59 research outputs found

    Can COVID-19 impact the natural history of paracoccidioidomycosis? Insights from an atypical chronic form of the mycosis

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic fungal infection caused by Paracoccidioides spp. It can occur as an acute/subacute form (A/SAF), a chronic form (CF) and rarely as a mixed form combining the features of the two aforementioned forms in an immunocompromised patient. Here, we report a 56-year-old male patient with CF-PCM who presented with atypical manifestations, including the development of an initial esophageal ulcer, followed by central nervous system (CNS) lesions and cervical and abdominal lymphatic involvement concomitant with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. He was HIV-negative and had no other signs of previous immunodeficiency. Biopsy of the ulcer confirmed its mycotic etiology. He was hospitalized for treatment of COVID-19 and required supplemental oxygen in the intensive unit. The patient recovered without the need for invasive ventilatory support. Investigation of the extent of disease during hospitalization revealed severe lymphatic involvement typical of A/SAF, although the patient`s long history of high-risk exposure to PCM, and lung involvement typical of the CF. Esophageal involvement is rare in non-immunosuppressed PCM patients. CNS involvement is also rare. We suggest that the immunological imbalance caused by the severe COVID-19 infection may have contributed to the patient developing atypical severe CF, which resembles the PCM mixed form of immunosuppressed patients. Severe COVID-19 infection is known to impair the cell-mediated immune response, including the antiviral response, through T-lymphopenia, decreased NK cell counts and T-cell exhaustion. We hypothesize that these alterations would also impair antifungal defenses. Our case highlights the potential influence of COVID-19 on the course of PCM. Fortunately, the patient was timely treated for both diseases, evolving favorably

    Research: What Underpins the Teaching Action?

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the main ideas and convergences in research used and debates among authors and experts who have dedicated themselves to teacher education, as well as to understand how they teach and learn before and after the approaches presented here. This article is divided into two parts: in the first, a synthesis of the main discussions about the ideas of teacher education in Brazil, and the world is presented. The second discusses the challenges and possibilities posed as results presented from the analysis of the teachers interviewed. It seems unquestionable that the changes in the structure of Brazilian education required a pedagogical project for the training and professionalization of teachers, in line with the intended changes in education. However, it is fundamental that the intervention raises the levels of consciousness, autonomy, and criticality of individuals, to follow them to a path of transformation, equipped with reflection, about their practices: the human praxis

    Desempenho de vacas mestiças em função de suplementação energética e proteica em dietas à base de cana-de-açúcar

