9 research outputs found

    The effect of eccentric hamstring strength on the change of direction speed of professional ice hockey players

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    Introduction: Ice hockey is a sport that requires high acceleration of players for optimal performance. The speed of athletes is influenced by several factors. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of the eccentric hamstring strength of ice hockey players on speed with directional changes. Methods: The sample consisted of 15 members of the Slovak national ice hockey team; the average age was 27, the average height was 186.46 cm (SD ± 5.04), and the average body weight was 90.87 kg (SD ± 5.91). The players completed a NordBord Nordic Hamstring Test to determine the eccentric force of their hamstrings. We used the 5-10-5 test to determine their speed with directional changes. Results: We measured a small correlation (.129, p > .05) between the eccentric muscle strength of hamstrings and the speed with directional changes in the 5-10-5 test. The average ice hockey player’s hamstring strength was 456.13 N (SD ± 51.28) and the average time achieved in the 5-10-5 test was 4.984s (SD ± 0.15). We also found a small correlation between right hamstring force and the right side of the 5-10-5 test (r = .228, p > .05), and there was no correlation between left hamstring force and the left side of the 5–10-5 test (r = -.004, p > .05). Conclusion: According to our study, hamstring eccentric strength does not correlate with speed directional changes. However, more intervention studies are needed


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    Aerobic fitness, endurance, and cardiovascular endurance are synonyms for work capacity, which itself is an important prerequisite for the health and life of every man. A very common way of assessing the state of aerobic fitness of a particular population are diagnostic tests on the basis of which we receive the necessary information when it comes to general physical condition of a defined population. This diagnostic evaluation is usually performed in the laboratory (direct methods), however, available and reliable data are about high reliability in the performance of some field tests (indirect methods). Depending on the field conditions, very often these measurements are performed using estimates of general ability (test UKK 2km). To perform this test data about body height, body weight, BMI, the values of the pulse rate and walking time during the test must be contained in it. Based on testing using the UKK 2km are obtained Fitness Index values (FINDEX) and maximal oxygen consumption (VO²max) of 35 male students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of East Sarajevo (BIH) in order to determine and define the physical condition of respondents. The results showed that the fitness index (103.22) in the upper zone average (103.22) and VO²max = 49.12 reflects good shape, but still the results indicate toward decreasing trend in students' aerobic fitness, and  have fitness index values below the standard norms of the Swedish population. The general trend of decreasing aerobic fitness of the population can be seen in the sport and physical education students, as a consequence of lifestyle in which there is not enough adequate physical activity.  Article visualizations

    A Level Of Sprint And Jump Abilities And Intermittent Endurance Of Soccer Forwards

