111 research outputs found

    Factors of placement of production forces of the region (on the example of the Volyn region)

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    Стаття присвячена комплексному аналізу територіальної організації продуктивних сил області. Продуктивні сили, є полікомпонентною системою, тому багатоаспектність об’єкта зумовлює загальнонаукову інтегрованість його соціально-економічного дослідження: використання комплексного підходів, поєднання традиційних суспільно-географічних методів з економічними. Важливим чинником розвитку і територіальної організації продуктивних сил області – вигідне географічне розташування, яке визначається територіальними, компонентними і композиційними відношеннями, соціально-економічними відносинами і зв'язками області з іншими регіонами та областями України. Ранжування за природно-географічними, соціально-економічними показниками висвітлюють передумови для формування господарських комплексів та розвитку продуктивних сил адміністративних районів області. Для регіону характерні значні міжрайонні дисбаланси у розвитку економіки, сфері зайнятості населення. За останні роки значних зрушень в розміщенні продуктивних сил області не відбулося. В основному спостерігався подальший розвиток і вдосконалення тих вузлів і центрів зосередження виробництва, що вже склалися раніше. Область має ряд переваг серед інших регіонів України щодо зростання інвестиційної привабливості та покращення її бізнес-клімату. Сильні сторони регіону – значні запаси лісів, водних, рекреаційних ресурсів; розвинена магістральна транспортна інфраструктура із значним транзитним потенціалом; близькість до кордону з Європейським Союзом, достатня забезпеченість трудовими ресурсами (у тому числі робітничих та інженерних професій, фахівцями ІТ-сфери), а також відповідними освітніми закладами, зростання попиту на логістичні послуги.The article is devoted to the complex analysis of the territorial organization of productive forces of the region. Productive forces are a multicomponent system, so the multidimensional nature of the object determines the general scientific integrity of its socio-economic research: the use of integrated approaches, the combination of traditional socio-geographical methods with economic ones. By the important factor of development and territorial organization of productive forces of area is an advantageous geographical location, that is determined by, component and composition territorialisms, socio-economic relations and copulas of area with other regions and areas of Ukraine. Ranking by natural geographic, socio-economic indicators highlights preconditions for the formation of economic complexes and the development of productive forces of the administrative districts of the region. The region is characterized by significant inter-district imbalances in the development of the economy, employment. In recent years there have been no significant shifts in the placement of productive forces of the region. In the main, there was a further development and improvement of those units and centers of concentration of production that have already been formed. In the main, there was a further development and improvement of those units and centers of concentration of production that have already been formed. The oblast has a number of advantages among other regions of Ukraine in terms of increasing investment attractiveness and improving its business climate. Strengths of the region - significant reserves of forests, water, recreational resources; developed trunk transport infrastructure with significant transit potential; proximity to the border with the European Union, adequate supply of labor resources (including labor and engineering professions, IT professionals), as well as relevant educational institutions, increased demand for logistics services

    Formalization of Transform Methods using HOL Light

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    Transform methods, like Laplace and Fourier, are frequently used for analyzing the dynamical behaviour of engineering and physical systems, based on their transfer function, and frequency response or the solutions of their corresponding differential equations. In this paper, we present an ongoing project, which focuses on the higher-order logic formalization of transform methods using HOL Light theorem prover. In particular, we present the motivation of the formalization, which is followed by the related work. Next, we present the task completed so far while highlighting some of the challenges faced during the formalization. Finally, we present a roadmap to achieve our objectives, the current status and the future goals for this project.Comment: 15 Pages, CICM 201

    Dense Plasma Focus: physics and applications (radiation material science, single-shot disclosure of hidden illegal objects, radiation biology and medicine, etc.)

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    The paper presents some outcomes obtained during the year of 2013 of the activity in the frame of the International Atomic Energy Agency Co-ordinated research project "Investigations of Materials under High Repetition and Intense Fusion-Relevant Pulses". The main results are related to the effects created at the interaction of powerful pulses of different types of radiation (soft and hard X-rays, hot plasma and fast ion streams, neutrons, etc. generated in Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) facilities) with various materials including those that are counted as perspective ones for their use in future thermonuclear reactors. Besides we discuss phenomena observed at the irradiation of biological test objects. We examine possible applications of nanosecond powerful pulses of neutrons to the aims of nuclear medicine and for disclosure of hidden illegal objects. Special attention is devoted to discussions of a possibility to create extremely large and enormously diminutive DPF devices and probabilities of their use in energetics, medicine and modern electronics

    Increasing of train movement energy efficiency on a service area

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    Energy efficiency is one of the most important factors affecting the increase of the railway transport competitiveness on transport services market. Analysis showed that the main energy consumption is connected with traction of trains. To decrease the influence of this expenses item automated system «ELBRUS» that allows developing energy saving train schedules was used within the research. As a result, an optimal energy saving train schedule that improves quantitative and qualitative indexes of a service area was determined.Энергоэффективность является одним из основных факторов, влияющих на повышение конкурентоспособности железнодорожного транспорта на рынке транспортных услуг. Анализ показал, что основной расход топливно-энергетических ресурсов приходится на тягу поездов. С целью снижения данной статьи расходов в рамках исследования применен АПК «ЭЛЬБРУС», позволяющий разрабатывать вариантные энергосберегающие графики движения поездов. В результате, определен энергооптимальный вариант организации движения поездов, улучшающий количественные и качественные показатели работы участка

