65 research outputs found


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    Ovariohysterectomy (OH) is the most performed surgical procedure in the veterinary routine. Such surgery can be carried out as a treatment for diseases, being called therapeutic OH. Thus, the present review aims to determine the indications for therapeutic OH in cats. For this purpose, a search was carried out on scientific article websites using terms related to the topic, covering the period from 2012 to 2022 (10 years). The articles on the indication of therapeutic OH in cats were analyzed and the data obtained were arranged in a table and graph. Twenty-seven publications were analyzed, totaling 1,264 cases of therapeutic OH in cats. Pyometra was the most frequent disease, totaling 1,010 cases (79.90%). Ovarian cyst was the second most frequent cause, comprising 95 cases (7.51%). The third most frequent cause of therapeutic HO was dystocia, representing 81 cases (6.40%). Breast hyperplasia was an indication for therapeutic OH in 30 cases (2.37%). Uterine prolapse and uterine torsion had the same frequency (11 cases; 0.87%). Fetal maceration was a therapeutic indication in three reports (0.23%) in the analyzed articles. There were ten other less common indications of therapeutic OH in cats. Thus, the results indicate pyometra as the most frequent disease; however, few articles were found on the subject, indicating the need for more studies involving the feline species.Ovariohisterectomia (OH) é o procedimento cirúrgico mais realizado na rotina veterinária. Tal cirurgia pode ser realizada como tratamento de enfermidades, sendo denominada de OH terapêutica. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão é determinar quais as indicações de OH terapêutica em gatas. Para isso, foi realizada uma busca em sites de artigos científicos utilizando-se termos relacionados ao tema, abrangendo o período de 2012 a 2022 (10 anos). Os artigos sobre indicação de OH terapêutica em gatas foram analisados e os dados obtidos foram dispostos em tabela e gráfico. Foram analisadas 27 publicações, perfazendo 1.264 casos de OH terapêutica em gatas. Piometra foi a enfermidade mais frequente, totalizando 1.010 casos (79,90%). Cisto ovariano foi a segunda causa mais frequente, compreendendo 95 casos (7,51%). A terceira causa mais frequente de OH terapêutica foi a distocia, representando 81 casos (6,40%). A hiperplasia mamária foi indicação de OH terapêutica em 30 casos (2,37%). Prolapso uterino e torção uterina obtiveram a mesma frequência (11 casos; 0,87%). Maceração fetal foi uma indicação terapêutica em três relatos (0,23%) nos artigos analisados. Ocorreram dez outras indicações menos comuns de OH terapêutica em gatas. Desta forma, os resultados indicam a piometra como a doença mais frequente, entretanto, foram encontrados poucos artigos sobre o tema, indicando a necessidade de mais estudos envolvendo a espécie felina

    Surgical Approach in Calves with Omphalitis

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    Background:Pathological changes in the umbilical region are common in calves. Among such alterations, omphalitis is included. This term is used to define inflammation and infection of the external structures of the umbilicus. According to the affected structures, it can be subclassified into omphalophlebitis, omphaloarteritis, omphalourachitis and panvasculitis. These inflammations are usually associated with bacterial infections. There are predisposing conditions that include inadequate handling such as poor hygiene and neglect of primary care. Omphalitis can affect the animal in a multisystemic way, compromising its well-being and bringing economic losses. In treatment, the use of antimicrobials does not always solve the problem. Thus, surgical treatment can be used, which has good results and should be the choice in the disease. The objective of this work is to report 30 cases of omphalitis in calves, submitted to surgical or conservative treatment.Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty cases of omphalitis in calves treated in the routine of the Veterinary Hospital of the Paranaense University was analyzed. On physical examination, the animals presented fever, apathy, hyporexia or anorexia and increase of umbilical volume, usually with purulent secretion. Some animals had sepsis and arthritis. In animals with sepsis, hyperemia of the episcleral vessels, dehydration and severe apathy were observed. In calves with arthritis, increased joint volume, pain on palpation and lameness were observed. In animals where the owners did not authorize the surgery, treatment was instituted with sulfadoxine and flunixim meglumine. In dehydrated calves, fluid therapy was used. Animals that were surgically treated received the same clinical treatment protocol as non-operated animals. The surgical procedure was performed under general anesthesia and consisted of resection of the affected umbilical structures. Omphalophlebitis was the most common illness. The most frequent complication was sepsis. Calves treated surgically had a higher survival rate (86.66%) than those treated clinically (46.67%).Discussion: The clinical signs presented by all animals converged with the literature, allowing for clinical diagnosis. Clinical examination is essential for diagnosis in omphalitis cases. Complementary methods include ultrasound, thermography and laparoscopy, which are important to identify changes in intra-abdominal umbilical structures. Accurate diagnosis of the involved structures was only possible in animals surgically, as well as alterations in organs such as the liver and bladder. There is great variability related to the umbilical structures involved, according to initial care, breeds, seasonality or even the method of conception. Unlike what is observed in the literature, in the present study, there was a higher prevalence of omphalophlebitis, demonstrating variability in relation to the umbilical structures involved. Sepsis, observed in 16.7% of cases, results from bacterial ascension of the umbilical structures. Lameness due to polyarthritis was found in 10% of animals. Meningoencephalitis was observed in 3.3%. Hepatic and retroperitoneal abscedation were observed in 6.7% and 3.3% of cases, respectively. Conservative treatment with antibiotics and local antiseptics has a limited effect on this type of condition, which was proven in the presentstudy, since the survival rate was statistically higher in animalssurgically treated.Keywords: surgery, umbilical structures, bovine, neonate.Descritores: cirurgia, estruturas umbilicais, bovinos, neonato.Título: Surgical Approach in Calves with Omphalitis

