37 research outputs found


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    Aktivitas anti bakteri senyawa ZnO-NRs telah teruji kemampuannya untuk menginhibisi sel bakteri patogen Staphylococcus aureus dan Salmonella sp. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah peningkatan aktivitas anti bakteri melalui modifikasi morfologi ZnO dengan doped ion Mg2+ pada kondisi sintesis sol-gel-hidrotermal pH 8-10. Mekanisme reaksi biosintesis dapat diikuti dengan mekanisme enzimatis dengan menggunakan isolat sel filosphere daun gambir (Uncaria) sebagai senyawa pereduksi dan capping agent. Analisis XRD menunjukkan produk ZnO dan Mg doped ZnO adalah struktur wurtzite berdasarkan intensitas 2Īø = 31.78Ā°, 34.43Ā°, 36.27Ā°, hkl (100), (002), (101) merupakan geometri hexagonal (standar ICSD - 157724). Mg doped ZnO memiliki intensitas yang sama dengan tanpa doped Mg dan tidak didapatkan intensitas pengotor. Analisis SEM-EDX memberi pola morfologi nanospheric, nanorods dengan distribusi ukuran nanorods lebih dominan dalam range 125-175 nm. Analisis FT-IR pada bilangan gelombang 401 - 584 cmāˆ’1 menunjukkan peregangan Zn-O. Analisis UV-DRS menunjukkan sifat optik berdasarkan serapan pada daerah blue-shift dengan Ī»maks ā‰¤ 400 nm, dan setelah dikonversikan pada TuocPlot menunjukkan perubahan nilai bandgap (Eg) ZnO : 3,20 eV. Semakin besar konsentrasi ion Mg+2 , semakin kecil nilai bandgap 3,13, eV; 3,12, eV; 3,11eV dan 3,10 eV. Aktivitas antibakterial terhadap bakteri Gram (+) Staphylococcus aureus dan Gram (-) Salmonella sp., menunjukkan daya hambat lebih besar pada bakteri Gram (-) yaitu 24 mm. Kata Kumci : Filosphere, Uncaria Gambir, Mg doped ZnO, Nanorods, Anti Bakter


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    Labor, whether within and outside family member, has animportant contribution in the structure of farm costs. Thisstudy aims to analyse the contribution of family labor tovegetable farming with four different cropping patterns inrainfed lowland land and its effect on farming profits. Theresearch was conducted in Pondok Kelapa District, BengkuluTengah Regency from May to October 2019. There are sixvegetable cropping patterns in Pondok Kelapa District,namely (1) cucumber - paria - long beans, (2) cucumber -gambas - long beans, ( 3) cucumber - long beans - longbeans, (4) long beans - pariah - long beans, (5) long beans -luffa - long beans, and (6) long beans - long beans - kalepulled - pulled kale. Data were collected through a census of50 vegetable farmers and analyzed descriptively using thestructure of farm costs and the R/C ratio. The results showedthat the contribution of labor costs from within the family tothe six cropping patterns was between 38.84 - 61.36% withan R/C ratio between 1.55 - 1.94. The highest laborcontribution was obtained in cropping pattern 6, namely61.36% with the lowest R/C ratio value of 1.55. However, ifthe family labor cost is assumed not to be taken into accountthe farm input costs, then the R/C ratio value in croppingpattern 6 is the highest, which is 4.06


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    Pegangkatan perwira tinggi aktif Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) sebagai Pejabat (Pj) Gubernur di Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Sumatera Utara pada Pilkada 2018 yang lalu oleh Mendagri menuai polemik. Padahal Undang-undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2016 tentang Pilkada telah mengatur secara jelas perihal pengisian kekosongan jabatan gubernur, dimana yang diangkat sebagai pejabat gubernur adalah yang berasal dari jabatan pimpinan madya. Sedangkan dasar hukum yang dijadikan rujukan oleh Mendagri untuk menunjuk anggota Polri aktif menjadi pejabat gubernur merujuk pada Permendagri No. 1 Tahun 2018 tentang Cuti di Luar Tanggungan Negara bagi kepala daerah. Dalam Pasal 4 ayat (2), memuat norma yang menyatakan bahwa yang menjadi pejabat gubernur berasal dari pejabat tinggi madya/setingkat di lingkup pemerintah pusat/provinsi. Maka dari itu terdapat perluasan makna yang terdapat pada Permendagri Nomor 1 Tahun 2018. Masalah yang akan dicari jawabannya adalah pertama, mengenai analisa hukum terkait pengangkatan anggota kepolisian menjadi Pejabat Gubernur, dan aturan norma apa yang seharusnya dalam Permendagri No.1 Tahun 2018, mengenai pengisian kekosongan jabatan Gubernur yang ditinggal sementara oleh Gubernur selama masa kampanye saat Pilkada. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yuridis-normatif atau kepustakaan, sedangkan segi sifat pemaparannya adalah deskriptif-kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual (conseptual approach) dan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach). Berdasarkan penelitian ini analisa hukum yang diperoleh adalah bahwa intitusi Kemendagri adalah institusi yang paling berwenang untuk mengisi kekosongan jabatan sebagai pejabat gubernur bukan dari Institusi Polri. Dan aturan norma yang seharusnya dalam Permendagri tersebut adalah berbunyi: ā€œPejabat Gubernur sebagaimana yang dimaksud pada ayat (1) berasal dari pejabat pimpinan tinggi madya di lingkup pemerintahan pusat, kementerian Dalam Negeri atau Pemerintah Daerah Provinsiā€. Dengan menghilangkan frasa ā€œsetingkatā€ dalam rumusan Permendagri tersebut

