents matèries del curs. Els objectius generals d’un treball de síntesi són: - Mostrar la capacitat d’autonomia en l’organització del treball individual. - Desenvolupar la capacitat de cooperar i col·laborar en el treball en equip. - Reforçar els aprenentatges de les àrees comunes. - Interrelacionar continguts a partir d’un centre d’interès. - Afavorir la coordinació docent i acordar pautes procedimentals comunes. Per treballar aquests objectius, es parteix d’un tema central, que es relaciona amb el continu canvi social i tecnològic, que són els avanços tecnològics que hi ha hagut al llarg del temps per donar resposta a les necessitats de la societat en cada moment. Per donar resposta a aquest canvi, es vol que l’alumnat conegui quin va ser l’origen, per aquest motiu l’eix central serà la Revolució Industrial. I els objectius del present treball són els següents: - Programació d’un projecte tecnològic on la Revolució Industrial sigui l’eix central, que inclou visites al MNATEC, al Parc de l’Espanya Industrial i a l’Escola del Consum de Catalunya. - Elaboració de material didàctic per a treballar la importància del canvi/evolució tecnològica. - Elaboració d’un projecte de Tecnologia a partir del qual s’estableixi un lligam amb la resta de matèries. A través de la Revolució Industrial, de la màquina de vapor, dels edificis industrials... - Potenciació de l’ús de les noves tecnologies i que en la seva vida quotidiana en facin un bon ús

    Temperament and character profile and its clinical correlates in male patients with dual schizophrenia

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    Personality traits are relevant in understanding substance use disorders (SUD) and schizophrenia (SZ), but few works have also included patients with dual schizophrenia (SZ+) and personality traits. We explored personality profile in a sample of 165 male patients under treatment, using the Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised. The participants were assigned to three groups of 55 patients each, according to previous diagnosis: SUD, SZ- and SZ+ (without/with SUD). We analyzed their clinical characteristics, relating them to personality dimensions. The SUD and SZ+ groups scored higher than SZ- in Novelty/Sensation Seeking. SZ- and SZ+ presented higher Harm Avoidance and lower Persistence than the SUD group. SZ+ patients showed the lowest levels of Self-directedness, while SZ- and SZ+ had higher scores in Self-transcendence than the SUD group. Several clinical characteristics were associated with personality dimensions depending on diagnosis, and remarkably so for psychiatric symptoms in the SZ- and SZ+ groups. The three groups had a maladaptive personality profile compared to general population. Our results point to different profiles for SUD versus SZ, while both profiles appear combined in the SZ+ group, with extreme scores in some traits. Thus, considering personality endophenotypes in SZ+ could help in designing individualized interventions for this group

    Circadian rhythmicity in schizophrenia male patients with and without substance use disorder comorbidity

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    Circadian rhythmicity is associated to clinical variables that play an important role in both schizophrenia (SZ) and substance use disorders (SUD), although the characteristics of the coexistence of these two diagnoses (SZ +) remain mostly unknown. Hence, we studied a sample of 165 male patients divided in three groups each of 55, according to their diagnoses (SZ + , SZ, and SUD), as well as a healthy control (HC; n = 90) group. Alongside with sociodemographic and clinical variables, circadian rhythms were registered through a sleep–wake data structured interview, a circadian typology questionnaire, and distal skin temperature (DST) using the Thermochron iButton every 2 min during 48 h. Analyses showed that SZ + and SZ patients presented a longer sleep (delay in wake-up time) and mostly an intermediate circadian typology, while SUD patients slept less hours, displaying a morning typology. The DST showed the highest daily activation and stability for the SUD group, even when compared with the HC group. The presence of schizophrenia (SZ + and SZ) was related to a DST pattern with a reduced amplitude determined by a wakefulness impairment, which was more pronounced for SZ patients whose sleep period was adequate. The assessment of circadian rhythms in under treatment male patients with SZ should be focused on the diurnal period as a possible marker of either treatment adherence or patient's recovery, irrespective of the presence of a comorbid SUD. Further research with additional objective measures may provide knowledge transferable to therapeutic strategies and could be useful to establish possible endophenotypes in the future.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; grant: PID2020-117767 GB-I00)