    Casuística cirúrgica em cães de um Hospital Veterinário - Universidade Federal do Piauí

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    The objective of this report was to record surgical procedures performed in 241 dogs in a teaching veterinary hospital. There were 40 elective surgical procedures (16.6%) and 201 therapeutic surgical procedures (83.4%). The most frequent procedure was ovariohysterectomy (OH), 65% (26/40) and 24.38% (49/201), respectively, for elective and therapeutic surgical procedures. Among therapeutic surgical procedures were registered fracture reduction (16.91%, 34/201), mastectomies (13.93%, 28/201), drainage of the otohematoma (12.94%; 26/201) and ophthalmic surgical procedures (5.47%, 11/201). The high percentage of therapeutic surgical procedures conducted demonstrates the complexity of the cases attended daily in a teaching veterinary hospital.O presente relato tem o objetivo de registrar procedimentos cirúrgicos realizados em 241 cães em um Hospital Veterinário Universitário. Foram realizados 40 procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos (16,6%) e 201 procedimentos cirúrgicos terapêuticos (83,4%). Em ambos os casos, o procedimento mais frequente foi ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH), 65% (26/40) e 24,38% (49/201) respectivamente para procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos e terapêuticos. Entre os procedimentos cirúrgicos terapêuticos foram registradas redução de fraturas (16,91%; 34/201), mastectomias (13,93%; 28/201), drenagem de otohematomas (12,94%; 26/201) e procedimentos cirúrgicos oftálmicos (5,47%; 11/201). A alta porcentagem de procedimentos cirúrgicos terapêuticos demonstra a complexidade dos casos atendidos diariamente em um Hospital Escola

    Impactos do diagnóstico de autismo nos núcleos familiares no Brasil central

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    O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) ou simplesmente autismo compreende, de forma geral, uma gama de sinais, sintomas e manifestações neurocomportamentais, as quais interferem diretamente no desenvolvimento social do indivíduo. Esses padrões são, muitas das vezes, visualizados ainda na primeira infância, e a detecção precoce da síndrome proporciona inúmeras vantagens, a curto e a longo prazo, não somente para o infante como também para a família, no que tange a minimizar os efeitos desse diagnóstico, sejam eles de cunho afetivo, econômico e/ou interpessoais. Nesse sentido, tem-se como objetivo dessa pesquisa identificar os impactos do diagnóstico de autismo no núcleo familiar. Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal quantitativo, o qual será realizado no complexo da Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais – APAE, no município de Anápolis, com os familiares responsáveis pelas crianças e adolescentes frequentadores da instituição. A coleta de dados dar-se-á por meio de um questionário elaborado pelos autores, com perguntas objetivas, relacionadas com o que foi vivenciado pelos indivíduos, a existência de sentimentos como o medo, eventuais adaptações financeiras, consequências psicológicas e implicações sociais. Dessa forma, espera-se conhecer quais são, de fato, as reais repercussões sentidas rotineiramente pelas famílias após o diagnóstico da síndrome, contando com informações verídicas e atuais

