1,673 research outputs found

    Punk in Translation: A Music and Fashion History of Punk

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College

    Ensambles de arqueas y bacterias en la Zona de Mínimo Oxígeno del ecosistema de surgencia de Chile central determinados mediante biomarcadores orgánicos

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.Organic biomarkers were used to investigate the influence of seasonal changes in oxygenation and water chemistry on the distribution of archaea and bacteria in the water column and surface sediments of the continental shelf off central Chile (ca. 36°S), an area influenced by seasonal upwelling and the development of an oxygen minimum zone. We were interested in establishing if occurrence of archaea and bacteria responds to oxygenation and water chemistry for which we analyzed archaeal isoprenoid (i) and bacterial branched (br) glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs). Our results combined with molecular data from a year round observational program at the same sampling site and depths indicatives the occurrence and dominance of the marine pelagic group Thaumarchaeota. Changes in the distribution of iGDGTs might be explained by (i) the presence of archaeal populations in sub-oxic waters, phylogenetically different from those in surface water, (ii) changes in the relative contribution of Euryarchaeota with depth, and (iii) a relationship between Thaumarchaeota and environmental factors other than temperature. Branched GDGTs were more abundant in the upper, oxic layer during the non-upwelling season, may be a result of higher river runoff, whereas their diversity was higher within sub-oxic waters. Our results indicate a vertical segregation of iGDGTs and brGDGTs, with predominance of archaeal biomarkers during the low productivity season.Se utilizaron biomarcadores orgánicos en para investigar la influencia de cambios estacionales en los niveles de oxigenación y la química del agua sobre la distribución de arqueas y bacterias en la columna de agua y los sedimentos superficiales de la plataforma continental frente a Chile central, un área influenciada por surgencia estacional asociada al desarrollo de una zona de mínimo oxígeno. Nuestro interés es establecer si la ocurrencia de arquea y bacteria responde a la oxigenación y química del agua para lo cual analizamos gliceroles dialquil gliceroles tetra-éteres (GDGTs) isoprenoides arqueanos (i) y ramificados bacterianos (r). Nuestros resultados, combinados con datos moleculares de observaciones durante un año en el mismo lugar y profundidades del sitio de estudio indican la presencia y dominancia del grupo arqueano marino- pelágico Thaumarchaeota. Los cambios observados en la distribución de iGDGTs podrían explicarse por (i) la presencia de poblaciones de arqueas marinas en la capa de agua sub-óxica, filogenéticamente diferentes a las de aguas superficiales, (ii) cambio en la contribución relativa de Euryarchaeota con profundidad, y (iii) una relación entre Thaumarchaeota y factores ambientales distintos a la temperatura. Los GDGTs ramificados fueron más abundantes en la capa óxica superior durante el periodo de no-surgencia, tal vez influenciado por la alta descarga de ríos, mientras que su diversidad fue más alta en el agua sub-óxica. Nuestros resultados indican una segregación vertical de los GDGTs isoprenoides y ramificados, con el predominio de biomarcadores arqueanos durante el periodo de baja productividad.http://ref.scielo.org/vq5y7

    A static scheduling approach to enable safety-critical OpenMP applications

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    Parallel computation is fundamental to satisfy the performance requirements of advanced safety-critical systems. OpenMP is a good candidate to exploit the performance opportunities of parallel platforms. However, safety-critical systems are often based on static allocation strategies, whereas current OpenMP implementations are based on dynamic schedulers. This paper proposes two OpenMP-compliant static allocation approaches: an optimal but costly approach based on an ILP formulation, and a sub-optimal but tractable approach that computes a worst-case makespan bound close to the optimal one.This work is funded by the EU projects P-SOCRATES (FP7-ICT-2013-10) and HERCULES (H2020/ICT/2015/688860), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under contract TIN2015-65316-P.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Time-predictable parallel programming models

