14 research outputs found


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    El conocimiento de la anatomía de las venas de los miembros inferiores del humano es fundamental para comprender la fisiopatología, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de patologías vasculares. La mayoría de errores en el diagnóstico y en el tratamiento de estas patologías obedece a variaciones anatómicas. En este estudio, se reflexiona, se analiza y se discute sobre las implicaciones que en la clínica y en las nuevas investigaciones en morfología tiene una variación anatómica, encontrada en un cadáver de género femenino, en el cual, se evidenció una duplicación de la vena poplítea, de una vena que pasa a través del hiato aductor, mientras que la otra asciende por la cara posterior del muslo, siguiendo el trayecto del nervio ciático. A pesar que las venas de los miembros inferiores guardan algunas características comunes, cada vez se describe -con mayor detalleun elevado número de variaciones, lo que influye en la búsqueda de trombos descritos en artículos de revistas indexadas y no se tienen en cuenta en otros patrones de distribución

    The environment exerts a greater influence than the transgene on the transcriptome of field-grown wheat expressing the Pm3b allele

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    Wheat provides 20 % of the calories consumed worldwide. Powdery mildew infections of wheat can result in more than 30 % yield loss but it has been demonstrated that wheat overexpressing Pm3b, an allele of the R gene Pm3, has enhanced resistance against powdery mildew under field conditions. A gene expression profile study using GeneChip Wheat Genome Array and Fluidigm 96.96 Dynamic Arrays was performed to obtain insights into the mode of action of Pm3b and to elucidate the molecular basis of pleiotropic effects observed in three out of four independent transgenic events under field conditions. A cluster analysis of the microarray data and a principal component analysis of the Fluidigm 96.96 Dynamic Arrays data showed that transgenic lines and null segregants grouped together. The microarray analysis of samples from fungicide-treated plants revealed that significantly fewer genes were differentially expressed in Pm3b#1 than in Pm3b#2, which had a pleiotropic phenotype in the field, compared to their null segregants. Together, our data provide evidence that the environment influenced gene expression in the Pm3b lines more than the transgene itself.ISSN:0962-8819ISSN:1573-936

    The environment exerts a greater influence than the transgene on the transcriptome of field-grown wheat expressing the Pm3b allele

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    Wheat provides 20 % of the calories consumed worldwide. Powdery mildew infections of wheat can result in more than 30 % yield loss but it has been demonstrated that wheat overexpressing Pm3b, an allele of the R gene Pm3, has enhanced resistance against powdery mildew under field conditions. A gene expression profile study using GeneChip Wheat Genome Array and Fluidigm 96.96 Dynamic Arrays was performed to obtain insights into the mode of action of Pm3b and to elucidate the molecular basis of pleiotropic effects observed in three out of four independent transgenic events under field conditions. A cluster analysis of the microarray data and a principal component analysis of the Fluidigm 96.96 Dynamic Arrays data showed that transgenic lines and null segregants grouped together. The microarray analysis of samples from fungicide-treated plants revealed that significantly fewer genes were differentially expressed in Pm3b#1 than in Pm3b#2, which had a pleiotropic phenotype in the field, compared to their null segregants. Together, our data provide evidence that the environment influenced gene expression in the Pm3b lines more than the transgene itself


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    El presente estudio, tuvo como objetivo mejorar la flexibilidad de niños patinadores en proceso de formación, donde se valoró inicialmente esta variable mediante los tests de Wells y Dillon y  Krauss Weber, la muestra estuvo conformada por 15 sujetos, en edades comprendidas entre los 11 y 13 años, los cuales están empezando el proceso de formación deportiva, del barrio Simón Bolívar de la ciudad de Cúcuta (Colombia). La investigación tuvo una duración 8 semanas, donde se intervino dos veces por semana con un tiempo aproximadamente de 45 minutos, llevándose a cabo una serie de ejercicios específicos para mejorar la flexibilidad. Posteriormente se hizo una comparación entre los resultados obtenidos para ver la mejoría a través de este proceso metodológico, donde se obtuvo una mejoría aceptable, teniendo en cuenta la  intervención de corta duración