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    Erro no DOI, por isso foi disponibilizado o link de acesso.Avaliaram-se níveis de concentrados energéticos e proteicos em seis vacas Holandês x Zebu com peso corporal (PC) médio de 450 ± 10 kg, de primeira lactação, 60 dias pós-parto e 10,0 kg de leite/dia, em dietas à base de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp) corrigida com 0,3% de ureia:sulfato de amônia 9:1 na seca. Seis vacas foram distribuídas em um quadrado latino 6x6, em seis períodos de 10 dias, sendo os tratamentos distribuídos em fatorial 2x3 (0,8 e 1,6 kg de fubá de milho – FM/vaca/dia; e 0,0; 1,2 e 2,4 kg de farelo de soja – FS/vaca/dia). Com o aumento dos níveis de FM foi observado aumento no consumo de massa seca (MS), massa orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), carboidratos não fibrosos corrigidos para cinzas e proteína (CNFcp) e nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), sem efeito sobre o consumo de volumoso e fibra em detergente neutro (FDNcp). O FM aumentou ainda os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, EE e NDT, não alterou a produção e composição do leite e o PC e variação de PC. Com o aumento dos níveis de FS foi observado aumento no consumo de MS e de todos os constituintes, na maioria das vezes de forma quadrática, com exceção do consumo de volumoso, que permaneceu inalterado. O FS aumentou ainda os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, PB e CNFcp, aumentou a produção diária de leite e a produção diária e teor de seus constituintes, com exceção do teor de gordura, extrato seco total e contagem de células somáticas, e não alterou o PC e variação de PC. Houve interação entre FM e FS para consumos de CNFcp e de NDT em kg/dia e g/kg de PC, em que não houve benefício do FM nos níveis mais elevados de FS. O FS estimulou a digestibilidade da FDNcp somente no nível mais baixo de FM e aumentou o teor de proteína no leite no nível mais alto de FM. Concluindo, a adição de FM e FS nos níveis utilizados aumentam os consumos das frações nutricionais e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, 1,2 kg de FS aumentam a produção de leite e o aumento de FM e FS diminuem a eficiência no uso de concentrado.It was evaluated levels of energy and protein concentrates sources on six Holstein x Zebu cows with mean BW of 450 ± 10 kg, first lactation, 60 days post-partum and 10 kg/day of milk, in diets based on sugarcane (Saccharum spp) corrected with 0.3% urea ammonia sulfate: 9:1 in dry season. Six cows were distributed in a 6x6 Latin square, in six periods of 10 days, being distributed in 2x3 factorial treatments (0.8 and 1.6 kg of corn meal – CM/cow/day; and 0.0; 1.2 and 2.4 kg of soybean meal – SBM/cow/day). With the increased levels of CM it was observed increase in consumption of dry mass (DM), organic mass (OM), crude protein (CP), Ethereal extract (EE), non-fibrous carbohydrate corrected for ash and protein (NFCap) and total digestible nutrients (TDN), without effect on the consumption of forage and neutral detergent fiber (NDFap). The CM also increased digestibility coefficients of DM, OM, EE and TDN, did not change the production and milk composition and BW and BW variation. The increment in SBM increased consumption of DM and all constituents, most often of quadratic form, with the exception of consumption of forage, which remained unchanged. The SBM also increased digestibility coefficients of DM, OM, CP and NFCap, increased the daily production of milk and the daily production and content of its constituents, with the exception of fat, total dry extract and somatic cell count, and did not change BW and BW variation. There was interaction between CM and SBM in NFCap consumptions and TDN in kg/day and g/kg BW, in which there was no benefit of CM at the highest levels of SBM. The SBM stimulated the digestibility of NDFap only in the lowest level of CM and increased protein content in milk at the highest level of CM. In conclusion, the addition of CM and SBM in the used levels increase the consumption of nutritional fractions and digestibility of nutrients, 1.2 kg of SBM increase the production of milk and increases in CM and SBM decrease the efficiency in the use of concentrate

    Cenários para a matriz de geração de eletricidade do Ceará em 2050: pt

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    Based on the worldwide proposition of energy matrix scenarios for 2050, the objective of this article is to present scenarios of electricity generation for Ceará in 2050, showing the participation of sources already used in the state's electric matrix and adding new ones. The article proposes three scenarios: a conservative one, where the present proportion of electricity generation sources of the state is maintained, a transitional one, with 50% of electricity generation from non-renewable sources and the other 50% from renewable sources, and 100% renewable, without the use of fossil or nuclear fuels. Estimates for 2050 in the state are obtained by extrapolating generation data from 2011 to 2017, reaching an estimated 94,775 GWh. In the conservative scenario, it is observed that half of this generation is made by thermoelectric plants and the other half by wind farms. In the transition scenario, dominated by the use of natural gas, the exponential growth of photovoltaic generation stands out. In the 100% renewable scenario, dominated by wind farms, in addition to the similar growth of photovoltaic generation as in the transition scenario, we highlight the use of urban solid waste and solar thermal concentration plants.A partir da proposição de cenários de matrizes energéticas a nível mundial para 2050, o objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar cenários de geração de eletricidade para o estado do Ceará em 2050, mostrando a participação de fontes já usadas na matriz elétrica do estado e acrescentando novas. O artigo propõe três cenários: um conservador, onde é mantida a proporção atual das fontes de geração de eletricidade do estado, um de transição, com 50% da geração de energia elétrica oriunda de fontes não renováveis e os outros 50% provenientes de fontes renováveis, e um 100% renovável, sem o uso de combustíveis fósseis ou nuclear. As estimativas para 2050 no estado são obtidas através de extrapolação de dados de geração de 2011 a 2017, alcançando um valor estimado de 94.775 GWh. No cenário conservador, observa-se que metade dessa geração é realizada por termelétricas e a outra metade por parques eólicos. No cenário de transição, dominado pelo gás natural, destaca-se o crescimento exponencial da geração fotovoltaica. No cenário 100% renovável, dominado por parques eólicos, além do crescimento semelhante da geração fotovoltaica como no cenário de transição, destaca-se a utilização dos resíduos sólidos urbanos e de centrais solar térmicas de concentração

