150 research outputs found

    Bakteriális gének szerepe a szimbiotikus gümő inváziójában = The role of bacterial genes in the invasion of the symbiotic nodule

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    Hoszú távú célunk, hogy megértsük a szimbiotikus nitrogénkötő gümő kifejlődését, és azonosítsuk az invázióban fontos bakteriális géneket. E pályázatban feladatunk volt, hogy (i) elemezzük azon rkp géneket, melyek a Sinorhizobium meliloti 41 törzs specifikus KR5 kapszuláris poliszacharidjának bioszintézisében vesznek részt, (ii) meghatározzuk pontos funkcióját a pha géneknek, melyekről feltételeztük, hogy a pH-homeosztázisban fontosak. Fágreceptorban hibás baktérium és host range fág mutánsok molekuláris genetikai elemzése révén kimutattuk, hogy a 16-3 fág receptorának fontos alkotója az RkpM fehérje, és azonosítottuk a fág h génjét, mely a farki rost fehérjét kódolja. A KR5 antigénről kimutattuk, hogy csak a szimbiotikus gümő inváziójakor fontos, de nem alkotója a fágreceptornak. Befejeztük a DNS-szekvencia meghatározást az rkp-3 régióban, és vizsgáltuk az azonosított gének szerepét. Egyes és kettős rkpY mutánsok segítségével, amelyekben a második mutáció különböző rkp génekben volt kimutattuk, hogy (i) az rkpY mutánsok által termelt poliszacharid nem prekurzora a KR5 antigénnek, és hogy (ii) az rkpR gén ennek az új poliszacharidnak a bioszintézisében játszik szerepet. A pha gének szerepét kifordított membrán vezikulákon végzett fiziológiai kísérletekben vizsgáltuk. Kimutattuk, hogy a K+ adás proton kiáramlást eredményez, ami alátámasztja korábbi feltételezésünket, hogy e gének egy K+/H+ antiportert kódolnak. | Our long term goal is to understand the development of nitrogen fixing symbiotic nodule and to identify bacterial genes involved in the invasion. In this project we focus on (i) the analysis of the rkp genes involved in the biosynthesis of the strain specific KR5 polysaccharide of Sinorhizobium meliloti 41, and (ii) analysis of function of pha gene clusters presumed to be important in pH-homeostasis. The molecular genetic analysis of phage receptor bacterial and host-range phage mutants resulted in the identification of the RkpM protein as an essential part of the 16-3 phage receptor, and in the identification of h gene of the phage encoding the tail-fiber protein. The KR5 antigen were shown only to be important in the invasion of symbiotic nodule but not in the structure of phage receptor. DNA-sequence analysis of the rkp-3 region was completed and the role of the identified genes were examined. Using single and double rkpY mutants, where the second mutations were in different rkp genes, it was shown that (i) the polysaccharide produced by the rkpY mutant was not a precursor of the KR5 antigen, (ii) the rkpR gene is involved in the synthesis of this new polysaccharide. The role of the pha genes were examined on everted membrane vesicles. It was shown that addition of K+ results in proton efflux supporting our hypothesis that pha genes encode for a K+/H+ antiporter

    Genetic diversity among twelve grape cultivars indigenous to the Carpathian Basin revealed by RAPD markers

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    Twelve cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) were subjected to RAPD analysis in order to estimate the genetic diversity among these genotypes and to analyse their genetic relationships. The study was performed using 28 primers that generated 120 polymorphic fragments. There was genetic variation among the cultivars with values of genetic diversity ranging from 0.419 to 0.642 using the Jaccard coefficient. UPGMA analysis of distance matrix resulted in a dendrogram with three clusters. The dendrogram shows that the cultivars of our study can be distinguished to a relatively high degree. Results were compared with the taxonomic classification and with the synonyms of the cultivars. The RAPD technique was useful for identification and discrimination of these grape cultivars

    Novel pathogen-specific primers for the detection of Agrobacterium vitis and Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    To detect agrobacteria causing crown gall disease of grapevine novel virulence and oncogene specific primer combinations were tested on Agrobacterium vitis and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains including most opine types found in grapevines. Reproducible detection of all the tested pathogens in a single reaction was only possible with multiplex PCR using mixtures of virulence-, or oncogene specific primers. A primer combination including pehA, virF and virD2 gene-specific oligonucleotides amplified the corresponding fragments from nearly all strains included and distinguished A. vitis and A. tumefaciens strains carrying octopine or nopaline pTis and A. vitis vitopine strains. A second set of primers designed to amplify the T-DNA auxin genes iaaH and iaaM detected all of the tested pathogens and, as in the case of virF-, and virD2-specific primers, A. vitis vitopine strains formed also a distinct group. These data were further confirmed using opine synthase-, or 6b gene-specific primers that also allowed the identification and distinction of octopine and nopaline as well as vitopine isolates of A. vitis. Thus, a wide range of agrobacteria occurring on grapevine were detected and identified. On the other hand, our results confirm that vitopine-type agrobacteria form a distinct group within the genus Agrobacterium.

