263 research outputs found

    Calibration of WAVE in irrigated maize: fallow vs. cover crops.

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    Nitrate leaching decreases crop available N and increases water contamination. Replacing fallow by cover crops (CC) is an alternative to reduce nitrate contamination, because it reduces overall drainage and soil mineral N accumulation. A study of the soil N and nitrate leaching was conducted during 5 years in a semi-arid irrigated agricultural area of Central Spain. Three treatments were studied during the intercropping period of maize (Zea mays L.): barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), vetch (Vicia villosa L.), and fallow. Cover crops, sown in October, were killed by glyphosate application in March, allowing direct seeding of maize in April. All treatments were irrigated and fertilised following the same procedure. Soil water content was measured using capacity probes. Soil Nmin accumulation was determined along the soil profile before sowing and after harvesting maize. Soil analysis was conducted at six depths every 0.20m in each plot in samples from 0 to 1.2-m depth. The mechanistic water balance model WAVE was applied in order to calculate drainage and plant growth of the different treatments, and apply them to the N balance. We evaluated the water balance of this model using the daily soil water content measurements of this field trial. A new Matlab version of the model was evaluated as well. In this new version improvements were made in the solute transport module and crop module. In addition, this new version is more compatible with external modules for data processing, inverse calibration and uncertainty analysis than the previous Fortran version. The model showed that drainage during the irrigated period was minimized in all treatments, because irrigation water was adjusted to crop needs, leading to nitrate accumulation on the upper layers after maize harvest. Then, during the intercrop period, most of the nitrate leaching occurred. Cover crops usually led to a shorter drainage period, lower drainage water amount and lower nitrate leaching than the treatment with fallow. These effects resulted in larger nitrate accumulation in the upper layers of the soil after CC treatments

    Sustaining the burden”: a qualitative study on the emotional impact and social functioning of family caregivers of patients with psychosis

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    Evidence shows that caring for a family member with a psychotic disorder generates a significant emotional impact and repercussions on social functioning. However, this caregiving experience can be influenced by cultural factors. The aim of this study is to explore the experience and perception of a group of family caregivers of patients with psychotic disorders of different durations regarding the emotional and social functioning repercussions of caregiving on them in Andalusia. Three focus groups (28 participants) were conducted. Data were subject to a thematic analysis. Three themes emerged from the data: 1) Emotional invasion; 2) Disruption in the caregiver's life project; and 3) Changes in the family system. Participants reported experiencing sadness, fear, overwhelm, hopelessness, and uncertainty. Caregivers' accounts reflected an interruption of their daily tasks, as well as the need to reformulate plans or goals outside the family life that require long-term commitment, such as professional development or even their residence. The narratives indicated an impact on all roles within the family system, particularly for the mother. The results are consistent with existing research. Healthcare professionals and programs should take into account the costs associated with caregiving in order to minimize them, given the impact it has on both the patient's and the caregivers' health.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Meta-analysis of strategies to control nitrate leaching in irrigated agricultural systems and their effects on crop yield.

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    Nitrate leaching (NL) is an important N loss process in irrigated agriculture that imposes a cost on the farmer and the environment. A meta-analysis of published experimental results from agricultural irrigated systems was conducted to identify those strategies that have proven effective at reducing NL and to quantify the scale of reduction that can be achieved. Forty-four scientific articles were identified which investigated four main strategies (water and fertilizer management, use of cover crops and fertilizer technology) creating a database with 279 observations on NL and 166 on crop yield. Management practices that adjust water application to crop needs reduced NL by a mean of 80% without a reduction in crop yield. Improved fertilizer management reduced NL by 40%, and the best relationship between yield and NL was obtained when applying the recommended fertilizer rate. Replacing a fallow with a non-legume cover crop reduced NL by 50% while using a legume did not have any effect on NL. Improved fertilizer technology also decreased NL but was the least effective of the selected strategies. The risk of nitrate leaching from irrigated systems is high, but optimum management practices may mitigate this risk and maintain crop yields while enhancing environmental sustainability

    Meta-analysis of strategies to control nitrate leaching in irrigated agricultural systems and their effects on crop yield.

