3,451 research outputs found

    Innovation, imitation and policy inaction

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    The paper deals with the controversial issue of intellectual property rights. We deal with an optimization problem to model the optimal government's behavior in presence of dynamic uncertainty and intervention costs. More specifically, we search for the optimal strategies to be implemented by a policy maker to optimally balance the number of innovators and imitators. The problem is first tackled from a purely theoretical perspective and then by implementing extensive numerical simulations on the basis of empirical data. By the theoretical perspective, we obtain a rigorous proof that optimal strategies depend on the initial value of the number of imitators and not on the initial ratio between innovators and imitators, whereas the simulations provide us with intuitive insights from an economic point of view, along with a validation of the theoretical results. The results support the evidence that governments choose the possible widest bandwidth and minimize the size of interventions so as to curb intervention costs

    Informed assessment of structural health conditions of bridges based on free-vibration tests

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    consolidated procedure for the evaluation of current structural health con-ditions in bridges consists in the comparison between estimated modal features from in-situ tests and numerical values. This strategy allows making informed decisions for existing bridge structures to ensure structural safety or serviceability. Free vibration tests are common in bridges monitoring since they allow a quick and cost-effective determination of dynamic infor-mation about the structure, using a sparse network of few sensors and avoid long-lasting monitoring campaigns. Exploiting an identification method based on a tuned version of Vari-ational Mode Decomposition and an area-ratio based approach, modal parameters are deter-mined from free vibration tests. This technique is applied to the dynamic identification of cables in a stay-cabled bridge assumed as case study: the obtained results prove reliability of the adopted method as a useful tool for objective dynamic identification purposes, with focus on the structural health conditions of bridges

    Macro Asset Allocation with Social Impact Investments

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    Using a unique dataset of 50 listed companies that meet the majority of the OECD requirements for social impact investments, we construct a social impact finance stock index and investigate how investing in social impact firms can contribute to portfolio risk-return performance. We build portfolios with three different methodologies (naïve, Markowitz mean-variance optimization, GARCH-copula model), and we study the performance in terms of returns, Sharpe ratio, utility, and forecast premium based on a constant relative risk aversion function for investors with different levels of risk aversion. Consistent with the idea that social impact investment can improve portfolio risk-return performance, the results of our macro asset allocation analysis show the importance of a large fraction of investor portfolios’ stake committed to social impact investments

    Mixed Land Use as an Intrinsic Feature of Sprawl: A Short-Term Analysis of Settlement Growth and Population Distribution Using European Urban Atlas

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    This study investigates the land-use/population mix over time as the base to derive an indicator of urban sprawl. Land-use individual patches (provided by Urban Atlas, hereafter UA, with a detailed spatial geometry at 1:10,000 scale) were associated with the total (resident) population based on official statistics (census enumeration districts and other public data sources), providing a comprehensive mapping of the spatial distribution of population density by land-use class in a representative case study for the Mediterranean region (metropolitan Athens, Greece). Data analysis adopted a mix of statistical techniques, such as descriptive statistics, non-parametric curve interpolation (smoothing splines), and exploratory multivariate statistics, namely hierarchical clustering, non-metric multi-dimensional scaling and confirmative factor analysis. The results of this study indicate a non-linear gradient of density decline from downtown (dominated by compact settlements) to peripheral locations (dominated by natural land). Population density in agricultural land was locally high and increasing over time; this result suggests how mixed land use may be the base of intense sprawl in large metropolitan regions. The methodology implemented in this study can be generalized over the whole sample of European cities included in Urban Atlas, providing a semi-automatic assessment of exurban development and population re-distribution over larger metropolitan regions

    Prediction and Simulator Verification of Roll/Lateral Adverse Aeroservoelastic Rotorcraft–Pilot Couplings

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    The involuntary interaction of a pilot with an aircraft can be described as pilot-assisted oscillations. Such phenomena are usually only addressed late in the design process when they manifest themselves during ground/flight testing. Methods to be able to predict such phenomena as early as possible are therefore useful. This work describes a technique to predict the adverse aeroservoelastic rotorcraft–pilot couplings, specifically between a rotorcraft’s roll motion and the resultant involuntary pilot lateral cyclic motion. By coupling linear vehicle aeroservoelastic models and experimentally identified pilot biodynamic models, pilot-assisted oscillations and no-pilot-assisted oscillation conditions have been numerically predicted for a soft-in-plane hingeless helicopter with a lightly damped regressive lead–lag mode that strongly interacts with the roll modeat a frequency within the biodynamic band of the pilots. These predictions have then been verified using real-time flight-simulation experiments. The absence of any similar adverse couplings experienced while using only rigid-body models in the flight simulator verified that the observed phenomena were indeed aeroelastic in nature. The excellent agreement between the numerical predictions and the observed experimental results indicates that the techniques developed in this paper can be used to highlight the proneness of new or existing designs to pilot-assisted oscillation