    Polyaza macroligands as potential agents for heavy metal removal from wastewater

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    Two polyaza macroligands N,N´-bis(2-aminobenzyl)-1,2- ethanediamine (L1) and 3,6,9,12-tetraaza-4(1,2),11(1,2)-dibenzo-1(1,3)- piridinaciclotridecafano (L2) were characterized and investigated for their metal ion extraction capabilities. The nature of all complexes was established by spectroscopic techniques. The equilibrium constants were determined by spectrophotometric and potentiometric techniques and the residual concentration of metals in the solutions by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The capacity of the ligands to remove heavy metals such as Cu(II), Ni(II), Cd(II), Zn(II) and Pb(II) as insoluble complexes was evaluated in wastewater from industrial effluents. These agents showed high affinity for the studied metals. The values of equilibrium constants of the isolated complexes (between 1 x 104 and 2 x 107) demonstrated the feasibility of applying these chelating agents as an alternative to remove heavy metals from industrial effluents

    Personality Profile and Clinical Correlates of Patients With Substance Use Disorder With and Without Comorbid Depression Under Treatment

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    Background: Among patients with substance use disorder (SUD), major depressive disorder (MDD) is highly prevalent. Even though, personality plays an important role in treatment outcomes for individuals with SUD and SUD + MDD, few studies have explored personality characteristics in these samples. This study aims to describe personality for patients with SUD taking into account the comorbid MDD, using the Alternative Five Factor Model (AFFM). We also aim to compare SUD + MDD patients with population norms and to elucidate possible personality clinical correlates. Methods: For our study, 116 male patients undergoing for SUD treatment were divided in two groups: SUD only (N = 58) and SUD + MDD (N = 58). To examine personality, we used the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire and multiple analyses of covariance were performed to identify differences. In a first analysis, age was introduced as a covariate whereas in a second analysis the continuous variables that showed to have a discriminant value for the groups were added as covariates. Variables predicting the presence of dual diagnosis and personality clinical correlates were analyzed by logistic and linear regression models, respectively. We observed that patients with SUD + MDD show distinctive personality characteristics compared with patients with SUD only and population norms. Results: According to the AFFM, SUD + MDD patients are characterized by higher Neuroticism-Anxiety (positively associated to depressive symptoms) and Impulsivity; and by lower Parties and Friends. Moreover, the probability of having a dual depressive disorder was represented by the amount of medications and substances used. The preference for hard work and the energy self-reported levels (Work Activity trait) are linked to these clinical variables rather than to the presence/absence of a dual depressive disorder. Conclusions: Even when controlling clinical variables related to a higher probability of having a dual depressive disorder, the Neuroticism-Anxiety is a personality trait that strongly differentiates between SUD only and SUD + MDD patients. Further investigation is needed to explore the role of this personality trait as endophenotype in dual depressive men. Our results underline the importance of a dimensional understanding of personality and its clinical correlates among patients with SUD + MDD; this approach could provide us information on specific treatment strategies to improve the prognosis of patients

    Estudio teórico de SFRP1 como nueva diana terapéutica para el tratamiento del Alzheimer

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    La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa del sistema nervioso central caracterizada por una muerte progresiva neuronal que afecta principalmente a regiones corticales del cerebro y parte del sistema límbico. Se producen alteraciones en la memoria, el lenguaje, la percepción, la orientación y las funciones ejecutivas, siendo una de las principales causas de demencia en el mundo. Una de las principales características de la EA es la aparición de placas seniles o amiloides. Las placas seniles son depósitos extra-neuronales conformados por la acumulación del péptido Aβ-42 (péptido β- amiloide), producido por la proteólisis de la proteína precursora amiloide (APP) por β-secretasa y γ- secretasa. En cambio, la escisión no patológica de APP se produce por α-secretasa y γ-secretasa. Se prevé que la EA afecte a más de 150 millones de personas para 2050, convirtiéndose en un problema socioeconómico grave. Pese a todos los esfuerzos, aún no se ha conseguido ninguna terapia efectiva. Debido a la ineficacia en las terapias contra las dianas terapéuticas conocidas actualmente, en el presente trabajo hemos investigado la proteína SFRP1 como una nueva diana terapéutica potencial. SFRP1 se encuentra sobre-expresada en pacientes con EA produciendo inhibición de ADAM10 (α- secretasa), favoreciendo la formación del péptido β-amiloide. Hemos desarrollado, de forma teórica, un proyecto para conseguir compuestos que inhiban SFRP1 e impidan su unión a ADAM10, de forma que esta α-secretasa pueda realizar su función. Para este proyecto teórico asumimos que disponemos de una librería con numerosos compuestos químicos a partir de la cual diseñamos un proceso de drug discovery con el objetivo de conseguir un compuesto con capacidad de inhibir a SFRP1 cuyas propiedades permitan su uso como fármaco. Para ello hemos desarrollado un pre-cribado computacional y un posterior ensayo de alto rendimiento (HTS) mediante FRET. Este ensayo nos permitiría identificar qué compuestos cuentan con un mayor porcentaje de inhibición y serían re-evaluados con ensayos HTS para seleccionar aquellos con menor IC-50 y mayor selectividad frente a SFRP1. A continuación, se evaluarán mediante un ensayo PAMPA los compuestos con capacidad para atravesar la barrera hematoencefálica y se realizarán estudios in vitro en células telencefálicas e in vivo en modelos de murinos de EA para confirmar su eficacia. Por último, se desarrollarían estudios pre-clínicos de farmacología y toxicología de los compuestos seleccionados, como paso previo al estudio del fármaco en ensayos clínicos para comprobar si finalmente podría usarse como tratamiento de la E

