666 research outputs found

    Influence Of Shaded Conditions On Development Of Asteraceae Species Native to Kansas

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    to the heterogeneity of habitats, all plants are exposed to at least some degree of shade during their lifetime. Reduced light intensity, drops in R:FR ratio, and limited blue light are cues for plants to perceive competition; the shade avoidance syndrome (SAS) is common for grassland species while shade tolerance (ST) is common for forest species when competition is perceived. SAS is characterized by elongation of stems and petioles, reduced branches, decreased leaf area, decreased shoot biomass, and increased number of ramets. ST is characterized by little elongation of stems and petioles, high chlorophyll content and high chlorophyll a/b ratio in leaves, low root-shoot ratio, and thinner leaves. In this study, germination of six native Asteraceae species was tested against 10%, 50%, and 100% of natural light in a greenhouse. Measurements of growth and reproduction were made in two species under the same light conditions. Shaded conditions decreased germinabilities of seeds in all species that were tested. Increased light conditions resulted in increased growth for both species. When exposed to shaded conditions, both species displayed several traits that are related with shade tolerance modifications such as little elongation of stems and petioles, higher specific leaf area, higher chlorophyll a/b ratio, reduced leaf area and root/shoot biomass, and fewer and thinner leaves. In summary, plants displayed unexpected strategies and a high resilience to grow and develop under shaded conditions

    Influence of light intensity on germination, vegetative development, and reproduction of three species of Asteraceae native to Kansas

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    Plants are strongly influenced by a continuously changing light environment and their ability to detect light provides them vital information for their survival. However, most of the studies on photobiology are about commercial species and little is known about species native to Kansas and its region. Therefore, our objective was to analyze responses of three Asteraceae species native to Kansas under different light intensities during germination, vegetative development, and flowering. Seeds of Ageratina altissima, Eupatorium purpureum, and Solidago ulmifolia were measured for germination daily in conditions of dark, approximately 10%, 50%, and 100% of natural light. Seeds were later planted in soil and exposed to the same light conditions, and height, number of leaves, and chlorophyll (SPAD) were measured. Preliminary results show that A. altissima was the fastest species for germination and its germinability was consistent across light treatments. Germination in S. ulmifolia was also consistent across light treatments. For E. purpureum, germinability was higher in the light treatments than in the dark. A. altissima plants growing in 50% and 100% of light were taller and had more leaves than plants growing under 10% of light. Conventional plant responses to low light include growing taller under shaded conditions, although these plants responded differently. Most habitats in the prairie are exposed to bright sunlight and these results indicate these Asteraceae species are adapted to live and grow under bright light

    Influence of light intensity on germination, vegetative development, and reproduction of three species of Asteraceae native to Kansas

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    Plants are strongly influenced by a continuously changing light environment and their ability to detect light provides them vital information for their survival. However, most of the studies on photobiology are about commercial species and little is known about species native to Kansas and its region. Therefore, our objective was to analyze responses of three Asteraceae species native to Kansas under different light intensities during germination, vegetative development, and flowering. Seeds of Ageratina altissima, Eupatorium purpureum, and Solidago ulmifolia were measured for germination daily in conditions of dark, approximately 10%, 50%, and 100% of natural light. Seeds were later planted in soil and exposed to the same light conditions, and height, number of leaves, and chlorophyll (SPAD) were measured. Preliminary results show that A. altissima was the fastest species for germination and its germinability was consistent across light treatments. Germination in S. ulmifolia was also consistent across light treatments. For E. purpureum, germinability was higher in the light treatments than in the dark. A. altissima plants growing in 50% and 100% of light were taller and had more leaves than plants growing under 10% of light. Conventional plant responses to low light include growing taller under shaded conditions, although these plants responded differently. Most habitats in the prairie are exposed to bright sunlight and these results indicate these Asteraceae species are adapted to live and grow under bright light