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    Embedded Computing (EC) systems are increas-ingly concerned with providing higher performance in real-time while HPC applications require huge amounts of information to be processed within a bounded amount of time. Addressing this convergence and mixed set of requirements needs suitable programming methodologies to exploit the massively parallel computation capabilities of the available platforms in a pre-dictable way. OpenMP has evolved to deal with the programma-bility of heterogeneous many-cores, with mature support for fine-grained task parallelism. Unfortunately, while these features are very relevant for EC heterogeneous systems, often modeled as periodic task graphs, both the OpenMP programming interface and the execution model are completely agnostic to any timing requirement that the target applications may have. The goal of our work is to enable the use of the OpenMP parallel programming model in real-time embedded systems, such that many-cores architectures can be adopted in critical real-time embedded systems. To do so, it is required to guarantee the timing behavior of OpenMP applications

    Mutation in the Prothrombin Gene G20210A as a Cause of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis

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    Introduction. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rare form of cerebrovascular disease, which may manifest clinically by a wide variety of signs and symptoms. It has been associated with multiple risk factors including genetic or acquired blood disorders, infections, and trauma. Case Report. Man of 17 years who presented with 10 days of intense global headache with nausea and vomiting and subsequent onset of mild hemiparesis and hypoesthesia in right hemibody. Studies show venous thrombosis of the superior longitudinal sinus. It was identified a gene mutation in prothrombin G20210A as a probable cause of the thrombosis. Conclusions. Substitution of guanine for adenine at nucleotide 20210 in the coding region of the prothrombin gene is the second most common primary thrombophilia. Multiple cases of CVST have been associated with this mutation. In the presence of CVST must be considered the primary studies for thrombophilia gene mutations, including prothrombin G20210A

    Relación entre la abundancia viral y procariótica sobre el monte submarino Bajo O'Higgins 1 (Sistema de la Corriente de Humboldt frente a Chile)

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    There is little known about the ecology of microbial communities living in the water column over seamounts. Here, for the first time, the spatial distribution and abundance of virus-like particles (VLP) are described over a seamount. The association between VLP distribution, prokaryotic abundance, and environmental variables is also analyzed. Sampling was conducted in December 2004 on the Bajo O’Higgins 1 seamount (32°54’S, 73°53’W) located in the Humboldt Current System off Chile. A oxygen minimum layer (OMZ) was clearly present between 130 and 280 m in the water column over the seamount. Water samples were taken with Niskin bottles at 10 oceanographic stations over the seamount at depths of 5, 20, 50, 75, 100, and 150 m and at the benthic boundary layer (BBL; 5-12 m over the sediments). Temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophyll , and phaeopigments were measured at each station. Viral and prokaryotic abundances were determined with fluorochrome SYBR Green I. Viral abundance ranged from 1.53 x 109 VLP L-1 - 16.48 x 109 VLP L-1, whereas prokaryotic abundance ranged from 1.78 x 10 8 cell L-1 - 14.91 x 108 cell L-1. The virus-like particle/prokaryote ratio varied widely among the analyzed layers (i.e. surface, OMZ, and BBL), probably due to the presence of different prokaryotic and viral assemblages in each layer. Our results indicate that the environmental conditions, mainly the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water column over Bajo O’Higgins 1 seamount, shape the association between viral and prokaryotic abundance.La ecología de comunidades microbianas que habitan en la columna de agua sobre montes submarinos es escasamente conocida. Aquí, por primera vez, se describe la distribución y abundancia de partículas virales (VLP) sobre un monte submarino. La asociación entre la distribución de VLP, abundancia de procariotas y variables ambientales es también analizada. El muestreo fue realizado en Diciembre del 2004 sobre el monte submarino Bajo O’Higgins 1 (32°54’S, 73°53’W) localizado en el Sistema de la Corriente de Humboldt frente a Chile. Una zona de mínimo oxígeno se detectó entre 130 y 280 m en la columna de agua sobre el monte submarino. Las muestras de agua fueron tomadas con botellas Niskin desde 10 estaciones oceanográficas a 5, 20, 50, 75, 100, y 150 m de profundidad y en la capa de interfase bentónica (BBL; 5-12 m sobre el sedimento). Las variables temperatura, salinidad, oxígeno, clorofila y feopigmentos fueron medidas en cada estación. La abundancia de virus y procariotas se determinó utilizando el fluorocromo SYBR Green I. La abundancia viral varió entre 1.53 x 10 9 VLP L-1 - 16.48 x 109 VLP L-1, mientras que la abundancia de células procariotas lo hizo entre 1.78 x 10 8 células L-1 - 14.91 x 10 8 células L-1. La razón virus/procariotas varió fuertemente entre los estratos analizados (i.e. superficial, zona de mínimo oxígeno, capa de interfase bentónica), probablemente debido a la presencia de diferentes ensambles procarióticos y virales en cada estrato. Nuestros resultados indican que las condiciones ambientales, principalmente la concentración de oxígeno disuelto en la columna de agua sobre el monte submarino Bajo O’Higgins 1, modula la asociación entre la abundancia viral y la abundancia de células procariotas