    Consenso em criptococose - 2008

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    Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Med, Div Clin Mol Infecciosas, Hosp Clin, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Hosp Clin, Inst Infectol Emilio Ribas, Campinas, SP, BrazilFundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Dept Microbiol Immunol & Parasitol, Inst Pesquisa Clin Evandro Chagas, Rio De Janeiro, BrazilUniv Fed Parana, Fac Med, Dept Saude Comunitaria, BR-80060000 Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUniv Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Fac Med, Dept Clin Med, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Fac Ciencias Med, Dept Clin Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilInst Doencas Trop Natan Portela, Teresina, PI, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Fac Med, Dept Mol Infecciosas & Parasitarias, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Fac Ciencias Med, Dept Clin Med, Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Uberlandia, Fac Med, BR-38400 Uberlandia, MG, BrazilFac Med Triangulo Mineiro, Dept Clin Med, Uberaba, MG, BrazilInst Infectol Emilio Ribas, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Sao Paulo, Fac Med Botucatu, Dept Doencas Trop & Diagnost Imagem, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Fac Med Ribeirao Preto, Dept Clin Med, Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Salinomycin and virginiamycin for lactating cows supplemented on pasture

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    Animals on pasture generally show higher feed efficiency as a result of the use of antibiotics. This study evaluated the effect of the antimicrobials salinomycin and/or virginiamycin on production and the ruminal parameters of supplemented dairy cows grazing on Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania. Twelve Holstein/Zebu multiparous cows were used, distributed in three Latin squares, one for the evaluation of ruminal parameters, and the others for production parameters. Cows on pasture were fed 50 % of their estimated intake with corn silage and concentrate supplements containing salinomycin, virginiamycin or a combination of additives, in doses of 120 and 150 mg kg−1, respectively. There were no differences in milk production and composition, energy and nitrogen balance, dry matter digestibility and feeding behavior. However, salinomycin and virginiamycin each reduced pasture and total dry matter intake by about 14 % and 10 %, with a consequent improvement in feed efficiency

    Experimental Gastric Carcinogenesis in Cebus apella Nonhuman Primates

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    The evolution of gastric carcinogenesis remains largely unknown. We established two gastric carcinogenesis models in New-World nonhuman primates. In the first model, ACP03 gastric cancer cell line was inoculated in 18 animals. In the second model, we treated 6 animals with N-methyl-nitrosourea (MNU). Animals with gastric cancer were also treated with Canova immunomodulator. Clinical, hematologic, and biochemical, including C-reactive protein, folic acid, and homocysteine, analyses were performed in this study. MYC expression and copy number was also evaluated. We observed that all animals inoculated with ACP03 developed gastric cancer on the 9th day though on the 14th day presented total tumor remission. In the second model, all animals developed pre-neoplastic lesions and five died of drug intoxication before the development of cancer. The last surviving MNU-treated animal developed intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma observed by endoscopy on the 940th day. The level of C-reactive protein level and homocysteine concentration increased while the level of folic acid decreased with the presence of tumors in ACP03-inoculated animals and MNU treatment. ACP03 inoculation also led to anemia and leukocytosis. The hematologic and biochemical results corroborate those observed in patients with gastric cancer, supporting that our in vivo models are potentially useful to study this neoplasia. In cell line inoculated animals, we detected MYC immunoreactivity, mRNA overexpression, and amplification, as previously observed in vitro. In MNU-treated animals, mRNA expression and MYC copy number increased during the sequential steps of intestinal-type gastric carcinogenesis and immunoreactivity was only observed in intestinal metaplasia and gastric cancer. Thus, MYC deregulation supports the gastric carcinogenesis process. Canova immunomodulator restored several hematologic measurements and therefore, can be applied during/after chemotherapy to increase the tolerability and duration of anticancer treatments
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