    Coping Strategies in Male Patients under Treatment for Substance Use Disorders and/or Severe Mental Illness: Influence in Clinical Course at One-Year Follow-Up

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    Coping strategies have an impact on substance use disorders (SUD), relapses, and clinical variables, but knowledge on this area is scarce. We explored the coping strategies used during treatment in patients with dual diagnosis (DD), SUD, and severe mental illness (SMI), and the relation with clinical course and relapses at one-year follow-up. A sample of 223 patients was divided into three groups depending on diagnosis: DD (N = 80; SUD with comorbid schizophrenia or major depressive disorder), SUD only (N = 80), and SMI only (N = 63; schizophrenia or major depressive disorder). MANCOVA analyses reflected differences in self-criticism and problem avoidance, with a higher use of these in the DD and SUD groups. The coping strategies used differed depending on the presence/absence of a SUD, but not depending on psychiatric diagnosis. At one-year follow-up, social support was the only strategy that predicted the presence of relapses in DD patients with schizophrenia (positively), and in SMI patients with major depressive disorder (negatively). Thus, social support was associated with relapses, but the relationship was different depending on psychiatric diagnosis. Further studies should analyze the implications of social support as a coping strategy in different mental disorders, as well as its usefulness in individualized interventions

    Fouling study of nanofiltration membranes for sugar control in grape must: Analysis of resistances and the role of osmotic pressure

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    Producción CientíficaThree membranes are analyzed attending to their retention, flux and fouling when used to nanofiltrate sugars in red grape musts. With high molecular weight compounds, fouling develops from initial pore blocking to final cake deposition. A decrease of resistance appears due to a decrease of the effective transmembrane pressure and cake compaction. The final effective pore size corresponds to that of the compacted cake. Attending to flux decay and sugar retention, two membranes, HL and SR3, are appropriate to reduce the content of sugar of red must. Specifically SR3 shows the best passage of sugar and less foulingJunta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA302U13

    An Alternative Approach to Determine the Dynamic Stiffness of Resilient Materials under Low Prestatic Load

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    Dynamic stiffness is a parameter of great importance for the assessment of the sound insulation properties of resilient materials commonly used under floating floors in dwellings. This work proposes a simplified approach that relies on an electro-mechanical circuit model for the determination of this parameter using a two-degree-of-freedom system of masses and springs. Unlike the method described in the standard ISO 9052-1, the proposed approach uses a single electrodynamic actuator both as an impulser and vibration sensor, thus reducing the instrumental requirements and yielding a more stable arrangement. By measuring the input electrical impedance of the mass-loaded actuator when coupled to a slab–material system it was possible to retrieve the mechanical mobility function thereof and thus obtain the dynamic stiffness of the material. Several materials were tested following the proposed approach, with results showing good agreement when compared to those obtained following the standardized procedure. In general, the preliminary research encourages the use of the proposed approach for characterization purposes

    Prediction of single salt rejection in nanofiltration membranes by independent measurements

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work amethod is proposed to predict salt rejection by nanofiltration. The procedure starts fromthe steric, electric and dielectric exclusion model with charge (and permitivity) depending on the concentration along the pore, SEDE-VCh, for membrane characterization, and substitutes all fitting parameters by values obtained by independent methods. These parameters are the relative permittivity inside the pores and the two constants of the Freundlich isothermfor the volumetric charge density,which can be obtained by impedance spectroscopy techniques. Moreover, the pore size and shape and the active layer thickness are required to complement the model. The pore size was obtained by using a neutral solute rejection test and the active layer thickness was estimated by SEM. Therefore, the model also requires pore shape as input. AFM measurements suggest the assumption of a slit shape for the pores. A Desal-HL membrane has been structurally, electrically and functionally characterized. These data allowed the testing of the predictive model that was subsequently demonstrated; as far as results are good enough considering the complexity of the mechanisms involved. Consequently, it seems clear that once the model parameters have been obtained by independent methods, it can be used as a predictive tool.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA302U13
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