102 research outputs found

    Self-efficacy, academic motivation, self-regulated learning and academic achievement

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    This study aims to empirically prove that the relationship between self-efficacy, academic motivation, self-regulated learning and academic achievement. In addition, empirically proved the mediating role of self-regulated learning on self-efficacy, academic motivation and student achievement. This study used quantitative expansive method. The sample of this study was 246 students of an Islamic senior high school recruited using census technique; thus, the entire population was used as the sample of the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire and were analyzed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results empirically show that there is a relationship between self-efficacy, academic motivation, self-regulated learning and academic achievement. However, there is no relationship between self-regulated learning and academic achievement

    The Role of Resilience in Coping with Academic Stress (A Meta-analysis Study)

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    In the academic world, students who have a high level of resilience, are mentally healthier, optimistic, dynamic, enthusiastic about various things in life, and more resistant to various things including stress conditions. Many studies show that high resilience will have a positive effect on student achievement. To prove these studies, we conducted a meta-analysis of a number of articles discussing the correlation between resilience and academic stress. This article presents a metaanalysis of the correlation studies that have examined the correlation between resilience on academic stress. The result of a meta-analysis on 17 studies from 4194 subjects shows that resilience is negatively correlated to academic stress (r = -.503). The difference in the variance of correlation can, among others, be caused by sampling error (6.122%) and error in measurement of independent and dependent variables (1.449%). The results indicated that resilience negatively influences academic stress. Keywords: meta-analysis, resilience, academic stres

    Efikasi diri pada remaja korban perceraian Orang tua

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    Efikasi diri remaja korban perceraian adalah keyakinan diri remaja pasca perceraian orang tuanya bahwa dirinya mampu untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan berhasil dalam situasi dimana remaja tersebut menjadi korban perceraian kedua oranng tuanya. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efikasi diri pada remaja korban perceraian orang tua. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah 6 orang remaja yang menjadi korban perceraian kedua orang tuanya dan berusia antara 17-19 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa remaja korban perceraian membutuhkan dukungan keluarga untuk dapat menumbuhkan efikasi dirinya. Remaja dengan dukungan keluarga yang tinggi maka akan menumbuhkan efikasi diri yang tinggi pula. Remaja dengan efikasi diri yang tinggi memiliki sikap optimis, suasana hati yang positif sehingga mereka menjadi lebih mandiri, bertanggung jawab dan lebih bersemangat menyongsong masa depan yang lebih baik

    Proses Ta’dib sebagai penguatan aplikasi pendidikan Islam di Indonesia: Pendekatan Systematic Literature Review

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    Applications in Islamic education cannot be separated from the challenges that have an impact on the quality of the students. This challenge, if left unchecked, will further distance itself from its goal, to form Al Insan Al Kamil. So the concept of ta'dib becomes an offer to strengthen the application of Islamic education. This article aims to explore the process of ta'dib as a solid foundation that strengthens the application of Islamic education. The method used in this article is qualitative with a systematic literature review approach. Relevant articles were collected from the google scholar portal through the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) flow. Then a descriptive content analysis was carried out. The results found indicate that the thing that is prioritized in the ta'dib process is the integration of knowledge, charity, and morals in everyday life. The ta'dib process is a two-way process between educators and students. This process emphasizes good examples and habituation. Its application is not only in schools setting but is also sustainable in the family and society in general.Abstrak                                  Aplikasi dalam pendidikan Islam tidak terlepas dari tantangan-tantangan yang berdampak pada kualitas peserta didiknya. Tantangan ini jika dibiarkan akan semakin menjauhkan dari tujuannya, untuk membentuk Al Insan Al Kamil. Sehingga konsep ta’dib menjadi sebuah tawaran untuk menguatkan aplikasi pendidikan Islam. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri proses ta’dib sebagai landasan kokoh yang menguatkan aplikasi dari pendidikan Islam. Metode yang dilakukan dalam artikel ini yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan systematic literature review. Artikel-artikel yang relevan dikumpulkan dari portal Google scholar melalui alur PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses). Kemudian dilakukan analisis isi secara deskriptif. Hasil yang ditemukan menunjukkan bahwa hal yang diutamakan dalam proses ta’dib ialah integrasi antara ilmu, amal dan akhlak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Proses ta’dib merupakan proses dua arah antara pendidik dengan peserta didik. Proses ini menekankan pada keteladanan dan pembiasaan yang baik. Aplikasinya tidak hanya di-setting sekolah, namun juga berkelanjutan di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat secara umum


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    The fulfillment of children sexual education is still ignore,the sex education for children is watched as something negative and still dificult to be educated to children.The parents has an important role for the children sexual education because the parents is the first teacher for the children. So that is the reason, there should have an effort to give an explaination to the children about the function of their sexual organs.To get komperhensive understanding, it was done survey towards 80 parents, in one of Elementary school in Sragen.This reseach used kualitatif approach with fenimenology methode. To get the data the researcher used open questionai

    Dukungan Sosial dan Resiliensi Pada Remaja Pasca Kematian Orang Tua: Sebuah Kajian Literatur

