30 research outputs found

    Analysis of social inequality factors in implementation of building energy conservation policies using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process Methodology

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    Because residential buildings consume significant reserves of energy, they are among the largest contributors to climate change. Carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings have negatively impacted the environment.  In response, institutions around the globe have issued policies and regulations to minimize climate change problems, and while these policies have succeeded to some extent, additional factors are present that need greater attention. Among these additional factors are social inequality and environmental injustice in society, both of which must be analysed thoroughly before solutions can be suggested. This research work seeks to examine these factors and their effects; we analyse the factors that cause social inequality and injustice and we correlate those factors to the implementation of energy policies. We then pursue how these actions have consequences in civil society. Results show that some 15 social inequality factors are omnipresent, but the top three include: i) the limited participation of women in environmental campaigns, ii) variances in the adoption of building energy regulations across the globe, and iii) ethnic/racial discrimination with regard to how environmental safety is prioritized. We analyse these factors through the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy methodology, and our results are statistically validated through sensitivity analysis and a consistency check

    Analisa Pengaruh Pasang Purnama (Spring) Dan Perbani (Neap) Terhadap Laju Sedimentasi Di Perairan Timbulsloko, Demak

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    Perairan Timbulsloko secara administratif terletak di daerah pesisir Sayung, Demak yang mengalami abrasi parah dalam kurun waktu 11 tahun terakhir. Pada tahun 2002 tercatat 145,50 hektar pantai di Demak terkikis abrasi, kerusakan pantai itu makin melonjak lima kali lipat pada 2005, yakni mencapai 758,30 hektar. Berbagai solusi diimplementasi untuk mengurangi dampak abrasi yang terjadi, namun fungsinya belum optimal. Konsep teknik hybrid ditawarkan sebagai solusi perlindungan stabilitas pesisir dengan pembangunan bangunan pantai yang disebut permeable dams. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh gerak pasang purnama (spring) dan perbani (neap) terhadap laju sedimentasi sebagai dasar analisis proses sedimentasi yang diperlukan dalam pembangunan permeable dams. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Mei – 10 Juni 2013 di perairan Timbulsloko, Demak menggunakan metode deskriptif-kuantitatif. Penentuan lokasi stasiun pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive yang terdiri 5 stasiun sediment trap, 4 stasiun pengambilan sampel muatan padatan tersuspensi (MPT) dan 1 stasiun pengukuran pasang. Metode analisis data pasang yang digunakan yaitu metode Admiralty. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tipe pasang perairan Timbulsloko adalah campuran condong harian tunggal dengan nilai Formzahl = 1,68, memiliki duduk tengah (MSL) 78,16 cm, julat pasang siklusan saat purnama berkisar 86-124,1 cm, julat pasang siklusan saat perbani antara 72-80,6 cm. Hasil analisis laboratorium dan perhitungan rata-rata konsentrasi MPT pada kondisi pasang purnama sebesar 462,5 mg/l, adapun pada pasang perbani sebesar 287,5 mg/l. Besar laju sedimentasi di perairan Timbulsloko dalam rata-rata per hari siklus purnama yaitu 1,85-5,55 kg/m2/hari, berbeda pada pasang perbani yang memiliki laju sedimentasi rata-rata 1,48-3,17 kg/m2/hari. Julat pasang saat pasang purnama lebih besar dibadingkan saat perbani, begitu juga besar konsentrasi MPT saat purnama lebih tinggi. Besar laju sedimentasi di perairan Timbulsloko dipengaruhi pasang purnama dan perbani, laju sedimentasi saat pasang lebih tinggi dibandingkan saat pasang perbani