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    Nitrate leaching (NL) is an important N loss process in irrigated agriculture that imposes a cost on the farmer and the environment. A meta-analysis of published experimental results from agricultural irrigated systems was conducted to identify those strategies that have proven effective at reducing NL and to quantify the scale of reduction that can be achieved. Forty-four scientific articles were identified which investigated four main strategies (water and fertilizer management, use of cover crops and fertilizer technology) creating a database with 279 observations on NL and 166 on crop yield. Management practices that adjust water application to crop needs reduced NL by a mean of 80% without a reduction in crop yield. Improved fertilizer management reduced NL by 40%, and the best relationship between yield and NL was obtained when applying the recommended fertilizer rate. Replacing a fallow with a non-legume cover crop reduced NL by 50% while using a legume did not have any effect on NL. Improved fertilizer technology also decreased NL but was the least effective of the selected strategies. The risk of nitrate leaching from irrigated systems is high, but optimum management practices may mitigate this risk and maintain crop yields while enhancing environmental sustainability

    Thermographic imaging: assessment of drought and heat tolerance in Spanish germplasm of Brachypodium distachyon.

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    The annual grass Brachypodium distachyon has been recently recognized as the model plant for functional genomics of temperate grasses, including cereals of economic relevance like wheat and barley. Sixty-two lines of B. distachyon were assessed for response to drought stress and heat tolerance. All these lines, except the reference genotype BD21, derive from specimens collected in 32 distinct locations of the Iberian Peninsula, covering a wide range of geo- climatic conditions. Sixteen lines of Brachypodium hybridum, an allotetraploid closely related to B. distachyon were used as reference of abiotic-stress well-adapted genotypes. Drought tolerance was assessed in a green-house trial. At the rosette-stage, no irrigation was applied to treated plants whereas their replicates at the control were maintained well watered during all the experiment. Thermographic images of treated and control plants were taken after 2 and 3 weeks of drought treatment, when stressed plants showed medium and extreme wilting symptoms. The mean leaf temperature of stressed (LTs) and control (LTc) plants was estimated based upon thermographic records from selected pixels (183 per image) that strictly correspond to leaf tissue. The response to drought was based on the analysis of two parameters: LTs and the thermal difference (TD) between stressed and control plants (LTs – LTc). The response to heat stress was based on LTc. Comparison of the mean values of these parameters showed that: 1) Genotypes better adapted to drought (B. hybridum lines) presented a higher LTs and TD than B. distachyon lines. 2) Under high temperature conditions, watered plants of B. hybridum lines maintained lower LTc than those of B. distachyon. Those results suggest that in these species adaptation to drought is linked to a more efficient stomata regulation: under water stress stomata are closed, increasing foliar temperature but also water use efficiency by reducing transpiration. With high temperature and water availability the results are less definite, but still seems that opening stomata allow plants to increase transpiration and therefore to diminish foliar temperature

    Use of thermographic imaging to screen for drought-tolerant genotypes in Brachypodium distachyon

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    Thermal imaging has been used to evaluate the response to drought and warm temperatures in a collection of Brachypodium distachyon lines adapted to varied environmental conditions. Thermographic records were able to separate lines from contrasting rainfall regimes. Genotypes from dryer environments showed warmer leaves under water deficit, which suggested that decreased evapotranspiration was related to a more intense stomatal closure. When irrigated and under high temperature conditions, drought-adapted lines showed cooler leaves than lines from wetter zones. The consistent, inverse thermographic response of lines to water stress and heat validates the reliability of this method to assess drought tolerance in this model cereal. It additionally supports the hypothesis that stomatal-based mechanisms are involved in natural variation for drought tolerance in Brachypodium. The study further suggests that these mechanisms are not constitutive but likely related to a more efficient closing response to avoid dehydration in adapted genotypes. Higher leaf temperature under water deficit seems a dependable criterion of drought tolerance, not only in B. distachyon but also in the main cereal crops and related grasses where thermography can facilitate high-throughput preliminary screening of tolerant materials

