217 research outputs found

    Точностные характеристики коротких краскопечатных систем с кратными цилиндрами

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    Розглядається задача аналітичного визначення і побудови точностної характеристики короткої фарбодрукарської системи з кратними циліндрами для заданого інтервалу тонопередачі, приведені результати комп’ютерного симулювання.The article deals with the problem of determining actual static accuracy and precision construction specifications short ink printing system with multiple cylinders at a given transmission interval tone. The aim is to study the mathematical model of short-ink printing system with multiple cylinders and building precise specifications for a given transmission interval tone. To solve this problem first makes assumptions on which we build a static model ink system and define its static error of static properties built by computer simulation. For this popular package Matlab: Simulink design stimulant static failures that simultaneously calculates and builds four static characteristics, which is useful for analysis.Рассматривается задача аналитического определения и построения точностной характеристики короткой краскопечатной системы с кратными цилиндрами для заданного интервала тонопередачи, приведены результаты компьютерного симулирования

    Ensuring standardized parameters for the transmission of digital signals by twisted pairs at the technological stage of manufacturing cables for industrial operating technologies

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    Introduction. In production control and control systems, buildings use many simple devices - sensors to detect light, heat, movement, smoke, humidity and pressure, mechanisms for activation and control of switches, closing devices, alarm, etc. - «operating technologies» (OT). Different communication protocols and field tire technologies, such as Modbus for conditioning systems, Bacnet for access control and Lonworks for lighting, have been traditionally used and used for their connection. Network fragmentation leads to the need to use gateways to transform protocols when creating a single automation system, which complicates the implementation of complex control systems for any object. At the same time, information networks are unified, but the Ethernet protocol used in them for operating technologies for various reasons (technological, cost) has not been widespread. Due to its high bandwidth compared to existing field tire networks, industrial Ethernet is significantly capable of increasing flexibility in the implementation of additional functions in OT. Modern industrial Ethernet networks are based on non - shielded and shielded twisted pair category 5E cables. The presence of additional metal screens in the structure of twisted pair causes the increase in electrical resistance of conductors due to the effect of closeness, the electrical capacity, and the ratio of attenuation in the range of transmission of broadband signals. Purpose. Substantiation of the range of settings of technological equipment to ensure standardized values of the extinction coefficient and immunity based on the analysis of the results of measurements in a wide frequency range of electrical parameters of shielded and unshielded cables for industrial operating technologies. Methodology. Experimental studies have been performed for statistically averaged electrical parameters of the transmission of pairs for 10 and 85 samples of 305 meters long and shielded cables of category 5e, respectively. It is determined that in the frequency range from 1 to 10 MHz, unshielded cables have less values of the attenuation coefficient. In the range of more than 30 MHz, the shielded cables have smaller values of the attenuation due to the influence of the alumopolymer tape screen. It is established that the coefficient of paired correlation between asymmetries of resistance and capacity of twisted pairs is 0,9735 - for unshielded and 0,9257 - for shielded cables. The impact has been proven to a greater extent asymmetry of resistance the pairs on the increasing noise immunity of cables. The influence noise interference on the deviation of the diameter and electrical capacity of the isolated conductor from the nominal values in the stochastic technological process is analyzed. The strategy of technological process settings to ensure the attenuation and the noise immunity in the high -frequency range is substantiated. Practical value. Multiplicative interference, caused by random changes in the stochastic technological process, can lead to a deviation of diameter 2 times from the nominal value at level of probability at 50 %. The equipment settings of the technological equipment must guarantee the coefficient of variation capacity of the insulated conductor at 0.3 % for high level of noise immunity


