169 research outputs found

    Interactions of oblique interplanetary discontinuities and their manifestations during STIP intervals 15-19

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    The generation of slow shock waves as the result of the interaction of Alfven discontinuities with solar wind contact surfaces is considered. The latter are taken to be the boundaries of proton and alpha-particle concentration inhomogeneities. It is found that the intensity of the Alfven discontinuity may be increased as the result of its interaction with the more dense plasma. The converse (i.e., decrease of the Alfven discontinuity's intensity following interaction with a less dense plasma) is also indicated. Also discussed is the generation of a magnetic cloud as the result of the interaction of a quasi-parallel Alfven discontinuity with a dense plasma contact surface. It is shown that the (solar-generated) Alfven discontinuity may then be transformed into non-flare fast and slow shock waves as the result of this interaction. Thus, it is indicated that some fast shock waves in the solar wind may have a nonsolar origin


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    The aim of the work is to carry out immunogenetic studies of women at risk of developing infectious-associated forms of cervical cancer and to develop immunogenetic criteria for the risk of cervical cancer. Materials and methods of the prospective study - 120 women participated in the study with the obligatory presence of voluntary medical consent in the age range from 19 to 42 years. Processing of biological material (biopsy, scrapings) was carried out using sets of “DNA technology” for human papillomavirus 16.18 types. The program included the study of cytolytic cells in cervical biopsies with phenotype CD3-CD16+CD56+. Normative values for a given pool of cells was defined as comparable in the peripheral blood in the range of 5-9%. Generirovanie pre sekvenirovanie material was performed at clinical Centre absolute. The basic pathologic-and-genetic mechanisms for its implementation and the Association with certain genotypes. As a result of studies, the risk criteria for the development of neoplastic process in women with different degrees of dysplasia infected with human papilloma virus 16/18 type were determined. It was revealed that the number of natural killers associated with genetic markers is a criterion of infection-induced process, including neoplastic. It is shown that the decrease in the activity of cytolytic cells associated with the genotype of human leukocyte antigen HLAV35, with the human papillomavirus 16\18 positive women, compared with groups II and III (human papillomavirus 16\18+), leads to the aggravation of the pathological process and the development of cervical cancer. The number of natural keellers associated with genetic markers is a criterion of infection-induced

    Expert System for Histological Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

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    The paper is dedicated to the development of expert system for histological prostate cancer diagnosis. The developed system allows to fill the knowledge base and then to use this knowledge base to support physician decision on the histological diagnosis of prostate disease. Keywords: pattern recognition, prostate cancer diagnosis, decision making, decision support syste


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    The feasibility of replacing generation from the grid by solar energy in Turkey was investigated. Namely, the energy consumption of two hotels in Antalya was dismantled, and on the basis of data and calculations construction projects of a photovoltaic station were composed. The benefits of using solar energy in this region are presented.Исследована целесообразность замены генерации из сети солнечной энергетикой в Турции. Рассмотрено энергопотребление двух отелей Анталии, и на основе данных и расчётов составлены проекты строительства фотоэлектрической станции. Представлена выгодность использования энергии солнца в данном регионе

    Crystal structure of the mitochondrial protein mitoNEET bound to a benze-sulfonide ligand

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    MitoNEET (gene cisd1) is a mitochondrial outer membrane [2Fe-2S] protein and is a potential drug target in several metabolic diseases. Previous studies have demonstrated that mitoNEET functions as a redox-active and pH-sensing protein that regulates mitochondrial metabolism, although the structural basis of the potential drug binding site(s) remains elusive. Here we report the crystal structure of the soluble domain of human mitoNEET with a sulfonamide ligand, furosemide. Exploration of the high-resolution crystal structure is used to design mitoNEET binding molecules in a pilot study of molecular probes for use in future development of mitochondrial targeted therapies for a wide variety of metabolic diseases, including obesity, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

    Crystal Structure of the Mitochondrial Protein mitoNEET Bound to a Benze-sulfonide Ligand

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    MitoNEET (gene cisd1) is a mitochondrial outer membrane [2Fe-2S] protein and is a potential drug target in several metabolic diseases. Previous studies have demonstrated that mitoNEET functions as a redox-active and pH-sensing protein that regulates mitochondrial metabolism, although the structural basis of the potential drug binding site(s) remains elusive. Here we report the crystal structure of the soluble domain of human mitoNEET with a sulfonamide ligand, furosemide. Exploration of the high-resolution crystal structure is used to design mitoNEET binding molecules in a pilot study of molecular probes for use in future development of mitochondrial targeted therapies for a wide variety of metabolic diseases, including obesity, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

    Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate with Virtual Basket mode: faster and better control on bleeding

