319 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional, budaya organisasi dan komitmen organisasi terhadap etos kerja pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara.  Penelitian dilakukan terhadap etos kerja yang melibatkan 88 pegawai dari total 112 orang pegawai dinas kabupaten Bengkulu Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode analisis jalur. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah tedapat Pengaruh langsung kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap etos kerja besarnya 0,351 sedangkan tidak langsung melalui komitmen organisasi besarnya 0,122.  Pengaruh langsung budaya kerja terhadap etos kerja besarnya 0,345 sedangkan tidak langsung melalui komitmen organisasi besarnya 0,119.Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan etos kerja pegawai dinas pendidikan kabupaten bengkulu utara yang perlu ditingkatkan adalah kepemimpinan Transformasional, budaya organisasi dan komitmen organisasi. &nbsp


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    Oversight of manpower is a system that is very important in the enforcement or application of employment legislation. Enforcement or application of legislation is an effort to maintain a balance between rights and obligations for employers and workers. This balance is required to maintain business continuity and peace of work that will ultimately increase the productivity of manpower and manpower welfare. In order for legislation in the field of manpower can be performed well, the necessary manpower and independent oversight of centralized policy. During this manpower inspection provided in Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1951 about the Statement of Applicability of Manpower Supervision Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 1948 of the Republic of Indonesia to all over Indonesia and Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1970 on Occupational Safety. All of those act has not explicitly set on Manpower Supervision and professional independence of the central level supervision as stated in Article 4 and Article 6 of ILO Convention No. 81. By ratifying the ILO Convention No. 81 to strengthen manpower inspection arrangements mandated by Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 about Manpower. Unitary Republic of Indonesia as part of the world community and as a member of the ILO has a moral obligation to implement the provisions of which are international, including international manpower standards

    Analysis Of Moves and Tenses on Abstract Article Published at Journals

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    An abstract has an important role in the research article. Generally, if the researcher wants to submit the article the first thing that must be done is to submit an abstract. This article aims to identify the moving structure of English abstracts of researcher’s articles from many sources that were published started from 2011 to 2021, to identify of applying tense and disagreement of subject and tense in writing abstract article. This study employed a genre analysis approach. As data collection techniques are used 10 abstract articles from the journal were published and then analyzed by using a moving structure from Hyland and Swales & Feak. The result can be revealed that they are 7 abstract articles that applied the introduction, 9 abstract articles that applied purpose, 9 articles that applied method, and 10 abstract articles that applied product move then there are 4 abstract articles applied conclusion move. In applying tense, the most used is simple present tense. It can be concluded that the most applied move is the product in writing an abstract article then the most used tense is in the simple present tense in writing an abstract article


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    Kondisi persimpangan Jalan Raya Mojopahit - Jl. Hasanudin - Jl. Erlangga Sidoarjo,saat ini terjadi kemacetan terutama pada jam - jam sibuk sebagai akibat timbulnya konflik lalu lintas. Ini dikarenakan Jalan Raya Mojopahit - Jl. Hasanudin - Jl. Erlangga Sidoarjo merupakan daerah aktifitas penduduk, pertokoan, perdagangan. Dengan ini maka perlu dievaluasi lagi waktu siklus pada simpang bersinyal pada jalan tersebut. Penelitian kondisi lalu lintas dilakukan dengan cara melakukan survey di lapangan untuk mendapatkan data primer dan data sekunder dari instansi pemerintah : Badan Pusat Statistk (BPS); Dinas Penduduk Daerah Jawa Timur. Pedoman yang digunakan untuk analisa pada tugas ahir ini mengacu pada metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997, yang berupa keadaan geometrik jalan dan Lalu Lintas Harian Rata-rata (LHR). DS adalah derajat kejenuhan. Apabila nilai DS > 0,75 maka penggunaan manual melakukan perubahan kinerja simpang bersinyal pada jalan tersebut. Jika DS tidak terlalu tinggi < 0,75, pengguna manual tidak perlu merubah keadaan yang sudah ada dan keadaan tersebut dianggap masih memenuhi syarat. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh DS < 0,75 untuk kondisi existing tahun 2010, tetapi tingkat kenyamanannya menghasilakan LOS E pada jam puncak pagi dan sore. Maka untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi, perlu dilakukan perencanaan ulang dengan waktu siklus. Dari hasil perencanaan ulang waktu siklus baru adalah 60 detik dan hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa DS < 0,75 serta tingkat kenyamanannya menghasilkan LOS B. Kata Kunci : Evaluasi Simpang Bersinyal, MKJI 1997, program KAJ


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    Hendra Putra,2015. Types of Syntactical Errors Made by English Department Students in Writing Essay Registered 2014/2015 Academic Years at Stain Batusangkar. Thesis. Graduate Program. State University of Padang. This research deal with types of errors which consist of noun phrase, verb phrase, verb and verb construction, some transformation, word order, addition and omission made by the fourth semester students of the English Department of STAIN Batusangkar in writing essays.This research was aimed at finding out and explaining types of errors made by English Department students in writing essay at STAIN Batusangkar in 2014/2015 academic year.The source of data this research was writing test. The technique of data collection was simple random sampling. From the data, the researcher took 23 essays (20%) from the total of students. In analyzing the data, the researcher used some step, mainly reading, describing and classifying the data.The research revealed that there were 314 errors from students’ writing essay. Those errors were noun phrase 80 errors (25.48%), verb phrase 138 errors (43.95%), verb and verb construction 7 errors (2.23%), word order 14 errors (4.46%), some transformation 9 errors (2.87%), omission 43 errors (13.69%), addition 23 errors (7.32%).Based on the finding above, it could be concluded that the students committed the errors in their essays. It might be caused by their grammatical mastery in English. It is also suggested to the lecturers to provide more detail explanations to the students related to the grammar problems so that the students will not make errors in their writing later on or at least it can minimize the errors produced by the students