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    Introduction. Technical means of fire protection systems are capable of operating at data rates from tens to hundreds of Kbit/s with components of a digital signal in the frequency spectrum up to several tens of MHz. Appropriate cable infrastructure with a high level of noise immunity is required to transmit broadband digital signals. Purpose. Substantiation of ways to increase noise immunity of cables based on twisted pairs for modern fire protection systems with the ability to transmit digital signals in the frequency spectrum up to 100 MHz. Methodology. A comparison is made of the influence of the twisting step of pairs in unshielded 4-pair and multi-pair shielded balanced cables on the parameters of electromagnetic effects. It has been experimentally shown that twisting each pair with different steps provides a higher level of noise immunity of cables based on twisted pairs. Practical value. The frequency dependencies of the near end crosstalk in 10-, 30- and 4-pair balanced cables are shown. The influence of the common shield on the attenuation coefficient of the shielded 4-pair cable is established

    Expert System for Histological Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

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    The paper is dedicated to the development of expert system for histological prostate cancer diagnosis. The developed system allows to fill the knowledge base and then to use this knowledge base to support physician decision on the histological diagnosis of prostate disease. Keywords: pattern recognition, prostate cancer diagnosis, decision making, decision support syste


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    The aim of the work is to carry out immunogenetic studies of women at risk of developing infectious-associated forms of cervical cancer and to develop immunogenetic criteria for the risk of cervical cancer. Materials and methods of the prospective study - 120 women participated in the study with the obligatory presence of voluntary medical consent in the age range from 19 to 42 years. Processing of biological material (biopsy, scrapings) was carried out using sets of “DNA technology” for human papillomavirus 16.18 types. The program included the study of cytolytic cells in cervical biopsies with phenotype CD3-CD16+CD56+. Normative values for a given pool of cells was defined as comparable in the peripheral blood in the range of 5-9%. Generirovanie pre sekvenirovanie material was performed at clinical Centre absolute. The basic pathologic-and-genetic mechanisms for its implementation and the Association with certain genotypes. As a result of studies, the risk criteria for the development of neoplastic process in women with different degrees of dysplasia infected with human papilloma virus 16/18 type were determined. It was revealed that the number of natural killers associated with genetic markers is a criterion of infection-induced process, including neoplastic. It is shown that the decrease in the activity of cytolytic cells associated with the genotype of human leukocyte antigen HLAV35, with the human papillomavirus 16\18 positive women, compared with groups II and III (human papillomavirus 16\18+), leads to the aggravation of the pathological process and the development of cervical cancer. The number of natural keellers associated with genetic markers is a criterion of infection-induced

    Risk factors for urinary incontinence in patients undergoing radical robot-assisted prostatectomy

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    Introduction. Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common cancers among men, and the tactic to treat this disease stage-depends directly. The “gold” standard for localized PCa is radical robot-assisted prostatectomy (RARP). Patients often have excessive surgery requirements and are concerned about the development of postoperative complications. One of the most frequent functional complications after this operation is urinary incontinence (UI), whose formation mechanism is not fully understood. Clinical studies have described many UI predisposing factors, but the results obtained are often contradictory, which requires a repeated and deeper study of the issue.Objective. To identify predisposing factors for urinary incontinence in patients undergoing radical robot-assisted prostatectomy.Materials & methods. The search results for the scientific databases PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library and PEDro, Wang-fang Database and CNKI, Edline were analyzed for the queries "robot-assisted prostatectomy", "radical prostatectomy", "incontinence", "predictors", "urinary incontinence".Results. The predisposing factors to UI after RARP were studied. The review discusses and illustrates in detail all known predisposing factors for UI and shows the inconsistency of the data obtained by different researchers, which once again emphasizes the need for further study of this issue.Conclusion. Despite the long history of studying postoperative complications of RARP, reliable and consistent data on all the risks of UI after RARP have not yet been obtained. Therefore, this literature review summarizes and analyzes the results of the latest research in recent years

    Dynamics of inflammatory reaction markers in patients under endourological interventions