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    Biologi merupakan bidang ilmu pendidikan sains yang mempelajari makhluk hidup dengan subjek yang sangat luas, salah satunya sistem indra manusia. Pencapaian proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien memerlukan media pembelajaran yang mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan sesuai karakteristik peserta didik. Augmented Reality merupakan teknologi terkini yang dapat dioperasikan pada smartphone android, dimana sebagian besar masyarakat sudah menggunakan android. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan aplikasi AR-Senses untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep sistem indra manusia. AR-Senses merupakan sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran android berbasis Augmented Reality dengan dukungan fitur video mekanisme, materi singkat, dan kuis latihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (RND) dengan tahapan sesuai model ADDIE. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai bulan Juli 2020. Subjek uji penelitian meliputi validator ahli, guru Biologi, 15 peserta didik kelompok kecil, dan 90 peserta didik kelompok besar kelas XI di SMAN 30 Jakarta. Hasil keseluruhan skor rata-rata uji kelayakan dan uji coba media adalah 84% dengan kategori sangat layak. Hasil analisis data diperoleh dari rata-rata nilai pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan bahwa data berdistribusi normal, homogen, dan tolak H0. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi AR-Senses sangat layak dan efektif untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran, serta dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam menguasai konsep sistem indra manusia. Kata Kunci: augmented reality, media pembelajaran, penguasaan konsep. ******** Biology is a field of science education that studies living things with a very broad subject, one of which is the human sensory system. Achieving an effective and efficient learning process requires learning media that follows technological developments and according to the characteristics of students. Augmented Reality is the latest technology that can be operated on android smartphone, where most people are already using Android. The purpose of this research is to develop the AR-Senses application to improve mastery of the concept of the human sensory system. AR-Senses is an android learning application based on Augmented Reality with support for video mechanism features, short material, and practice quizzes. This study uses the Research and Development (RND) method with the stages according to the ADDIE model. The research was conducted from January to July 2020. The research test subjects included expert validator, biology teachers, 15 small group students, and 90 large group students for class XI at SMAN 30 Jakarta. The overall result of the average score of feasibility and media trials is 84% with the very feasible category. The results of the data analysis were obtained from the average pre-test and post-test values showing that the data were normally distributed, homogeneous, and rejected H0. The conclusion of this study shows that the AR-Senses application is very feasible and effective to be used as a learning medium, and can improve students' ability to master the concept of the human sensory system. Keyword: augmented reality, concept mastery, learning media


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    Garbage is waste from human activities or natural processes in solid form. Waste can be divided into organic waste and inorganic waste. household activities is one of the producers of the amount of organic waste. The amount of organic waste has the highest percentage compared to other types of waste. Every time people produce waste, both organic and inorganic, but not many realize it. One of the sources of waste is from community settlements or commonly called household waste. training on how to process household organic waste into fertilizer. With this socialization and training, it is hoped that the community will understand how to process household waste. The KKN-DT program carried out by the author is located in Pahlawan Setia Village, Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency. The implementation mechanism is by gathering community representatives to participate in the briefing. Direct assistance and training in making compost from household organic waste carried out in accordance with the directions at the time the socialization was carried out. The KKN-DT program in Pahlawan Setia Village, Bekasi Regency began with licensing the program implementation to the Local Apparatus (RT/RW). The socialization was carried out face-to-face at the house of the Deputy Head of the Setia Pahlawan Village. This socialization explains the meaning of waste, types of waste, how to sort organic and inorganic waste, the impact of waste on society, and explains how to process waste, namely Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

    T>0 properties of the infinitely repulsive Hubbard model for arbitrary number of holes

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    Based on representations of the symmetric group SNS_N, explicit and exact Schr\"odinger equation is derived for U=∞U=\infty Hubbard model in any dimensions with arbitrary number of holes, which clearly shows that during the movement of holes the spin background of electrons plays an important role. Starting from it, at T=0 we have analyzed the behaviour of the system depending on the dimensionality and number of holes. Based on the presented formalism thermodynamic quantities have also been expressed using a loop summation technique in which the partition function is given in terms of characters of SNS_N. In case of the studied finite systems, the loop summation have been taken into account exactly up to the 14-th order in reciprocal temperature and the results were corrected in higher order based on Monte Carlo simulations. The obtained results suggest that the presented formalism increase the efficiency of the Monte Carlo simulations as well, because the spin part contribution of the background is automatically taken into account by the characters of SNS_N.Comment: 26 pages, 1 embedded ps figure; Phil. Mag. B (in press

    Extrusion of the Peritoneal Catheter of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Through the Rectum

