78 research outputs found

    Memories of the First World War and aesthetical mutations after 1918

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    The German invasion and occupation of Belgium in 1914-1918 deeply impacted the Belgian literary field. In many regards, the country’s political and linguistic evolution was also impacted by the war, although it cannot be reduced to its consequences. The imaginary that impregnated the first attempts of building a francophone literature in Belgium flickered due to the collapse of the Germanic myth that inspired the whole 19th Century. What may be called a “Latin shift”, which began with Maurice Maeterlinck, lead to a renewed subjugation to the French doxa, culminating with the Manifeste du lundi [Monday’s Manifesto]. Nevertheless, after the war and the Russian Revolution, the collapse of traditional values gives birth, on the one hand, to masterpieces by surrealist Paul NougĂ©, expressionist playwright Fernand Crommelynck or avant-gardist poet Henry Michaux. In all these masterpieces, it’s the nature of language itself that is questioned. For instance, Michaux’s “Lettre de Belgique” [“Letter from Belgium”] shows how the writer works with his Belgian roots in order to paradoxically keep them at bay. On the other hand, the “Fantastique rĂ©el” [“Fantastic Real”] tries to keep the language unspoiled by holding on to the Symbolist idealism and acknowledging the wounds of war at the same time, through sudden shifts from Realism to the Uncanny. There are traces of the conflict in literary texts, which were though forgotten by Literary History because of their realistic facture, despite their great efficiency without pathos.The German invasion and occupation of Belgium in 1914-1918 deeply impacted the Belgian literary field. In many regards, the country’s political and linguistic evolution was also impacted by the war, although it cannot be reduced to its consequences. The imaginary that impregnated the first attempts of building a francophone literature in Belgium flickered due to the collapse of the Germanic myth that inspired the whole 19th Century. What may be called a “Latin shift”, which began with Maurice Maeterlinck, lead to a renewed subjugation to the French doxa, culminating with the Manifeste du lundi [Monday’s Manifesto]. Nevertheless, after the war and the Russian Revolution, the collapse of traditional values gives birth, on the one hand, to masterpieces by surrealist Paul NougĂ©, expressionist playwright Fernand Crommelynck or avant-gardist poet Henry Michaux. In all these masterpieces, it’s the nature of language itself that is questioned. For instance, Michaux’s “Lettre de Belgique” [“Letter from Belgium”] shows how the writer works with his Belgian roots in order to paradoxically keep them at bay. On the other hand, the “Fantastique rĂ©el” [“Fantastic Real”] tries to keep the language unspoiled by holding on to the Symbolist idealism and acknowledging the wounds of war at the same time, through sudden shifts from Realism to the Uncanny. There are traces of the conflict in literary texts, which were though forgotten by Literary History because of their realistic facture, despite their great efficiency without pathos

    ÉtrangetĂ© et engagement.

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    Por uma "literatura-mundo" em francĂȘs

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    Mais tarde, talvez alguém diga que este fora um momento histórico: o prémio Goncourt, o Grande Prémio do romance da Academia francesa, o prémio Renaudot, o prémio Femina, o prémio Goncourt dos estudantes atribuídos, no mesmo outono, a escritores exteriores à França. Serå mero acaso de uma rentrée editorial que concentra excecionalmente os talentos oriundos da "periferia", ou mero desvio vagabundo do rio antes de regressar ao seu leito

    Na granici zbiljskog, na rubu fantastičnog

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    Do palco Ă  flora, a pregnĂąncia de um imaginĂĄrio - “A InteligĂȘncia das flores” de Maurice Maeterlinck