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    Vocabulary learning is very necessary and an indispensable part of any language learning process. In the ESL context, vocabulary not only supports the four language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing, but also mediates between ESL students and content-area classes in that the students often find that lack of vocabulary knowledge is an obstacle to learning. This article focuses on and discusses effective strategies for teaching vocabulary to young learners which greatly assist English language learners in their journey of language acquisition and also expedite the language learning processKata kunci: effective strategies, vocabulary, young learner

    Analysis of Factors Affercting Employee Work Competence in the Field of Employee Mutations at the Personnel Agency and Human Resources Development of the Riau Islands Province

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    This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the work competence of employees in the Transfer, Rank and Promotion Sector of the Regional Civil Service Agency and KORPRI Riau Islands Province. So this research focuses on the essence of the factors that influence employee work competence, namely, education, experience, skills, expertise and creativity. This research is descriptive qualitative in nature with data collection techniques in the form of interviews and observations. By using theories from experts who argue that there are several factors that influence work competence, namely, the educational environment. The level of education and training received by employees can influence their work competence. Apart from that, extensive and varied work experience can help employees in dealing with complex problems or situations. Employee motivation is also needed because they tend to work better and produce better results. The skills possessed by employees can improve the quality and productivity of work, as well as ensure that the tasks given can be completed well and on time. The expertise factor has a very big influence on employee competence. This is because the expertise factor includes the knowledge, skills and work experience possessed by employees. The higher the employee's expertise, the better the employee's competence. A high creativity factor can increase employees' ability to solve problems, generate new ideas, and adapt to environmental changes. Creativity is the ability to produce innovative new ideas, creative solutions to problems, and the ability to adapt to environmental changes

    Suicide, Chruch Discipline, and Social- Cultural Sanctions

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    Because suicides are not a single factor, but the causes are plural and the variants or types are the same, so the approach to it is also varied. In this paper the author attempts to approach it from the sociological perspective of Émile Durkheim. Apart from that, he also approaches these cases from a pastoral point of view and traditional Batak culture. Because suicide is caused by a weak social solidarity, it is deemed necessary to take steps towards social cohesion. This study aims to describe and identify the social issue of suicide. Achieve this with qualitative research with participatory methods and phenomenology. The results of the research, namely pastoral perspectives and traditional culture can complement sociological perspectives to explain suicide (more) completely and its contribution to reforming pastoral services in the Protestant Batak of Christian Church (HKBP) and traditional Batak cultur

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Package Dependency Merger Berbasis Sistem Operasi Debian Gnu/linux

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    Kemajuan di bidang teknologi jaringan komputer menyangkut perangkat keras, perangkat lunak maupun database dari jaringan tersebut. Banyak cara yang di gunakan untuk membuat komunikasi semakin mudah, Salah satu Perubahan paling menonjol pada teknologi komunikasi jaringan computer adalah penggunaan teknologi wireless. Sistem keamanan yang paling umum digunakan pada wireless LAN adalah dengan metode enkripsi Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). WEP menggunakan satu kunci enkripsi yang digunakan bersama-sama oleh para pengguna wireless. Hal ini menyebabkan metode WEP tidak cocok diterapkan pada hotspot yang dipasang di tempat-tempat umum karena lubang keamanan yang dimiliki WEP sangat rentan di susupi, sehingga dapat dimasuki oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak berkepentingan. Dengan adanya server Remote Access Dial In User (RADIUS) yang bertindak sebagai authentication, authorization and accounting membuat administrator dapat memantau dan mengetahui identitas yang jelas dari user. RADIUS merupakan sebuah protocol yang memungkinkan keamanan jaringan wireless melakukan autentikasi, autorisasi, dan akuntansi untuk meremote user yang ingin mengakses suatu sistem atau layanan dari pusat server jaringan komputer

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Sistem E-puskesmas dengan Menggunakan Metode Pieces di Puskesmas Pemancungan Padang Tahun 2018

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    E-Puskesmas is an application for health services developed to provide basic services to the community. In the Pemancungan health center there are several problems in the information system, such as inaccurate information caused by the ineffective e-Puskesmas system. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the e-Puskesmas system using the PIECES method (Performance, Information, Economic, Control, Efficiency & Service). The study was conducted on July 2 to August 2, 2018, the type of research was qualitative with a phenomenology approach, the informants in this study were 6 people. All informants were examined using guidelines for in-depth interviews and observations. Analysis in data processing is done by using collaizi. The results of the analysis found that the implementation of e-Puskesmas was classified as good, although in the implementation of e-Puskesmas there were still some obstacles to the network such as speedy connections that were not optimal other than the security of e-puskesmas access using shared username and password accounts and patient waiting times the old one because the network has a problem. The use of the e-Puskesmas application has been going well but there are still obstacles that interfere with the work of the officers, need to be reported and followed up periodically and should be evaluated on the e-puskesmas system in the patient data input process so that it can improve effectiveness and efficiency in service
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