14,180 research outputs found

    The first definitive Middle Jurassic atoposaurid (Crocodylomorpha, Neosuchia), and a discussion on the genus Theriosuchus

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    Atoposaurids were a clade of semiaquatic crocodyliforms known from the Late Jurassic to the latest Cretaceous. Tentative remains from Europe, Morocco, and Madagascar may extend their range into the Middle Jurassic. Here we report the first unambiguous Middle Jurassic (late Bajocian–Bathonian) atoposaurid: an anterior dentary from the Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK. A comprehensive review of atoposaurid specimens demonstrates that this dentary can be referred to Theriosuchus based on several derived characters, and differs from the five previously recognized species within this genus. Despite several diagnostic features, we conservatively refer it to Theriosuchus sp., pending the discovery of more complete material. As the oldest known definitively diagnostic atoposaurid, this discovery indicates that the oldest members of this group were small-bodied, had heterodont dentition, and were most likely widespread components of European faunas. Our review of mandibular and dental features in atoposaurids not only allows us to present a revised diagnosis of Theriosuchus, but also reveals a great amount of variability within this genus, and indicates that there are currently five valid species that can be differentiated by unique combinations of dental characteristics. This variability can be included in future broad-scale cladistics analyses of atoposaurids and closely related crocodyliforms, which promise to help untangle the complicated taxonomy and evolutionary history of Atoposauridae

    Evaluating Multiple Arthropod Taxa as Indicators of Invertebrate Diversity in Old Fields

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    Biodiversity, often quantified by species richness, is commonly used to evaluate and monitor the health of ecosystems and as a tool for conservation planning. The use of one or more focal taxa as surrogates or indicators of larger taxonomic diversity can greatly expedite the process of biodiversity measurement. This is especially true when studying diverse and abundant invertebrate fauna. Before indicator taxa are employed, however, research into their suitability as indicators of greater taxonomic diversity in an area is needed. We sampled invertebrate diversity in old fields in southern Michigan using pitfall trapping and morphospecies designations after identification to order or family. Correlation analysis was used to assess species richness relationships between focal arthropod taxa and general invertebrate diversity. Relationships were assessed at two fine spatial scales: within sampling patches, and locally across four sampling patches. Cumulative richness of all assessed taxa increased proportionately with cumulative invertebrate richness as sampling intensity increased within patches. At the among-patch scale, we tentatively identified Hemiptera and Coleoptera as effective indicator taxa of greater invertebrate richness. Although Hymenoptera, Araneae and Diptera exhibited high species richness, their total richness within patches was not associated with overall invertebrate richness among patches. Increased sampling throughout the active season and across a greater number of habitat patches should be conducted before adopting Hemiptera and Coleoptera as definitive indicators of general invertebrate richness in the Great Lakes region. Multiple sampling techniques, in addition to pitfall trapping, should also be added to overcome capture biases associated with each technique

    Teaching Excellence: A Reaction to the Smith Commission Report and its Effects

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    This paper has been written partially in response to the Smith Commission Report, and partially in response to the reactions the report has elicited already. The Smith Commission Report voiced many valid concerns about teaching excellence; however, many of the so-called "innovations" that have been developed in answer to Stuart Smith's call for teaching excellence are, in fact, little different from those techniques implemented under the auspices of the Ontario Universities Program for Institutional Development (OUPID) in the 1960's and early 1970's. This being the case, the authors feel that the most likely result will be a similar lack of success. It is, therefore, our suggestion that an attempt ought to be made to change the infrastructure of the university sys- tem so that it supports good teaching and research with equal measure. This, above all else, should lead to real improvements in the quality of teaching

    Applying unsupervised learning to resolve evolutionary histories and explore the galaxy-halo connection in IllustrisTNG

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    We examine the effectiveness of identifying distinct evolutionary histories in IllustrisTNG-100 galaxies using unsupervised machine learning with Gaussian Mixture Models. We focus on how clustering compressed metallicity histories and star formation histories produces subpopulations of galaxies with distinct evolutionary properties (for both halo mass assembly and merger histories). By contrast, clustering with photometric colours fail to resolve such histories. We identify several populations of interest that reflect a variety of evolutionary scenarios supported by the literature. Notably, we identify a population of galaxies inhabiting the upper-red sequence, M* > 1010M⊙ that has a significantly higher ex-situ merger mass fraction present at fixed masses, and a star formation history that has yet to fully quench, in contrast to an overlapping, satellite-dominated population along the red sequence, which is distinctly quiescent. Extending the clustering to study four clusters instead of three further divides quiescent galaxies, while star forming ones are mostly contained in a single cluster, demonstrating a variety of supported pathways to quenching. In addition to these populations, we identify a handful of populations from our other clusters that are readily applicable to observational surveys, including a population related to post starburst (PSB) galaxies, allowing for possible extensions of this work in an observational context, and to corroborate results within the IllustrisTNG ecosystem.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Silica grain catalysis of methanol formation