    Incisional Hernia in a Dog

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    Background: The rupture of the suture in the abdominal wall, but with integrity of the cutaneous suture, results in a condition known as incisional hernia. It is characterized by the protrusion of the abdominal viscera through orifices or areas of the abdominal wall. In most of the cases these defects in the abdominal wall are iatrogenic. The incisional hernia occurs in an intact wall that is weakened by surgical incisions. The available literature on the incidence of incisional hernias in animals is scarce. With the aim to contribute to the information about incisional hernia in animals, it was decided to describe the case of incisional hernia in a female dog after performing ovariohysterectomy (OH).Case: An adult mongrel shelter bitch, of unknown age, weighing 9.5 kg was admitted for OH in a practical class of the veterinary surgical technical discipline. Once the anesthetic condition was established, a retro-umbilical cutaneous incision was made. After opening the abdominal cavity, the bitch was castrated routinely. The abdominal wall was sutured including peritoneum, muscle fascia, and rectus abdominis muscle with nylon thread and U-stitches. The subcutaneous tissue was then sutured with the same thread using Cushing suture. Ten days after the surgery, when the stitches were removed, the bitch revealed an increase in volume at the region of the surgical scar. Incisional hernia was diagnosed after careful palpation. For correction of the hernia, the bitch was submitted to surgical procedure. After the skin opening, an intense inflammatory reaction was observed in the subcutaneous tissue. The inflamed skin and subcutaneous tissue were removed. The abdominal cavity was closed with nylon thread by means of U-stitches. The subcutaneous and skin sutures were the same as the first surgery. Ten days after the second surgery, stitches were removed, and the bitch had fully recovered. Discussion: One of the factors that may have contributed to the occurrence of the hernia was carrying out the surgical procedure in a practical class. The difficulties shown by students are related to the long learning curve, the complexity of the invasive technique, and the lack of ability. The apprentice surgeon can cause injuries in the tissues due to excessive manipulation. Post-incision hernias are acquired and formed when a cavity wall closed by surgery is ruptured. Another factor that may have contributed to the occurrence of the hernia described here is unsatisfactory postoperative care, which may be considered as one of the factors for acute cases of incisional hernias. Information on postoperative care after the patient was returned to the shelter is not available. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the patient, in contact with other animals by means of games or even fights, could have ruptured the points, thus causing dehiscence of the suture in the abdominal wall. However, it was concluded that the most probable factors involved in the etiology of the hernia in question were nutritional deficiencies along with the inexperience of the surgeon. The treatment adopted in the patient (herniorrhaphy) was adequate for the correction of the hernia. The technique and the material to be used in the procedure are of great importance, since it must be resistant enough to avoid recurrences. In the patient in question, nylon thread was used in separate U-shaped stitches. In the literature, there are reports that unabsorbable yarns used at separate points present the lowest rate of dehiscence and relapse in the abdominal wall sutures. The incisional hernia can be prevented by preparing the patient for surgery, improving the nutritional requirements, and by a more intense training of the students performing the surgical procedure in the neutering program of dogs and cats during practical classes


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    The growing number of companion animals, especially in large cities, has narrowed the contact between these animals and man, increasing human exposure to agents of zoonoses. The incidence of parasitic zoonoses is frequent in dogs. Among the parasitary zoonoses are Giardiasis, Dipilidiosis, Cryptosporodiosis, Toxocariasis, cutaneous larva migrans, ocular larva migrans, and visceral larva migrans. The aim of this study was to conduct a literature review of these zoonoses transmitted by dog feces in Brazil. A search was performed in scientific academic journals available online and in print, with the following indexing terms: parasitary zoonoses and intestinal parasites in dogs. Articles published from 1958 to 2021 were included in the study. Based on these articles, the different data related to the main parasitic zoonoses in dogs, etiology, form of transmission, and treatment were gathered and compared.O crescente número de animais de companhia, principalmente nos grandes centros, tem estreitado o contato entre esses e o homem, aumentando a exposição humana a agentes de zoonoses. A incidência de zoonoses parasitárias é frequente em cães. Entre as zoonoses parasitárias estão: Giardíase, Dipilidiose, Criptosporodiose, Toxocaríase, Larva migrans cutânea, Larva migrans ocular e Larva migrans visceral. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão de literatura dessas zoonoses transmitidas por fezes de cães no Brasil. Foi realizada, para isso, uma busca em revistas acadêmicas científicas disponíveis on-line e impressas, com os seguintes termos de indexação: zoonoses parasitárias e parasitos intestinais em cães; sendo incluídos no estudo artigos publicados a partir de 1958 até 2021. Dessa forma, foram reunidos e comparados os diferentes dados encontrados nas fontes de consulta e listadas as principais zoonoses parasitárias em cães, além de etiologia, forma de transmissão e tratamento

    Analgesia with maropitant in bitches anesthetized with tiletamine, zolazepam, atropine and detomidine / Analgesia com maropitant em cadelas anestesiadas com tiletamina, zolazepam, atropina e detomidina

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    In order to test the analgesic effect of the citrate of maropitant (antiemetic drug) in association with ZAD-50 (tiletamine associated to zolazepam, atropine, and detomidine), 20 female dogs were divided into two equal groups and submitted to elective ovariohysterectomy. Anesthesia was induced in the first group (control group) by administering only ZAD-50, while ZAD-50 in association with maropitant was administered in the second group (experimental group). Analgesia was evaluated by means of visceral relaxation to the traction of the ovarian pedicles. The maropitant group showed no pain sensitivity during the evaluation. Thus, it was concluded that the use of maropitant citrate prior to ZAD-50 administration provided greater relaxation and visceral analgesia than the isolated use of this anesthetic in the elective ovariohysterectomy of bitches