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    Background: To compare clinical intra and early postoperative outcomes between conventional Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) and Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate using the Virtual Basket tool (VB-HoLEP) to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Methods: This prospective randomized study enrolled consecutive patients with BPH, who were assigned to undergo either HoLEP (n = 100), or VB-HoLEP (n = 100). All patients were evaluated preoperatively and postoperatively, with particular attention to catheterization time, operative time, blood loss, irrigation volume and hospital stay. We also evaluated the patients at 3 and 6 months after surgery and assessed maximum flow rate (Qmax), postvoid residual urine volume (PVR), the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and the Quality of Life score (QOLS). Results: No significant differences in preoperative parameters between patients in each study arm were found. Compared to HoLEP, VB-HoLEP resulted in less hemoglobin decrease (2.54 vs. 1.12 g/dl, P = 0.03) and reduced operative time (57.33 ± 29.71 vs. 42.99 ± 18.51 min, P = 0.04). HoLEP and VB-HoLEP detrmined similar catheterization time (2.2 vs. 1.9 days, P = 0.45), irrigation volume (33.3 vs. 31.7 l, P = 0.69), and hospital stay (2.8 vs. 2.7 days, P = 0.21). During the 6-month follow-up no significant differences in IPSS, Qmax, PVR, and QOLS were demonstrated. Conclusions: HoLEP and VB-HoLEP are both efficient and safe procedures for relieving lower urinary tract symptoms. VB-HoLEP was statistically superior to HoLEP in blood loss and operative time. However, procedures did not differ significantly in catheterization time, hospital stay, and irrigation volume. No significant differences were demonstrated in QOLS, IPSS, Qmax and PVR throughout the 6-month follow-up. Trial Registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN72879639; date of registration: June 25th, 2015. Retrospectively registred

    Investigational chemotherapy and novel pharmacokinetic mechanisms for the treatment of breast cancer brain metastases

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    In women, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis and second most common cause of cancer death. More than half of breast cancer patients will develop metastases to the bone, liver, lung, or brain. Breast cancer brain metastases (BCBM) confers a poor prognosis, as current therapeutic options of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy rarely significantly extend life and are considered palliative. Within the realm of chemotherapy, the last decade has seen an explosion of novel chemotherapeutics involving targeting agents and unique dosage forms. We provide a historical overview of BCBM chemotherapy, review the mechanisms of new agents such as poly-ADP ribose polymerase inhibitors, cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors, phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinaseinhibitors, estrogen pathway antagonists for hormone-receptor positive BCBM; tyrosine kinase inhibitors, antibodies, and conjugates for HER2+ BCBM; repurposed cytotoxic chemotherapy for triple negative BCBM; and the utilization of these new agents and formulations in ongoing clinical trials. The mechanisms of novel dosage formulations such as nanoparticles, liposomes, pegylation, the concepts of enhanced permeation and retention, and drugs utilizing these concepts involved in clinical trials are also discussed. These new treatments provide a promising outlook in the treatment of BCBM


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    Выполнена оценка потенциала солнечной энергии республики Узбекистан. Показано, что условия окупаемости капитальных вложений в Узбекистане вдвое более благоприятны, чем на территории Среднего Урала. Приведены сведения о новых решениях по государственной поддержке для производителей энергии из возобновляемых источников энергии, производителей установок возобновляемых источников энергии, а также осуществляющих инвестиционную, научно-исследовательскую деятельность в области использования возобновляемых источников энергии в Узбекистане.An assessment of the solar energy potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been carried out. It is shown that the terms of return on capital investments in Uzbekistan are twice as favorable as in the Middle Urals. Details of new government support solutions for renewable energy producers, renewable energy plant manufacturers, and investment makers, renewable energy research activities in Uzbekistan


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    Objective: to study orgasmic function (OF) in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy (RPE).Subjects and methods. Seventy-nine patients who had undergone RPE for locally advanced prostate cancer without hormone and radiation therapies were examined. The patients’ mean age was 59.3 years. The mean EF-IIEF domain score was 24.4. OF was estimated by IIEF question 10 and the authors’ questionnaire. The Spearman rank correction coefficient and Mann-Whitney U-Wilcoxon tests were used.Results. After RPE, there was a reduction in the mean IIEF question 10 score from 3.9 (confidence interval 3.7–4.1) to 3.3 (3–3.5) (p = 0.000). The following changes were found in orgasm intensity: no changes in 43 %, mild worsening in 42 %, severe worsening in 8 %, and enhancement in 4 %; orgasm could not be achieved in 4 % of the patients. Pain usually of low intensity was reported by 8.8 %. The poor factors for preserving OF were its low baseline level, elderly age, or severe post-RPE erectile dysfunction.Conclusion. There were significant OF changes after RPE, which should be kept in mind while treating this category of patients.Цель исследования – изучение состояния оргазмической функции (ОФ) у больных, перенесших радикальную простатэктомию (РПЭ).Материалы и методы. Обследованы 79 пациентов, которым была выполнена РПЭ по поводу локализованного рака предстательной железы без проведения гормональной и лучевой терапии. Средний возраст больных составил 59,3 года. Средний балл по опроснику EF-IIEF был равен 24,4. Оценку ОФ выполняли по вопросу № 10 IIEF и собственному опроснику. Использовали ранговую корреляцию по Спирмену и -тесты Вилкоксона и Манна–Уитни.Результаты. После осуществления РПЭ отмечено снижение среднего балла по вопросу № 10 IIEF с 3,9 (доверительный интервал 3,7–4,1) до 3,3 (3–3,5), p = 0,000. Выявлены следующие изменения интенсивности оргазма: отсутствие изменений — в 43 %, легкое ухудшение — в 42 %, выраженное ухудшение — в 8 %, усиление — в 4 % случаев; 4 % больных не смогли достичь оргазма. Боли, обычно малой интенсивности, отметили 8,8% пациентов. Неблагоприятными факторами для сохранения ОФ были исходно низкий ее уровень, пожилой возраст, возникшая после РПЭ тяжелая эректильная дисфункция