23 research outputs found

    First record of North American ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius (Fitch) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Finland - a new potential forest pest?

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    The North American ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius is reported for the first time in Finland. One specimen was caught by a Ips typographus pheromone trap in Vantaa in 1996. The species was introduced to Europe from North Americain 1933, and since then it has spread to many Middle European countries. It is possible that this species has already become established in Fennoscandia, because of repeated introductions

    Catches of Ips duplicatus and other non-target Coleoptera by Ips typographus pheromone trapping

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    Catches of non-target Coleoptera in Ips typographus pheromone traps baited with Ipslure® were analysed along a geographic gradient running from southwestem Finland to eastern Finland and Russian Karelia. Besides I. typographus, two other bark beetles, Pityogenes chalcographus and Ips duplicatus were caught in high numbers. I. duplicatus occuned on northeastern sites only, suggesting a more restricted distribution than previously known. High numbers of Thanasimus spp. beetles indicate that I. typographus pheromone is also an effective attractant for bark beetle predators. In addition, the originally North American ambrosia beetle Gnathotrichus materiarius, now widely spread in Europe was found for the first time in nature in Finland

    Soil fauna of Finland: Acarina, Collembola and Enchytraeidae

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    This paper is a summary report of a study on the soil fauna of Finland, supported by the Ministry of Environment, in the framework of the Finnish “PUTTE-Project” (Research Programme of Deficiently Known and Threatened Forest Species). Thematerialwas collected systematically from 15 different habitat types in eleven sampling areas with geographical coverage of the country

    Nurmien kaliumtalous. Maan reservikaliumin merkitys kaliumlannoituksen suunnittelussa

