698 research outputs found

    Calculation of Crack Widths in Mesh Reinforced Shell Structures.

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    A model for calculating crack widths in mesh reinforced shell structures with arbitrary directions of the reinforcement. The model is compiled into a spreadsheet for practical use. Comarative examples are made between new and traditional methods

    II Somni recitant lo proc\ue9s d'una q\ufcesti\uf3 enamorada di Francesc Alegre: il mito al servizio dell'allegoria

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    Il Somni \ue8 una breve narrazione del tardo \u2018400 scritta dall'autore catalano Francesc Alegre. Grazie all\u2019espediente stilistico del sogno allegorico, autore e lettore vengono trasposti in una dimensione immaginaria, dinanzi al tribunale d'amore, dove Alegre protagonista intende denunciare la propria amata, accusandola di crudelt\ue0 e indifferenza. Tra i testimoni chiamati in giudizio si ritrovano alcuni eroi appartenenti alla mitologia classica: Febo, Enea, Achille, Demofonte. Memori delle proprie esperienze amorose, questi personaggi devono pronunciare la loro sentenza nei confronti dell\u2019imputata. L'autore traspone all'interno di un'opera di carattere onirico-allegorico, una serie di elementi mitici, che si trovano anche nell'ambientazione stessa: pavimento e arazzi sono infatti decorati con le gesta e gli amori di grandi personaggi del passato

    Baroque Syropouliana. Indagini sull'editio vetus e la tradizione recenziore (Redaktion-A) dei Mémoires bizantini (1610-1682)

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    The aim of the dissertation is to outline the historical reception of S. Syropoulos’ byzantine Mémoires, in Europe, during the XVIIth century. Following the notes proposed by V. Laurent in his edition (1971), the research intends to reconsider the previous data collected on the fortune of the text, especially at the age of the editio princeps publication (1660), see Introduction. The episode of the first rediscovery of the manuscript BNF, Paris. gr. 427 will be usefull to delineate the propagandistic climate in which the text was read and excerpted, see Ch. I; a comment on an important epistolary dossier will provide an insight on the publishing iter of the editio, and, above all, about the people involved, see Ch. II; lastly, a philological and historiographical analysis of the latin versio, prohibited by the roman Inquisition in 1682, see Ch. III. In addition, the thesis presents the first transcription of the unpublished latin version (sections II, IV, IX) preserved in the manuscript BNF, Paris. Suppl. gr. 317, with introduction. The results proves how textual criticism and propaganda — for the edition of this byzantine major oeuvre —actively contribuited to established a philological method surprisingly refined, later heightened with the definition of the common criteria typically used by modern literary criticism and historiography

    Análise da estratégia operacional de uma empresa Fast Food localizado em Criciúma – SC

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    Monografia apresentada para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no Curso de Administração da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.O presente estudo tem como objetivo observar os fatores que influenciam uma empresa a elaborar sua estratégia operacional e obter vantagem competitiva, principal problema identificado no Esfihão Comércio de Alimentos Ltda. – ME localizado na cidade de Criciúma-SC, onde a concorrência regional neste setor está em expansão, principalmente com a entrada das marcas globais de fast-foods. O segmento de alimentação fora do lar cresce no Brasil atrelado a recente independência da mulher, ao jovem entrando no mercado cada vez mais cedo e a ascensão da classe média, fatores que aumentam a demanda por produtos deste nicho, tanto nos grandes centros urbanos, quanto em cidades de pequeno e médio porte. Neste contexto foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória para descrever este cenário utilizando-se da pesquisa de campo com questionário para entrevistas com os clientes do Esfihão e por meio de observação para análise da concorrência. Após levantamento e análise dos dados resultantes das duas pesquisas, correlacionam-se com os dados documentais da empresa para analisar o ciclo de vida das organizações e sustentar a conclusão. O resultado do estudo aponta que o grande público deste mercado são jovens de 18 a 31 anos de idade, situados em grande maioria nas classes B e C, e que tomam decisões de compra neste segmento por questões voltadas a qualidade dos produtos e serviços, além de serem influenciados pela marca/reputação da empresa. Através destas análises, observam-se os pontos fortes e fracos das empresas de alimentação fora do lar e comparam-se com a estratégia operacional definida para se seguir, podendo assim priorizar a ordem das ações estratégicas de melhoria de acordo com a necessidade da empresa, visando que estas sejam totalmente eficazes. Ainda neste contexto analisam-se os fatores que são qualificadores para a decisão do cliente e os fatores que são ganhadores de pedidos. De acordo com o resultado desta pesquisa, um atributo ganhador de pedidos se caracteriza pela rapidez de entrega, fator que a empresa em estudo não apresenta bons índices de satisfação

    Pericardiectomy for Pleuropericardial Effusion Complicating Bacterial Pneumonia

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    Severe pericardial effusion is a rare complication of bacterial pneumonia and it usually disappears under medical treatment. Herein we report a case of a girl with a congenital immunodeficient syndrome and bacterial pneumonia, who developed recurrent and life-threatening pericardial effusion refractory to medical treatment. She was finally treated with pericardiectomy

    Short- and Long-Term Neuroadrenergic Effects of Moderate Dietary Sodium Restriction in Essential Hypertension

