206 research outputs found

    The Implementation of TPACK in Teaching Writing Recount Text in a Senior High school Level

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    Abstrak TPACK adalah kerangka kerja terbaru yang digunakan untuk mengintegrasikan pedagogi, konten, dan teknologi di kelas. Kerangka kerja ini mencoba mengidentifikasi sifat pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan oleh guru untuk menggunakan teknologi saat mengajar. Namun, ada beberapa penelitian yang mengungkapkan bahwa siswa belajar lebih baik dari buku daripada layar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menjelaskan dan fokus pada penerapan TPACK dalam mengajar menulis Teks Recount. Kesenjangan dapat diatasi jika guru dapat mengatur teknologi dan aspek lainnya dengan baik. Peneliti melakukan penelitian ini dalam studi kualitatif dasar dan instrumennya adalah field notes, students’ task dan semi structured interview untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Penelitian ini berlangsung di Sekolah Menengah Atas yang berlokasi di kota Surabaya. Subjek penelitian adalah satu guru dan 32 siswa di satu ruang kelas dan penelitian dilakukan dalam tiga pertemuan. Pada awal dan akhir penelitian ini, peneliti mewawancarai guru tentang penerapan TPACK saat mengajar Teks Recount. Dari penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa siswa lebih memahami tentang subjek jika guru menggunakan teknologi saat mengajar. Guru yang mengajar dengan menerapkan TPACK akan membuat siswa lebih aktif dan lebih memahami tentang mata pelajaran yang akan diajarkan, apalagi guru memberikan kinerja terbaik dengan menerapkan teknologi saat mengajar. Peneliti juga menyimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru adalah Technology Content Knowledge (TCK). Kata Kunci: TPACK, teknologi, menulis, teks recount. Abstract TPACK is a recent framework that is used to integrate pedagogy, content, and technology in the classroom. This framework attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for using technology while teaching. However, there are some research revealed that students learn better from books rather than screens. Therefore, this study explained and focused on the EFL teacher’s implementation of TPACK in teaching writing Recount Text. The gaps can be overcome if the teacher organize the technology and other aspects well. The researcher conducted this study in basic qualitative study and the instrument were field notes, students’ task and semi structured interview to answer research questions. This study took place in a Senior High School which located in the capital city of Surabaya. The subjects were one teacher and 32 students in one classroom and the study conducted in three meetings. In the beginning and the end of this study the researcher interviewed the teacher about the implementation of TPACK while teaching Recount Text. From the study, it shows that the students more understand about the subject if the teacher use technology while teaching. Teacher who teaches by implementing TPACK would make the students more active and understand more about the subject to be taught, moreover the teacher gives the best performance by implementing technology while teaching. The researcher also concluded that most problem faced by the teacher was Technological Content Knowledge (TCK). Keywords: TPACK, technology, writing, recount text


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    Diarrhea is a disease that is still a health problem in developing countries, especially in Indonesia, one of them. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency distribution and classification of diarrhea occurrences in children age

    Ethnosciences learning related to socio-scientific issues: Problems asked, science answered

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    This study employs both quantitative and qualitative methods within an experimental setting. The study was conducted at Ma'arif 1 Junior High School in Ponorogo and focused on the influence of ethnoscience-based learning in ecology. The findings indicate a significant improvement in students' learning activities and their ability to address real environmental problems. Pre-test and post-test analyses revealed a substantial difference in learning outcomes, affirming that the integration of ethnoscience and social issues can enhance students' understanding and application of scientific knowledge in real and current contexts. This research implies the efficacy of ethnoscience as an effective means in science education to enhance students' scientific literacy and ecological awareness

    The Influence of Teacher Creativity on Science Learning Outcomes of Islamic Elementary School

