33 research outputs found

    Profile of bNRAMP1 Gene Sequence as the Candidate Gene for Pathogenic Bacterial Resistance Trait in Cattle

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    Bovine Natural Resistance Associated Macrophage Protein 1 (bNRAMP1) gene is one of the candidate gene that widely used to control the infectious disease in dairy and beef cattle. In mouse, the bNRAMP1 gene is important to confer resistance or suspectibility to Mycobacterium bovis, Salmonella typhimurium and Leishmania donovani. This article was carried out to explain the profile of bNRAMP gene such as genes structure, number of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and its relationship to pathogenic bacterial diseases evidence such as bovine Tuberculosis, mastitis and Brucellosis. The mutations (SNPs) in bNRAMP1 gene were occured in intron, exon and 3quot%253BUTR regions. Previous studies reported that some SNPs in bNRAMP1 gene affected to many pathogenic bacterial disease incidences in cattle. Hence, the bNRAMP1 gene can be used as the genetic marker for pathogenic bacterial resistance trai

    Perhitungan Matematika Pada Peluang Inbreeding Dalam Populasi Ternak Generasi Pertama

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    Level inbreeding yang tinggi pada ternak dapat menyebabkan dampak ekonomi yang besar karena dapat menurunkan produktivitas ternak antara lain berat badan, berat karkas, produksi susu dan kinerja reproduksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun formula matematika secara trial and error method untuk menghitung peluang terjadinya inbreeding pada populasi ternak generasi pertama (F1). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua skenario sistem perkawinan yaitu kawin alam (KA) dan inseminasi buatan (IB). Asumsi yang digunakan adalah nilai service per conception (S/C) sebesar 1,00, jumlah betina (ND) dan straw (NStr) pada sistem IB sama, generasi pertama pada sistem KA dan IB terjadi secara acak (random) dan setiap induk memiliki satu anak (progeny). Parameter yang diamati yaitu peluang inbreeding pada generasi pertama (PI), jumlah kombinasi perkawinan pada tetua (NMP), jumlah kombinasi perkawinan pada generasi pertama (NMG), jumlah kombinasi perkawinan inbreeding pada sistem KA (NMI) dan IB (NMK). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formula matematika yang telah diperoleh dapat digunakan untuk menghitung nilai Pi pada kedua sistem perkawinan dan telah teruji melalui simulasi data

    Simulasi Uji Zuriat pada Sifat Pertumbuhan Sapi Aceh (Progeny Test Simulation for Growth Traits in Aceh Cattle)

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap nilai pemuliaan (NP) pada calon pejantan sapi Aceh sebagai pejantan unggul berdasarkan performans keturunan selama tahun 2010 sampai 2013. Sapi Aceh yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini, masing-masing dengan nomor A001, A004, P0751 dan P0752. Analisis data dilakukan berdasarkan performans berat sapih terkoreksi 205 hari (BB205), berat setahunan terkoreksi 365 hari (BB365) dan berat akhir atau dewasa terkoreksi 550 hari (BB550) hasil keturunan keempat calon pejantan tersebut. Analisis nilai heritabilitas (h²) BB205, BB365 dan BB550 secara berurutan adalah 0,48; 0,40 dan 0,49. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa calon pejantan nomorP0752 memiliki NP BB205, BB365 dan BB550 tertinggi masing-masing sebesar 54,24 kg; 83,99 kg dan119,08 kg. Kecermatan relatif terbaik dalam uji zuriat yaitu sebesar 1,55 pada sifat BB550 sehingga seleksi pada calon pejantan sapi Aceh dapat dilakukan berdasarkan rata-rata performans BB550 keturunannya.Kata kunci: Sapi Aceh, Uji zuriat, Heritabilitas, NP, Kecermatan relati

    Model Kurva Pertumbuhan Berat Badan pada Sapi Turkish Holstein

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    Pertumbuhan pada ternak merupakan salah satu proses biologis yang penting sebagai bentuk ekspresi genetik terhadap sifat-sifat kuantitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model kurva pertumbuhan berat badan pada sapi Turkish Holstein (TH) jantan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data primer dari hasil penelitian Galiç dan Takma (2019) yang berbeda dengan penelitian ini. Estimasi kurva pertumbuhan pada penelitian ini diestimasi menggunakan program komputer CurveExpert 1.4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berat dewasa (asimtot) sapi TH jantan sebesar 600,62 kg (Logistik) dan 688,53 kg (Gompertz). Titik infleksi berat (IW) dan titik infleksi umur (IA) pada model Logistik masing-masing dicapai pada 300,31 kg dan 5 bulan. Sedangkan pada model Gompertz nilai IW dam IA masing-masing dicapai pada 253,14 kg dan 4 bulan. Laju pertumbuhan maksimal (GR) pada sapi TH jantan sebesar 66,07 kg/bulan (Logistik) dan 63,32 kg/bulan (Gompertz). Disimpulkan bahwa model Gompertz memiliki tingkat akurasi yang lebih baik dari model Gompertz karena memiliki nilai simpangan baku (SB) terkecil