    EVALUASI TERHADAP IMPLEMENTASI Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Dengan Job Safety Observation (JSO)

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    The implementation of flexible pavement work on the East Riau Crossroads Business Entity Government Cooperation (BEGC) project, which has an active road status, already has a hazard control document. One form of the hazard control document is the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) document. From the results of the analysis of existing JSA documents, hazards and their controls have been identified. To determine the level of compliance in implementing hazard control recommendations in the field, it is necessary to observe the Job Safety Observation (JSO) method, which is a method of observing work to improve the quality of work safety implementation. Based on the results of an evaluation of the implementation of JSA on the BEGC project on the East Riau crossroads using the JSO method, especially in the Trial AC-WWC (wearing-ccourse) work, it can be concluded that of the 32 forms of JSA control carried out in the field, according to the results of the JSO carried out at STA 18+300ā€“18+900, only 20 forms of control (62.5%) were found, and also three forms of hazard control whose form of implementation in the field cannot be ascertained

    Threat or Opportunity: Increasing of Muslim Worker in Japan Regarding Aging Population Issue

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    This paper studies and analyses the discourse of the national policy of increasing number of Muslim worker in Japan. It considers various political perceptions whether it should be understood as a threat or opportunity. In this globalized era, it is uncommon that Islam is viewed and stigmatized as a religion of terror mainly by the western media. On the other hand, Japan is known as an exclusive country with such strong working culture, which inevitably need to solve the problem of the lack of the productive labours due to the growing of its aging population. The presence of workers who come from Muslim-majority countries then requires a separate attention as the number of them is consistently growing. With a very controversial prestige among the international communities, as well as the contrasting cultural differences between Japanese and Muslim cultures make a very interesting debate that, will increase in the number of Muslim workers in Japan becoming threat or opportunity to Japan. Keywords: Aging Population, Muslim Workers, Threat, Opportunity, Social Distinguishmen

    Threat or Opportunity: Increasing of Muslim Worker in Japan Regarding Aging Population Issue

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    This paper studies and analyses the discourse of the national policy of increasing number of Muslim worker in Japan. It considers various political perceptions whether it should be understood as a threat or opportunity. In this globalized era, it is uncommon that Islam is viewed and stigmatized as a religion of terror mainly by the western media. On the other hand, Japan is known as an exclusive country with such strong working culture, which inevitably need to solve the problem of the lack of the productive labours due to the growing of its aging population. The presence of workers who come from Muslim-majority countries then requires a separate attention as the number of them is consistently growing. With a very controversial prestige among the international communities, as well as the contrasting cultural differences between Japanese and Muslim cultures make a very interesting debate that, will increase in the number of Muslim workers in Japan becoming threat or opportunity to Japan. Keywords: Aging Population, Muslim Workers, Threat, Opportunity, Social Distinguishmen

    Preserving Oral Tradition amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cultural Adaptation in Salawat Dulang

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected various aspects of people's lives, including oral traditions. In Minangkabau, oral traditions are in danger of being lost or forgotten by the community due to the pandemic. During the pandemic, oral tradition performances involve only few people, though the performances typically require the presence of many people. This current study aims to explain various things that happened to the oral tradition in Minangkabau amid the COVID-19 pandemic, especially Salawat Dulang. It uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, note-taking, and interviews. The study found that the Minangkabau oral tradition, especially Salawat Dulang, survived and continued amid the pandemic because it implements various forms of changes and adjustments. These changes and adjustments include the involvement of virtual and direct media. There are very few audiences attending the live performances, and they must strictly adhere to health protocols. Performers also use social media as a means to maintain the existence of their traditions. In this sense, they see the conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic as a source of inspiration to create the spoken texts. These findings imply the important role of all the performers, the community, and the government in proposing efforts to preserve this oral tradition

    Pengaruh Kerapatan Vegetasi terhadap Suhu Permukaan menggunakan Data Landsat 8 (Study Kasus: Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat)

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    Pesatnya pertambahan penduduk dan perkembangan infrastruktur di Kota pontianak telah menimbulkan perubahan kerapatan vegetasi. Perubahan kerapatan vegetasi (NDVI) dapat berpengaru terhadap distribusi suhu permukaan (LST). Hal tersebut akan mempengaruhi perubahan iklim dan cuaca. Suhu permukaan merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab meningkatnya energi panas di permukaan bumi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kerapatan vegetasi terhadap perubahan distribusi suhu permukaan di Kota Pontianak melalui data satelit Landsat 8 tahun 2013 ā€“ 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Kota Pontianak telah terjadi perubahan distribusi suhu permukaan yang terletak di daerah panas yaitu daerah urban dan daerah non-urban. Daerah tersebut dicirikan menurunnya nilai kerapatan vegetasi dan meningkatnya nilai suhu permukaan. Nilai rata-rata suhu permukaan tertinggi tahun 2013 ā€“ 2019 sebesar 30,8Ā°C yang termasuk kedalam kategori panas. Kecenderungan naik ini diduga sebagai akibat adanya perubahan lahan bervegetasi menjadi daerah yang lebih terbuka seperti lahan kosong dan daerah terbangun.Kata Kunci : Suhu Permukaan, LST, Kerapatan Vegetasi, NDVI, Landsat 8