691 research outputs found


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    The paper titled “MANAGERIAL BEHAVIOR AND EFFECTIVENESS” undertaken in First source solution in Trichy. The research paper is about managerial behaviour and effectiveness that is to determine the managerial behavior towards the employee benefits. Also to predict the employee satisfaction level towards the training programs and managerial strategies. In this project we prepared an effective questionnaire with closed answers and circulated among the employee sample size. Finally obtained data are analyzed using table analysis to obtain the feedback of the employee towards training programs and managerial strategies. Thus the area of improvisation from employee perspective can be figured out and necessary measures can be taken by the management to satisfy the employee and sustain the employees. KEY WORDS: BEHAVIOUR, MANAGERIAL EFFECTIVENESS, OPINION, ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIE

    Reorienting the Gaze: Monstrous Bodies in Remediations of Frankenstein

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    Visual adaptations of the Frankenstein myth highlight the role ocularcentrism and scopic power play. By engaging with the concept of the gaze, this paper analyzes remediations of Mary Shelley’s masterpiece and discusses how visual narratives frame potentially monstrous bodies in order to assimilate or question traditional privileged visions and their construction of otherness, as well as to (re) orient spectators towards recognition of or detachment from the onscreen monster. It will address particularly relevant examples: Edison’s Frankenstein, the YouTube series Frankenstein M.D., Whale’s and Branagh’s iconic remediations, as well as the less known Murders of the Rue Morgue and Frankenhooker. Ultimately, this work will vindicate the role of remediations as an arena within which contemporary imaginaries regarding otherness and who holds the visual and narrative power are either legitimized or challenged

    A Mad Knight in her Attic: the Reformulation of Quixotism and its Use in Charlotte Lennox’s The Female Quixote

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    [Abstract] Women writers in eighteenth century England had to deal with accusations of immorality and perversion of young female minds, due to the alleged subversion of their role as “domestic” and “invisible” women. Charlotte Lennox chose to approach quixotism in her most celebrated novel, The Female Quixote, or, the Adventures of Arabella (1752), to create an appealing heroine whose literary delusions allowed her to experience freedom and power for the first time in her life. Lennox, as other writers would do following her example, employed that momentary escape from constraint, the subsequent punishment of her heroine and her final return to reason, to make a statement on her status as a woman writer, as well as to consolidate herself as a respectable one. Moreover, by so doing, she transformed completely the concept of “Quixote” and proved an important transition in the quixotic tradition towards a more romantic heroine


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    Electronic commerce, commonly known as E-commerce or e-commerce, is trading in products or services conducted via computer networks such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at one point in the transaction's life cycle, although it may encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail, mobile devices, social media, and telephones as well

    Reading Don Quixote as political agent: a Spanish knight in British ideological and literary wars

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    En medio de una batalla política y literaria tanto los autores radicales como los antiradicales usaron el Don Quijote de Cervantes como herramienta ideológica. En concreto, los novelistas anti-Jacobinos usaron el quijotismo para identificar las ilusiones del Quijote con los ideales revolucionarios, para condenarlos por su absurdidad o traición, y para usar la irrevocable cura de sus Quijotes como una llamada al conservatismo político y a la preservación de los valores tradicionales británicos. Este artículo analizará tres novelas publicadas en esta época y que tienen como protagonista a un Quijote político: The History of Sir George Warrington; or the Political Quixote (1797), The Infernal Quixote (1801), The Heroine, or the Adventures of a Fair Romance Reader (1813). El artículo enfatizará cómo el quijotismo se convierte en una de las bases del discurso antiradical, cómo estas novelas adaptan el quijotismo y cómo contribuyen, por tanto, a la relevante y rica tradición quijotesca en Gran Bretaña.In the midst of a political and literary battle, radical and anti-radical authors employed Cervantes’ Don Quixote to serve their ideological purposes. In particular, anti-Jacobin novelists used quixotism to identify the illusions of the Quixote with revolutionary ideas, to condemn them as foolishness or sedition, and to use the unavoidable cure of their characters’ quixotism as a call for political conservatism and for the preservation of British traditional values. The present paper will focus on three novels which were published at this time and which have at their core a political Quixote: The History of Sir George Warrington; or the Political Quixote (1797), The Infernal Quixote (1801), The Heroine, or the Adventures of a Fair Romance Reader (1813). It will highlight how quixotism becomes a foundation for the anti-radical discourse, how these novels adapt quixotism and how they contribute to the relevant and rich tradition of the reception of Don Quixote in Britain

    Autophagic cell death exists.