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    The specific catalytic effect of a silica grain on the formation of methanol via the sequential addition of H atoms to CO adsorbed on the surface is investigated. A negatively charged defect on a siliceous edingtonite surface is found to reduce the gas phase barriers for the H + COads and H + H2C=O-ads reactions by 770 and 399 K, respectively, when compared to the same reactions in the gas phase. The catalytic effect of negatively charged surface sites could also be applicable to the hydrogenation of other adsorbed unsaturated species. However, the activation energies on the surface defect are still too large (1150 and 2230 K) for CH3OH to form efficiently at 10-20 K in the interstellar medium via a classical mechanism. It is therefore suggested that quantum mechanical tunnelling through the activation barrier is required for these hydrogen addition reactions to proceed at such temperatures. The calculations show that because the adsorption energies of CO and H2C=O on the negatively charged defect are substantial, CH3OH may form efficiently during the warm-up period in star-forming regions

    Chlorine isotope composition in chlorofluorocarbons CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113 in firn, stratospheric and tropospheric air

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    The stratospheric degradation of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) releases chlorine, which is a major contributor to the destruction of stratospheric ozone (O3). A recent study reported strong chlorine isotope fractionation during the breakdown of the most abundant CFC (CFC-12, CCl2F2, Laube et al., 2010a), similar to effects seen in nitrous oxide (N2O). Using air archives to obtain a long-term record of chlorine isotope ratios in CFCs could help to identify and quantify their sources and sinks. We analyse the three most abundant CFCs and show that CFC-11 (CCl3F) and CFC-113 (CClF2CCl2F) exhibit significant stratospheric chlorine isotope fractionation, in common with CFC-12. The apparent isotope fractionation (Δapp) for mid- and high-latitude stratospheric samples are (-2.4±0.5) ‰ and (-2.3±0.4) ‰ for CFC-11, (-12.2±1.6) ‰ and (-6.8±0.8) ‰ for CFC-12 and (-3.5±1.5) ‰ and (-3.3±1.2) ‰ for CFC-113, respectively. Assuming a constant isotope composition of emissions, we calculate the expected trends in the tropospheric isotope signature of these gases based on their stratospheric 37Cl enrichment and stratosphere-troposphere exchange. We compare these projections to the long-term ÎŽ(37Cl) trends of all three CFCs, measured on background tropospheric samples from the Cape Grim air archive (Tasmania, 1978 – 2010) and tropospheric firn air samples from Greenland (NEEM site) and Antarctica (Fletcher Promontory site). From 1970 to the present-day, projected trends agree with tropospheric measurements, suggesting that within analytical uncertainties a constant average emission isotope delta is a compatible scenario. The measurement uncertainty is too high to determine whether the average emission isotope delta has been affected by changes in CFC manufacturing processes, or not. Our study increases the suite of trace gases amenable to direct isotope ratio measurements in small air volumes (approximately 200 ml), using a single-detector gas chromatography-mass spectrometry system

    Effect of pasture species on internal parasites of lambs

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    Paper presented at the 58th New Zealand Grassland Association Conference, 21-24 October 1996, Oamaru.Increasing resistance of gastro-intestinal nematode parasites to anthelmintics and consumer resistance to the possibility of residues in animal products have prompted research on the effect of pasture species on nematodes and animal performance. Lambs (either infected with high rates of gastrointestinal nematodes or maintained nematode-free) were grazed on pure swards of chicory, high- or low-endophyte ryegrass, cocksfoot, tall fescue, lucerne, lotus, white clover or plantain. Infected lambs that grazed chicory had lower faecal egg counts and adult nematode populations, and higher carcass weights, than lambs grazed on plantain or the grass species; lambs that grazed legumes generally had intermediate counts, populations and weights. When kept parasite-free, carcass weights were up to 48% greater than in the nematode infected treatments. On farmlets run over 3 years, substituting 30% of the ryegrass area with lucerne or replacing the ryegrass with a multi-species mix consisting predominantly of bromes, tall fescue, phalaris, timothy and red and white clover, had no effect on gastro-intestinal nematode larvae, lamb faecal worm egg or adult nematode numbers. It is concluded that a diet of pure chicory affects internal parasite populations but the small proportion included in the farmlet studies had no effect.We wish to thank MRDC for funding Project 1 and AGMARDT for funding Project 2

    Adapting Quality Assurance to Adaptive Systems: The Scenario Coevolution Paradigm

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    From formal and practical analysis, we identify new challenges that self-adaptive systems pose to the process of quality assurance. When tackling these, the effort spent on various tasks in the process of software engineering is naturally re-distributed. We claim that all steps related to testing need to become self-adaptive to match the capabilities of the self-adaptive system-under-test. Otherwise, the adaptive system's behavior might elude traditional variants of quality assurance. We thus propose the paradigm of scenario coevolution, which describes a pool of test cases and other constraints on system behavior that evolves in parallel to the (in part autonomous) development of behavior in the system-under-test. Scenario coevolution offers a simple structure for the organization of adaptive testing that allows for both human-controlled and autonomous intervention, supporting software engineering for adaptive systems on a procedural as well as technical level.Comment: 17 pages, published at ISOLA 201