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    Tradução de Cristina Robalo Cordeiro (Universidade de Coimbra - FLUC) Considera-se com frequĂȘncia como um aparte a produção de Maurice Maeterlinck dedicada aos fatos naturais. A coerĂȘncia dos livros deste ciclo, no interior do conjunto da obra, merece, no entanto, um olhar atento. Publicado na metade da vida do futuro PrĂȘmio Nobel, L’Intelligence des fleurs [A InteligĂȘncia das Flores] (1907) prova ser assim bem mais que uma pura descrição botĂąnica. O que o torna singular Ă© o emaranhado de uma tal descrição natural com as assombraçÔes do imaginĂĄrio maeterlinckiano, que sĂŁo alĂ©m disso aquelas do idealismo finissecular. Este estudo faz surgir numerosos exemplos de descriçÔes que se acreditaria tiradas dos dramas do autor de PellĂ©as.Tradução de Cristina Robalo Cordeiro (Universidade de Coimbra - FLUC) Considera-se com frequĂȘncia como um aparte a produção de Maurice Maeterlinck dedicada aos fatos naturais. A coerĂȘncia dos livros deste ciclo, no interior do conjunto da obra, merece, no entanto, um olhar atento. Publicado na metade da vida do futuro PrĂȘmio Nobel, L’Intelligence des fleurs [A InteligĂȘncia das Flores] (1907) prova ser assim bem mais que uma pura descrição botĂąnica. O que o torna singular Ă© o emaranhado de uma tal descrição natural com as assombraçÔes do imaginĂĄrio maeterlinckiano, que sĂŁo alĂ©m disso aquelas do idealismo finissecular. Este estudo faz surgir numerosos exemplos de descriçÔes que se acreditaria tiradas dos dramas do autor de PellĂ©as

    De la scùne à la flore, un imaginaire foncier - “L’Intelligence des fleurs” de Maurice Maeterlinck

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    On considĂšre souvent comme un Ă  cĂŽtĂ© la production de Maurice Maeterlinck consacrĂ©e aux faits naturels. La cohĂ©rence des livres de ce cycle, Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de l’ensemble de l’Ɠuvre, mĂ©rite pourtant un regard attentif. PubliĂ© au mitan de la vie du futur Prix Nobel, L’Intelligence des fleurs (1907) s’avĂšre ainsi bien davantage qu’une pure description botanique. Ce qui en fait la singularitĂ©, c’est le tressage d’une telle description naturelle avec les hantises de l’imaginaire maeterlinckien, qui sont en outre celles de l’idĂ©alisme Fin de siĂšcle. Cette Ă©tude fait surgir de nombreux exemples de descriptions qu’on croirait tirĂ©es des drames de l’auteur de PellĂ©as.On considĂšre souvent comme un Ă  cĂŽtĂ© la production de Maurice Maeterlinck consacrĂ©e aux faits naturels. La cohĂ©rence des livres de ce cycle, Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de l’ensemble de l’Ɠuvre, mĂ©rite pourtant un regard attentif. PubliĂ© au mitan de la vie du futur Prix Nobel, L’Intelligence des fleurs (1907) s’avĂšre ainsi bien davantage qu’une pure description botanique. Ce qui en fait la singularitĂ©, c’est le tressage d’une telle description naturelle avec les hantises de l’imaginaire maeterlinckien, qui sont en outre celles de l’idĂ©alisme Fin de siĂšcle. Cette Ă©tude fait surgir de nombreux exemples de descriptions qu’on croirait tirĂ©es des drames de l’auteur de PellĂ©as

    “Le Voyage rĂ©trospectif”. Un texte important de Franz Hellens

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    Comme son titre peut le laisser entrevoir, et comme l’indiquent les modalitĂ©s de sa genĂšse – puisque le manuscrit est Ă©crit, puis retravaillĂ© aprĂšs les faits –, Le Voyage rĂ©trospectif de Franz Hellens (1881-1972) n’emmĂšne pas ses lecteurs dans un carnet de voyage pittoresque tels qu’en ont produit maints voyageurs occidentaux de l’époque coloniale. Des villes et des sites sont pourtant Ă©voquĂ©s, comme sont relatĂ©es des scĂšnes de rues, voire des rencontres. LĂ  n’est cependant pas le point de gr..


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    Un oiseau chante Ă  tue-tĂȘte, un petit vent coulis rase Ă  bas, les feuilles se font retourner sans grĂące. ‘ Tomates-mozzarella? Papa m’a appris Ă  les jeter trente secondes dans l’eau bouillante. Plus de peau, une substance aux limites du noir, miam! Ensuite? Du poulet aux fruits de mer, et un petit Loire lĂ -dessus. Si je mettais la nappe que je lui ai offerte il y a dix ans
 Le soleil a fait des siennes sur les plis... Tant pis, elle me plaĂźt! De quoi la rafraĂźchir aprĂšs nos agapes
 J’ai telle..

    Na granici zbiljskog, na rubu fantastičnog

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    Trente ans de littérature en Belgique francophone

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    Este artĂ­culo trata sobre la literatura en la BĂ©lgica francĂłfona.This article deals with literature in francophone Belgium