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    Cieľom štúdie bolo analyzovať úroveň akceleračnej rýchlosti, explozívnej sily dolných končatín a špeciálnej vytrvalosti útočníkov futbalovej reprezentácie Slovenskej republiky kategórie U21 (N = 5) v období kvalifikácie na Majstrovstvá Európy U21 2011 vo futbale. Úroveň akceleračnej rýchlosti bola diagnostikovaná zariadením Fitro Light Gates (FiTRONIC, Bratislava, Slovenská republika). Kritériom hodnotenia úrovne bol dosiahnutý čas na vzdialenosť 10 m s presnosťou 0,01 s. Úroveň explozívnej sily dolných končatín bola diagnostikovaná zariadením FiTRO Jumper (FiTRONIC, Bratislava, Slovenská republika). Kritériom hodnotenia úrovne bola výška výskoku v cm s presnosťou 0,1 cm. Špeciálna vytrvalosť bola diagnostikovaná Yo-Yo Intermitent recovery testom, level 2. Kritériom hodnotenia bola celková prekonaná vzdialenosť v teste uvádzaná v metroch (m). Rozdiely v úrovni akceleračnej rýchlosti, explozívnej sily dolných končatín a špeciálnej vytrvalosti boli zisťované a definované expertíznou vecnou analýzou. Úroveň akceleračnej rýchlosti hráčov súboru bola prezentovaná priemernou výkonnosťou s hodnotou 2,20±0,06 s, úroveň explozívnej sily dolných končatín priemernou výkonnosťou s hodnotou 39,9±4,8 cm a úroveň špeciálnej vytrvalosti priemernou hodnotou 1304±288 m, čo predstavuje VO2max.kg-1 63,0±3,9 ml.kg-1.min-1. Z individuálneho hľadiska bola u jedného útočníka zistená významne vyššia úroveň a u jedného významne nižšia úroveň akceleračnej rýchlosti v porovnaní s priemernou úrovňou hráčov súboru. U jedného bola zistená nižšia úroveň explozívnej sily dolných končatín v porovnaní s priemernou úrovňou hráčov súboru. U jedného útočníka bola zaznamenaná významne vyššia a u jedného významne nižšia úroveň špeciálnej vytrvalosti v porovnaní s priemernou úrovňou hráčov súboru.The purpose of the study was to analyse a level of sprint and jump abilities and intermittent endurance of forwards of Slovakia national soccer team category U21 (n = 5) in the period of classification for The UEFA European Under-21 Football Championship 2011. The level of sprint abilities was diagnosed by the apparatus FiTRO Light Gates (FiTRONIC, Bratislava, Slovak republic). The criterion of the assessment of endurance was the time obtained in the distance of 10m with the exactness 0.01 s. A level of jump abilities was diagnosed by the apparatus FiTRO Jumper (FiTRONIC, Bratislava, Slovak republic). The criterion of the evaluation was the height of vertical jump from knee-bend/ squat with countermove and with the use of hand swing work in cm with the exactness 0,1cm. A level of intermittent endurance was diagnosed by Yo-Yo Intermittent recovery test level 2. The criterion of the assessment of the endurance was the distance (m) in Yo-Yo test. Differences in the level of sprint and jump abilities and intermittent endurance were recognised and defined by the expertise analysis. The level of sprint abilities of the subject was presented by the average endurance with evaluation 2.20±0.06 s. The level of jump abilities was presented by the average endurance with evaluation 39.9±4.8 cm. The level of intermittent endurance was presented by the average endurance with evaluation 1304±288 meters equivalent converted at VO2max.kg-1 63.0±3.9 ml.kg-1.min-1. The expertise analysis of the level of sprint abilities has shown that one forward had significantly high level and one forward had significantly low level of sprint abilities when compared with the average level of sprint abilities. The expertise analysis of the level of jump abilities has shown that one forward had a significantly low level. The expertise analysis of the level of intermittent endurance has shown that one forward had significantly high level and one forward had significantly low level opposite to the average level of intermittent endurance of the subject

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    The use of hyperoxia as a way to accelerate recovery after a karate and judo match

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    The research study is concerned with the use of hyperoxia (an abnormally increased supply or concentration of oxygen) as a possible way to accelerate recovery time after anaerobic load in karate and judo. The study sample consisted of 23 top athletes (14 karatekas, 9 judokas) aged 22 to 29. All these athletes inhaled a hyperoxic gas mixture (containing 95 ± 4% of oxygen in the inhaled air) or a placebo (air) from an oxygen concentrator before and after the match. Lactate level was measured in the third and 10th minute after the match. Following the match before which the athletes had inhaled the concentrated oxygen, the average lactate level was 10.44 (SD 2.76) mmol/L. On the other hand, the lactate level after the match before which they had inhaled placebo equalled 10.43 (SD 2.92) mmol/L. The difference between the results represents 0.0009 % which is considered not to be of any statistically significance. A statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was recorded after three-minute recovery – following the inhalation of the hyperoxic gas mixture the average lactate level reached 8.53 (SD 2.82) mmol/L. This represented a decrease of 18.12 % while after inhaling the placebo the average lactate level equalled 9.06 (SD 2.98) mmol/L (a 13.4% decrease). Following the ten-minute recovery we observed the average lactate level of 6.65 (SD 2.31) mmol/L after the inhalation of the hyperoxic gas mixture (a 36.3% decrease compared to the values before the match). The average lactate level measured after the inhalation of placebo represented 7.73 (SD 2.39) mmol/L (a 25.86% decrease). We ascertained the statistical significance of the difference between the dynamics of lactate metabolism after the inhalation of the hyperoxic gas mixture and after inhaling air (p < 0.05). The inhalation of hyperoxic gas mixture before a match does not have a statistically significant effect on the lactate level after the load. However, the inhalation of hyperoxic gas mixture does significantly affect the dynamics of lactate metabolism in the third and 10th minute of the recovery time, based on the p < 0.05 level of statistical significance. Based on this result, we consider the inhalation of hyperoxic gas mixture an appropriate way to accelerate recovery time after a judo and karate match