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    Algumas das urgências reprodutivas presentes na espécie canina incluem distocias, piometra e mastite, sendo esta última, a inflamação bacteriana de uma ou mais glândulas mamárias, secundária ao parto em cadelas. Objetivou-se, com o presente relato, descrever dois casos de mastite em cadelas sem raça definida. Os dois casos foram diagnosticados por meio da anamnese e exame clínico, porém, no segundo caso foram realizados exames complementares (hemograma; cultura e antibiograma). O tratamento do primeiro caso foi feito com cefalexina e tintura de iodo topicamente nas tetas. Para o segundo caso, em decorrência da realização da cultura e antibiograma, detectou-se sensibilidade a alguns antibióticos e resistência a outros. Assim, o animal foi tratado com amoxicilina associada a ácido clavulânico. Em ambos os casos houve recuperação completa das pacientes. O diagnóstico precoce da enfermidade é importante devido ao caráter emergencial da doença. O tratamento, baseado em antimicrobianos, foi eficiente e adequado para os casos em questão


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    Castration is one of the most performed procedures in veterinary clinical practice. Chemical castration is a non-invasive method, which leads to a total or partial reduction in the production of sperm, causing reproductive dysfunction. Such a procedure has advantages such as low cost, simplicity and the possibility of sterilizing many animals. In this paper, a current review (from 2016) on chemical castration in animals as a viable alternative to castrate males is carried out. Papers that describe chemical castration in several species were retrieved. The chemical castration technique is most often performed with local anesthesia and includes the introduction of substances into the testicles with the use of syringes and needles. Various substances can be used to perform chemical castration in animals. The most used in practice are calcium chloride and hypertonic sodium chloride. The main disadvantage of chemical castration is related to the pain produced by the injection of a substance inside the testicle. Edema and inflammation occur, but they are transient. It was concluded that chemical castration is a viable technique to be used in male animals. It can be used in farm animals, especially for small producers. Besides that, it can be useful in the population control of dogs and cats. Further studies with different drugs, doses and species are needed, including long-term studies that should focus especially on the reversibility of the method, carcinogenesis and behavioral changes.A castração é um dos procedimentos mais realizados na prática clínica veterinária. A castração química é um método não invasivo, que leva à redução total ou parcial da produção de espermatozoides, causando disfunção reprodutiva. Tal procedimento apresenta vantagens como baixo custo, simplicidade e possibilidade de esterilização de um grande número de animais. Neste artigo realiza-se uma revisão atual (a partir de 2016) sobre castração química em animais como uma alternativa viável para castrar machos. Foram resgatados artigos que descrevem castração química em diversas espécies. A técnica de castração química na maioria das vezes é realizada com anestesia local e inclui a introdução de substâncias no interior dos testículos com a utilização de seringas e agulhas. Várias substâncias podem ser utilizadas para realizar castração química em animais. As mais empregadas na prática são cloreto de cálcio e cloreto de sódio hipertônico. A principal desvantagem da castração química se relaciona à dor produzida pela injeção de uma substância no interior do testículo. Ocorre edema e processo inflamatório, mas são transitórios. Concluiu-se que a castração química é uma técnica viável para ser utilizada em animais machos. Pode ser empregada em animais de produção, especialmente para os pequenos produtores. Além disso, pode ser útil no controle populacional de cães e gatos. São necessários mais estudos com fármacos, doses e espécies diferentes, inclusive estudos a longo prazo que devem enfocar especialmente a reversibilidade do método, a carcinogênese e as alterações comportamentais

    Positive dogs for ehrlichiosis in the immunochromatographic test and negatives in the polymerase chain reaction: report of six cases with therapeutic success: Cães positivos para ehrliquiose no teste imunocromatográfico e negativos na reação em cadeia da polimerase: relato de seis casos com sucesso terapêutico

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    Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis is a hemoparasitosis whose etiologic agent is Ehrlichia canis, a gram-negative and obligate intracellular bacteria. The clinical signs of this disease are considered non-specific, therefore, laboratory tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. The present study aims to report six cases of ehrlichiosis in dogs positive in the immunochromatographic test and negative in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These animals showed complete recovery after clinical treatment, suggesting that carrier animals may present negative results even in laboratory tests of high sensitivity and specificity, such as PCR. The findings of this report allowed us to conclude that the treatment, in some cases, can be based only on diagnostic suspicion, in association with clinical and hematological signs