41 research outputs found

    Dialectics of Educational Technology and Reposition Islamic Education (Pai) Teacher's Role in Globalization Era

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    Learning technology as applied disciplines grows and evolves according to the needs of learning: more effective, efficient, spacious, and quickly in the global era. It also facilitates problem solving learning on design aspects, development, utilization, assessment processes and learning resources. Perspective of learning technology in the global era is how Islamic education (PAI) teachers professionally are able to design and create innovative learning environment with reference to the process of national education standard that sets out in the framework of national education. PAI teacher's challenge in the global erais the demands of the learning process that can improve information literacy that is well supported by data and facts to deliver to the students in the era of information society and the knowledge society. So it is needed an approach and innovative method of learning strategies that address the challenges of learning needs in the globalization and information era. Dialectics of technology on learning in a globalization era are characterized by the demands of the students to have critical thinking skills, problem solving, innovative and creative, mastering ICT, fluent communication and multi languages. And also Islamic education teacher competence and interaction and learning technologies such as ICT products that push reposition the role of an advanced teacher trainer, counselor, manager, participants, leader and author of learning works asan abstraction and a high commitment as a base quality of professionalism.Teknologi pembelajaran sebagai disiplin ilmu terapan tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai kebutuhan belajar yang lebih efektif, efisien, luas dan cepat di era global. Selain itu juga memfasilitasi pemecahan masalah belajar pada aspek desain, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, penilaian proses-proses serta sumber-sumber belajar. Perspektif teknologi pembelajaran di era global adalah bagaimana guru PAI secara profesional mampu mendesain dan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang inovatif dengan mengacu pada standar proses pendidikan nasional yang ditetapkan dalam kerangkan pendidikan nasional. Tantangan guru PAI di era global adalah tuntutan terhadap proses pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan information literacy yang baik didukung oleh data dan fakta untuk mengantarkan siswanya menuju pada era masyarakat informasi dan masyarakat ilmu pengetahuan. Sehingga dibutuhkan pendekatan strategi dan metode inovatif pembelajaran yang mampu menjawab tantangan kebutuhan pembelajaran pada era globalisasi dan informasi. Dialektika teknologi terhadap proses pembelajaran di era global diwarnai dengan tuntutan terhadap siswa mempunyai keterampilan dalam berpikir kritis, memecahkan masalah, inovatif dan kreatif, menguasai ICT, komunikasi lancar, multi bahasa. Serta interaksi kompetensi guru PAI dan produk teknologi pembelajaran berupa ICT yang mendorong reposisi peran guru menjadi pelatih, konselor, manajer, partisipan, pemimpin serta pengarang karya pembelajaran sebagai daya abstraksi dan komitmen yang tinggi sebagai basis kualitas profesionalisme

    Dialectics of Educational Technology and Reposition of Islamic Religious Education: Teachers’ Role in Globalization Era

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    Learning technology as applied disciplines grows and evolves based to the needs of learning more effective, more efficient, more and more, more spacious, and more quickly in the globalization era. And also solves the problem, facilitating problem solving learning on design aspects, development, utilization, management, and assessment processes and sources in learning. Islamic religious education teachers challenge in the global era is the demands of the learning process that can improve informationliteracy that is well supported by data and facts to deliver to the students in the era of information society (information society) and the scientific community (knowledge society). So it is needed an approach and innovative methods of learning strategies that address the challenges of learning needs in the era of globalization and information. Dialectics of technology on learning in a globalization era are characterized by the demands of the students to have critical thinking skills, problem solving, innovative and creative, mastering ICT, fluent communication, and multi languages. And also Islamic religious education teachers’ competence and interaction and learning technologies such as ICT products that push reposition the role of an advanced teacher trainers, counselors, managers, participants, leader and author of learning works as an abstraction and a high commitment as a base quality of professionalism.Teknologi pembelajaran sebagai  disiplin ilmu terapan tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai kebutuhan belajar  lebih efektif, lebih efisien, lebih banyak, lebih luas, lebih cepat di era global. serta memecahkan, memfasilitasi pemecahan masalah belajar pada aspek desain, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, pengelolaan, dan penilaian proses-proses dan sumber-sumber untu belajar. Tantangan guru PAI di era global adalah tuntutan terhadap proses pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan information literacy yang baik didukung oleh data dan fakta untuk menghantarkan siswanya menuju pada era masyarakat informasi (information society) dan masyarakat ilmu pengetahuan (knowledge society). Sehingga di butuhkan bentuk pendekatan strategi dan metode inovatif pembelajaran yang mampu menjawab tantangan kebutuhan pembelajaran pada era globalisasi dan informasi. Dialektika teknologi terhadap proses pembelajaran di era global diwarnai dengan tuntutan terhadap siswa mempunyai keterampilan dalam berpikir kritis, memecahkan masalah, inovatif dan kreatif, menguasai ICT, komunikasi lancar, multi bahasa. Serta interaksi kompetensi Guru  PAI  dan produk teknologi pembelajaran berupa ICT yang mendorong reposisi peran guru menajdi pelatih, konselor, manajer, partisipan, pemimpin serta pengarang karya pembelajaran sebagai daya abstraksi dan komitmen yang tinggi sebagai basis kualitas profesionalisme.