    KP4 to control Ustilago tritici in wheat: Enhanced greenhouse resistance to loose smut and changes in transcript abundance of pathogen related genes in infected KP4 plants

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    Ustilago tritici causes loose smut, which is a seed-borne fungal disease of wheat, and responsible for yield losses up to 40%. Loose smut is a threat to seed production in developing countries where small scale farmers use their own harvest as seed material. The killer protein 4 (KP4) is a virally encoded toxin from Ustilago maydis and inhibits growth of susceptible races of fungi from the Ustilaginales. Enhanced resistance in KP4 wheat to stinking smut, which is caused by Tilletia caries, had been reported earlier. We show that KP4 in genetically engineered wheat increased resistance to loose smut up to 60% compared to the non-KP4 control under greenhouse conditions. This enhanced resistance is dose and race dependent. The overexpression of the transgene kp4 and its effect on fungal growth have indirect effects on the expression of endogenous pathogen defense genes

    Cefepime vs Piperacilina Tazobactam en el manejo empírico de la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad grave en adultos : Un análisis de pareamiento por puntaje de propensión

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    15 páginasLa neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC) grave es una de las principales enfermedades infecciosas que afecta a la población que se encuentra en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), y en la que el manejo antibiótico empírico para pacientes con factores de riesgo para Pseudomona aeruginosa no está claramente definido en las guías internacionales. Por tanto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar el tratamiento antibiótico antipseudomónico para pacientes con NAC grave en la UCI. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se realizó un análisis secundario de una cohorte retrospectiva con un análisis de puntaje de propensión (PSM) en la Clínica Universidad de la Sabana, se toma registro de historias clínicas desde febrero de 2006 a abril del año 2021; dado que la obtención de datos de la base de datos Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC IV) no fue posible. Se incluyeron los pacientes con diagnóstico clínico, paraclínico y radiológico de NAC. Se tuvo en cuenta la asociación de variables demográficas, comorbilidades y resultados clínicos frente a la mortalidad de a Cefepime (CEF) versus Piperazilina Tazobactam (PTZ), el tamaño de muestra calculado por medio de la fórmula de Fleiss debía ser de 600 participantes en total, sin embargo, posterior al emparejamiento 1:1 en el PSM se obtuvo una muestra de 406 pacientes, inferior a la esperada. RESULTADOS: se obtuvo una muestra de 406 pacientes. El promedio de edad de toda la población fue de 70.28 años (DE: 19.5), con mayor frecuencia del sexo masculino para PTZ (51%). %). Las comorbilidades más frecuentes en ambos grupos fueron Hipertensión arterial (HTA) (49% Vs 48%; P=0.2018), y Enfermedad cerebrovascular (ECV) (33% en ambos grupos P=0.9749), la comorbilidad menos frecuente fue SIDA en ambos grupos (P= 0.3178). Después de emparejar, el índice de Rubin disminuyó de 53.4 a 6.2.INTRODUCTION: Acquired-community pneumonia (ACP) is a main infectious disease that affect in UCI hospitalized people and in which the empirical treatment to patients that have risk factors to Pseudomona aeruginosa isnt clearly define don the international gidelines. The present study has as objective assessment the antibiotic therapy against pseudomona spp on this type of patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A secondary analysis of a retrospective cohort was performed with a propensity score analysis (PSM) at the Universidad de la Sabana Clinic, registering medical records from February 2006 to April 2021; since obtaining data from the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC IV) database was not possible. Patients with a clinical, paraclinical and radiological diagnosis of CAP were included. The association of demographic variables, comorbidities and clinical results with the mortality of Cefepime (CEF) versus Piperaziline Tazobactam (PTZ) was taken into account. The sample size calculated using the Fleiss formula should have been a total of 600 participants; however, after the 1:1 match in the PSM, a sample of 406 patients was obtained, which was lower than expected. RESULTS: a sample of 406 patients was obtained. The average age of the entire population was 70.28 years (SD: 19.5), with a higher frequency of males for PTZ (51%). %). The most frequent comorbidities in both groups were Arterial Hypertension (AHT) (49% Vs 48%; P=0.2018), and Cerebrovascular Disease (CVD) (33% in both groups P=0.9749), the least frequent comorbidity was AIDS in both groups. groups (P= 0.3178). After matching, Rubin's index decreased from 53.4 to 6.2. After propensity score matching, 30-day mortality showed no difference between CEF or PTZ treatment (ATE: 0.051, 95%CI: -0.025-0.127, P=0.189 and ATET: 0.022, 95%CI: -0.061-0.105, P=0.603), CEF has a lower percentage of mortality versus PTZ (18.2% Vs 27.2%; P=0.012), as well as better performance in the survival curve (P=0.014). DISCUSSION: To date, no study has been found in the literature that compares these two antibiotic therapy strategies in patients with severe CAP. This being the first study to compare this antibiotic therapy strategy in this clinical entity. It is found that the study population is elderly, with multiple comorbidities. Mortality obtained by PTZ is similar to that reported in the literature, mortality by CEF is lower than that reported in the literature. The main limitation of the study is the sample size, since with a larger sample size the results could have been significant. CONCLUSIONS: CEF y PTZ are antibiotics that might use in the management acute of ACP to patients with risk factors to Pseudomona aeruginosa indistinctly. A larger sample is needed for the differences between these two antibiotics in this clinical context to be significant.Maestría en EpidemiologíaMagíster en Epidemiología

