638 research outputs found

    A systematic literature review on physical internet containers : Empirical evidence and research opportunities

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    The Physical Internet is an emerging concept that seeks to improve the efficiency and sustainability of global logistics by creating a network under a common structure. Containers are a key tool for implementing this concept, as they enable the efficient and secure transport of goods along standardized hubs. This systematic literature review aims to identify and analyze existing research on the use of containers in the Physical Internet and their contributions to the efficiency and sustainability of global logistics. This review emphasizes the growing significance and empirical evidence supporting the usefulness and benefits of adopting container systems, including improved cargo optimization, logistics operations, and the sustainability of the logistics network. To solve difficulties like standardization, cost implementation, privacy, and integration of technology, more study is required. Regarding the methodology used, first a qualitative study of the articles is made, which will allow us to have a vision of the evolution that has taken place in recent years. Next, a study of the findings and conclusions will be made, which will allow for the classification of the research approaches and contributions. By giving a thorough overview, it provides insightful information for supply chain management, logistics, and other professionals. Furthermore, limitations and unanswered questions will be discussed in order to guide future studies with the identified research opportunities, emphasizing areas that need attention to progress this field’s research. In the last instance, these gaps offer chances to improve our comprehension and use of containers in the supply chain networ

    Notes per a una història política del teatre a Catalunya (1765-1849)

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    L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és plantejar unes primeres bases de treball que ens permetin entendre el vincle indestriable que es produeix entre el teatre com a mitjà de transmissió de valors i l'ús polític que en faran els distints governs. Primer de tot, cal desgranar a tall general l'origen de la instrumentalització de les arts escèniques i els elements que hi intervenen. En segon lloc, és convenient mostrar una panoràmica històrica de l'influx que exerciren les dinàmiques polítiques en el teatre que es desenvolupà a Catalunya en l'interval de 1765 a 1849. Per acabar, s'han volgut donar unes breus pinzellades sobre l'origen, l'arrelament social i els condicionants polítics que afectaren, en diferent mesura, la representació d'una obra teatral concreta, La Passió de nostre Senyor Jesucrist, als escenaris catalans.The purpose of this article is to present different approaches to research which help to understand the relationship between theatre as a means of transmitting values and its political use by different governments. First of all the origin of theatre as a means of transmission and its elements is identified, then providing a historical overview of the relationship between the political history of Catalonia and its theatre during the period 1765 and 1849. Finally, through the play La Passió de Nostre Senyor Jesucrist, the origins, popular acceptance and even political limitations of political theatre are analysed, conditions that affected, in different ways, the performance of this play on the Catalan stage


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: José Enrique RUIZ-DOMÉNEC, Isabel la Católica o el yugo del poder. La cruda historia de la reina que marcó el destino de Españ

    La indústria a Monistrol de Montserrat: una aproximació

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    Is Microtox® toxicity related to potentially harmful algae proliferation in Mediterranean salt marshes?

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    Is Microtox® toxicity related to potentially harmful algae proliferation in Mediterranean salt marshes? Mediterranean salt marshes are ecosystems that are highly influenced by sea changes and freshwater inputs from runoff. In these ecosystems, toxic and nontoxic algae blooms often produce Jarge and unpredictabJe biomasses of phytoplankton. The Microtox@) test has been described as a successful, quick method for detecting toxicity in various phytoplankton taxa. Our study sought to test the efficiency of Microtox® in detecting toxic HAB in Mediterranean salt marshes. The results showed that the Microtox® test was able to detect toxic substances in the particulate matter of several lagoons in the Emporda salt marshes. This Microtox® toxicity coincided with periods when potentially harrnful cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates and haptophytes had a high biomass. The results suggest that potentially harmful phytoplankton cannot be ruled out as a source of Microtox® toxicity or as a source of other organism kills and subacute effects in Mediterranean salt marshes.Las marismas mediterráneas son ecosistemas altamente injluenciados por la entrada de agua marina y de agua dulce, procedente de la escorrentía. En estos ecosistemas, las proliferaciones de algas tóxicas y no tóxicas sin patrón temporal o espacial, alcanzan altas e impredecibles biomasas de fitoplancton. El ensayo Microtox® ha sido descrito como un rápido y eficiente método para detectar la toxicidad de diferentes taxones de fitoplaneton. Nosotros hemos hecho una primera aproximación para determinar la eficiencia del test Microtox® en la detección de proliferaciones algales tóxicas en las marismas mediterráneas. Se ha podido concluir que hay substancias tóxicas, en la materia particulada de diversas lagunas de las marismas del Emporda, que el método Microtox® es capaz de detectar. Esta toxicidad detectada por Microtox® se da en periodos en que cianobacterias, dinojlagelados y haptófitos potencialmente tóxicos presentan alta biomasa. Los resultados sugieren que el fitoplancton potencialmente tóxico no puede ser descartado como causante de la mortalidad o de efectos subagudos a otros organismos de las marismas mediterráneas

    Introducció a l'estudi limnològic de la llacuna del Ter vell (Baix Empordà)

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    Ter Vell is a small (0.8 Ha) and shallow (usually less than 1 m deep) lagoon located in one of the ancient Ter River mouths. A one year (biweekly samples) study was carried out in 1984 to describe some limnological characteristics of the lagoon. Conductivity varied between 1 and 39 mS/cm. It was 1-3 mS/cm higher in the South basin (closer to the sea) than in the North one. Maximum values were observed in autumn-winter and minimum ones in summer. Phosphorus concentrations were most of the year over 4 µg-at P-PO43-/l. The highest concentrations (50µg-at/l) were observed in summer. Phosphorus concentrations from October to May were positively correlated to conductivity, while those from May to September were not. Oxydized dissolved inorganic nitrogen was very low all the year round (less than 4 µg-at/l). Phytoplankton assemblages were between 104 and 4.105 cells per ml mostly because Nannochloris sp., which was overwhelming during all the year. Accompanying species were Monoraphidium sp. pl., Actinastrum hantzschii, Dictyiosphaerium pulchellurn, Cyclotella kutzingiana, Lepocinclis ovum and Ochromonas sp. pl. during summer, and Dunaliella sp., Hemiselmis rufescens, Pseudopedinella pyriformis, Katodinium rotundatum and Oxyrrhis marina during winter. The amount of chlorophyll a per cell was always very low (between 0,1 and 2 pg per cell). During summer the most abundant zooplankters were Brachionus sp. pl., Moina micrura, and Acanthocyclops g. vernalis. During the cold months Notholca squamula, Synchaeta sp., and Epiphanes brachionus were the most abundant. Maximum abundances changed from 2,000 individuals/l in summer to 600 individuals/l in winter. Ter Vell is an eutrophic lagoon with marked differences between chemical and biological characteristics of different periods of the year. Two main periods can be distinguished related to temperature. External factors, mainly freshwater and sea water inflows, also control the differences observed

    Llacunes de nova creació

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    Oasis d'optimisme enmig de la degradaci&oacute