184 research outputs found

    Complex of Chemical-technological and Sanitary-hygienic Quality Indicators of the New Pastry Products of Special Nutrition

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    The complex of chemical-technological and sanitary-hygienic quality indicators of new pastry products of special nutrition was studied. The original recipes of meat pastries for special nutrition, enriched with biologically active components at the expanse of vitaminized blended vegetable oils (VBVO) and protein-fatty emulsions (PFE) on their base, were elaborated. There were elaborated four recipes of pastries of chicken and Turkey with PFE, included in recipes in the amount 15…20 % and with vitaminized blended vegetable oils of two-component and three-component composition in the amount 10 %. Pastry samples, prepared according to SSTC 4432:2005 were used as a control.VBVO composition and fat-soluble vitamins content in them was determined by the gasochromatographic method.Molecular-genetic methods were used for the accelerated diagnostics of pastries safety by agents of food intoxications– Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus, number of mesophyl aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microorganisms (NMAFAnM), classic ones – colon bacillus group bacteria (CBGB), sulphite reductive clostridia, Staphylococcus aureus, L.monocytogenes, Salmonella. The storage term of products was prolonged in 2 times (48 against 24 hours) according to SSTC). The expedience of their introduction in production was proved

    Экспорт сахара из украинских земель Российской империи в Персию накануне и в годы Первой мировой войны

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    У статті розглядається малодосліджений аспект української історії - торговельні відносини між українськими землями Російської імперії та Персією на початку ХХ ст. Зокрема, досліджується стан експорту українського цукру.In scientific article author research problem of history economics relationships between Ukraine and Persian country in Russian empire period. Main attention is paid to an analyze of sugar export to this country. External economic relations of Ukrainian lands in the Russian empire with Persia the day before and in the years of First World war remain a scantily explored theme. There is only separate information about foreign trade of the Russian empire and Persia. Official statistics of those years divided all outbound of commodities into two categories: export to the European countries and to Asia. Sugar was taken out mainly through the Baku custom. With beginning of the First World war prices in Persia began incredibly to grow. A rich buyer and agiotage demand appeared. It created subsoil for speculations. Businessmen bought up sugar directly on sugar-houses.В статье рассматривается малоисследованный аспект украинской истории – торговые отношения между украинскими землями Российской империи и Персией в начале ХХ в. В частности, исследуется ситуация с экспортом украинского сахара

    Historiography of University Education in the Dnieper Ukraine in the First Half of the 19th Cent.

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    Статтю присвячено історіографії становлення університетської освіти в Наддніпрянській Україні в першій половині ХІХ ст. Автор періодизував розвиток історіографії даної проблеми. Проаналізовано основні документи Міністерства народної освіти, рішення вчених рад Київського і Харківського університетів та їх висвітлення в історичній літературі. Вивчено основні напрямки досліджень дореволюційних, радянських і сучасних істориків. Визначено здобутки та пробіли в проведених наукових пошуках. Окреслено подальші завдання наукових досліджень.The article is devoted to the historiography of the establishing of university education in the Dnieper Ukraine in the first half of the 19th century. The author made a periodization the of historiography on this issue. The main documents of the Ministry of National Education, the decision of the academic councils of the Kyiv and Kharkiv universities and their coverage in the historical literature have been analyzed. The basic directions of studies of the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern historians have been studied. The achievements and gaps in the scientific researches were determined. Further tasks of scientific research are outlined. Despite of positive evaluation of university studies on this topic, many questions demand more structurized archival research. Until today no complex research was devoted to this topic

    Effect of pre-seed and foliar treatment with nano-particle solutions on seedling development of tiger nut (Cyperus Esculentus L.) plants

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    Received: December 28th, 2020 ; Accepted: March 28th, 2021 ; Published: April 5th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] are part of enzymes and play an important role in plant germination. Purpose of our study was to establish the effect of pre-seed treatment of chufa tubers with metal nanoparticles on the growth of the root system and seedlings in the early stages of development. Laboratory tests were performed on seed of tiger nut cultivar Pharaoh. Experiment involved two methods of treatment: pre-sowing treatment of seeds with nano-particles solutions of manganese, zinc, copper and iron with a concentration of 60 ppm and re-application of these solutions after seedling emergence. The weight of seedlings and roots was determined at 3rd and 10th days after emergence in treated and untreated variants. Pre-sowing treatment of chufa tubers with all forms of micronutrients significantly increased the weight of the plant (excluding the weight of seeds), and the most effective were treatments with copper and iron. Treatment with copper colloidal solution increases in root weight at 3rd day on 156% compared to control without treatment and this dynamic stayed at 10th day. Most affective treatment is iron colloidal solution. This treatment gives +99% of root weight at 3rd day and 194% at 10th day after germination compared to control in same time. Colloidal forms of manganese, copper and iron also significantly increased the weight of the shoot. Increase in the mass of roots, shoots and plants is observed in plants with foliar fertilizing, but a few variants have an insignificant difference or inhibit the assimilation processes of plants. Pre-sowing treatment with zinc citrate at 60 ppm decreased root and shoot weight in chufa