    Bali damızlık sığır (bos javanicus) sürülerinde akrabalık durumu

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    Highly inbreeding level in the livestock had negative effect to productivity traits. This study was carried out to report first inbreeding case of Bali cattle (Bos javanicus) based on the records data from year 2013 to 2018 at breeding center of Indonesia. Two inbred calves (ID: 0991 and 0812) were born from the inbreeding mating between paternal halfsib parental (ID: 0874 and 0881). One inbred calf (ID: 0812) was dead one day after birth. The inbreeding coefficient (Fx) in both inbred calves were 0.125. It was seen that birth and adult performances in the inbred cattle were lower than their parents. It can be concluded that the level inbreeding 12.5% in Bali cattle had negative effect of low performance and calf’s dead case.Akrabalı yetiştirme çiftlik hayvanlarında verim özellikleri üzerinde olumsuz etkilere sahiptir. Bu çalışmada Endonezyada yetiştirme merkezinde (çiftliğindeki) yetiştirilen Bali (Bos javanıcus) sığırlarının akrabalık durumu 2013 - 2018 yılları arasındaki kayıtlara dayalı olarak ortaya konmuştur. Üvey kardeş ebeveynlerin (ID: 0874 ve 0881) birleşmesinden 2 akrabalı yetişmiş buzağı (ID: 0991 ve 0812) elde edilmiştir. Böylece bir akrabalı yetişmıiş buzağı (ID: 0812) doğumdan bir gün sonra öldü. Böylece akrabalı yetişme katsayısı (Fx) her iki buzağıda da 0.125. Genel olarak akrabalı yetişmiş sığırların doğumda ve ergin yaştaki performansı ebeveynlerinden düşük olmaktadır

    Model Kurva Pertumbuhan Berat Badan pada Ayam Persilangan Denizli x White Leghorn (F2)

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    ABSTRAKPertumbuhan ternak merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam melakukan evaluasi dan seleksi ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model kurva pertumbuhan berat badan ayam persilangan Denizli × White Leghorn (F2) yang dikembangkan di Turki. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan data primer dari hasil penelitian Garip et al. (2011) yang berbeda dengan penelitian ini. Pada ayam jantan, titik infleksi berat badan (IW) dicapai pada berat 918,79 g (Logistik) dan 723,43 g (Gompertz). Pada ayam betina nilai IW dicapai pada berat 870,91 g (Logistik) dan 686,44 g (Gompertz). Titik infleksi umur (IA) pada ayam jantan dicapai pada umur12,65 minggu (Logistik) dan 10,38 minggu (Gompertz). Pada ayam betina nilai IA dicapai pada umur 12,51 minggu (Logistik) dan 10,23 minggu (Gompertz). Laju pertumbuhan maksimal (GR)pada titik infleksiuntuk ayam jantan sebesar 101,07 g (Logistik) dan 94,10 g (Gompertz). Pada ayam betina nilai GR pada titik infleksi sebesar 95,80 g (Logistik) dan 89,29 g (Gompertz). Disimpulkan bahwa model kurva pertumbuhan Gompertz terlihat lebih akurat untuk menduga berat badan ayam persilangan ini karena memiliki nilai simpangan baku yang lebih rendah dari model LogistikKata kunci: ayam persilangan, berat badan, kurva pertumbuhan, titik infleksiThe Growth Curve Model of Body Weight in Denizli × White Leghorn (F2) Crossbred ChickenABSTRACTThe growth in livestock is one of the important indicator in ivestock evaluation and selection. This research was carried out to obtain the growth curve model of body weight in the crossbred chicken of Denizli × White Leghorn (F2) that developed in the Republic of Turkey. This research was conducted using primary data from the research results by Garip et al. (2011) that different from this study. In the roasters, the weight inflection (IW) was reached at 918.79 g (Logistic) and 723.43 g (Gompertz). In the hens, IW was reached at 870.91 g (Logistic) and 686.44 g (Gompertz). The inflection of age (IA) in roasters was reached at 12.65 weeks (Logistic) and 10.38 weeks (Gompertz). Hence, the IA in hens was reached at 12.51 weeks (Logistic) and 10.23 weeks (Gompertz). The maximum growth rate (GR) in roasters at the inflection point was 101.07 g (Logistic) and 94.10 g (Gompertz). Hence, the GR in hens at the inflection point was 95.80 g (Logistic) and 89.29 g (Gompertz). It was concluded that the growth curve model of Gompertz showed more accuratcy to predict body weight of crossbred chickens with lower standard error than the Logistic model.Keywords: crossbred chicken, body weight, growth curve, the inflection poin

