44 research outputs found

    The impact of KRAS mutations on VEGF-A production and tumour vascular network

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    Background: The malignant potential of tumour cells may be influenced by the molecular nature of KRAS mutations being codon 13 mutations less aggressive than codon 12 ones. Their metabolic profile is also different, with an increased anaerobic glycolytic metabolism in cells harbouring codon 12 KRAS mutations compared with cells containing codon 13 mutations. We hypothesized that this distinct metabolic behaviour could be associated with different HIF-1α expression and a distinct angiogenic profile. Methods: Codon13 KRAS mutation (ASP13) or codon12 KRAS mutation (CYS12) NIH3T3 transfectants were analyzed in vitro and in vivo. Expression of HIF-1α, and VEGF-A was studied at RNA and protein levels. Regulation of VEGF-A promoter activity was assessed by means of luciferase assays using different plasmid constructs. Vascular network was assessed in tumors growing after subcutaneous inoculation. Non parametric statistics were used for analysis of results. Results: Our results show that in normoxic conditions ASP13 transfectants exhibited less HIF-1α protein levels and activity than CYS12. In contrast, codon 13 transfectants exhibited higher VEGF-A mRNA and protein levels and enhanced VEGF-A promoter activity. These differences were due to a differential activation of Sp1/AP2 transcription elements of the VEGF-A promoter associated with increased ERKs signalling in ASP13 transfectants. Subcutaneous CYS12 tumours expressed less VEGF-A and showed a higher microvessel density (MVD) than ASP13 tumours. In contrast, prominent vessels were only observed in the latter. Conclusion: Subtle changes in the molecular nature of KRAS oncogene activating mutations occurring in tumour cells have a major impact on the vascular strategy devised providing with new insights on the role of KRAS mutations on angiogenesis

    Postoperative intestinal fistula in primary advanced ovarian cancer surgery

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    Background: Advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) requires an aggressive surgery with large visceral resections in order to achieve an optimal or complete cytoreduction and increase the patient’s survival. However, the surgical aggressiveness in the treatment of AOC is not exempt from major complications, such as the gastrointestinal fistula (GIF), which stands out among others due to its high morbidity and mortality. Methods: We evaluated the clinicopathological features in patients with AOC and their association with GI. Data for 107 patients with AOC who underwent primary debulking surgery were analyzed retrospectively. Clinicopathological features, including demographic, surgical procedures and follow-up data, were analyzed in relation to GIF. Results: GIF was present in 11% of patients in the study, 5 (4.5%) and 7 (6.4%) of colorectal and small bowel origin, respectively. GIF was significantly associated with peritoneal cancer index (PCI) > 20, more than 2 visceral resections, and multiple digestive resections. Overall and disease-free survival were also associated with GIF. Multivariate analysis identified partial bowel obstruction and operative bleeding as independent prognostic factors for survival. The presence of GIF is positively associated with poor prognosis in patients with AOC. Conclusion: Given the importance of successful cytoreductive surgery in AOC, the assessment of the amount of tumor and the aggressiveness of the surgery to avoid the occurrence of GIF become a priority in patients with AOC

    Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy plus Interval Cytoreductive Surgery with or without Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (NIHIPEC) in the Treatment of Advanced Ovarian Cancer: A Multicentric Propensity Score Study