    Trénink ve výškovém prostředí a jeho vliv na změny ve vybraných fyziologických ukazatelích reprezentantů Slovenské republiky v závodní chůzi Training in high altitude environments and its influence on the changes in selected physiological indicators of a Slovak Republic representative in walking

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    Př&iacute;prava ve středn&iacute; a vysok&eacute; nadmořsk&eacute; v&yacute;&scaron;ce je dlouhodobou souč&aacute;st&iacute; př&iacute;pravy slovensk&yacute;ch reprezentantů v z&aacute;vodn&iacute; chůzi. Martin Pupi&scaron; je jedn&iacute;m z těch atletů, kteř&iacute; pravidelně využ&iacute;vaj&iacute; tento syst&eacute;m. V tomto př&iacute;spěvku popisujeme jeho př&iacute;pravu ve čtyřech vysokohorsk&yacute;ch kempech v př&iacute;pravn&yacute;ch f&aacute;z&iacute;ch v letech 1998/1999&ndash;2001/2002. Č&aacute;sti roku, ve kter&yacute;ch se kempy odehr&aacute;valy, byly velmi podobn&eacute;. Doba trv&aacute;n&iacute; byla rovněž stejn&aacute; od 26 do 36 dnů. Průměrn&eacute; množstv&iacute; z&aacute;vodn&iacute; chůze a běhu bylo v r&aacute;mci jednoho dne přibližně stejn&eacute; během v&scaron;ech čtyř kempů. Poměr z&aacute;vodn&iacute; chůze v kilometrech se zv&yacute;&scaron;il ze 70% na 80%. Pod&iacute;l oblast&iacute; pro chůzi se měnil v z&aacute;vislosti na aktu&aacute;ln&iacute; specializaci s nejvy&scaron;&scaron;&iacute;m počtem kilometrů ve vytrvalosti tempa. Reakce na př&iacute;pravu ve vy&scaron;&scaron;&iacute; nadmořsk&eacute; v&yacute;&scaron;ce byla velmi dobr&aacute;; když jsme analyzovali krevn&iacute; složky &ndash; hematokrit, hemoglobin, erytocyty, středn&iacute; množstv&iacute; erytocytů &ndash; zaznamenali jsme pozitivn&iacute; změny; pouze u leukocytů nastal pokles. Middle and high altitude preparation is a longterm part of the preparation of our Slovak race walking representatives. Martin Pupiš is one of those athletes whose regularly makes use of this system. In our paper we report his preparation at four high altitude camps, in preparation phases in the years 1998/99–2001/02. The period of the year when the camps took place were very similar. Also the duration was from 26 days to 36 days. The average amount of racewalking and running was, for one day, approximately the same during all four camps. The proportion of race walking in kilometres increased from 70% to 80%. The proportion of walking zones changed depending on the current specialisation with the highest number of km in tempo endurance. The reaction to high altitude preparation was very good, when in analysed blood components – hematocrit, haemoglobin, erythrocytes, and a medium quantity of erythrocytes we recorded positive changes, and only in leucocytes was there a decrease

