141 research outputs found

    Case Report Of Ganser Syndrome In A 14-year-old Girl: Another Face Of Depressive Disorder ?

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    International audienceABSTRACT: The Ganser syndrome is rare in children and in adolescents. A case of Ganser syndrome in a 14-year-old girl, with three of the four essential features, is presented. After rapid resolution in two weeks, Ganser symptoms reappear seven months later accompanied, this second time, by previous depressive symptoms. This report raises the possibility of Ganser syndrome as a manifestation of depressive disorder in adolescence

    Conversos y librepensamiento. A la bĂşsqueda de algunas huellas (ss. XVI y XVII)

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    In the 16th and 17th centuries, among Iberian New Christians there can be detected some radical manifestations of religious disruption. Following the research of Yitzhak Baer, Carl Gebhardt and most notably Israël S. Révah, these phenomena repeatedly have been linked both to late medieval Jewish «averroism» and the Spinozistic philosophy of the 17th century. However, more perspectives are possible. Here, we would like to present the trends of converso unbelieve with their academic background and in the European context, paying special attention to a group of five New Christian physicians, who, about 1630, together studied at the University of Alcalá de Henares.En los siglos XVI y XVII, en el entorno de los cristianos nuevos ibéricos se detectan algunas manifestaciones radicales de desvinculación religiosa. Prosiguiendo las investigaciones de Yitzhak Baer, Carl Gebhardt y sobre todo de Israël S. Révah, esos fenómenos han sido repetidamente vinculados tanto con el «averroísmo» judío bajomedieval como con la filosofía spinoziana del seiscientos. Sin embargo, nos parecen posibles más enfoques. Aquí, queremos presentar esas corrientes de incredulidad conversa sobre su trasfondo académico y enmarcadas en el contexto europeo, prestando una atención particular a un grupo de cinco médicos cristianos nuevos que, alrededor de 1630, estudiaron juntos en la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

    Cristianos nuevos de origen ibérico en el Reino de Nápoles en el siglo XVII

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    In 1541, in the Kingdom of Naples, the Jews were expelled or converted to Christianity resulting in an important community of New Christians that flourished and remained until the mid-17th. During a process of social assimilation and consequently dissolution, a significant number of the members of the community was subject to the Roman Inquisition. The faith trials reveal how complex the community composition was, linked mainly to two outstanding families: the Vaaz, of Portuguese origin, and the Vargas, natives of the Kingdom of Aragon. These families had acquired feudal properties, nobility titles and preeminent positions in magistracy, attributes which placed them among those who held effective power. But the community included more humble families and individuals as well. Internal conflicts led to a break in solidarity and inquisitors took advantage of lack of protection by judging and imposing severe sentences reserved for the Crypto-Jews.En el Reino de Nápoles, de donde fueron expulsados los judíos en 1541, se desarrolló una importante comunidad de cristianos nuevos que pervivió hasta mediados del siglo XVII. Entonces, cuando la comunidad se hallaba en vías de asimilación social, y por tanto de disolución, la Inquisición romana procedió contra muchos de sus miembros. Los procesos de fe desvelan la compleja composición de la comunidad, aglutinada en torno a dos grandes redes de parentesco: la de los Vaaz, de origen portugués, y la de los Vargas, originarios de la Corona de Aragón. Estas familias habían logrado posesiones feudales, títulos de nobleza y puestos preeminentes en la magistratura, atributos que los situaban entre los poderosos: pero la comunidad incluía también a familias e individuos más humildes. Sus contradicciones internas provocaron la ruptura de la solidaridad y esa falta de protección fue aprovechada por los inquisidores para juzgarlos e imponerles las penas reservadas para los herejes judaizantes