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    Kalium on nurmen sadontuoton kannalta heti typen jälkeen tärkein ravinne. Se vaikuttaa paitsi sadon tuottoon myös nurmen ravitsemukselliseen laatuun. Nurmet käyttävät runsaasti kaliumia ja sadon mukana kaliumia voi poistua 50-400 kg hehtaarilta kasvukaudessa. Vuotuinen kaliumlannoituskustannus voi nousta hyvinkin korkeaksi, mutta toisaalta kaliumin käytön kannattavuus on usein hyvä vahvan satovasteen vuoksi. Kaliumlannoituksen suunnittelu perustuu viljavuusanalyysissä analysoitavaan maan viljavuuskaliumpitoisuuteen. Suomessa ja muissa Pohjoismaissa tehdyissä kaliumlannoitustutkimuksissa viljavuuskalium on osoittautunut nurmilla heikoksi kaliumtarpeen ennustajaksi. Maan kaliumtilaa laajemmin kuvaavaa reservikaliumpitoisuutta onkin ehdotettu paremmaksi lannoitustarpeen mittariksi. Tästä lähtökohdasta päätettiin selvittää meta-analyysin avulla selittääkö maaperän reservikalium (2 M HCl-uutto) paremmin nurmien kaliuminottoa ja lannoitustarvetta Suomessa. Meta-analyysiaineistoon sisällytettiin yhteensä 17 koesarjaa, jotka oli suoritettu nurmenviljelyalueella ja joista oli saatavilla analyysin kannalta välttämättömät maaperätiedot sekä pintamaasta että jankosta (mm. maalajikoostumus, reservikalium, jankon ominaisuudet). Erisuuruisia lannoitustasoja aineistossa oli yhteensä 36 ja kaliumlannoitus vaihteli välillä 0-320 kg ha-1 v-1. Tärkeimmäksi vastemuuttujaksi valittiin kuivaainesato. Aineistossa oli hyvin vähän 0-ruutuja, joten lähestymistavaksi valittiin ns. suhteellisen sadon menetelmä. Tämän tarkoituksena oli saattaa eri vuosien ja koepaikkojen sadot toisiinsa nähden paremmin vertailukelpoisiksi. Yksittäisiä satotietueita oli 642. Kunkin kokeen sisällä suhteellista satoa selitettiin kaliumlannoituksella käyttäen satofunktiona joko lineaarista kuvausta tai Mitscherlichin funktioita. Kun kunkin kokeen satofunktio oli ratkaistu, derivoitiin satofunktiot ja laskettiin funktion derivaatan arvo kohdalla 50 kg/ha/v K. Näin eri koesarjat voitiin yhdistää ja verrata kaliumin antamaa sadonlisää kokeen maaperätietoihin korrelaatio- ja regressioanalyyseillä. Lopuksi maa jaettiin reservikaliumin perustella kahteen ryhmään ja ryhmille sovitettiin satovastefunktiot (kuiva-ainesato, kaliumpitoisuus, kaliumtase ja talvituho). Reservikalium selitti kaliumlannoituksella saatua nurmien satovastetta selvästi paremmin kuin viljavuuskalium. Pintamaan ja jankon reservikalium selitti satovastetta yhtä hyvin. Kun maan reservikaliumin pitoisuus oli luokkaa 500 mg/l, oli satovasteen vaihtelu suurta. Sen sijaan alhaisilla reservikaliumin arvoilla (<400 mg/l) sadonlisä oli lähes säännöllisesti huomattava. Reservikaliumpitoisuuden ollessa > 600 mg l-1, kaliumlannoituksen vaikutus satoon oli pieni. Rehun K/N -suhde ja kaliumpitoisuus selittivät yhtä hyvin suhteellista satoa. Kun sadon kaliumpitoisuus on 17,5 - 20 g/kg ka, sadontuotto oli 95 % maksimisadosta. Vastaavat raja-arvot K:N –suhteelle olivat 0,85-0,86. Nurmen kaliumpuutteen rajaksi saatiin noin 17 g/kg ka. Korkean reservikaliumin mailla rehun kaliumpitoisuus on yleensä korkea riippumatta kaliumlannoitusmäärästä. Tämä vaikuttaa märehtijän kannalta tärkeisiin kivennäissuhteisiin yleensä epäedullisesti (mm. laidunja poikimahalvaus). Korkean reservikaliumin mailla nurmenviljelykokeissa on lähes mahdotonta välttää voimakkaan negatiivisia kaliumtaseita, erityisesti silloin, kun halutaan välttää märehtijän kannalta liian korkeita kaliumpitoisuuksia Tulosten pohjalta voidaan luoda uudet lannoitussuositukset, jotka perustuvat maan reservikaliummääritykseen. Käytännössä heikon kaliumtilan mailla lannoitusmäärä tulisi lisätä ja korkean kaliumtilan mailla kaliumlannoitusta vähentää tai lopettaa kokonaan, etenkin jos nurmen juuriston kasvumahdollisuudet ovat hyvät. Kannattavan kaliumlannoituksen yläraja heikon kaliumtilan mailla sijoittuisi ensimmäisenä satovuonna 100–120 kg K/ha/v tasolle ja siitä eteenpäin noin 220–240 kg K/ha/v tasolle silloin kun pyritään korkeaan satotasoon. Käytännössä on syytä seurata myös rehun kaliumpitoisuutta, joka kertoo viime kädessä lannoituksen onnistumisen.Potassium (K) is of almost equal importance to nitrogen as a key nutrient for grass development and growth. It affects not only the dry matter (DM) yield but also the nutritive value of grass, especially as nutrient imbalances linked to excessive K concentrations in livestock diets increase the risk of milk fever and grass tetany. Because grass growth requires large amounts of K the annual amounts of K removed in grass are also typically high. In Finland, the recommendation of K fertilization for cultivated short-term grasslands is based on the soil concentration of acid ammonium acetate-extractable K (mg KAAc l-1 soil). However, recent studies suggest that the concentration of soil acid-extractable potassium (KHCl) might provide a better basis for the recommendation. The aim of this study was to test this hypothesis using data originating from field experiments conducted in Finland during the years 1973-2006. The database consisted of 17 series of field experiments that provided sufficient DM yield data and also information on soil attributes, from both topsoil and subsoil. The experimental leys were mainly mixes of timothy (Phleum pretense L.) and medow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) Potassium fertilization rates ranged from 0 to 320 kg K ha-1 year-1 although not all experiments included a treatment of 0 kg K ha-1 year-1. Therefore, the method of relative yields expressed as a percentage of maximum yield in each experiment was used in the first stage. The entire dataset comprised 642 combinations of year × cut × K rate. For each experiment the DM yield was explained by potassium application, using using a linear function (Y = a + bx;) or Mitscherlich’s type of function Y = a + b(1-e(-cx)) where Y is the relative DM yield (% of maximum yield) and x is K application (kg K ha-1), and a, b and c are constants. The equations were derived and solved for the point at which the K application was 50 kg ha-1 K (dy/dx50K). Using the values of dy/dx50K it was possible to examine the relationship between the yield responses for K rates and the corresponding soil characteristics analysis on 27 different soils: these were in subsets of the 1st 2nd and 3rd cuts, annual DM yield, 1st 2nd and 3rd - year leys and 1st 2nd and 3rd ley rotations. Finally, the dataset was divided into soils of low and high K status based on KHCl concentration in the topsoil and subsoil. The effects of K fertilization rates on DM yield, grass K concentration, K removal and winter damage were studied for both groups individually. Concentration of KHCl both in topsoil and in subsoil explained the plant availability and utilization of potassium better than the concentration of KAAc (R2 0.78-0.80 vs. 0.39-0.40). When concentrations of KHCl were low (<400 mg l-1) both in topsoil and subsoil, the yield response to K fertilization was strong. On the other hand, at high levels of KHCl concentration (>600 mg l-1) either in topsoil or subsoil, minor responses to K fertilization were occasionally observed. Between these two levels of KHCl concentration the impact of K fertilization was not consistent. Grass K concentration and K/N-ratio explained yield production equally well, and 95% of the maximum yield was achieved when the grass K concentration was 17.5-20 g kg-1 DM or when the K/N-ratio was 0.85-0.86. Potassium fertilization increased the K concentration of grass, but when KHCl concentration of soil was high the K concentration of grass was also high despite the fertilization rate. K balance (input – output) was almost always highly negative especially on soils with high KHCl concentration. In conclusion, grass K-fertilization recommendations should be based on soil KHCl rather than on the currently used KAAc. If KHCl concentration of soil is low, the K fertilization rate should be higher than the present recommendation; however, in contrast, if the KHCl concentration is high, the K fertilization rate should be clearly lower or even omitted. The economic optimum rate of K fertilization varies with K fertilizer and grass prices and also with the age of the ley. In this dataset an approximate economic optimum was 100-120 kg K ha-1 year-1 for the first-year leys and 220-240 kg K ha-1 year-1 for subsequent years. Furthermore, it is considered sensible to monitor changes in the K concentration of grass and adjust fertilization rates accordingly