    The impact of a specific training programme on the selected parameters of swimming turns

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    The presented study focuses on the impact analysis of a specific training programme primarily focusing on plyometric exercises for the lower limb explosive power, and the selected parameters of swimming turns. The tested set consisted of performance swimmers (n = 20, men n = 12 and women n = 8) in the average age of 17.3 years, average height of 174.2cm, and average weight of 65.8kg. The tested set was divided into two smaller sets. The experimental set (n = 10) used the training process as an extra experimental factor and the supervision set (n = 10) carried out only the main contents of the training process. The specific training schedule was applied during the period of 8 weeks, three times a week for 20 minutes. The effectiveness of the experimental factor was tested through a selected set of tests, focusing primarily on the lower limb explosive power. Three of the tests were conducted on the dryland using the Myotest machine: T1 – Squat jump (SJ), T2 – Countermovement Jump (CMJ) and T3 – Plyometric jump (PJ). The tests conducted in the swimming pool were: T4 – max. length of floating up after the push off from the turning wall, and T5 – the length of push off after 25m of breaststrokes in the maximum speed with a push off from the wall of maximum floating up. The results pointed out a proportionally higher increase in the experimental set, in which the average percentile improvement of the jump height amounted to 17.7% in T1 (the changes in the supervision set were 0.7%); in T2 the jump height was increased by 22% (the changes in the supervision set were 0.6%); in T3 the time of contact increased by 18.5% (the supervision set showed a decrease by 1.2%), T4 by 14.9% (the changes in the supervision set were 4.1%) and in T5 by 22.7% (the changes in the supervision set were 11.0%). Kendall correlation coefficient (r), pointed out the average value of the correlation coefficient between the experimental factor and the individual tests as follows: T1: r = 0.39, p&lt;0.05; T2: r = 0.41, p&lt;0.05; T3: r = 0.43, p&lt;0.05, T4: r = 0.38, p&lt;0.05 a T5: r = 0.41, p&lt;0.05. In conclusion, practice, improvement, and affectivity of the swimming turn can affect the swimmers’ performance in races and improve it

    Level of biathlete coordination skills of biathletes: Representatives of the Slovak Republic

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    Coordination plays an important role in solving complex physical activities which arise during a biathlon race. We determined the level of coordination skills by measuring the time of a simple reaction to visual stimulus at rest by measuring the time response of complex reaction to visual stimuli by measuring the effect of visual-motor coordination (part of orientation skills - test Piórkowski) and by measuring the effect of visual-motor coordination (part of orientation skills - test Krzyżowy). In addition, we conducted a test of the simple and complex reaction after a short-term and long-term exercise. Among the tested sportswomen, the best results, both at rest and after exercise, have achieved twos Slovak athletes. Both results were above-average and slightly above-average. In order to develop physical coordination, we recommend biathletes to execute: the already known workout in different environmental conditions, while practicing new coordination exercises especially systematics not focusing on their maximum improvement but to gain general skills for practice while implementing them in the first part of the training

    Level of biathlete coordination skills of biathletes: Representatives of the Slovak Republic

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    Coordination plays an important role in solving complex physical activities which arise during a biathlon race. We determined the level of coordination skills by measuring the time of a simple reaction to visual stimulus at rest by measuring the time response of complex reaction to visual stimuli by measuring the effect of visual-motor coordination (part of orientation skills - test Piórkowski) and by measuring the effect of visual-motor coordination (part of orientation skills - test Krzyżowy). In addition, we conducted a test of the simple and complex reaction after a short-term and long-term exercise. Among the tested sportswomen, the best results, both at rest and after exercise, have achieved twos Slovak athletes. Both results were above-average and slightly above-average. In order to develop physical coordination, we recommend biathletes to execute: the already known workout in different environmental conditions, while practicing new coordination exercises especially systematics not focusing on their maximum improvement but to gain general skills for practice while implementing them in the first part of the training