129 research outputs found

    Control of complex nonlinear dynamic rational systems

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    © 2018 Quanmin Zhu et al. Nonlinear rational systems/models, also known as total nonlinear dynamic systems/models, in an expression of a ratio of two polynomials, have roots in describing general engineering plants and chemical reaction processes. The major challenge issue in the control of such a system is the control input embedded in its denominator polynomials. With extensive searching, it could not find any systematic approach in designing this class of control systems directly from its model structure. This study expands the U-model-based approach to establish a platform for the first layer of feedback control and the second layer of adaptive control of the nonlinear rational systems, which, in principle, separates control system design (without involving a plant model) and controller output determination (with solving inversion of the plant U-model). This procedure makes it possible to achieve closed-loop control of nonlinear systems with linear performance (transient response and steady-state accuracy). For the conditions using the approach, this study presents the associated stability and convergence analyses. Simulation studies are performed to show off the characteristics of the developed procedure in numerical tests and to give the general guidelines for applications

    A new stepwise and piecewise optimization approach for CO2 pipeline

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    © 2016 . The process of CO2 capture, transportation, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and storage is one of the best ways for CO2 emission reduction, which is also named as Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). It has been noted that CO2 transportation cost is an important component of the total investment of CCUS. In this paper, a novel stepwise and piecewise optimization is proposed for CO2 transportation design, which can compute the minimum transportation pipeline levelized cost under the effect of temperature variation. To develop the proposed approach, several models are referred to lay a foundation for the optimization design. The proposed optimal algorithm is validated by using numerical studies, which shows the approach can reduce the levelized cost and improve the optimization performance in comparison with the existing methods

    Sulfur Flotation Performance Recognition Based on Hierarchical Classification of Local Dynamic and Static Froth Features

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    © 2018 IEEE. This paper proposes a flotation performance recognition system based on a hierarchical classification of froth images using both local dynamic and static features, which includes a series of functions in image extraction, processing, and classification. Within the integrated system, to identify the abnormal working condition with poor flotation performance (NB it could be significantly different with the dynamic features of the froth in abnormal working condition), it is functioned first with building up local dynamic features of froth image from the information including froth velocity, disorder degree, and burst rate. To enhance the dynamic feature extraction and matching, this system introduces a scale-invariant feature transform method to cope with froth motion and the noise induced by dust and illumination. For the performance subdividing under normal working conditions, bag-of-words (BoW) description is utilized to fill the semantic gap in performance recognition when images are directly described by global image features. Accordingly typical froth status words are extracted to form a froth status glossary so that the froth status words of each patch form the BoW description of an image. A Bayesian probabilistic model is built to establish a froth image classification reference with the BoW description of images as the input. An expectation-maximization algorithm is used for training the model parameters. Data obtained from a real plant are selected to verify the proposed approach. It is noted that the proposed system can reduce the negative effects of image noise, and has high accuracy in flotation performance recognition

    Review of rational (total) nonlinear dynamic system modelling, identification, and control

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    © 2013 Taylor & Francis. This paper is a summary of the research development in the rational (total) nonlinear dynamic modelling over the last two decades. Total nonlinear dynamic systems are defined as those where the model parameters and input (controller outputs) are subject to nonlinear to the output. Previously, this class of models has been known as rational models, which is a model that can be considered to belong to the nonlinear autoregressive moving average with exogenous input (NARMAX) model subset and is an extension of the well-known polynomial NARMAX model. The justification for using the rational model is that it provides a very concise and parsimonious representation for highly complex nonlinear dynamic systems and has excellent interpolatory and extrapolatory properties. However, model identification and controller design are much more challenging compared to the polynomial models. This has been a new and fascinating research trend in the area of mathematical modelling, control, and applications, but still within a limited research community. This paper brings several representative algorithms together, developed by the authors and their colleagues, to form an easily referenced archive for promotion of the awareness, tutorial, applications, and even further research expansion

    Model-free robust decoupling control of nonlinear nonaffine dynamic systems

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    This study presents a model-free robust input-output decoupling control with Nonlinear-Dynamic-Coupling Inversion/Inverter (NDCI) in a U-control framework. Regarding the decoupling, an input/output (I/O) coupling matrix function is proposed to derive two decouplers (U-decoupler/functional inversion and D-decoupler/static matrix inversion). A general existing theorem is proved for model-free sliding mode control (MFSMC) to lay the foundation for the NDCI, which takes the Lyapunov differential inequality for its derivative rather than the semi-define Lyapunov derivative. Accordingly, a multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) model-free decoupling U-control (MFDUC) platform is established to integrate the functionalities into a double closed-loop system framework. To validate the functionalities and configurations, this study presents transparent and comparative simulated bench tests, which also could be treated as user guidance for further study and ad hoc applications

    Spontaneous breaking and re-making of the RS-Au-SR staple in self-assembled ethylthiolate/Au(111) interface

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    The stability of the self-assembled RS–Au–SR (R = CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>3</sub>)/Au­(111) interface at room temperature has been investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT) and MD calculations. The RS–Au–SR staple, also known as Au-adatom-dithiolate, assembles into staple rows along the [112̅] direction. STM imaging reveals that while the staple rows are able to maintain a static global structure, individual staples within the row are subjected to constant breaking and remaking of the Au–SR bond. The C<sub>2</sub>S–Au–SC<sub>2</sub>/Au­(111) interface is under a dynamic equilibrium and it is far from rigid. DFT/MD calculations show that a transient RS–Au–Au–SR complex can be formed when a free Au atom is added to the RS–Au–SR staple. The relatively high reactivity of the RS–Au–SR staple at room temperature could explain the reactivity of thiolate-protected Au nanoclusters, such as their ability to participate in ligand exchange and intercluster reactions

    Trajectory tracking of a quadrotor using extend state observer based U-model enhanced double sliding mode control

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    This paper develops a novel U-model enhanced double sliding mode controller (UDSMC) for a quadrotor based on multiple-input and multiple-output extended-state-observer (MIMO-ESO). UDSMC is designed using Lyapunov synthesis and Hurwitz stability to not only cancel the complex dynamics and nonlinearity, but also stabilize the uncertainty and external disturbance of the underlying quadrotors. MIMO-ESO is designed to estimate the unmeasurable velocities which can reduce the impact of sensor measurement errors in practice. The difficulties associated with quadrotor velocity's measurement disturbances and uncertain aerodynamics are successfully addressed in this control design. Rigorous theoretical analysis has been carried out to determine whether the proposed control system can achieve stable trajectory tracking performance, and a comparative real-time experimental study has also been carried out to verify the better effectiveness of the proposed control system than the built-in PID control system
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