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    The term autophagic cell death (ACD) initially referred to cell death with greatly enhanced autophagy, but is increasingly used to imply a death-mediating role of autophagy, as shown by a protective effect of autophagy inhibition. In addition, many authors require that autophagic cell death must not involve apoptosis or necrosis. Adopting these new and restrictive criteria, and emphasizing their own failure to protect human osteosarcoma cells by autophagy inhibition, the authors of a recent Editor's Corner article in this journal argued for the extreme rarity or nonexistence of autophagic cell death. We here maintain that, even with the more stringent recent criteria, autophagic cell death exists in several situations, some of which were ignored by the Editor's Corner authors. We reject their additional criterion that the autophagy in ACD must be the agent of ultimate cell dismantlement. And we argue that rapidly dividing mammalian cells such as cancer cells are not the most likely situation for finding pure ACD

    «Your wines are as foreign as your sentiments»: the Quixote as literary and political alien in the English anti-Jacobin novel

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    En el presente trabajo se consideran tres novelas anti-jacobinas, The History of Sir George Warrington, or the Political Quixote (1797), The Infernal Quixote. A Tale of the Day (1801), y The Heroine, or Adventures of a Fair Romance Reader (1813), y su contribución a la tradición quijotesca en la literatura británica a través de la concepción del Quijote como ser doblemente alienado, tanto desde el punto de vista epistemológico como político, y de su lectura negativa de la extranjerización del personaje quijotesco en el contexto de la respuesta a la Revolución francesa en Gran Bretaña, en claro contraste con la interpretación radical e idealizada del Quijote desarrollada de forma paralela en esta época.The present paper discusses three anti-jacobin novels, The History of Sir George Warrington, or the Political Quixote (1797), The Infernal Quixote. A Tale of the Day (1801), and The Heroine, or Adventures of a Fair Romance Reader (1813), and their contribution to the tradition of quixotism in British literature by means of their conception of the Quixote as a doubly-estranged character, both from an epistemological and a political point of view, and of their negative reading of the quixotic foreignness in the context of the aftermath to the French Revolution in Great Britain, in clear contrast to the radical and idealized interpretation of the Quixote developed coevally at this time

    La medicina i els metges segons el pensament de Josep Pasqual i Campo (Vic, 1803).

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    Estudi epidemiològic dels nivells d’activitat física en els estudiants d’educació secundària obligatòria

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    Les descripcions epidemiològiques ens indiquen la situació en què es troba una població respecte als aspectes de salut, i en aquest cas concret, la seva relació amb l’activitat física. El coneixement d’aquestes investigacions podrà ser utilitzat per fomentar la prevenció i el control d’algunes malalties, i també per a la promoció de la salut. En aquesta investigació pretenem de realitzar una descripció epidemiològica de l’Activitat Física entre una mostra de l’alumnat d’Educació Secundària Obligatòria de l’IES San Alberto Magno de Sabiñánigo, a Osca. Vam utilitzar el qüestionari “Four by one-day Physical Activity Questionnaire” i hi vam recollir l’estimació d’activitat física total, dintre i fora de l’àmbit escolar, mitjançant quatre registres. Vam concloure que es van detectar alts nivells d’inactivitat, més acusats en la població femenina i que augmenta amb l’edat. És molt interessant expressar la despesa energètica dividint-la en activitats laborals, esportives i quotidianes. D’altra banda, no es van reflectir relacions significatives entre la despesa energètica i altres variables, com ara tabac, televisió o estudi, però aporten informació sobre els hàbits dels adolescents. Per les dades obtingudes es dedueix que és factible l’ús de la percepció de l’alumne sobre el seu nivell de realització d’activitat física