    Transgenic Pm3 multilines of wheat show increased powdery mildew resistance in the field

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    Resistance (R) genes protect plants very effectively from disease, but many of them are rapidly overcome when present in widely grown cultivars. To overcome this lack of durability, strategies that increase host resistance diversity have been proposed. Among them is the use of multilines composed of near-isogenic lines (NILs) containing different disease resistance genes. In contrast to classical R-gene introgression by recurrent backcrossing, a transgenic approach allows the development of lines with identical genetic background, differing only in a single R gene. We have used alleles of the resistance locus Pm3 in wheat, conferring race-specific resistance to wheat powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici), to develop transgenic wheat lines overexpressing Pm3a, Pm3c, Pm3d, Pm3f or Pm3g. In field experiments, all tested transgenic lines were significantly more resistant than their respective nontransformed sister lines. The resistance level of the transgenic Pm3 lines was determined mainly by the frequency of virulence to the particular Pm3 allele in the powdery mildew population, Pm3 expression levels and most likely also allele-specific properties. We created six two-way multilines by mixing seeds of the parental line Bobwhite and transgenic Pm3a, Pm3b and Pm3d lines. The Pm3 multilines were more resistant than their components when tested in the field. This demonstrates that the difference in a single R gene is sufficient to cause host-diversity effects and that multilines of transgenic Pm3 wheat lines represent a promising strategy for an effective and sustainable use of Pm3 alleles

    Interventions to improve calcium intake through foods in populations with low intake

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    Funding Information: We gratefully acknowledge Christine Stewart for her critical review and comments on this paper. The meetings of the Calcium Task Force, the development of this paper, and its open access were supported by funding from the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation to the Nutrition Science Program of the New York Academy of Sciences. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.Calcium intake remains inadequate in many low- and middle-income countries, especially in Africa and South Asia, where average intakes can be below 400 mg/day. Given the vital role of calcium in bone health, metabolism, and cell signaling, countries with low calcium intake may want to consider food-based approaches to improve calcium consumption and bioavailability within their population. This is especially true for those with low calcium intake who would benefit the most, including pregnant women (by reducing the risk of preeclampsia) and children (by reducing calcium-deficiency rickets). Specifically, some animal-source foods that are naturally high in bioavailable calcium and plant foods that can contribute to calcium intake could be promoted either through policies or educational materials. Some food processing techniques can improve the calcium content in food or increase calcium bioavailability. Staple-food fortification with calcium can also be a cost-effective method to increase intake with minimal behavior change required. Lastly, biofortification is currently being investigated to improve calcium content, either through genetic screening and breeding of high-calcium varieties or through the application of calcium-rich fertilizers. These mechanisms can be used alone or in combination based on the local context to improve calcium intake within a population.publishersversionpublishe