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    Background— In essential hypertension, marked restrictions in dietary sodium intake cause in the short-term period an increase in muscle sympathetic nerve traffic (MSNA) and a baroreflex impairment. The present study was set out to assess on a long-term basis the neuroadrenergic and reflex effects of moderate sodium restriction. Methods and Results— In 11 untreated mild to moderate essential hypertensive patients (age 42.0±2.6 years, mean±SEM), we measured beat-to-beat blood pressure (Finapres), heart rate (ECG), and MSNA (microneurography) at rest and during stepwise intravenous infusions of phenylephrine and nitroprusside. Measurements were performed at regular sodium intake, after 1 and 8 weeks of low-sodium diet (80 mmol NaCl/d), and repeated again at regular sodium intake. After 1 week, urinary sodium excretion was markedly reduced. This was accompanied by a slight blood pressure reduction, no heart rate change, and a significant increase in plasma renin activity, aldosterone, and MSNA (+23.0±4.6% P <0.05). Whereas baroreflex heart-rate control was unchanged, baroreflex modulation of MSNA was reduced by 46.8±5.1% ( P <0.01). At the end of the 8-week low-sodium diet, the neurohumoral and baroreflex responses were similar to the ones observed after 1 week of the dietary intervention. All changes disappeared when regular sodium diet was restored. Conclusions— Thus, a moderate dietary sodium restriction triggers a sympathetic activation and a baroreflex impairment. Maintenance of low-sodium diet for several weeks does not attenuate these adverse adrenergic and reflex effects

    Management of plastic bronchitis with nebulized tissue plasminogen activator: another brick in the wall

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    Plastic bronchitis is a rare complication of a variety of respiratory diseases and congenital heart disease surgery, particularly Fontan procedure. Bronchial casts with rubber-like consistency develop acutely and may cause severe life-threatening respiratory distress. The management of plastic bronchitis is yet not well defined. Early intermittent, self-administered nebulization of tissue plasminogen activator was found to be effective in preventing deterioration of acute respiratory symptoms in a patient with primary ciliary dyskinesia and recurrent cast formation. Further investigation into new therapeutic strategies for this devastating disease is advocated

    Reimplantation of an Anomalous Coronary Artery Arising from the Pulmonary Artery

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    A case of anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery in a patient with the origin of the coronary opposite to the aorta is reported. Between many surgical options we conclude to reestablish a double coronary system reconnecting the coronary through a conduit created with a pulmonary wall baffle and an autologous pericardial patch

    Effects of long-term lercanidipine or hydrochlorothiazide administration on hypertension-related vascular structural changes.

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    Vascular remodelling and hypertrophy represent early therapeutic targets of antihypertensive treatment. The present study was aimed at assessing the effects of 1-year administration of the highly vasoselective calcium-channel blocker lercanidipine (10 mg/day) or the diuretic compound hydrochlorothiazide (25 mg/day) on hypertension-related vascular alterations. The study was also aimed at assessing whether and to what extent: (i) pharmacological regression of vascular hypertrophy is related only to the blood pressure (BP) reduction "per se" or also to the specific ancillary properties of a given drug and (ii) treatment provides restoration of vascular function indicative of normal vascular structure.In 26 untreated patients with mild-to-moderate essential hypertension sphygmomanometric and finger BP, heart rate, forearm and calf blood flow (venous occlusion plethysmography) and corresponding vascular resistance (forearm and calf vascular resistance: FVR and CVR) were assessed before and following 6 and 12 months of either lercanidipine or hydrochlorothiazide administration. Vascular resistance was also evaluated following a local ischaemic stimulus (FVR(min) and CVR(min)) in order to assess the effects of treatment on arteriolar structural alterations.For superimposable BP reductions, lercanidipine caused FVR and CVR to decrease significantly more than hydrochlorothiazide. Similarly, the FVR(min) and CVR(min) reductions induced by lercanidipine were markedly and significantly greater than those caused by hydrochlorothiazide (-46.1% and -40.9% vs -22.5% and -19.9%, p0.01 for both). FVR(min), and CVR(min), however, remained higher than those found in 10 age-matched normotensive individuals.These data provide evidence that, compared to hydrochlorothiazide, lercanidipine favours a greater regression of the vascular structural changes associated with hypertension, probably through its "ancillary" properties. Lercanidipine, however, does not allow restoration of a "normal" vascular structure, thereby suggesting that vascular hypertrophy is only in part a reversible phenomenon

    Análise de Implicações: Uma Potência Problematizadora aos Pesquisadores Supostamente “Sabidos” / Analysis of Implications: A Problematizing Power to the Researchers Supposedly “Known”

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    Este artigo tem por base uma pesquisa de conotação avaliativa, participativa e interventiva, realizada na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, que investigou os processos de cuidado em Saúde Mental na Atenção Básica da rede de saúde pública. O estudo aqui tratado realizou um recorte dessa pesquisa, analisando os encontros ocorridos especificamente na capital, uma das seis participantes da intervenção, à luz da metodologia cartográfica. A proposta foi analisar as implicações dos pesquisadores sitiados neste campo da pesquisa maior, como foram os processos dialógicos entre pesquisadores, usuários, trabalhadores, familiares e gestores de saúde, e o que se produziu diante das problemáticas da rede e suas possíveis invenções para dar conta do cuidado em saúde mental na atenção básica. Vimos, ao longo do processo, o quanto o contato com um campo participativo produz um saber que problematiza e transforma os conhecimentos preestabelecidos pelos pesquisadores.Palavras-chave: Análise de Implicação; Saúde Mental; Atenção Básica; Pesquisa-Intervenção; Pesquisa Participativa