3,254 research outputs found


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    Corporate Governance is the process and structure used to direct and manage the business affairs of the company towards enhancing business prosperity and corporate accountability with the ultimate objective of realizing long-term shareholder value, whilst taking into account the interest ofother stakeholders. This research aims to examine the effect ofgood corporate governance and ownership structure on corporate performance ofCorporate Governance Perception Index participator. This research uses CGPI index, managerial ownership and institutional ownership as independent variables and ROE and Tobin's Q as dependent variables . The object ofthis research is CGPI Rating Reports year 2006 and 2007 and annual report year 2006 and 2007. This research employs a multiple regression to test the hypothesis. The results of this study are: (1) there is no significant relationship between corporate governance index and corporateperformance. (2) there is no significant relationship between managerial ownership and corporate performance. (3) there is significant positive relationship between institutional ownership and return on equity (ROE), but no significant relationship between institutional ownership and Tobin's Q Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, Ownership Structure, Corporate Performanc

    Aceh Unique Souvenir Design

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    Special Region of Aceh as one of the westernmost regions in Indonesia has a very unique and rich cultural wealth. As an area which is the entrance of trade from the west, Acehnese culture acculturated with cultures from other countries such as Arabic, India and Malay. These cultural products are fragmented and form their own uniqueness that is developed according to customs, beliefs of the regions in Aceh. Examples such as Gayo, Leung Bata, Aceh Tamiang and others. The results of the acculturation shape the uniqueness of each region in Aceh from traditional clothing that is different from the shape, color and accessories. At the end of 2014, where Aceh experienced a tsunami that devastated Aceh. The disaster resulted in much of the infra-structure in Aceh being destroyed and lost. Cultural products, relics were destroyed by the tsunami. Over time Aceh reor-ganized itself, Aceh tried to rise, especially in terms of the economy. Designing unique accessories for Aceh certainly has its own challenges because Aceh is divided into regions that have his-torically shaped their specific characteristics. In this case, of course one must find a common thread that will connect between regions in Aceh so that the accessories that will be designed at least can be enough to be one of the unique accessories of Aceh. In addition to being able to re-identify one of Aceh's unique cultures, it can also help Aceh to revive its economy again. Key words: Souvenir, Aceh, Identity, Econom


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    Mata kuliah Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) bertujuan untuk membekali mahasiswa agar memiliki kemampuan berupa ketrampilan dalam bidang pembelajaran dan manajerial sekolah atau lembaga, dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan atau kependidikan. Tujuan yang lain adalah memberi kesempatan pada mahasiswa untuk mempelajari, mengenal dan menghayati permasalahan yang dihadapi lembaga pendidikan, menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki ke dalam kehidupan nyata. Mahasiswa juga dapat belajar dari lembaga sekolah sekaligus dapat menyumbangkan pemikiran dan tenaga guna pengembangan lembaga pendidikan yang bersangkutan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL bertujuan melatih mahasiswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang telah dimilikinya dalam suatu proses pembelajaran sesuai dengan bidang studinya, sehingga mahasiswa dapat memiliki pengalaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai bekal untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya di masa yang akan datang dalam kaitannya sebagai pendidik. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL secara umum meliputi tiga tahapan yaitu, tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, penyusunan laporan dan evaluasi. Tahap persiapan meliputi pembekalan PPL yang dilaksanakan di kampus UNY sebelum penerjunan ke lapangan. Tahapan pelaksanaan PPL meliputi tahap observasi potensi pengembangan sekolah, identifikasi dan inventarisasi permasalahan, penyusunan rancangan program, pengajuan proposal dan pelaksanaan program. Setelah pelaksanaan peserta PPL wajib menyusun laporan yang kemudian akan dievaluasi oleh sekolah dan DPL PPL. Berdasarkan hasil obeservasi di SMA Negeri 3 Klaten, maka dirumuskan program kerja PPL. Program yang direncanakan yaitu program individu. Program utama individu adalah program yang penulis rencanakan dan laksanakan secara individu untuk peningkatan sumber daya warga sekolah. Program utama individu adalah membuat perangkat pembelajaran berupa silabus dan RPP, praktik mengajar, dan penyusunan evaluasi pembelajaran. Program-program tersebut dilaksanakan pada waktu PPL baik di lingkungan sekolah maupun di luar lingkungan sekolah. Pelaksanaan program tersebut dapat berjalan dengan lancar tanpa hambatan yang berarti. Dalam kegiatan PPL di SMA Negeri 3 Klaten, penyusun mendapat kesempatan praktik mengajar di kelas X Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi yaitu kelas X 1, X 2, dan X 3. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan PPL yaitu mahasiswa mendapatkan pengalaman nyata berkaitan dengan perencanaan, penulisan perangkat pembelajaran, proses pembelajaran dan pengelolaan kelas untuk mencapai sebuah hasil yang optimal demi terciptanya efisiensi dan kualitas. Mahasiswa telah dapat menerapkan dan mengembangkan ilmu serta ketrampilan yang dimiliki sesuai dengan program studi masing-masing. Secara umum, program kerja PPL di sekolah tersebut dapat terlaksana dengan lancar. Kendala dalam melaksanakan suatu program merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dihindari. Oleh karena itu, program yang masih memerlukan tindak lanjut dapat dilaksanakan oleh peserta PPL periode berikutnya