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    Simple Summary Advanced ovarian cancer (Stages III-IV) continues to be one of the gynecological tumors with the highest mortality. Standard treatment consists of debulking surgery and subsequent adjuvant chemotherapy. Recently, some authors have postulated that the administration of hyperthermic chemotherapy during surgery could increase the survival of patients, especially in cases in which chemotherapy had already been administered before surgery to reduce tumor volume. Our study is important because it collects data from 11 tertiary hospitals in Spain, and the data are subjected to a statistical technique that reproduces the data that we would find in a prospective study but using retrospective data (propensity score matching). It also offers a current view of the status of ovarian cancer treatment in our country.Abstract Introduction: Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is primarily confined to the peritoneal cavity. When primary complete surgery is not possible, neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) is provided; however, the peritoneum-plasma barrier hinders the drug effect. The intraperitoneal administration of chemotherapy could eliminate residual microscopic peritoneal tumor cells and increase this effect by hyperthermia. Intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy (HIPEC) after interval cytoreductive surgery could improve outcomes in terms of disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS). Materials and Methods: A multicenter, retrospective observational study of advanced EOC patients who underwent interval cytoreductive surgery alone (CRSnoH) or interval cytoreductive surgery plus HIPEC (CRSH) was carried out in Spain between 07/2012 and 12/2021. A total of 515 patients were selected. Progression-free survival (PFS) and OS analyses were performed. The series of patients who underwent CRSH or CRSnoH was balanced regarding the risk factors using a statistical analysis technique called propensity score matching. Results: A total of 170 patients were included in each subgroup. The complete surgery rate was similar in both groups (79.4% vs. 84.7%). The median PFS times were 16 and 13 months in the CRSH and CRSnoH groups, respectively (Hazard ratio (HR) 0.74; 95% CI, 0.58-0.94; p = 0.031). The median OS times were 56 and 50 months in the CRSH and CRSnoH groups, respectively (HR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.64-1.20; p = 0.44). There was no increase in complications in the CRSH group. Conclusion: The addition of HIPEC after interval cytoreductive surgery is safe and increases DFS in advanced EOC patients

    Evaluation of rare variants in the new fanconi anemia gene ERCC4 (FANCQ) as familial breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility alleles

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    Recently, it has been reported that biallelic mutations in the ERCC4 (FANCQ) gene cause Fanconi anemia (FA) subtype FA-Q. To investigate the possible role of ERCC4 in breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility, as occurs with other FA genes, we screened the 11 coding exons and exon-intron boundaries of ERCC4 in 1573 index cases from high-risk Spanish familial breast and ovarian cancer pedigrees that had been tested negative for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations and 854 controls. The frequency of ERCC4 mutation carriers does not differ between cases and controls, suggesting that ERCC4 is not a cancer susceptibility gene. Interestingly, the prevalence of ERCC4 mutation carriers (one in 288) is similar to that reported for FANCA, whereas there are approximately 100-fold more FA-A than FA-Q patients, indicating that most biallelic combinations of ERCC4 mutations are embryo lethal. Finally, we identified additional bone-fide FA ERCC4 mutations specifically disrupting interstrand cross-link repai

    Revisión y Control del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental de las obras de dragado del Puerto de Maó

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    Se integra información hidrográfica, geomorfológica, sedimentológica y biológica, para la caracterización de los ecosistemas marinos en el punto de vertido y área adyacente previa al inicio de las obras de dragado del Puerto de Maó.RESUMEN: En este documento se presentan los trabajos científicos realizados por el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, dentro del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental del dragado del Puerto de Maó (Menorca, Islas Baleares), para la caracterización de los ecosistema marino en el punto de vertido y área adyacente, previa al inicio de las obras. Se incluyen los resultados y las conclusiones de los estudios realizados por diversos grupos de investigación, principalmente en Enero-Marzo 2014, en relación al fondo marino, la hidrodinámica, las praderas de Posidonia oceanica y el molusco bivalvo Pinna nobilis, el macro-bentos de los fondos circalitorales blandos y los contaminantes en agua, sedimentos y biota, así como en especies de interés comercial para el consumo humano. Este informe se contempla en el contrato entre la Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares y el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, suscrito el 5 Febrero 2014, para los trabajos de asistencia técnica para la revisión y control del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental del dragado del Puerto de Maó.RESUM: En aquest document es presenten els treballs científics realitzats per l’Instituto Español de Oceanografía, dins del Pla de Vigilància Ambiental del dragat del Port de Maó (Menorca, Illes Balears), per a la caracterització dels ecosistemes marins en el punt de vessament i àrea adjacent, prèvia a l’inici de les obres. S’inclouen els resultats i les conclusions del estudis realitzats per diversos grups de recerca, principalment durant Gener-Març 2014, en relació al fons marí, la hidrodinàmica, les praderies de Posidonia oceanica i el mol•lusc bivalve Pinna nobilis, el macro-bentos dels fons circalitorals tous i els contaminants en aigua, sediments i biota, així com en espècies d’interès comercial pel consum humà. Aquest informe es contempla en el contracte entre l’Autoritat Portuària de Balears i el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, subscrit el 5 Febrer 2014, pels treballs d’assistència tècnica per a la revisió i control del Pla de Vigilància Ambiental del dragat de Port de Maó.ABSTRACT: This document presents the scientific actions developed by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía within the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the works of dredging the Port of Maó (Minorca, Balearic Islands), for the characterization of the marine ecosystems in the point of discharge of dredged material and adjacent area, before the beginning of the dredging. The results and conclusions of the studies developed by several research groups, mainly in January-March 2014, in relation to the bottom, hydrodynamics, Posidonia oceanica meadows, and the bivalve mollusc Pinna nobilis, the macro-benthos of the circalittoral soft bottoms and the contaminants in water, sediments and biota, as well as in commercial species for human consumption, are included. This report is contemplated within the contract between the Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares and the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, signed on 5 February 2014, for the technical assistance activities to review and control the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the works of dredging the Port of Maó.Autoridad Portuaria de Baleare