    OZO v.1.0 : software for solving a generalised omega equation and the Zwack-Okossi height tendency equation using WRF model output

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    A software package (OZO, Omega-Zwack-Okossi) was developed to diagnose the processes that affect vertical motions and geopotential height tendencies in weather systems simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. First, this software solves a generalised omega equation to calculate the vertical motions associated with different physical forcings: vorticity advection, thermal advection, friction, diabatic heating, and an imbalance term between vorticity and temperature tendencies. After this, the corresponding height tendencies are calculated with the Zwack-Okossi tendency equation. The resulting height tendency components thus contain both the direct effect from the forcing itself and the indirect effects (related to the vertical motion induced by the same forcing) of each physical mechanism. This approach has an advantage compared with previous studies with the Zwack-Okossi equation, in which vertical motions were used as an independent forcing but were typically found to compensate the effects of other forcings. The software is currently tailored to use input from WRF simulations with Cartesian geometry. As an illustration, results for an idealised 10-day baroclinic wave simulation are presented. An excellent agreement is found between OZO and the direct WRF output for both the vertical motion and the height tendency fields. The individual vertical motion and height tendency components demonstrate the importance of both adiabatic and diabatic processes for the simulated cyclone. OZO is an open-source tool for both research and education, and the distribution of the software will be supported by the authors.Peer reviewe

    Sote-ajanvaraus : yleiskuvaus ja terveydenhuollon ajanvarausratkaisujen kansalliset vaatimukset. Versio 1.0

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    Julkaisun sähköinen versio:: https://yhteistyotilat.fi/wiki08/display/THLAJANJULKTarkista voimassa olevat versiot osoitteesta: thl.fi/sotetiedonhallinta/maarittelytVersio 1.

    Implementing a Functional Precision Medicine Tumor Board for Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    We generated ex vivo drug-response and multiomics profi ling data for a prospective series of 252 samples from 186 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). A functional precision medicine tumor board (FPMTB) integrated clinical, molecular, and functional data for application in clinical treatment decisions. Actionable drugs were found for 97% of patients with AML, and the recommendations were clinically implemented in 37 relapsed or refractory patients. We report a 59% objective response rate for the individually tailored therapies, including 13 complete responses, as well as bridging five patients with AML to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Data integration across all cases enabled the identifi cation of drug response biomarkers, such as the association of IL15 overexpression with resistance to FLT3 inhibitors. Integration of molecular profi ling and large-scale drug response data across many patients will enable continuous improvement of the FPMTB recommendations, providing a paradigm for individualized implementation of functional precision cancer medicine. SIGNIFICANCE: Oncogenomics data can guide clinical treatment decisions, but often such data are neither actionable nor predictive. Functional ex vivo drug testing contributes signifi cant additional, clinically actionable therapeutic insights for individual patients with AML. Such data can be generated in four days, enabling rapid translation through FPMTB.Peer reviewe

    Implementing a Functional Precision Medicine Tumor Board for Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    We generated ex vivo drug-response and multiomics profi ling data for a prospective series of 252 samples from 186 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). A functional precision medicine tumor board (FPMTB) integrated clinical, molecular, and functional data for application in clinical treatment decisions. Actionable drugs were found for 97% of patients with AML, and the recommendations were clinically implemented in 37 relapsed or refractory patients. We report a 59% objective response rate for the individually tailored therapies, including 13 complete responses, as well as bridging five patients with AML to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Data integration across all cases enabled the identifi cation of drug response biomarkers, such as the association of IL15 overexpression with resistance to FLT3 inhibitors. Integration of molecular profi ling and large-scale drug response data across many patients will enable continuous improvement of the FPMTB recommendations, providing a paradigm for individualized implementation of functional precision cancer medicine. SIGNIFICANCE: Oncogenomics data can guide clinical treatment decisions, but often such data are neither actionable nor predictive. Functional ex vivo drug testing contributes signifi cant additional, clinically actionable therapeutic insights for individual patients with AML. Such data can be generated in four days, enabling rapid translation through FPMTB.Peer reviewe