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    Losing a parent due to death is a meaningful event and has a profound impact on adolescents. It often creates a sense of sadness, loss and ongoing trauma. The role of parents is very important in supporting the developmental stages of adolescents. This study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach to evaluate the influence and relationship between social support and resilience in adolescents after the death of a parent. The data for analysis is obtained through Google Scholar, accessed through Publish or Perish (Pop) using the keywords "social support" "resilience" and "adolescents after the death of a parent" resulting in 6 sources of journal articles and scientific papers that are worthy and in accordance with the research topic for further analysis. The results of the literature analysis show that social support has a positive contribution to resilience in adolescents who experience the loss of a parent due to death. Forms of social support that play a role in increasing resilience in adolescents include support from family and peers which are formed through emotional support and their direct presence in accompanying adolescents during difficult times after the death of their parents. This study confirms that the greater the social support received, the higher the level of resilience of adolescents in adapting, continuing self-development and facing life with optimism after the death of parent and better mentalityKeywords - Adolescents, Death of Parents, Social support, Resilience

    Perjanjian Panglab Militer Amerika Serikat - Filipina Dalam Kaitannya Dengan Keamanan Di Kawasan Asia Tenggara

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    Pada tanggal 14 Maret 1947 disetujuilah Perianjian Pangkalan militer Anerika Serikat-Filipina vang diberi nana "The Military Bases Agreement", dimana perjanjian ini merupakan perjanjian Pokok yang nengatur kehadiran pangkalan militer Anerika Serikat di Filipina dan digunakan sebagai dasar bagi perjanjian-perjanjian pangkalan militer selaniutnya. ..

    Dukungan Suami, Kecemasan Dan Kualitas Tidur Ibu Hamil Trimester III

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    This study aims to determine the relationship of husband support and anxiety with sleep quality of pregnant mother of third trimester, mengatahui relationship support husband with quality sleep, know relation of anxiety with sleep quality beside that this research also want to know effective contribution of husband support to sleep quality and donation effective anxiety to sleep quality. The method used is quantitative method in taking data using purposive sampling technique with criteria of pregnant mother with gestational age 28-40 weeks and when research have married. Subjects in this study were all pregnant women with third trimester of 151 mothers. The conclusion is as follows: there is a positive relationship of husband support and anxiety with sleep quality of pregnant mother, no relationship of husband support with sleep quality, there is positive relation of anxiety with sleep quality, effective contribution of husband support and anxiety equal to 7,3% where donation husband support for anxiety of trimester third pregnant woman equal to 0,25% and effective contribution of anxiety equal to 6,86% with sleep quality. It is necessary to identify and screen for pregnant women with sleep and anxiety disorders so that it can help the treatment, pregnant women pay more attention to the duration of sleep and reduce sleep disturbance at night

    Hubungan Antara Persepsi Terhadap Iklim Sekolah Dengan Penyesuaian Diri Pada Siswa SMP

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    Siswa yang kurang berhasil dalam menyelaraskan diri dengan dirinya sendiri maupun dengan lingkungannya seringkali membentuk pola perilaku yang keliru atau disebut dengan maladaptive. Akibat kondisi tersebut timbul banyak permasalahan, misalnya merasa rendah diri, kurang percaya diri, kurang termotivasi dan prestasi belajar menurun dan sebagainya. Ada beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi penyesuaian diri, diantaranya persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui; 1) Hubungan antara persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah dengan penyesuaian diri pada siswa SMP; 2) Sumbangan efektif persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah terhadap penyesuaian diri pada siswa SMP; 3) Tingkat Persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah dan penyesuaian diri pada siswa SMP. Hipotesis yang diajukan Ada hubungan positif antara persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah dengan penyesuaian diri pada siswa SMP. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa-siswi SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta. Pemilihan sampel dalam penelitian secara cluster random sample kelas VII.D dan VII.E yang berjumlah 64 siswa sebagai sampel penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala Persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah dan penyesuaian diri. Metode analisis data menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment. Berdasarkan hasil anlisis data diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi rxy =,508; p = 0,000 (p < 0,01). Hasil ini menunjukkan ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah dengan penyesuaian diri. Hipotesis penelitian dapat diterima. Semakin tinggi (positif) persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah maka semakin tinggi penyesuaian diri, demikian pula sebaliknya semakin rendah (negatif) persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah maka semakin rendah penyesuaian diri. Sumbangan efektif persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah pada penyesuaian diri sebesar 25,8% berarti masih terdapat 74,2% faktorfaktor lain yang mempengaruhi penyesuaian diri di luar variabel persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah misalnya kepribadian, dukungan teman sebaya, penerimaan dan penilaian diri serta kemandirian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui persepsi terhadap iklim sekolah pada subjek penelitian tergolong sedang ditunjukkan oleh rerata empirik (RE) = 92,766 dan rerata hipotetik (RH) = 92,5. Penyesuaian diri pada subjek penelitian tergolong sedang, ditunjukkan oleh rerata empirik (RE) = 81,141 dan rerata hipotetik (RH) = 80
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