    Influences of thermal environment on fish growth

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    Indexación: Scopus.Thermoregulation in ectothermic animals is influenced by the ability to effectively respond to thermal variations. While it is known that ectotherms are affected by thermal changes, it remains unknown whether physiological and/or metabolic traits are impacted by modifications to the thermal environment. Our research provides key evidence that fish ectotherms are highly influenced by thermal variability during development, which leads to important modifications at several metabolic levels (e.g., growth trajectories, microstructural alterations, muscle injuries, and molecular mechanisms). In Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), a wide thermal range (ΔT 6.4°C) during development (posthatch larvae to juveniles) was associated with increases in key thermal performance measures for survival and growth trajectory. Other metabolic traits were also significantly influenced, such as size, muscle cellularity, and molecular growth regulators possibly affected by adaptive processes. In contrast, a restricted thermal range (ΔT 1.4°C) was detrimental to growth, survival, and cellular microstructure as muscle growth could not keep pace with increased metabolic demands. These findings provide a possible basic explanation for the effects of thermal environment during growth. In conclusion, our results highlight the key role of thermal range amplitude on survival and on interactions with major metabolism-regulating processes that have positive adaptive effects for organisms.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.3239/ful

    Strategies for Territorial Peace: The Overcoming of the Structural Violence in Women Living in Palmira, Colombia

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    Women experience different types of violence, and poverty is one of them. The aim of this work was to show the situation of poverty experienced by women in Palmira and how this condition affects both their participation in and contribution to the achievement of territorial peace—a central political target in our country. For this, a descriptive and predictive study was carried out by applying a survey to measure the different types of violence affecting Palmirana women. The results demonstrate the predominance of structural violence suffered by women, which creates unfavorable conditions for the construction of peace in Colombia

    Diseño y construcción de un módulo de extracción líquido-líquido para el laboratorio de operaciones unitarias de la Escuela de Tecnología Química de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    En el presente trabajo de grado, se diseñó y construyó una columna de extracción líquido-líquido, la cual tiene como finalidad, el afianzamiento del conocimiento adquirido por parte de los estudiantes, visualizando esté tipo de operaciones de una manera mucho más amigable. El equipo está diseñado para que se realicen prácticas con diferentes solventes, en el caso nuestro trabajamos con un sistema ternario de agua, etanol y una mezcla de aceite vegetal y de ricino en porcentaje peso-peso (40:60), por consiguiente al no existir en la literatura diagramas ternarios específicos para dicho sistema, se procedió a la elaboración y obtención de la curva binodal y las respectivas líneas de reparto. Este proceso se llevó a cabo determinando las densidades y respectivos índices de refracción, para mezclas en diferentes proporciones en cada uno de los componentes del sistema ternario y en cada fase de las mezclas. Los resultados obtenidos para la construcción del diagrama ternario, dejan ver la poca afinidad entre la mezcla de aceites y el agua y la tendencia del etanol por solubilizando a la mezcla de aceites