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    O presente artigo procura descrever e avaliar a gestão de processos numa unidade de um órgão público. Primeiramente, foi realizada uma pesquisa teórica sobre gestão de processos, seguida de um estudo sobre avaliação de desempenho e, com a finalidade de verificar a aplicabilidade da avaliação de desempenho para Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma unidade de suporte de uma Universidade Federal, localizada na cidade do Natal, RN, Brasil. O caso estudado corresponde a um projeto que está sendo desenvolvido desde outubro de 2009 com o objetivo de melhorar a gestão e a operacionalização dos processos da unidade. O projeto está dividido em três fases: 1. Análise Estratégica e verificação do Mapeamento de Processos; 2. Estudo de Melhoria de Processos Críticos; 3. Implantação de Indicadores de desempenho. Os resultados preliminares permitiram a identificação e o mapeamento de todas as atividades da unidade. O trabalho procura contribuir para o avanço do conhecimento em gerenciamento de processos no setor público sendo ainda escassa a produção científica do assunto. Este estudo além de identificar as boas práticas e as oportunidades de melhoria nos processos espera determinar os indicadores de desempenho que auxiliem o processo decisório da unidade

    Avaliação do efeito das combinações de crioprotetores e da remoção do plasma seminal na criopreservação de sêmen caprino

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different cryoprotector extenders [Standard Skim Milk (SM), Standard Tris-Yolk egg (SE), Skim Milk Test (ST) and Tris-Yolk egg Test (TE)] and plasma seminal removal on kinetics and integrity parameters of cryopreserved goat semen. Four male goats (two Alpine and two Saanen) were used, which were submitted to semen collection with artificial vagina method, thrice per week, during two weeks, making up six pools of semen. Each pool was split in eight aliquots, four samples were diluted without removal of the seminal plasma - NC (non - centrifuged) in the different extenders and four samples submitted to the C - plasma centrifugation process by double centrifugation (1200g/10min). After dilution, they were gone packed in straws (0.25 mL), frozen and stored in cryogenic cylinder at -196 °C. Samples were thawed (37 °C/30s) and evaluated immediately and two hours post-thawing for sperm kinetics through the computerized spermatozoa system (CASA), plasma membrane integrity (iMP) and mitochondrial potential (MP) evaluated by epifluorescence microscopy. Total motility (TM) was reduced (p>0.05) in all no centrifuged groups; velocity average path (VAP), velocity in straight line (VSL) and velocity curvilinear line (VCL) was reduced (p>0.05) in the LPNC and LTNC groups; however higher values was observed in VAP, VSL and VCL to the centrifuged groups, with emphasis on the Yolk-egg extenders groups. On the other hands, the LP and LT extenders, centrifuged or non-centrifuged maintained the linearity (LIN), straightness (STR) and oscillation index (WOB). Extenders influenced the amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) and beat-cross frequency (BCF), with higher values (p0.05) between extenders groups, though the SE and TE extenders, centrifuged or no centrifuged, presented higher iMP and lower values to PM. Thus, seminal plasma removal positively affects seminal evaluation parameters, and egg yolk extender is more efficient at protect against cryopreservation alterations and maintain desirable fertility characteristics after goat semen cryopreservation.Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes diluidores crioprotetores [Leite padrão (LP), Tris-Gema padrão (GP), Leite teste (LT) e Tris-Gema teste (GT)] e da retirada do plasma seminal sobre os parâmetros de cinética e integridade do sêmen caprino criopreservado. Foram utilizados quatro reprodutores caprinos (dois Alpinos e dois Saanen), os quais foram submetidos a regime de colheita de sêmen com auxílio de vagina artificial, três vezes por semana, durante duas semanas, compondo seis pools de sêmen. Cada pool foi fracionado em oito alíquotas, quatro amostras foram diluídas sem remoção do plasma seminal - NC (Não centrifugado) nos diferentes diluidores e quatro amostras submetidas ao processo de remoção do plasma - C (Centrifugado) por dupla centrifugação (1200g/10min). Após diluição, foram envasadas em palhetas (0,25 mL), congeladas e armazenadas em botijão criogênico a -196 °C. As amostras foram descongeladas (37 °C/30s) e avaliadas imediatamente e duas horas pós-descongelação quanto à cinética espermática através do sistema computadorizado de análise espermática (CASA), integridade de membrana plasmática (iMP) e potencial mitocondrial (PM), avaliados por microscopia de epifluorescência. Foi observada redução (p>0,05) da motilidade total (MT) em todos os diluidores do grupo não centrifugado; redução (P0,05) entre os grupos, porém os diluidores GP e GT dos grupos C e NC apresentaram-se superiores índices de iMP; GPNC e GTNC apresentaram inferior PM. Assim, a remoção do plasma seminal afeta positivamente os parâmetros de avaliação seminal, e diluidor à base de gema de ovo é mais eficiente na proteção das alterações promovidas pela redução de temperatura, preservando as características desejáveis para a fertilização após criopreservação do sêmen caprino