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    This research was quantitative research using field research methods carried out at MI Manbaul Ulum Sinoman Pati with the aim of finding out whether there was an influence of teacher creativity on student learning outcomes in science subjects at MI Manbaul Ulum Sinoman Pati. The population in this study was all class V students from both class A and class B, with a total of 38 students. From this population, samples were taken for this research using saturated sampling techniques or total sampling, where members of the entire population are members of the sample. The data used in this research consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through questionnaires distributed directly to class V students, while secondary data was in the form of literature that was relevant to research on teacher creativity and science learning outcomes. Data collection was carried out by means of questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing using the t-test. The results of the hypothesis test show that it is known that the calculated t value is 8.231 with a significance level (2-tailed) of 0.000 with df = (n-k) = 38 -2 = 36 so that the t table is 1.688 at a significance level of 0.05. So, t count > t table or 8.231 > 1.688. So H0 is rejected, and Ha is accepted, so the meaning is that there is an influence of teacher creativity on student learning outcomes in science subjects at MI Manbaul Ulum Sinoman Pati

    The Effect of Literal Comprehension on the Higher Levels of Comprehension in Reading Skill: A Longitudinal Case Study

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    Comprehension in reading skill is generally divided into 4; literal, interpretive, critical and creative which has different indicators and types of questions from one to another. Literal reading, as the lowest level of comprehension is considered important to be mastered by students before they work with higher level of comprehension. This is a longitudinal case study aims to explain the effect of literal reading mastery on the higher levels. This study involved 15 students of English Literature students observed since they were in 1st semester to 4th semester. The instruments used are working sheets to measure students’ ability in each level of comprehension. The findings showed that students with good and very good mastery of literal comprehension worked good on interpretive, critical and creative level. The students with poor mastery of literal comprehension did not have good results on interpretive, critical and creative level. It revealed that literal comprehension has important role in building students’ comprehension before they continue to the next levels. 

    Keterikatan Kerja Ditinjau dari Persepsi Dukungan Organisasi dan Etos Kerja Islami pada Karyawan Muslim

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan antara persepsi dukungan organisasi dengan keterlibatan kerja, hubungan antara etos kerja islami dengan keterlibatan kerja, dan hubungan antara persepsi dukungan organisasi dan etos kerja islami dengan keterlibatan kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan populasi penelitian adalah seluruh karyawan muslim yang bekerja di instansi islam di Banyumas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 100 karyawan muslim yang tersebar di berbagai instansi islam di Banyumas, Indonesia. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen SPOS, Islamic Work Ethic Questionnaire, dan UWES. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara persepsi dukungan organisasi dengan keterikatan kerja (r=0,302, p=0,002), etos kerja Islami dengan keterikatan kerja (r=0,516, p=0,000), persepsi dukungan organisasi dan etos kerja Islami dengan keterikatan kerja (R=0,547, p=0,000)

    Implementasi Karakter Cinta Tanah Air Pada Anak Dalam Keluarga Sebagai Upaya Wujudkan Profil Pelajar Pancasila di kota Pari

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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan dalam menanamkan karakter cinta tanah air pada anak. Semakin berkembangnya zaman, rasa cinta kepada tanah air dan bangsa semakin luntur. Generasi muda sebagai generasi penerus bangsa malah berkiblat pada budaya lain yang tidak mencerminkan jati diri bangsa. Rasa cinta tanah air merupakan pengamalan nilai-nilai profil pelajar Pancasila pada dimensi kebhinekaan global. Pada dimensi kebhinekaan global diartikan pelajar mempertahankan budaya luhur, lokalitas dan identitasnya, dan tetap berpikiran terbuka dalam berinteraksi dengan budaya lain, sehingga menumbuhkan rasa saling menghargai dan kemungkinan terbentuknya dengan budaya luhur yang positif dan tidak bertentangan dengan budaya luhur bangsa. Elemen dan kunci kebinekaan global meliputi mengenal dan menghargai budaya, kemampuan komunikasi interkultural dalam berinteraksi dengan sesama, serta refleksi dan tanggung jawab terhadap pengalaman kebinekaa


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    The financial industry has an important role in a country's economy, the industry referred to in this case is the Islamic banking industry. This study aims to determine the determinants of interest in transactions in Islamic banking through aspects of attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and religiosity. With BRI Syariah Purwodadi customer subjects using the questionnaire method. The results of this study indicate that the variables that show a significant positive influence on interest are the variables of attitude, subjective norms and religiosity. While the variables that do not have a significant influence are perceived behavior control variables
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