1,192 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini diawali dengan permasalahan, yaitu apakah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan menulis teks cerita pendek pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas pembanding sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan. Dengan demikian tujuan ini dibuat untuk menjawab permasalahan yaitu, perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan menulis teks cerita pendek pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas pembanding sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuasi eksperimen. Hal ini dilakukan karena subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah manusia. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, ternyata data menunjukkan bahwa kelas eksperimen yaitu kelas yang mendapat perlakuan media film kartun memiliki hasil menulis teks cerita pendek yang lebih baik dari pada kelas pembanding. Hasil rata-rata nilai prates untuk kelas eksperimen adalah 61 dan untuk kelas pembanding adalah 62. Artinya, kedua nilai masih di bawah KKM. Nilai KKM Bahasa Indonesia di SMP Negeri 15 Bandung adalah 70. Dapat disimpulkan kedua kelas memiliki kemampuan yang hampir sama sebelum diberi perlakuan. Siswa yang telah diberikan perlakuan nilai rata-ratanya mengalami perubahan. Nilai rata-rata pascates untuk kelas eksperimen adalah 72 dan untuk kelas pembanding adalah 66. Artinya, terjadi perubahan nilai siswa setelah diberi perlakuan. Perubahan untuk kelas eksperimen terjadi lebih tinggi. Nilai pascates kelas eksperimen sudah di atas KKM sedangkan nilai pascates kelas pembanding masih di bawah KKM. Dengan demikian, perlakuan yang diberikan di kelas eksperimen terbukti lebih efektif. This research is motivated by a question arises such as whether there is any significantly differences in writing a short story ability between the student at both class, the experimental and the comparator class, before and after doing the treatment? This research aims to answer the question above. The method used in this research is the experimental quation, which is because of using the human as the subject of observation. The result of this research shows that the experimental class, which is treated by watching a cartoon movie before writing, has a better grade than the comparator class. The pre-test average grade for the experimental class is 61 while the comparator class get 62. It means that both of class have a grade under the standard (KKM). The standard grade of Bahasa Indonesia in SMP Negeri 15 Bandung is 70. It concludes that both of class have same performance before doing the treatment. Students in the experimental class get arise in average grades after being given the treatment. The average grade for the experimental class is 72 while the comparator class only 66. It means that there is a difference state after doing the treatment. The arising score for the experimental class is higher than the comparator class. The pasca-test average grade for the experimental class is higher than the standard grade while the comparator class still have grade under the standard. It concludes that the treatment done in the experimental class is effectively applied. Keywords: cartoon movie, short story, experimental class, comparator clas


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    RINGKASAN NOVI NURUL QUINA. NPM. 0662020015. Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, 29 Desember 2008. Penerimaan E-government pada Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Lingkungan Pemkab Blora; Pembimbing Utama : Dr. Soemarsono, Msi (Alm), Pembimbing Pendamping : Dra. Diah Hari Suryaningrum, Msi, Ak. Salah satu kebijakan publik yang hangat dibicarakan sampai dengan saat ini adalah mengenai e-government. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa perilaku pegawai negeri sipil dalam menerima suatu teknologi berpengaruh pada penerimaan teknologi itu sendiri. Khususnya meneliti tentang keyakinan pegawai akan kemudahan serta manfaat teknologi berpengaruh pada penerimaan egovernment. Dan juga membuktikan bahwa keyakinan pegawai akan kemudahan suatu aplikasi e-government, memperkuat pengaruh keyakinan pegawai akan manfaat terhadap penerimaan e-government. Obyek penelitian adalah pemerintah kabupaten Blora tepatnya di 15 instansi. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 150 pegawai yang dalam kesehariannya berinteraksi dengan komputer. Kompleksitas hubungan antar variabel menjadikan Structural Equation Modeling sebagai alat analisis yang tepat digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa seluruh hipotesis yang diajukan diterima dan terbukti kebenarannya. Keyakinan akan manfaat aplikasi e-government yang dirasakan oleh pegawai serta keyakinan akan kemudahan aplikasi e-government yang dirasakan oleh pegawai, berpengaruh terhadap penerimaan aplikasi e-government itu sendiri. Kemudahan aplikasi e-government yang dirasakan oleh pegawai juga memperkuat pengaruh keyakinan pegawai akan manfaat terhadap penerimaan e-government

