65 research outputs found

    A comparative compositional study of Egyptian glass from Amarna with regard to cobalt sources and other colourants

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    A selection of Late Bronze Age glass objects from the site of Amarna (Egypt) was analysed for their overall chemical composition, colourants and transition metals associated with the sources of cobalt ore. The objects were analysed by means of Particle Induced X-Ray and Gamma-ray Emission and Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry at the IBC, HZDR, Dresden and the New AGLAE facility, C2RMF, Paris. The data was subsequently compared with further measurements obtained by portable X-Ray Fluorescence (and by Laser-Ablation Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass-Spectrometry) in order to sound the potential of these non-destructive methods to obtain new insights into the production process of glass from Amarna and its provenancing


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    Le développement de l’instrument et des méthodes d’analyse par faisceau d’ions appliquées aux problématiques patrimoniales est au cœur de l’activité de l’équipe AGLAE. Le projet New AGLAE a pour objectif de mettre à disposition des chercheurs une ligne de faisceau automatisée et en fonctionnement jour et nuit, ainsi qu’un nouveau système de détection PIXE, PIGE, RBS et IBIL capable d’effectuer de l’imagerie chimique systématique sur plusieurs centimètres carrés.The development of the instrument and the methodologies of ion beam analysis applied to Cultural Heritage issues is a major interest of the AGLAE team. The New AGLAE project aims at providing an automated beamline available night and day as well as a new PIXE, PIGE, RBS and IBIL detection system enabling systematic chemical imaging on several cm²

    A new 3D positioner for the analytical mapping of non-flat objects under accelerator beams

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    We report the development of a 3D positioner for the elemental mapping of non-flat surfaces of heritage targets and its implementation in the external beam of the AGLAE accelerator, a joint research activity of the IPERION-CH European program.The positioner operates in two steps: 1) object surface is digitized using a 3D scanner implemented in the beamline. Surface points are interpolated onto a rectangular grid suitable for beam scanning. 2) Object is scanned under the beam using X/Y/Z stages holding a hexapod robot for rotations. During scanning, target surface is positioned with the Z stage and oriented perpendicular to the beam using hexapod rotations. Areas up to 100 × 100 mm 2 with a resolution of 50 µ m and 30° curvature of can be mapped on objects of 200 mm and 5 kg max. System operation was tested by recording PIXE maps on the polychrome decoration of a curved porcelain pot

    2023 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

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    This work summarizes the results of a three-year project focused on the archaeometrical study of a collection of about one thousand pre-Roman glass beads found at the archaeological site of Pintia (Valladolid, Spain), located at the interior of Iberia. In addition to the morphological and contextual analysis of the entire collection, a representative set of 150 samples, including several unique and exquisite polychrome beads, have been studied in detail by diverse archaeometric techniques such as Raman spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence, PIXE/PIGE, X-ray tomography, among others. The combined use of these techniques provided valuable data about the production processes of the polychrome beads. Remarkably, some previous conceptions about their fabrication have been modified, and evidence about their production in secondary workshops has been provided. Moreover, hints about the origin of the primary glasses employed in all the studied samples have been obtained, suggesting their origin was scattered between Egypt and Syria-Palestine

    The rose of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris: sophisticated stained glasses for late medieval painters

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    The restoration of the rose (15th century) of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, France, offered a unique opportunity to investigate the color and chemical composition of these emblematic medieval French stained glasses with non-destructive analyses. The obtained results are aimed at complementing the knowledge from art historians and thus together trying to compensate for the total absence of archives on the construction of the rose. Comparison with the glasses of the nave (13th century) reveals an important evolution of the aesthetics based on new types of glasses: new colors and extensive use of flashed glass. The systematic study of the chemical composition of both sides of each glass piece revealed that about half of the studied glasses were flashed. For non-flashed glasses, this comparison allowed evaluating the influence of glass surface weathering, although very moderate, on the composition variability. In light of the variability criteria, the multivariate analysis of the chemical composition allowed inferring that most glasses originate from the same production glasshouse. The new colors result from the original composition of flashed glass, allowing superimposing otherwise incompatible redox states of the coloring transition elements. The comparison with the glasses of the nave reveals the glass technology evolution that occurred over two centuries and allowed the production of new glasses for the medieval glaziers at the eve of the Parisian Renaissance