    Criopreservação e transplante de ovário em camundongos : atividade mitocondrial ovariana e efeito da eritropoietina sobre a sobrevivência folicular

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    Dissertação (mestrado) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2021.Os agentes quimioterápicos e a irradiação utilizados em tratamentos agressivos de combate ao câncer podem levar à insuficiência ovariana prematura. Uma técnica promissora para preservar a fertilidade feminina e restaurar a função endócrina ovariana é a criopreservação do tecido ovariano, antes do tratamento oncológico, seguida de transplante, após a remissiva total da doença. No entanto, o estresse decorrente dos processos de criopreservação e descongelamento pode levar a alterações e/ou danos à estrutura e funcionalidade mitocondrial. Além disso, grande parte dos folículos são perdidos ao longo do intervalo isquêmico que ocorre entre o transplante e a neovascularização tecidual. Nesse cenário, o objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a atividade mitocondrial em tecido ovariano de camundongos submetidos à criopreservação de congelamento lento, seguida de transplante e, também, avaliar o efeito da administração de eritropoietina na sobrevivência folicular. Na fase I, amostras de tecido ovariano de camundongos (n=20) (Swiss nu / nu) foram submetidas a quatro condições diferentes: Fresco, Transplante Fresco, Criopreservado e Transplante Criopreservado. O tecido ovariano foi criopreservado por congelamento lento e armazenado em nitrogênio líquido (-196 °C) por 7 dias. Imediatamente após o descongelamento, o tecido ovariano foi transplantado e recuperado após 7 dias. As amostras foram submetidas à análise histológica e as taxas de consumo de oxigênio determinadas por meio de Respirometria de Alta Resolução. Para avaliação do efeito da administração de eritropoietina (EPO), na fase II, os camundongos foram divididos em três grupos: Grupo Controle (n=10), Grupo EPO (n=10) e Grupo Salina (n=10). Cada fêmea do Grupo Controle recebeu o transplante de dois hemiovários criopreservados, na região subcutânea dorsal. As fêmeas do Grupo EPO receberam 500 UI/kg de EPO, via intraperitoneal, administrada em duas doses de 250 UI/Kg cada (12/12 horas, BID), durante cinco dias consecutivos, dois dias antes da ovariohisterectomia (OSH), no dia da OSH e dois dias após a OSH. As fêmeas do Grupo Salina receberam solução fisiológica 0,9% estéril, via intraperitoneal (12/12 horas, BID), no mesmo esquema e no mesmo volume total da EPO recebida pelo Grupo EPO. A retirada dos fragmentos foi realizada aos 7 e 14 dias após o transplante. Os resultados da oximetria demonstraram um consumo de oxigênio relevante em todas as amostras analisadas, responsivo a todos os reagentes utilizados no protocolo SUIT, embora tenha ocorrido uma redução significativa da função mitocondrial em relação ao tecido ovariano fresco. Essa diminuição na atividade mitocondrial se deu conforme o tipo de tratamento a qual o tecido ovariano foi submetido (criopreservação e/ou transplante). O efeito da criopreservação no metabolismo mitocondrial foi menos intenso do que o efeito do transplante, uma vez que o transplante afetou todos os estados mitocondriais. Na fase II, foi demonstrado que a eritropoietina contribuiu para um maior desenvolvimento folicular no D7 pós-transplante, mas que seu efeito não foi prolongado até o D14. Além disso, seu potencial de ação é maior quando administrada após o recebimento dos enxertos. Apesar da diminuição na viabilidade folicular e na atividade mitocondrial, a técnica de criopreservação seguida de transplante de tecido ovariano mostrou-se viável, tanto morfológica quanto metabolicamente, para tentativas de restauração da função ovariana.