    Estimation of photovoltaic potential for electricity self-sufficiency: A study case of military facilities in northwest Spain

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    Renewable energies, including photovoltaic energy, are attracting widespread international attention, in reaction to worsening environmental problems and the diminishing long-term sustainability of fossil fuel energies. In this work, the potential benefits of installing photovoltaic panels on several buildings at the Spanish Naval Military School (Escuela Naval Militar, ENM) of Mar ın are considered. The two salient advantages are significant economic savings from the production and the sale of electricity to the Spanish Electricity Network and achieving selfsufficiency in electricity requirements. Consequently, the main objective of this work is to estimate the energy potential of photovoltaic installations on the roofs of the ENM buildings. This is the first time that a project of this nature and size is presented to the Spanish Navy. To that end, a three-dimensional geographic analysis of the buildings is performed using three freeware software: Trimble SketchUp, Skelion, and Photovoltaic Geographical Information System. An economic study is also conducted to determine the feasibility of the installations, by estimating the Net Present Value of the photovoltaic installation and the Internal Rate of Return associated with the project. Subsequently, a sensitivity analysis that considers the most important parameters for the calculation of the amortization period is reported. The results show that the installation could fulfill the ENM electrical demands and could, in addition, generate significant economic benefits. The conclusions end with a recommendation to consider the merits of the proposed solution.Regional Government of Castilla y Le on (Ref. BU034U16), under European Regional Development Fund, and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the IþD þ i state programme Challenges for the Society (Ref. ENE-2014-54601-R). One of the authors, David Gonz alez Pe~na, thanks Junta de Castilla-Le on for economic support (PIRTU Program, ORDEN EDU/301/2015

    Testing timed systems modeled by stream X-machines

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    Stream X-machines have been used to specify real systems where complex data structures. They are a variety of extended finite state machine where a shared memory is used to represent communications between the components of systems. In this paper we introduce an extension of the Stream X-machines formalism in order to specify systems that present temporal requirements. We add time in two different ways. First, we consider that (output) actions take time to be performed. Second, our formalism allows to specify timeouts. Timeouts represent the time a system can wait for the environment to react without changing its internal state. Since timeous affect the set of available actions of the system, a relation focusing on the functional behavior of systems, that is, the actions that they can perform, must explicitly take into account the possible timeouts. In this paper we also propose a formal testing methodology allowing to systematically test a system with respect to a specification. Finally, we introduce a test derivation algorithm. Given a specification, the derived test suite is sound and complete, that is, a system under test successfully passes the test suite if and only if this system conforms to the specification

    The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: Soil salinity and salt leaching

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    Soil salinity and salt leaching are a risk for sustainable agricultural production in many irrigated areas. This study was conducted over 3.5 years to determine how replacing the usual winter fallow with a cover crop (CC) affects soil salt accumulation and salt leaching in irrigated systems. Treatments studied during the period between summer crops were: barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), vetch (Vicia villosa L.) and fallow. Soil water content was monitored daily to a depth of 1.3 m and used with the numerical model WAVE to calculate drainage. Electrical conductivity (EC) was measured in soil solutions periodically, and in the soil saturated paste extracts before sowing CC and maize. Salt leaching was calculated multiplying drainage by total dissolved salts in the soil solution, and use to obtain a salt balance. Total salt leaching over the four winter fallow periods was 26 Mg ha−1, whereas less than 18 Mg ha−1 in the presence of a CC. Periods of salt gain occurred more often in the CC than in the fallow. By the end of the experiment, net salt losses occurred in all treatments, owing to occasional periods of heavy rainfall. The CC were more prone than the fallow to reduce soil salt accumulation during the early growth stages of the subsequent cash crop