    The rose of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris: sophisticated stained glasses for late medieval painters

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    The restoration of the rose (15th century) of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, France, offered a unique opportunity to investigate the color and chemical composition of these emblematic medieval French stained glasses with non-destructive analyses. The obtained results are aimed at complementing the knowledge from art historians and thus together trying to compensate for the total absence of archives on the construction of the rose. Comparison with the glasses of the nave (13th century) reveals an important evolution of the aesthetics based on new types of glasses: new colors and extensive use of flashed glass. The systematic study of the chemical composition of both sides of each glass piece revealed that about half of the studied glasses were flashed. For non-flashed glasses, this comparison allowed evaluating the influence of glass surface weathering, although very moderate, on the composition variability. In light of the variability criteria, the multivariate analysis of the chemical composition allowed inferring that most glasses originate from the same production glasshouse. The new colors result from the original composition of flashed glass, allowing superimposing otherwise incompatible redox states of the coloring transition elements. The comparison with the glasses of the nave reveals the glass technology evolution that occurred over two centuries and allowed the production of new glasses for the medieval glaziers at the eve of the Parisian Renaissance

    Characterisation of multiple immune escape mechanisms in Waldenström macroglobulinemia through the study of the immune microenvironment in a Myd88 mutated pre-clinical model and therapeutic perspectives.

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    La maladie de Waldenström est un syndrome lymphoprolifératif B indolent et rare se développant dans la moelle osseuse, dont la principale caractéristique est la présence quasi-systématique de la mutation L265P de la protéine MYD88. Les thérapies utilisées en clinique ne parviennent malheureusement pas à contenir cette maladie, qui est par conséquent toujours incurable à l’heure actuelle. Grâce à un modèle transgénique murin mimant la maladie de Waldenström, nous avons démontré la présence de mécanismes d’échappement immunitaire associés à un épuisement fonctionnel des lymphocytes T. Ces mécanismes semblent participer au développement du lymphome indolent et sont plus accentués encore lors de sa transformation en lymphome agressif. Si ces résultats permettent d’en apprendre plus sur le développement de la maladie, ils permettent également d’ouvrir la voie à de nombreuses perspectives thérapeutiques. Une des parties de ce travail consiste d’ailleurs à utiliser le modèle murin comme modèle d’étude préclinique, ce qui nous a permis de démontrer un bénéfice certain apporté par des thérapies ciblées réactivant le système immunitaire telles que les anti-PD-1 ou encore les anti-IL-10R.Waldenström disease is a rare, indolent B lymphoproliferative syndrome of the bone marrow, whose main feature is the almost systematic presence of the L265P mutation of the MYD88 protein. Unfortunately, clinical therapies are unable to contain this disease, which remains incurable to this day. Using a transgenic mouse model mimicking Waldenström's disease, we have demonstrated the presence of immune escape mechanisms associated with functional exhaustion of T lymphocytes. These mechanisms appear to be involved in the development of indolent lymphoma, and are even more accentuated during its transformation into aggressive lymphoma. While these results provide new insights into the development of the disease, they also help open the way to numerous therapeutic perspectives. In fact, part of this work involves using the mouse model as a pre-clinical-preclinical study model, enabling us to demonstrate the clear benefit of targeted immune reactivating therapies such as anti-PD-1 or anti-IL-10R

    Analyses de la fibrolite par PIXE et XRF pour l'étude de la provenance de haches polies néolithiques de l'Ouest de la France

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    Communication aux Journées du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, 12-13 mai 201

    Caractérisation par analyse élémentaire PIXE de fibrolite : application à l'étude de provenance de haches polies néolithiques de l'Ouest de la France

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    Communication à la Journée du "CReAAH", Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, 2 avril 201
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