    CCL2 produced by the glioma microenvironment is essential for the recruitment of regulatory T cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells

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    In many aggressive cancers, such as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), progression is enabled by local immunosuppression driven by the accumulation of regulatory T cells (Treg) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). However, the mechanistic details of how Treg and MDSC are recruited in various tumors is not yet well understood. Here we report that macrophages and microglia within the glioma microenvironment produce CCL2, a chemokine that is critical for recruiting both CCR4+ Treg and CCR2+Ly-6C+ monocytic MDSC in this disease setting. In murine gliomas, we established novel roles for tumor-derived CCL20 and osteoprotegerin in inducing CCL2 production from macrophages and microglia. Tumors grown in CCL2 deficient mice failed to maximally accrue Treg and monocytic MDSC. In mixed-bone marrow chimera assays, we found that CCR4-deficient Treg and CCR2-deficient monocytic MDSC were defective in glioma accumulation. Further, administration of a small molecule antagonist of CCR4 improved median survival in the model. In clinical specimens of GBM, elevated levels of CCL2 expression correlated with reduced overall survival of patients. Lastly, we found that CD163-positive infiltrating macrophages were a major source of CCL2 in GBM patients. Collectively, our findings show how glioma cells influence the tumor microenvironment to recruit potent effectors of immunosuppression that drive progression

    Symmetry protection of measurement-based quantum computation in ground states

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    The two-dimensional cluster state, a universal resource for measurement-based quantum computation, is also the gapped ground state of a short-ranged Hamiltonian. Here, we examine the effect of perturbations to this Hamiltonian. We prove that, provided the perturbation is sufficiently small and respects a certain symmetry, the perturbed ground state remains a universal resource. We do this by characterising the operation of an adaptive measurement protocol throughout a suitable symmetry-protected quantum phase, relying on generic properties of the phase rather than any analytic control over the ground state.Comment: 20 pages plus appendices, 11 figures, comments very welcome; v2 minor corrections and additional references; v3 published version with minor correction

    Myopathy associated BAG3 mutations lead to protein aggregation by stalling Hsp70 networks

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    BAG3 is a multi-domain hub that connects two classes of chaperones, small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) via two isoleucine-proline-valine (IPV) motifs and Hsp70 via a BAG domain.\ua0Mutations in either the IPV or BAG domain of BAG3 cause a dominant form of myopathy, characterized by protein aggregation in both skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues. Surprisingly, for both disease mutants, impaired chaperone binding is not sufficient to explain disease phenotypes. Recombinant mutants are correctly folded, show unaffected Hsp70 binding but are impaired in stimulating Hsp70-dependent client processing. As a consequence, the mutant BAG3 proteins become the node for a dominant gain of function causing aggregation of itself, Hsp70, Hsp70 clients and tiered interactors within the BAG3 interactome. Importantly, genetic and pharmaceutical interference with Hsp70 binding completely reverses stress-induced protein aggregation for both BAG3 mutations. Thus, the gain of function effects of BAG3 mutants act as Achilles heel of the HSP70 machinery

    The LAGUNA design study- towards giant liquid based underground detectors for neutrino physics and astrophysics and proton decay searches

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    The feasibility of a next generation neutrino observatory in Europe is being considered within the LAGUNA design study. To accommodate giant neutrino detectors and shield them from cosmic rays, a new very large underground infrastructure is required. Seven potential candidate sites in different parts of Europe and at several distances from CERN are being studied: Boulby (UK), Canfranc (Spain), Fr\'ejus (France/Italy), Pyh\"asalmi (Finland), Polkowice-Sieroszowice (Poland), Slanic (Romania) and Umbria (Italy). The design study aims at the comprehensive and coordinated technical assessment of each site, at a coherent cost estimation, and at a prioritization of the sites within the summer 2010.Comment: 5 pages, contribution to the Workshop "European Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics", CERN, Oct. 200

    Measurement and comparison of individual external doses of high-school students living in Japan, France, Poland and Belarus -- the "D-shuttle" project --

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    Twelve high schools in Japan (of which six are in Fukushima Prefecture), four in France, eight in Poland and two in Belarus cooperated in the measurement and comparison of individual external doses in 2014. In total 216 high-school students and teachers participated in the study. Each participant wore an electronic personal dosimeter "D-shuttle" for two weeks, and kept a journal of his/her whereabouts and activities. The distributions of annual external doses estimated for each region overlap with each other, demonstrating that the personal external individual doses in locations where residence is currently allowed in Fukushima Prefecture and in Belarus are well within the range of estimated annual doses due to the background radiation level of other regions/countries