    Studi Korelasi Antara Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Kemampuan Manajerial Dengan Kinerja Guru Di Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    The objective of this research was to abtain the empiric figure ofthe correlation between leadership style and managerial abilitywith the teachers performance in Tulungagung Regency.The population of this research was all elementary shool teachers.Sample of 60 respondents was drawn by the used of simplerandam sampling technique of Taro Yamane formula.Instruments used to gathering data were questionnaires onteachers performance, leadership style and managerial ablity. The data was analyse by the used of simple, multiple and partialcorrelation and regression.The results of this research were, as followed: (1) that there weresignificant relationship between leadership style, and teachersperformance; (2) that there were significant relationship betweenmanagerial ability and teachers performance; (3) that there weresignificant relationship between leadership style and managerialability as they grouped together and teachers performance

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Dan Gaya Berpikir Terhadap Pemahaman Dan Penerapan Konsep IPS Siswa Kelas VII SMPN

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    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran dan Gaya Berpikir Terhadap Pemahaman dan PenerapanKonsep IPS Siswa Kelas VII SMPN. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan pengaruh strategi pembelajarandan gaya berpikir terhadap pemahaman dan penerapan konsep IPS. Penelitian ini menggunakandesain eksperimen semu dengan pengukuran dua faktor, yaitu strategi pembelajaran (generatif dan ekspositori)dan gaya berpikir (divergen dan konvergen) terhadap hasil belajar pemahaman konsep dan menerapkankonsep IPS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar pemahaman dan menerapkan konsepIPS dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran generatif lebih tinggi daripada penggunaan strategi pembelajaranekspositori. Hasil belajar pemahaman dan menerapkan konsep IPS siswa dengan gaya berpikirdivergen lebih tinggi hasil belajar dibandingkan siswa dengan gaya berpikir konvergen. Strategi pembelajaranberbeda dan gaya berpikir menunjukkan adanya pengaruh interaksi terhadap hasil belajar pemahamandan menerapkan konsep

    Pengembangan Disain Model Pembelajaran Mobile Learning Berbasis Aplikasi Lectora Inspire sebagai Mindtools pada Proses Pembelajaran Teknologi Pembelajaran

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    Mobile-learning model is an alternative that allows to improve the quality of learning outcomes in FTIK IAIN Tulungagung. This study is aimed to: (1) apply mobile-learning for supporting the conventional learning process of FTIK IAIN Tulungagung; (2) optimalize the quality of learning by implementing mobile learning model in the FTIK IAIN Tulungagung; (3) increase the learning process of the students of FTIK IAIN Tulungagung. The purpose of this research is be able to increase students own potential in the learning process through mobile learning. This research is an action research approach, by designing a system of information technology-based learning via the web portal mobile-learning, which applied on FTIK IAIN Tulungagung, with a sample of 40 students. Based on the research, the results on t-test for Equality of Means show that the value of t learning method with mobile learning is equal to 135,761 (equal variances assummed) with sig (2-tailed) of 0.000. While the t value of conventional method equal to 86,808 (equal variances assummed) with sig (2-tailed) equal to 0,000. The conclusion is "There are differences in learning outcomes in the course of Learning Technology between students who learn to use mobile learning based on lectora inspire with conventional methods"


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    The study describes and analyzes the use of corporate marketing communication strategies towards Higher Education at the international level. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, with the research site at IAIN Tulungagung. The research subjects are members of the academic community, teaching staff, education staff and stakeholders. The research period was for the 2018/2019 academic year. The results showed that the typology of the marketing or promotion model used collaboration between internal parties (academics, stakeholders) and external parties (institutions, channel partners, media, government, industrial bodies and institutions, the educational community and the general public). Its implementation uses corporate advertising, sponsorship, sales presentations, online activities, branding, corporate advertising, press releases, press conferences, events, and awards. The study implications deal with the increase in: (1) Higher Education Identity, Image, Reputation; (2) Higher Education Social Responsibility (CSR); (3) media relation effectiveness; (4) more efficient marketing communications; (5) the more intensive Internal Communication System; (6) investor relation improvement; (7) conducive relations with the Government, and (8) the reliability in overcoming crisis communication. These have an impact on improving the quality of IAIN Tulungagung toward the level of International Higher Education