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. (CAPES).The chemotherapeutic agents and irradiation used in aggressive attempts to combat cancer can lead to premature ovarian failure. A promising technique for preserving female fertility and restoring ovarian endocrine function is cryopreservation of ovarian tissue, before cancer treatment, followed by transplantation after total remission of disease. However, stress resulting from cryopreservation and thawing processes can lead to alterations and/or damage to mitochondrial structure and functionality. In addition, a large part of follicles is lost along the ischemic interval that occurs between transplantation and tissue neovascularization. In this scenario, the aim of this study was to characterize the mitochondrial activity in mice ovarian tissue that underwent slow-freezing cryopreservation, followed by transplantation, and also to evaluate the effect of administration of erythropoietin on follicular survival. In phase I, samples of ovarian tissue from mice (Swiss nu/nu) subjected to four different conditions were analyzed: Fresh, Fresh transplanted, Cryopreserved, and Cryopreserved transplanted. The ovarian tissue was cryopreserved by slow freezing and stored in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C) for 7 days. Immediately after thawing, ovarian tissue was transplanted and recovered after 7 days. Samples were subjected to histological analysis and oxygen consumption rates determined using high-resolution respirometry. In order to evaluate the effect of erythropoietin (EPO) administration, in phase II, the mice were randomly divided into three experimental groups: Control Group (n = 10), EPO Group (n = 10) and Saline Group (n = 10). Each female in Control Group received transplant of two cryopreserved hemi-ovaries in the dorsal subcutaneous region. The females of EPO Group received 500 IU/kg of EPO, intraperitoneally, administered in two doses of 250 IU/Kg each (12/12 hours, BID), for five consecutive days, two days before ovariohysterectomy (OSH), in day of OSH and two days after OSH. The females of Saline Group received 0.9% sterile saline solution, intraperitoneally (12/12 hours, BID), in the same scheme and in the same total volume of EPO received by EPO Group. The retrieved of the fragments was performed at 7 and 14 days after transplantation. The oximetry results showed a relevant oxygen consumption in all analyzed samples, responsive to all reagents used in the SUIT protocol, although there was a significant reduction in mitochondrial function in relation to fresh ovarian tissue. This decrease in mitochondrial activity occurred depending on the type of treatment to which the ovarian tissue was submitted (cryopreservation and/or transplantation). The effect of cryopreservation on mitochondrial metabolism was less intense than observed in transplanted hemi-ovaries since the transplantation affected all the mitochondrial states. In phase II, it has been shown that erythropoietin contributed to greater follicular development in post-transplant D7, but its effect was not prolonged up to D14. Furthermore, its action potential is greater when administered after receiving the grafts. Despite decreased follicular viability and mitochondrial activity, the cryopreservation technique followed by transplantation of ovarian tissue proved feasible, both morphologically and metabolically, for attempts to restore ovarian function