    Los Conversos de Américo Castro y la Cuestión de Subjetividad

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    Scholars have long puzzled over the disproportionate role played by Judeo-conversos in the innovative cultural currents of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain. Recently, a number of scholars have developed the idea that outstanding converso thinkers and authors shared a sensibility that anticipated modernity (particularly Jewish modernity). One of the key features of this sensibility was subjective consciousness. This article explores the foundational work of Américo Castro on this subject. Drawing from nineteenth-century orientalist discourse, Castro understood the subjective awareness of conversos to be a renewed expression of ancient “semitic” characteristics discernable in medieval Jewish (and Islamic) writing, as well as in the Hebrew Bible. In Castro’s view, the conversos’ inherent access to their inner life, stimulated by their experience of repression, allowed them to create a literature that became synonymous with Hispanicity. Castro’s conversos, in whom the strongly negative characteristics of his Jews have “disappeared,” are thus harbingers not of modernity, but of a coalescing Spanish national identity. Yet his essentialized view of converso subjectivity has offered support to recent scholarship on “Marranism” and modernity, which follows Castro in its converso-centric apprehension of subjectivity in early modern Europe.Desde hace bastante tiempo, los investigadores se encuentran desconcertados ante el desproporcionado papel de los judeo-conversos dentro de las corrientes renovadoras de la España de los siglos dieciséis y diecisiete. Recientemente, una serie de investigadores ha planteado la idea de que destacados pensadores y autores conversos compartieron un tipo de sensibilidad que anticiparía la modernidad (particularmente, la modernidad judía). Una de las principales características de dicha sensibilidad seria la conciencia subjetiva. Este artículo explora el trabajo fundacional de Américo Castro en este materia. Partiendo de los discursos orientalistas del siglo XIX, Castro interpretó la conciencia subjetiva de los conversos como una expresión renovada de antiguos rasgos “semíticos”, discernibles en escritos medievales judíos (e islámicos), así como en la Biblia Hebrea. Desde el punto de vista de Castro, el acceso innato de los conversos a su vida interior, estimulado por su experiencia de la represión, les permitió crear una literatura que se convirtió en sinónimo de españolidad. Los conversos de Castro - para los cuales han desaparecido las características fuertemente negativas de sus judíos - no serían los precursores de la modernidad, sino de una identidad nacional hispana asimiladora. Sin embargo, su visión esencialista de la subjetividad conversa ha servido de base para aportaciones más recientes sobre el “marranismo” y la modernidad, que siguen a Castro en su interpretación converso-centrista de la subjetividad en la temprana modernidad europea

    A rapid screening tool for psychological distress in children 3--6years old: results of a validation study.

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    International audienceABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The mental health needs of young children in humanitarian contexts often remain unaddressed. The lack of a validated, rapid and simple tool for screening combined with few mental health professionals able to accurately diagnose and provide appropriate care mean that young children remain without care. Here, we present the results of the principle cross-cultural validation of the "Psychological Screening for Young Children aged 3 to 6" (PSYCAa3-6). The PSYCa 3--6 is a simple scale for children 3 to 6 years old administered by non-specialists, to screen young children in crises and thereby refer them to care if needed. METHODS: This study was conducted in Maradi, Niger. The scale was translated into Hausa, using corroboration of independent translations. A cross-cultural validation was implemented using quantitative and qualitative methods. A random sample of 580 mothers or caregivers of children 3 to 6 years old were included. The tool was psychometrically examined and diagnostic properties were assessed comparing the PSYCa 3--6 against a clinical interview as the gold standard. RESULTS: The PSYCa 3--6 Hausa version demonstrated good concurrent validity, as scores correlated with the gold standard and the Clinical Global Impression Severity Scale (CGI-S) [rho = 0.41, p-value = 0.00]. A reduction procedure was used to reduce the scale from 40 to 22 items. The test-retest reliability of the PSYCa 3--6 was found to be high (ICC 0.81, CI95% [0.68; 0.89]). In our sample, although not the purpose of this study, approximately 54 of 580 children required subsequent follow-up with a psychologist. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first validation of a screening scale for children 3 to 6 years old with a cross-cultural validation component, for use in humanitarian contexts. The Hausa version of the PSYCa 3--6 is a reliable and a valuable screening tool for psychological distress. Further studies to replicate our findings and additional validations of the PSYCa 3--6 in other populations may help improve the delivery of mental health care to children

    Vidal Mayor, Traducción aragonesa de la obra «In excelsis Dei Thesauris » de Vidal de Canellas, editada por Gunnar Tilander, 1956

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    Révah Israël Salvatore. Vidal Mayor, Traducción aragonesa de la obra «In excelsis Dei Thesauris » de Vidal de Canellas, editada por Gunnar Tilander, 1956. In: Romania, tome 78 n°310, 1957. pp. 262-265

    Vidal Mayor, Traducción aragonesa de la obra «In excelsis Dei Thesauris » de Vidal de Canellas, editada por Gunnar Tilander, 1956

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    Révah Israël Salvatore. Vidal Mayor, Traducción aragonesa de la obra «In excelsis Dei Thesauris » de Vidal de Canellas, editada por Gunnar Tilander, 1956. In: Romania, tome 78 n°310, 1957. pp. 262-265

    Langues et littératures du Midi de la France et de la péninsule Ibérique

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    Révah Israël-S. Langues et littératures du Midi de la France et de la péninsule Ibérique. In: École pratique des hautes études. 4e section, Sciences historiques et philologiques. Annuaire 1968-1969. 1969. pp. 325-329

    Kimberley S. Roberts, An Anthology of Old Portuguese, s. d

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    Révah Israël Salvatore. Kimberley S. Roberts, An Anthology of Old Portuguese, s. d. In: Romania, tome 78 n°312, 1957. p. 544
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