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    Introduction. Urolithiasis is one of the most widespread urological diseases and infectious complications remain one of the most common adverse events after surgical interventions for urolithiasis. Currently, in routine clinical practice in most clinics in the country, for the purpose of postoperative control and detection of infectious complications is used: a clinical blood test with assessment of the dynamics of the blood leukocyte count. Unfortunately, the current edition of the clinical guidelines does not contain recommendations on what indicators of postoperative follow-up examinations the clinician should focus on in order to identify infectious and inflammatory complications. For this reason, the study of the value of other markers of the inflammatory response appears to be an actual task.Objective. To assess the relationship between the dynamics of laboratory markers of infectious-inflammatory complications and the incidence of infectious-inflammatory response after endoscopic stone removal.Materials & methods. The prospective cohort study included 217 patients diagnosed with urolithiasis and underwent surgical removal of stones by endoscopic method. Of total patient numbers, 43 patients underwent ureteroscopy (URS) with lithotripsy, 152 patients underwent percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PNL), and 22 patients underwent flexible ureterolithotripsy with lithotripsy. An analysis of demographics, clinical parameters and postoperative complications was performed as a descriptive analysis. Patients underwent a standard list of laboratory and instrumental examination methods. The mandatory control of body temperature was carried out t.i.d. daily. Before surgical treatment, indicators of WBC, LYMP, CRP, and ESR content were recorded on the first and second days after surgical treatment.Results. Postoperative fever was recorded in 40 (18.5%) patients. During the postoperative period, an increase in CRP and ESR was observed in both the fever and the normal temperature group, exceeding the reference values on the first day. At the same time, in the fever group (in 40 patients — 18.5%), a significantly higher increase in CRP and ESR was observed (685% vs 323%) for CRP and (146% vs 80%) for ESR. According to the results obtained in our study, CRP and ESR indicators demonstrate the most clinically significant dynamics in patients with postoperative fever, increasing by more than 500% and 100%, respectively.Conclusions. Endoscopic removal of urinary stones is a safe treatment option in patients with sterile urine cultures. After endoscopic stone removal, all patients experience such reactive changes in peripheral blood parameters as: an increase in the level of leukocytes, lymphopenia, an increase in ESR and CRP levels. Indicators of CRP and ESR demonstrate the most clinically indicative dynamics


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    Erectile dysfunction is a frequent complication of radical prostatectomy despite numerous modifications in surgical technique. The term «penile rehabilitation» refers usually to treatments intended to restore functional penile erection after radical prostatectomy. Selective phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors are the mainstay of this rehabilitation at present. Tadalafil seems a logical choice for recovering of erectile functionafter radical prostatectomy given its prolonged duration of action. The once-daily dose of tadalafil has the theoretical benefit in terms of safety and separation of medication from sexual activity. In this paper we review the published clinical and basic science research studies on the role of tadalafil in patients with postprostatectomy erectile dysfunction.Несмотря на постоянное усовершенствование техники радикальной простатэктомии (РПЭ), эректильная дисфункция остается нередким осложнением операции. Термином «пенильная реабилитация» обычно обозначают различные виды терапии, направленные на восстановление эректильной функции после РПЭ. Большинство программ реабилитации включает назначение селективных ингибиторов фосфодиэстеразы 5-го типа (иФДЭ-5). В настоящее время тадалафил имеет преимущество перед другими иФДЭ-5 вследствие длительного периода полувыведения, а также наличия формы препарата для ежедневного приема, позволяющей исключить взаимосвязь сексуальной активности с приемом лекарства и благодаря уменьшенной дозировке теоретически меньшую вероятность побочных эффектов лечения. В данном обзоре литературы проанализированы клинические и фундаментальные исследования роли тадалафила в терапии эректильной дисфункции после РПЭ


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    The feasibility of replacing generation from the grid by solar energy in Turkey was investigated. Namely, the energy consumption of two hotels in Antalya was dismantled, and on the basis of data and calculations construction projects of a photovoltaic station were composed. The benefits of using solar energy in this region are presented.Исследована целесообразность замены генерации из сети солнечной энергетикой в Турции. Рассмотрено энергопотребление двух отелей Анталии, и на основе данных и расчётов составлены проекты строительства фотоэлектрической станции. Представлена выгодность использования энергии солнца в данном регионе