    Ship detection on open sea and coastal environment

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a high-resolution ground-mapping technique with the ability to effectively synthesize a large radar antenna by processing the phase of a smaller radar antenna on a moving platform like an airplane or a satellite. SAR images, due to its properties, have been the focus of many applications such as land and sea monitoring, remote sensing, mapping of surfaces, weather forecasting, among many others. Their relevance is increasing on a daily basis, thus it’s crucial to apply the best suitable method or technique to each type of data collected. Several techniques have been published in the literature so far to enhance automatic ship detection using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, like multilook imaging techniques, polarization techniques, Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) techniques, Amplitude Change Detection (ACD) techniques among many others. Depending on how the information is gathered and processed, each technique presents different performance and results. Nowadays there are several ongoing SAR missions, and the need to improve ship detection, oil-spills or any kind of sea activity is fundamental to preserve and promote navigation safety as well as constant and accurate monitoring of the surroundings, for example, detection of illegal fishing activities, pollution or drug trafficking. The main objective of this MSc dissertation is to study and implement a set of algorithms for automatic ship detection using SAR images from Sentinel-1 due to its characteristics as well as its ease access. The dissertation organization is as follows: Chapter 1 presents a brief introduction to the theme of this dissertation and its aim, as well as its structure; Chapter 2 summarizes a variety of fundamental key points from historical events and developments to the SAR theory, finishing with a summary of some well-known ship detection methods; Chapter 3 presents a basic guideline to choose the best ship detection technique depending on the data type and operational scenario; Chapter 4 focus on the CFAR technique detailing the implemented algorithms. This technique was selected, given the data set available for testing in this work; Chapter 5 presents the results obtained using the implemented algorithms; Chapter 6 presents the conclusions, final remarks and future work

    Aplicação do modelo de competência nos jogos de invasão ao ensino do jogo de futebol em contexto de clube

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    A incongruência entre as características do modelo de ensino tradicionalmente mais utilizado no ensino/treino dos jogos desportivos colectivos e as teorias mais recentes da aprendizagem tem impulsionado muitos investigadores a desenvolver novos modelos – designados alternativos, que têm em comum o facto de enfatizarem a compreensão do jogo como condição para o desenvolvimento das aprendizagens, de subordinarem a aprendizagem das habilidades técnicas à necessidade de as aplicar no jogo – isto é, subordinarem a aprendizagem técnica à táctica, de valorizarem a satisfação, o gozo e a motivação dos praticantes e de cuidarem das relações de comunicação e cooperação no seio das equipas. O modelo de competência nos jogos de invasão é um dos modelos alternativos que, pela forma simples como organiza e apresenta os conteúdos, tem vindo a conquistar adeptos entre professores e treinadores. Este trabalho consta da apresentação de uma proposta de aplicação do modelo de competência nos jogos de invasão ao ensino do futebol em contexto de clube.http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0

    Essays on corruption in sub-Saharan Africa

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    We study three topics on corruption that are of particular relevance to sub-Saharan Africa. Firstly, we address the question of why corruption is such an endemic problem in sub-Saharan Africa. Is it policy driven or "destiny"? We analyse indices of perceived corruption and test several theories regarding the causes of corruption. We find strong support for two arguments: Countries with a British heritage are perceived to be less corrupt, while those with a common law system are perceived to be more corrupt. We find weaker support for four further arguments: Countries with good quality institutions and a greater proportion of women in the labour force are perceived as less corrupt. Countries with greater natural resource abundance and with greater trade openness are perceived to be more corrupt. Secondly, we look at the supply side of bribery. Within the public procurement process, we study how a firm's uncertainty regarding the official's corruptibility and rival firms' costs influences the magnitude of the bribe it offers. Due to the illegal nature of bribery, we also explicitly consider different punishment mechanisms for corrupt firms. We find that secrecy leads to lower bribe levels, and that bribery can be completely deterred by either appropriate fixed fines or by firms being fined punitive damages. Thirdly, we investigate whether more corrupt governments receive less aid. We develop a theoretical framework that treats corruption as a tax on aid. Although we are unable to empirically test this model, we use it to motivate our empirical analysis of aid receipts using data on sub-Saharan Africa. We find a negative correlation between a country's perceived level of corruption and its aid receipts. However, we find no causal effect of perceived corruption on aid receipts. We revisit the results of an influential paper in the literature and find that their result of no evidence that countries perceived as more corrupt receive less aid is not robust to a sample of sub-Saharan African countries, although we find no evidence of a causal effect. We find no evidence that the impact of perceived corruption on aid receipts differs across sectors

    Innovation through instructional renovation: an applied research study on building capacity of mathematics teachers in bark county schools’ excel department

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    The purpose of this applied research study was to build the capacity of middle school mathematics teachers to increase student achievement. The need to build the capacity of middle school mathematics teachers arose from the trend of low content and pedagogical knowledge exhibited by teachers throughout the department. This applied research study uses four elements individual collective and collaborative professional development as well as student achievement to build the capacity of middle school mathematics teachers and measure student achievement growth. A national screener surveys learning walk/focus group and interviews were used in the study. Using of the aforementioned elements and the involvement of various stakeholders findings support building the capacity of individual mathematics teachers and the mathematics team can lead to increased student achievement in mathematics and shared organizational learning
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