    Use of nano gold obtained by laser ablation for SEIRA analyses of colorants

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    The analysis of dyes in cultural heritage samples is a well-known challenging task, due to their inherent high tinting strength and consequent low concentration in the carrying matrix a fact that severely limits the number of analytical techniques that can be efficiently and micro-destructively employed for their detection and unambiguous identification. In the present study, an advanced and alternative SEIRA based analytical protocol for the analysis of small quantities of synthetic colorants has been proposed. The method has been set up for the identification of Acid Orange 7 (AO7) using Au nanoparticles obtained by laser ablation in solution (LASiS). Analyses have been performed applying a drop containing a mixture between the colorant and the Au colloidal solution in its unaggregated state on a gold coated glass slide for RAS (Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy) analysis. The first results showed that, thanks to the enhancement produced by the nanoparticles, it is possible to analyze small amount of diluted solutions containing the colorant. Thus, the method has been successfully applied for the analysis of few pieces of dyed wool, after the development of a suitable micro extraction procedure

    Stardust experimental campaign and numerical simulations: influence of obstacles and temperature on dust resuspension in a vacuum vessel under lova

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    Activated dust mobilization during a Loss of Vacuum Accident (LOVA) is one of the safety concerns for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). Intense thermal loads in fusion devices occur during plasma disruptions, edge localized modes and vertical displacement events. They will result in macroscopic erosion of the plasma facing materials and consequent accumulation of activated dust into the ITER vacuum vessel (VV). These kinds of events can cause dust leakage outside the VV that represents a high radiological risk for the workers and the population. A small facility, Small Tank for Aerosol Removal and Dust (STARDUST), was set up at the ENEA Frascati laboratories to perform experiments concerning the dust mobilization in a volume with the initial conditions similar to those existing in ITER VV. The aim of this work was to reproduce a low pressurization rate (300 Pa s−1) LOVA event in a VV due to a small air leakage for two different positions of the leak, at the equatorial port level and at the divertor port level, in order to evaluate the influence of obstacles and walls temperature on dust resuspension during both maintenance (MC) and accident conditions (AC) (T walls = 25 °C MC, 110 °C AC). The dusts used were tungsten (W), stainless steel 316 (SS316) and carbon (C), similar to those produced inside the vacuum chamber in a fusion reactor when the plasma facing materials vaporize due to the high energy deposition. The experimental campaign has been carried out by introducing inside STARDUST facility an obstacle to simulate the presence of objects, such as divertor. In the obstacle a slit was cut to simulate the limiter–divertor gap inside ITER VV. In this paper experimental campaign results are shown in order to investigate how the divertor and limiter–divertor gap influence dust mobilization into a VV. A two-dimensional (2D) modelling of STARDUST was made using the CFD commercial code FLUENT, in order to get a preliminary overview of the fluid dynamics behaviour during a LOVA event and to justify the mobilization data. In addition, a numerical model was developed to compare numerical results with experimental ones.</jats:p

    Calidad de aire en la ciudad de Rafaela

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    Dentro del ambiente urbano la calidad del aire es afectada fundamentalmente por presencia de sustancias que provienen de los procesos de combustión producidos en los vehículos de transporte público y privado. Los contaminantes primarios más importantes son CO, NOx, SO2, HC, y material particulado. En el presente trabajo se estudia la calidad del aire en zona céntrica de la ciudad de Rafaela, provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. La ciudad de Rafaela se encuentra en la zona centrooeste de la provincia de Santa Fe. Su población es de 82.530 habitantes y cuenta con un parque automotor de alrededor de 59.679 vehículos. (Datos de INDEC Censo 2001 y RNRPA 2007)

    Muon Capture on the Proton and Deuteron

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    By measuring the lifetime of the negative muon in pure protium (hydrogen-1), the MuCap experiment determines the rate of muon capture on the proton, from which the proton's pseudoscalar coupling g_p may be inferred. A precision of 15% for g_p has been published; this is a step along the way to a goal of 7%. This coupling can be calculated precisely from heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory and therefore permits a test of QCD's chiral symmetry. Meanwhile, the MuSun experiment is in its final design stage; it will measure the rate of muon capture on the deuteron using a similar technique. This process can be related through pionless effective field theory and chiral perturbation theory to other two-nucleon reactions of astrophysical interest, including proton-proton fusion and deuteron breakup.Comment: Submitted to the proceedings of the 2007 Advanced Studies Institute on Symmetries and Spin (SPIN-Praha-2007

    Dental Disorders and Salivary Changes in Patients with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

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    Background: Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a common inflammatory condition of the upper aerodigestive tract tissues related to the effects of gastroduodenal content reflux, characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations. The aim of our study was to evaluate the possible association between dental disorders and LRP, focusing on the role of salivary changes. Methods: Patient’s dental status was evaluated according to Schiff Index Sensitivity Scale (SISS), Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE) and Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) scores. Reflux-associated symptoms were assessed according to Reflux symptom index (RSI). A qualitative and quantitative examination of saliva was performed. Results: Patients suffering from LPR had a higher incidence of dental disorders, regardless the presence of salivary pepsin, and thus, statistically significant higher scores of RSI (p = 0.0001), SISS (p = 0.001), BEWE (p &lt; 0.001) and VAS (p &lt; 0.001). Moreover, they had lower salivary flow compared with healthy patients. Conclusions: The finding of demineralization and dental caries on intraoral evaluation must raise the suspicion of LRP. Reflux treatments should also be aimed at correcting salivary alterations, in order to preserve the buffering capacity and salivary pH, thus preventing mucosal and dental damage
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