    Magyar Tanítóképző 41 (1928) 5

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    Magyar Tanítóképző A Tanítóképző-intézeti Tanárok Országos Egyesületének folyóirata 41. évfolyam, 5. szám Budapest, 1928. novembe

    Magyar Tanítóképző 40 (1927) 7-8

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    Magyar Tanítóképző A Tanítóképző-intézeti Tanárok Országos Egyesületének folyóirata 40. évfolyam, 7-8. szám Budapest, 1927. szeptembe

    Novel pathogen-specific primers for the detection of Agrobacterium vitis and Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    Summary To detect agrobacteria causing crown gall disease of grapevine novel virulence and oncogene specific primer combinations were tested on Agrobacterium vitis and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains including most opine types found in grapevines. Reproducible detection of all the tested pathogens in a single reaction was only possible with multiplex PCR using mixtures of virulence-, or oncogene specific primers. A primer combination including pehA, virF and virD2 gene-specific oligonucleotides amplified the corresponding fragments from nearly all strains included and distinguished A. vitis and A. tumefaciens strains carrying octopine or nopaline pTis and A. vitis vitopine strains. A second set of primers designed to amplify the T-DNA auxin genes iaaH and iaaM detected all of the tested pathogens and, as in the case of virF-, and virD2-specific primers, A. vitis vitopine strains formed also a distinct group. These data were further confirmed using opine synthase-, or 6b gene-specific primers that also allowed the identification and distinction of octopine and nopaline as well as vitopine isolates of A. vitis. Thus, a wide range of agrobacteria occurring on grapevine were detected and identified. On the other hand, our results confirm that vitopine-type agrobacteria form a distinct group within the genus Agrobacterium. K e y w o r d s

    Studiu privind debutul vieţii sexuale la adolescenţi din judeţul Timiş, România

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    Adolescenţa se asociază cu un risc crescut al începerii precoce a vieţii sexuale. Studiul s-a efectuat pe o populaţie reprezentată de adolescenţi din judeţul Timiş, mediul urban din România, totalizând 2908 elevi de 15-19 ani. Metoda de lucru a fost studiul populaţional transversal. Rezultatele indică: 41,9% dintre liceenii timişeni au întreţinut deja relaţii sexuale, 52,7% dintre băieţi şi 31,7% dintre fete; 5,2% dintre liceeni au avut primul contact sexual la 13 ani sau înaintea vârstei de 13 ani, 9,7% dintre băieţi şi 0,7% dintre fete. Rezultatele studiului oferă suport pentru promovarea comportamentului sexual sănătos ca şi concept de-a lungul vieţii

    Потребление марихуаны в группе друзей и отсутствие на занятиях – существенные сигналы состояния «заядлого курильщика» у студентов муниципия Тимишоара

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    A representative sample of students included in the study consisted of 2,076 young people, university students from Timisoara municipality, Romania, urban residents aged 1825 years, among them – 62.5% of girls and 37.5% of boys. As a working method was used transversal population’s study, based on questionnaires CORT 2004 concerning the risk behavior of adolescents and young people. To determine the influence of certain personal characteristics of the student, as well as the influence of factors from his group of friends that contributed the transformation of the student into a “heavy smoker” (smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day) was applied logistic regression test. Among the statistically significant predictors of “heavy smoker” status of young people are the consumptiom of marijuana in the group of friends and the absence at the faculty. Students who smoke often have more friends used marijuana than students with mild intensity of smoking. These students were absent at the faculty significantly more often than students with mild intensity of smoking.Репрезентативная выборка студентов, включённых в исследовании, состояла из 2076 молодых людей, студентов университетов муниципия Тимишоара, Румыния, городских жителей в возрасте 18–25 лет, из них – 62,5% девушек и 37,5% юношей. В качестве метода работы было использовано трансверсальное популяционное исследование, основанное на Анкете CORT 2004, касающейся рискованного поведения для здоровья подростков и молодых людей. Для определения влияния некоторых личных особенностей, а также факторов из окружения обследуемого на его превращение в «заядлого курильщика» (курение более 10 сигарет в день) был использован регрессионный логистический тест. Среди статистически значимых сигналов статуса «заядлого курильщика» у молодых людей находятся потребление марихуаны в группе друзей и отсутствие на занятиях. Студенты, которые часто курят, имеют больше друзей потребляющих марихуану по сравнению со студентами со средней интенсивностью курения. Эти студенты также значительно чаще пропускают занятия по сравнению со студентами со средней интенсивностью курения

    Особенности потребления овощей и фруктов у детей-гимназистов и лицеистов города Тимишоара, Румыния

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    The study addresses the health of pupils from gymnasiums and lyceums from Timishoara municipality, Romania, by investigating the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The sample included 243 pupils studied in gymnasiums and one Lyceum from Timishoara. The mean age was 15.04 years with a standard deviation of 2.124. The gender distribution was as follows: 56.4% girls and 43.6% boys. The both educational levels are homogeneous in terms of gender distribution, p = 0.248. The working method was transversal study of population, type case study, based on the use of CORT questionnaire concerningthe risk behavior for health among adolescents and young people. Obtained results are at the level of international data relating to adolescents and confi rm the fact that a signifi cant part of them consumes fruits and vegetables, and that the representatives of fair sex tend to have a higher intakeof fruits and vegetables or these intakes are more frequently than male representatives.Исследование касается вопроса здоровья подростков, представленных учащимися гимназий и лицеев, будучи исследованы в потребление ими фруктов и овощей. Выборка исследованных детей включила 243 ученика гимназий и одного лицея г. Тимишоара. Средний возраст детей составил 15,04 года со стандартным отклонением 2,124. Распределение по полу было следующее: 56,4% девушек и 43,6% юношей. Оба вида обучения являются однородными с точки зрения распределения по полам, p=0,248. Рабочим методом являлось трансверсальное популяционное исследование, изучение случая, основанное на использование анкеты CORT, касающейся рискованного поведения для здоровья подростков и молодых людей. Полученные результаты находятся на уровне международных данных, касающихся подростков и которые подтверждают тот факт, что значительная часть учащихся потребляют фрукты и овощи, и что представительницы прекрасного пола имеют тенденцию к большему и более частому их потреблению по сравнению с представителями мужского пола