    Temporo-spatial distribution of stem cell markers CD146 and p75NTR during odontogenesis in mice

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    Mesenchymal and epithelial stem cells were identified in dental tissues; however, knowledge about the odontogenic stem cells is limited, and there are some questions regarding their temporo-spatial dynamics in tooth development. Objective: Our study aimed to analyze the expression of the stem cell markers CD146 and p75NTR during the different stages of odontogenesis. Methodology: The groups consisted of 13.5, 15.5, 17.5 days old embryos, and 14 days postnatal BALB/c mice. The expression of CD146 and p75NTR was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Results: Our results showed that positive cells for both markers were present in all stages of tooth development, and the number of positive cells increased with the progression of this process. Cells of epithelial and ectomesenchymal origin were positive for CD146, and the expression of p75NTR was mainly detected in the dental papilla and dental follicle. In the postnatal group, dental pulp cells were positive for CD146, and the reduced enamel epithelium and the oral mucosa epithelium showed immunostaining for p75NTR. Conclusions: These results suggest that the staining pattern of CD146 and p75NTR underwent temporal and spatial changes during odontogenesis and both markers were expressed by epithelial and mesenchymal cell types, which is relevant due to the significance of the epithelial-ectomesenchymal interactions in tooth development

    Indivíduo e corpo político no sonho medieval

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    Este estudo versou analisar o cumprimento dos objetivos do Programa Ciências Sem Fronteiras (CsF). Para tanto, a metodologia “Survey” foi utilizada, onde um instrumento de coleta foi aplicado a 67 discentes da Engenharia de Produção (EP) de 13 estados mais o Distrito Federal que participaram/participam do Programa em mais de 14 países, possibilitando, assim, responder o objetivo proposto. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa realizada constataram que o CsF representa uma alternativa viável na formação de mão de obra qualificada para o país na área específica de EP. Porém, algumas ressalvas devem ser destacadas: é necessário uma melhor coordenação do programa no que diz respeito a formação prática dos alunos, o atraso do prazo de conclusão do curso por motivo de incompatibilidade da grade curricular. Estudos futuros podem ser realizados com as coordenações de cursos de EP no Brasil para avaliar fatores como: a inserção internacional das instituições brasileiras pela abertura para cientistas e estudantes estrangeiros, além da replicação deste questionários com outras formações agraciadas pelo CsF. Espera-se que o presente artigo seja insumo para futuras discussões a cerca da melhoria contínua do Programa Ciências Sem Fronteiras

    Psychosocial aspects in the rehabilitation of patients with anophthalmic socket : implicationsof the use of ocular prosthesis

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    A integridade da face é condição que interfere no cotidiano do indivíduo sendo que a perda do globo ocular tem um impacto psicológico, demandando uma condição de adaptação. Intervenções como a reparação protética parecem produzir mudanças nos âmbitos emocional e comportamental. Objetivo: Identificar os aspectos psicossociais relacionados à ausência unilateral do globo ocular e avaliar a adaptação dos pacientes usuários de prótese ocular. Métodos: Para realização da pesquisa foi utilizado como instrumento de coleta de dados um roteiro de entrevista adaptado aos objetivos desse trabalho. Este foi composto por duas partes, a primeira referente a dados gerais de identificação do paciente e aspectos socioeconômicos. A segunda parte incluiu dados específicos sobre a perda e reabilitação ocular com 31 questões. Vinte e oito pacientes voluntários foram entrevistados. Resultados: A maioria era do gênero masculino (53,57%). A idade variou entre 11 e 67 anos. O trauma foi o fator etiológico prevalente (60,71%). Foi encontrada diferença estaticamente significativa (p<0,05) entre os escores dos sentimentos da época da perda e atualmente (z Wilcoxon=-4,41; p<0,001). Conclusão: Os dados evidenciaram dificuldades emocionais no processo inicial de contato com a condição de perda do olho e o papel da prótese como elemento de inclusão social, ressaltando a relevância do trabalho em equipe e do acesso a serviços de protetização para a adaptação desses pacientes.Facial integrity is a condition which interferes in the daily life of the individual. The loss of an eyeball has psychological impact, requiring adaptation. Interventions such as prosthetic repair seem to lead to emotional and behavioral change. Purpose: The objective of this study was to identify the psychosocial aspects related to unilateral anophthalmic socket and evaluate patient adaptation to prosthesis. Methods: All participants responded to a semi-structured interview. This was composed of two parts, the first regarding the general data of patient identification and socioeconomic aspects. The second part included information about eye loss and rehabilitation, with 31 questions. Twenty-eight volunteers were interviewed. Results: Most were male (53.57%). Ages ranged between 11 and 67. Trauma was the prevalent etiological factor (60.71%). A significant statistical difference (p<0.05) was found between the scores of the feelings of loss before and after prosthesis (z Wilcoxon=-4.41; p<0.001). Conclusions: The data showed emotional difficulties in the initial contact with the loss of an eye and the role of the prosthesis as an element of social inclusion, stressing the importance of teamwork and access to fitting services in adapting these patients