15 research outputs found

    Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects and Multiple Structural Breaks

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    In this paper we consider estimation of common structural breaks in panel data models with interactive fixed effects which are unobservable. We introduce a penalized principal component (PPC) estimation procedure with an adaptive group fused LASSO to detect the multiple structural breaks in the models. Under some mild conditions, we show that with probability approaching one the proposed method can correctly determine the unknown number of breaks and consistently estimate the common break dates. Furthermore, we estimate the regression coefficients through the post-LASSO method and establish the asymptotic distribution theory for the resulting estimators. The developed methodology and theory are applicable to the case of dynamic panel data models. The Monte Carlo simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method works well in finite samples with low false detection probability when there is no structural break and high probability of correctly estimating the break numbers when the structural breaks exist. We finally apply our method to study the environmental Kuznets curve for 74 countries over 40 years and detect two breaks in the data

    A Versatile Method of Engineering the Electron Wavefunction of Hybrid Quantum Devices

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    With the development of quantum technology, hybrid devices that combine superconductors (S) and semiconductors (Sm) have attracted great attention due to the possibility of engineering structures that benefit from the integration of the properties of both materials. However, until now, none of the experiments have reported good control of band alignment at the interface, which determines the strength of S-Sm coupling and the proximitized superconducting gap. Here, we fabricate hybrid devices in a generic way with argon milling to modify the interface while maintaining its high quality. First, after the milling the atomically connected S-Sm interfaces appear, resulting in a large induced gap, as well as the ballistic transport revealed by the multiple Andreev reflections and quantized above-gap conductance plateaus. Second, by comparing transport measurement with Schr\"odinger-Poisson (SP) calculations, we demonstrate that argon milling is capable of varying the band bending strength in the semiconducting wire as the electrons tend to accumulate on the etched surface for longer milling time. Finally, we perform nonlocal measurements on advanced devices to demonstrate the coexistence and tunability of crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) and elastic co-tunneling (ECT) -- key ingredients for building the prototype setup for realization of Kitaev chain and quantum entanglement probing. Such a versatile method, compatible with the standard fabrication process and accompanied by the well-controlled modification of the interface, will definitely boost the creation of more sophisticated hybrid devices for exploring physics in solid-state systems.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Analysis of the Interruption Process of Molded Case Circuit Breakers

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    A robust and tunable Luttinger liquid in correlated edge of transition-metal second-order topological insulator Ta2Pd3Te5

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    Abstract The interplay between topology and interaction always plays an important role in condensed matter physics and induces many exotic quantum phases, while rare transition metal layered material (TMLM) has been proved to possess both. Here we report a TMLM Ta2Pd3Te5 has the two-dimensional second-order topology (also a quadrupole topological insulator) with correlated edge states - Luttinger liquid. It is ascribed to the unconventional nature of the mismatch between charge- and atomic- centers induced by a remarkable double-band inversion. This one-dimensional protected edge state preserves the Luttinger liquid behavior with robustness and universality in scale from micro- to macro- size, leading to a significant anisotropic electrical transport through two-dimensional sides of bulk materials. Moreover, the bulk gap can be modulated by the thickness, resulting in an extensive-range phase diagram for Luttinger liquid. These provide an attractive model to study the interaction and quantum phases in correlated topological systems