    Illocutionary Acts in Stand-up Comedy

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    This research was conducted to discover the types of illocutionary acts, the most dominant type of illocutionary acts, the implication of the dominant type of illocutionary acts, and which utterances show the function of stand-up comedy in stand-up comedy performances in Indonesia. It was based on descriptive design by applying both quantitative and qualitative method. This study took ten performances of stand-up comedy which is taken randomly from the internet and there were 1378 illocutionary acts in ten stand-up comedy selected. The findings show that all types of illocutionary acts were used in stand-up comedy and the percentages were: 55.9% of representatives, 22.9% of directives, 16.2% of expressives, 3% of declaratives and 2% of commissives. There was another function of stand-up comedy in addition to entertaining, informing, and criticizing, which is insinuating. The most dominant illocutionary acts type found was representatives. It means, in delivering their material, the comics dominantly convey their belief that some proposition is true and they also indirectly provoke the audience to believe their words

    Designing Tray for Rasa Rasa Stand in D’Dieuland of Kawasan Wisata Punclut Based on Ergonomic Aspect

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    D’Dieuland is a thematic tourist area located in Pagerwangi Ciumbuleuit Village, Bandung, West Java. D’Dieuland has a large and terraced area, and mostly outdoor. D’Dieuland has various playground and food stands, one of that stands is Rasa Rasa which sells various Sundanese cuisine. Every day there is a process of food distribution from the stand to the dining area by bringing a sufficient number of plates for one serving. Based on observations, it is difficult for the waiter to distribute different types of food (wet and dry) together, and also consider food safety and stability when used. The method used in this ergonomic aspect research is Nordic Body Map questionnaire. The goal is to provide a new design in tray that can be used to serve various food in large terrace area, and comfortable to use. Keywords Rasa Rasa, Food Distribution, Tray, Ergonomic Aspec

    Rick Riordan's Intention in Writing Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and the Reception of the Readers

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    This research studies Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. The objectives are to describe the Greek mythology presented in the novel, the intention of Rick Riordan, and the reception of the readers. The methodology is hermeneutic referring to Recoeur's theory. It was found that, first, the Greek mythology presented in the novel is blended with American real life; second, the main character is a son of a Greek mythology god and a real American woman and, third, the setting is a blend of places in Greek mythology and real American cities. The intention of Riordan is to open up American culture that is lived through by Americans, that a part of American culture is Greek mythology. The readers accept that the novel fulfils the readers' horizon of expectation of aesthetic enjoyment and of the incorporation of Greek mythology into real American life

    Sincerity in Asma Nadia’s Novel Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe sincerity in novel created by Asma Nadia by using Psychology Individual theory of sincerity reflected in the struggle that fulfills Arini’s struggle and patience in reaching the goal. The main character of Arini can be described through the Psychology Individual theory of Alfred Adler (2010). Fulfillment psychology individual theory is indicated by her motifs, her sincerity, her struggle against her illness, her weakness, her patient sacrifice to let her husband marry with woman. Her family is complete and happy even without Arini, and Arini is happy because finally she is successful to unite her husband and his lover. The study is conducted by descriptive qualitative method. The findings show that Arini is a great woman, having completed her duty as a real wife and she is able to overcome all her difficulties through her sincerity and she has also shown great responsibility in all things.   Keywords: sincerity, love, responsibility

    Influences of Upwelling Duration and Intensity Based on Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Toward Primary Productivity Variability in Indonesian Waters

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    The existence of upwelling generally increases waters productivity. However, the influence of upwelling could be different based on location and time. The difference of upwelling duration and intensity (strength) can affect the variability of primary productivity in Indonesian waters. The estimation of primary productivity during the period of January 2000 to December 2007 was conducted using Carbon-based Production Model (CbPM). Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) Anomaly data on the same period was used as parameter to determine the upwelling conditions. The study locations were west coast of Sumatra, south waters of East Java to East Nusa Tenggara, Banda Sea, Gulf of Bone, Maluku Sea and Halmahera Sea. The results showed that in the south of East Java and Banda Sea have upwelling with longer duration (3–4 months) and higher intensity (decrease in temperature reached >2°C below average), the primary productivity was higher than other locations. Halmahera Sea showed the existence of upwelling only at certain time when El Niño occurred, while Gulf of Bone and Maluku Sea showed the occurrence of upwelling during southeast season only with 2–3 months of duration and vary intensity, which shown with the decrease in temperature ranging from 0,5–1,8oC below average. El-Niño and dipole mode in Indonesia waters generally caused longer duration and stronger intensity of upwelling producing more productivity than normal years
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