    Linguistic practices as antropotechnique in the context of informative modernity

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    The article deals with the issue of linguistic practices, which requires rethinking in the context of the information society. It is noted that information reality is investigated using the paradigms «communicative revolution», «communicative reality». It is noted that the formation of an information society is accompanied by the development of new forms of rationality, improvement and the emergence of new means and forms of communication. It is about the emergence of hypertext as a new linguistic practice. On the example of communication G. Skovoroda and M. Kovalinsky demonstrate linguistic practices that are changing in the conditions of information modernity

    Аудит основних засобів підприємства: організаційний та методичний аспект

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    The article examines the essence of fixed assets at the enterprise, considers the peculiarities of the organization and methods of auditing fixed assets taking into account the provisions of international auditing standards (IAS). The work proves the importance and necessity of conducting audits of fixed assets at the enterprise. The peculiarities of the organization of the audit of fixed assets are studied, the task is formed and the sources of the audit of fixed assets are summarized, methodological techniques and stages are given. The stages of verification are defined. The following scientific methods and techniques of cognition were applied: analysis, synthesis, generalization and induction.У статті досліджено сутність основних засобів на підприємстві, розглядаються особливості організації та методики аудиту основних засобів з урахуванням положень міжнародних стандартів аудиту (МСА). У роботі доведено важливість та необхідність проведення аудиторських перевірок основних засобів на підприємстві. Досліджено особливості організації аудиту основних засобів, сформовано завдання й узагальнено джерела аудиту основних засобів, наведено методичні прийоми та етапи. Визначено етапи перевірки. Були застосовані такі наукові методи та прийоми пізнання: аналіз, синтез, узагальнення та індукція

    Somatic status of adolescent girls with gynecological disorders born with low and excessive weight

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    In modern conditions, health problems (somatic, reproductive, mental) of adolescent girls occupy a special place in the health care system, as a reserve in reducing maternal and infant mortality, maintaining the fertility of the expectant mother. The aim. To study the frequency and character of extragenital diseases of adolescent girls with gynecological pathology, born with low and excessive body weight. Materials and methods. The project design is a population-based prospective cohort study. To achieve the goal and the implementation of the tasks, a prospective examination of girls and adolescent girls born with deficiency or excess body weight was carried out. The sample size was 77 people. Additionally, statistical processing was carried out using the Excell software. Results. Thus, the study of somatic health indicates its deterioration in the groups of girls born with polar values ​​of body weight. In groups 1 and 3, infectious diseases were identified, which can serve as a starting point in the development of reproductive system disorders. In girls of group 1, mumps prevailed (20.0%), which could cause damage to the follicular apparatus, while in group 3, girls were more likely to have influenza (25.8%), the virus of which has a damaging effect not only on the structure of the ovaries, but also on endometrium. Conclusions. Comparative analysis of the structure of somatic morbidity made it possible to identify the most significant pathology characteristic of each of the groups. Girls born with a large body weight have an increased risk of endocrine pathology. In girls born with low body weight, somatic diseases associated with manifestations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system prevail. This dictates the need to single out girls born with polar values ​​of body weight in the risk group for the development of somatic pathology and requires complex therapeutic and prophylactic measures

    Організація інформаційної системи «Медична картка пацієнта» Дніпропетровської обласної лікарні

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    In the article is considered the actual problem of effective organization of the medical process of anesthesiology department of the Dnepropetrovsk region hospital. For processing and introduction of electronic cards of patients developed and integrated software PatientCard - patient card.Рассмотрена актуальная проблема эффективной организации медицинского процесса отделения анестезиологии Днепропетровской областной больницы. Для обработки и внедрения электронных карточек пациентов разработано и интегрировано программное обеспечение PatientCard – карточка пациента.Розглянуто актуальну проблему ефективної організації медичного процесу відділення анестезіології Дніпропетровської обласної лікарні. Для опрацювання й впровадження електронних карток пацієнтів розроблено та інтегровано програмне забезпечення PatientCard – картка пацієнта

    Temperature changes over storms from measurements of spacecraft TIMED

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    In the present work we have studied changes of mesospheric temperature over the powerful storms Wilma, Haitang, and Katrina using measurements of the space vehicle TIMED. We have found the temperature increasing at the altitude range 80-100 km. We have found the explanations for the obtained results by the dissipation of the gravity waves. Propagation of atmospheric gravity waves in a non-isothermal, windless atmosphere, with taking into account the viscosity and the thermal conductivity, has also been modelled in this work. We have determined that the maximum of amplitude of the atmospheric-gravity waves at the considered characteristics corresponds to altitudes of near 90 km (mesopause). It was found that the main factor influencing propagation and dissipation of the wave in such cases is the vertical temperature gradient. Viscosity and thermal conductivity have less influence on the wave amplitude