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    Learning technology as applied disciplines grows and evolves according to the needs of learning: more effective, efficient, spacious, and quickly in the global era. It also facilitates problem solving learning on design aspects, development, utilization, assessment processes and learning resources. Perspective of learning technology in the global era is how Islamic education (PAI) teachers professionally are able to design and create innovative learning environment with reference to the process of national education standard that sets out in the framework of national education. PAI teacher’s challenge in the global erais the demands of the learning process that can improve information literacy that is well supported by data and facts to deliver to the students in the era of information society and the knowledge society. So it is needed an approach and innovative method of learning strategies that address the challenges of learning needs in the globalization and information era. Dialectics of technology on learning in a globalization era are characterized by the demands of the students to have critical thinking skills, problem solving, innovative and creative, mastering ICT, fluent communication and multi languages. And also Islamic education teacher competence and interaction and learning technologies such as ICT products that push reposition the role of an advanced teacher trainer, counselor, manager, participants, leader and author of learning works asan abstraction and a high commitment as a base quality of professionalism.Teknologi pembelajaran sebagai disiplin ilmu terapan tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai kebutuhan belajar yang lebih efektif, efisien, luas dan cepat di era global. Selain itu juga memfasilitasi pemecahan masalah belajar pada aspek desain, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, penilaian proses-proses serta sumber-sumber belajar. Perspektif teknologi pembelajaran di era global adalah bagaimana guru PAI secara profesional mampu mendesain dan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang inovatif dengan mengacu pada standar proses pendidikan nasional yang ditetapkan dalam kerangkan pendidikan nasional. Tantangan guru PAI di era global adalah tuntutan terhadap proses pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan information literacy yang baik didukung oleh data dan fakta untuk mengantarkan siswanya menuju pada era masyarakat informasi dan masyarakat ilmu pengetahuan. Sehingga dibutuhkan pendekatan strategi dan metode inovatif pembelajaran yang mampu menjawab tantangan kebutuhan pembelajaran pada era globalisasi dan informasi. Dialektika teknologi terhadap proses pembelajaran di era global diwarnai dengan tuntutan terhadap siswa mempunyai keterampilan dalam berpikir kritis, memecahkan masalah, inovatif dan kreatif, menguasai ICT, komunikasi lancar, multi bahasa. Serta interaksi kompetensi guru PAI dan produk teknologi pembelajaran berupa ICT yang mendorong reposisi peran guru menjadi pelatih, konselor, manajer, partisipan, pemimpin serta pengarang karya pembelajaran sebagai daya abstraksi dan komitmen yang tinggi sebagai basis kualitas profesionalisme.</p

    Islamic Integrated Curriculum Model to Strengthen Santri’s Religious Character: A Case Study at Islamic Boarding School in Blitar

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    The religion-based integrated curriculum model differs the curriculum system at Islamic boarding schools from other formal schools. Thus, the researchers conducted a case study to determine the Islamic integrated curriculum model at Islamic boarding schools in Blitar. The sample of this research was five leading Islamic boarding schools in Blitar. The data were collected through field observation and in-depth interviews with some informants, such as ustadz/ustadzah, santri, and santri’s guardians/parents. Then, it was analyzed using integrative and interactive techniques. It included data reduction, data display, and conclusion. This study found that the Islamic integrated curriculum system was applied by combining the national curriculum with the hidden curriculum compiled by each Islamic boarding school. It was adjusted to the Islamic boarding school’s vision, mission, and form. Applying the Islamic integrated curriculum model has effectively improved the santri’s religious character. Besides, the parent/guardian satisfaction index showed 89.6%. This research contributes to the Islamic integrated curriculum model into santri’s religious character in Blitar, East Java, Indonesia

    M-Learning-E-Book: Higher Level Thinking Skills, Retention, Motivation of Junior High School Students

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    M-Learning-E-Book is an innovative learning model that is relevant to the demands of the twenty-first-century scheme. Studies on M-Learning-E-Book are still not widely conducted by Indonesian researchers and the study is still limited to the effect of this model on student learning outcomes. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of M-Learning-E-Book implementation on higher-order thinking skills, retention, and learning motivation. This research used quasi quasi-experimental method through pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. The research subjects were students of SMP Negeri Ngunut 1, 2023 academic year, totaling 87 experimental classes and 76 control classes in PAI lessons. In the control class, students followed learning in the form of expository and class discussions, while in the experimental class, students followed learning through E-book-based M-learning. In the experimental class, students met face-to-face for 4 times of online learning equivalent to 4 meetings. The research was conducted when the research subjects in both classes received the topic aspects of islamic history and culture. The instruments used to collect data were higher-order thinking skills test sheets, retention of learning outcomes, and motivation questionnaires. The data obtained were then analyzed using one-way MANOVA analysis with a significance level of 5%. The results showed that the application of M-Learning-E-Book had a significant effect on the achievement of higher-order thinking skills, retention, and learning motivation.  The results of this study indicate that M-Learning-E-Book is one of the learning alternatives that are by the demands of the twenty-first century. Keywords: Higher Level Thinking Skills, Higher-Order Thinking Skills, Motivatio


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    PENGEMBANGAN DISAIN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MOBILE LEARNING BERBASIS APLIKASI LECTORA INSPIRE SEBAGAI MINDTOOLS PADA PROSES PEMBELAJARAN TEKNOLOGI PEMBELAJARAN by Agus Purwowidodo Submission date: 02-Dec-2022 07:46AM (UTC+0700) Submission ID: 1968738136 File name: 3._jurnal_taalum_SINTA_4.docx (196.7K) Word count: 2913 Character count: 1986