    Breeds Characterization in Three Turkish Laying Chicken Breeds Based on Egg Characteristics

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    Breeds characterization can be performed based on their phenotypic traits. In poultry, the breeds characterization can be performed based on the egg characteristics. This study was carried out to characterize three Turkish laying chicken breeds (30-49 weeks of age) of White Leghorn (WL), Lohmann Brown (LB) and Ataks (AT) based on their characteristics. Total of 90 new stock eggs (30 eggs/breed) from Görukle market, Bursa city, Republic of Turkey were used for analysis. Three statistical analyses of principal component analysis (PCA), canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) analysis were used for breeds characterization. According to egg size index, most of eggs in this study had normal size type. The highest coefficient of correlation (0.99) value was showed between egg weight (EW) and specific gravity (SG). The PCA revealed that four principal components (4PC’s) of egg characteristics capable to explain the total variance of egg characteristics in WL and LB hens about 83.10% and 78.95% respectively. Meanwhile, 3PC’s of egg characteristic in AT were explained about 81.70% of total variance in egg characteristics. The Euclidean distance revealed that LB and AT hens were grouped into similar cluster and WL hen was grouped into different cluster. In conclusion, the egg characteristics in birds study can be used to characterize of WL (73.3%), LB (93.0%) and AT (76.7%) hens


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    Body measurements are one of livestock selection criteria for breeds standardization. This research was carried out to select the best sire at BPTU-HPT Sapi Aceh Indrapuri through body measurements at 550 days of age. Records data of livestock from 2010-2013 were used in this study and consisted of chest girth (CG), withers height (WH) and body length (BL). The average of body measurements were 105.22+6.06 cm (CG), 88.42+4.37 cm (WH) and 83.03+4.74 cm (BL). The heritability (h2) estimation were ranged from medium (CG and WH) to high (BL) criteria. Higher of standard error (SE) than h2 values was indicated that the data in this study was less and the h2 values were not accurate. The cumulative breeding value (BV) of body measurements were reached from -3.69 (Sire: A.004) to +3.89 (Sire: P.0751). Ranking of sire based on BL were not accurate because of lower relative accuracy (RA) value than 1.00 in one of tested sires

    Haplotype Diversity in the Mitochondrial COI Gene of Barred Rainbowfish (Chilaterina fasciata) from Mamberamo River of Western New Guinea, Indonesia

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    A Barred rainbowfish (Chilatherina fasciata) is one of the native fish species found in Western New Guinea of Indonesia. This study aimed to observe the levels of haplotype diversity in the partial Cytochrome-c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of Barred rainbowfish. For the DNA analysis, thirty (30) Barred rainbowfishes were caught from the Mamberamo River. Three (3) molecular packages of BioEdit, MEGA, and DNAsp were used to analyze twenty (30) forward sequences of the COI gene (502 bp). The research showed four (4) haplotypes for the examined population, a total of seven (7) mutations, and low genetic diversity detected in the partial COI gene with the haplotype diversity (Hd) = 0.405 and nucleotide diversity (pi) = 0.003. Meanwhile, the Fu's and Tajima's tests were 1.21 and -0.69, respectively. The UPGMA tree with 1,000 × bootstrap replications revealed that Barred rainbowfishes are grouped into similar clusters with Melanotaenia vanheurni, Chilatherina alleni, and Chilatherina bleheri. In conclusion, haplotype 3 (77%) was detected as the common haplotype for Barred rainbowfishes at the Mamberamo River of Western New Guinea

    Leptin Gene as Potential Gene for Molecular Selection on Cattle in Indonesia

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    Genetic improvement in beef and dairy cattle which can increase meat and milk production can be conducted through livestock selection based on molecular technique using leptin gene. The leptin gene is located on the fourth chromosome and consists of three exons and two introns. The leptin gene serves to produce the leptin hormone secreted by fat tissue. High concentrations of leptin hormone can increase feed intake and body metabolism thereby increasing livestock productivity. This paper describes the leptin gene including structure, mechanism of leptin hormone and polymorphisms in cows. These polymorphisms occur in the promoter, intron and exon sections associated with body and carcass weight and milk production in some cattle breed. Therefore, leptin gene can be used for selection towards increasing cattle productivity. Utilization of leptin gene can be done by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identification on the whole structure of leptin gene and to observe its effect on characteristics of cattle production in Indonesia