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    A ventriculoperitoneal shunt is a common procedure for hydrocephalus. It is a life-saving procedure but is not risk-free. Some of the most common complications are shunt blockage and infection but they can also present with uncommon presentations. We report A child who presented with extrusion of a shunt catheter through the rectum. It was treated as an infected shunt. Externalization of the shunt was done through the abdominal site and the exposed shunt was removed through the rectum by gentle traction. Once CSF was clear a new shunt was placed on the opposite side. Keywords:  VP shunt, shunt infection, anal extrusion. Key Message:  Exposure to a shunt catheter through the rectum is an uncommon presentation. It should be treated as an infected shunt. Most of these cases do not cause peritonitis or meningitis. The exposed shunt catheter should be removed through the rectum by gentle traction. Abbreviations:  VP-Ventriculoperitoneal, CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid. ETV -Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy

    Ammonia production plants - a review

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    Considering the global scientific and industrial effort to utilize ammonia as an alternative to natural gas combustion to run power plants, it is crucial to objectively assess the literature before adjusting or proposing new and advancing techniques in ammonia plants while considering a variety of factors. As a result, this paper assesses the global effort to improve existing ammonia plants and identifies progress by evaluating the currently available dataset to identify knowledge gaps and highlight aspects that have yet to be addressed. Based on the literature reviewed in this study, it was found that the majority of the efforts to advance ammonia plants mainly focus on reducing energy consumption, implementing alternative methods to extract the necessary hydrogen and nitrogen in the process, and changing the cycle arrangement and operating conditions to make the industrial plants more compact. However, regarding carbon reduction in the ammonia production process, it is clear that the effort is less significant when compared to the global scientific and industrial progress in other areas

    MYORG-related disease is associated with central pontine calcifications and atypical parkinsonism

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    Objective: To identify the phenotypic, neuroimaging, and genotype-phenotype expression of MYORG mutations. Methods: Using next-generation sequencing, we screened 86 patients with primary familial brain calcification (PFBC) from 60 families with autosomal recessive or absent family history that were negative for mutations in SLC20A2, PDGFRB, PDGBB, and XPR1. In-depth phenotyping and neuroimaging investigations were performed in all cases reported here. Results: We identified 12 distinct deleterious MYORG variants in 7 of the 60 families with PFBC. Overall, biallelic MYORG mutations accounted for 11.6% of PFBC families in our cohort. A heterogeneous phenotypic expression was identified within and between families with a median age at onset of 56.4 years, a variable combination of parkinsonism, cerebellar signs, and cognitive decline. Psychiatric disturbances were not a prominent feature. Cognitive assessment showed impaired cognitive function in 62.5% of cases. Parkinsonism associated with vertical nuclear gaze palsy was the initial clinical presentation in 1/3 of cases and was associated with central pontine calcifications. Cerebral cortical atrophy was present in 37% of cases. Conclusions: This large, multicentric study shows that biallelic MYORG mutations represent a significant proportion of autosomal recessive PFBC. We recommend screening MYORG mutations in all patients with primary brain calcifications and autosomal recessive or negative family history, especially when presenting clinically as atypical parkinsonism and with pontine calcification on brain CT

    COVID-19 and household energy implications: what are the main impacts on energy use?

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    This study explores the impacts of COVID-19 on household energy use. Some of these impacts are associated with longer-term energy demand changes and some could just be temporary. The study intends to present the results of a small pilot study conducted in China, by addressing household energy use. The samples are from 352 households and particularly focus on primary energy use in three periods of pre-pandemic (and pre-lockdown), start of COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown, and post lockdown. Each period is identified as a timeframe of 2.5 months, from November 2019 to late June 2020. The samples of this study highlight the primary implications of energy use, some that are understood as interim changes and some that may appear to be more prolonged. The results from the study highlight a variety of impacts on household energy use as well as prolonged impacts on transportation use. The primary household energy use are assessed in six fundamental elements of (1) transportation for commuting and leisure (for both private and public modes), (2) cooking, (3) entertainment, (4) heating and cooling, (5) lighting, and (6) the others. The results are summarized in three sections focused on major impacts on transportation use (comparison between private and public modes), cooking and entertainment, heating/cooling and lighting. The results could provide early suggestions for cities/regions that are experiencing longer lockdown. Furthermore, this study provides insights for larger-scale research in assessing household energy use/demand during times of health emergency and crises, such as the event of a pandemic

    Issues regarding a complete computational model of a Hall thruster from the acceleration channel through the plume

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-70).by Salma Qarnain.M.S