    Revisión y Control del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental de las obras de dragado del Puerto de Maó

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    Se integra información hidrográfica, geomorfológica, sedimentológica y biológica, para la caracterización de los ecosistemas marinos en el punto de vertido y área adyacente previa al inicio de las obras de dragado del Puerto de Maó.RESUMEN: En este documento se presentan los trabajos científicos realizados por el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, dentro del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental del dragado del Puerto de Maó (Menorca, Islas Baleares), para la caracterización de los ecosistema marino en el punto de vertido y área adyacente, previa al inicio de las obras. Se incluyen los resultados y las conclusiones de los estudios realizados por diversos grupos de investigación, principalmente en Enero-Marzo 2014, en relación al fondo marino, la hidrodinámica, las praderas de Posidonia oceanica y el molusco bivalvo Pinna nobilis, el macro-bentos de los fondos circalitorales blandos y los contaminantes en agua, sedimentos y biota, así como en especies de interés comercial para el consumo humano. Este informe se contempla en el contrato entre la Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares y el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, suscrito el 5 Febrero 2014, para los trabajos de asistencia técnica para la revisión y control del Plan de Vigilancia Ambiental del dragado del Puerto de Maó.RESUM: En aquest document es presenten els treballs científics realitzats per l’Instituto Español de Oceanografía, dins del Pla de Vigilància Ambiental del dragat del Port de Maó (Menorca, Illes Balears), per a la caracterització dels ecosistemes marins en el punt de vessament i àrea adjacent, prèvia a l’inici de les obres. S’inclouen els resultats i les conclusions del estudis realitzats per diversos grups de recerca, principalment durant Gener-Març 2014, en relació al fons marí, la hidrodinàmica, les praderies de Posidonia oceanica i el mol•lusc bivalve Pinna nobilis, el macro-bentos dels fons circalitorals tous i els contaminants en aigua, sediments i biota, així com en espècies d’interès comercial pel consum humà. Aquest informe es contempla en el contracte entre l’Autoritat Portuària de Balears i el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, subscrit el 5 Febrer 2014, pels treballs d’assistència tècnica per a la revisió i control del Pla de Vigilància Ambiental del dragat de Port de Maó.ABSTRACT: This document presents the scientific actions developed by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía within the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the works of dredging the Port of Maó (Minorca, Balearic Islands), for the characterization of the marine ecosystems in the point of discharge of dredged material and adjacent area, before the beginning of the dredging. The results and conclusions of the studies developed by several research groups, mainly in January-March 2014, in relation to the bottom, hydrodynamics, Posidonia oceanica meadows, and the bivalve mollusc Pinna nobilis, the macro-benthos of the circalittoral soft bottoms and the contaminants in water, sediments and biota, as well as in commercial species for human consumption, are included. This report is contemplated within the contract between the Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares and the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, signed on 5 February 2014, for the technical assistance activities to review and control the Environmental Monitoring Plan of the works of dredging the Port of Maó.Autoridad Portuaria de Baleare

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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