9 research outputs found

    New method for the deposition of nickel oxide in porous scaffolds for electrodes in solid oxide fuel cells and electrolyzers

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    A simple chemical bath deposition is used to coat a complex porous ceramic scaffold with a conformal nickel layer. The resulting composite is used as a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electrode and its electrochemical response is measured in humidified hydrogen. X-Ray tomography is used to determine microstructural parameters of the uncoated and Ni-coated porous structure, among other, the surface area to total volume, the radial pore size and size of the necks between pores

    Developing a regional environmental information system based on macro-level waste indicators

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    Waste information is necessary for proper management planning. However, data on waste generation and management are sometimes not reliable enough, do not exist or are not useful for the sector. This is due to the high number of waste types and flows, and actors (producers, managers and administrations),which make data collection and treatment difficult. Furthermore, data loss occurs because some waste flows have economic value and return to the second-hand markets without monitoring. The development of a waste information system for a region is more than just about establishing a routine data collection on waste. It is a way to support the challenges of decision-making on waste management. These challenges range from strategic issues of waste management in the national government to the basic challenges of running local governments. In the Cantabrian region, three indicator sets were defined to constitute the waste information system:(a) a Basic Indicator Set, which provides an overview of the status of the generation and management of the main waste streams, giving a national and international comparative analysis of the situation; (b) a Specific Indicator Set, which monitors the objectives of the different waste policies, and (c) a Transverse Indicator Set, which analyses the influence of different economic and social variables on the generation of specific waste streams. The Waste Information System of the Cantabrian Region has been created using a specific methodology for developing indicator sets with multiple objectives. This methodology consists of seven steps: (i) the synthesis, selection of the indicators sets; (ii) analysis of the system under study and data sources;(iii) evaluation of the indicators proposed; (iv) application and interpretation; (v) public review, dissemination and updating protocol; (vi) improvement of indicators sets using SWOT analysis; and (vii) aggregation of all indicators in an aggregated index. These indicator sets with a total of 27 indicators allow tracking the evolution of generation and management of waste streams and the achievement of the policy objectives, establishing a data record, evaluating the data and sources of data, monitoring proposed action and its effectiveness summarizing large amounts of data on waste in order to spread it to the public and finally, aggregate all information in a single index that allows the evaluation of the evolution of all waste sectors in time.This work has been supported by the Cantabrian Government R&D project entitled “Establishing the set of indicators for sustainable resource and waste flow in the region of Cantabria”. Eva Cifrianwas funded by the University of Cantabria on a Ph.D. fellowship

    Kehon luonto: taiteellinen tutkimus kehosta osana luontoa

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    Tässä taiteellisessa opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin ihmisen kokonaisvaltaista yhteyttä ja vaikutusta luontoon sekä luonnon vaikutusta ihmiseen. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin erityisesti kehollisuuden aspektiin huomioiden kuitenkin samalla ihminen psykofyysisenä osana luontoa, perustuen lukuisiin aiempiin tutkimuksiin, asiantuntijatietoon sekä kokemustietoon aiheesta. Prosessissa syntyneen kokemuksen tavoitteena oli aiheen omakohtainen (eko)fenomenologinen tutkiminen, kokonaisvaltaisen tiedostamisen syventäminen, sekä luonnon ja kehon symbioosin ja keskinäisriippuvuuden esiintuominen tanssitaiteen keinoin. Ajatusten herättäminen globaalisti tärkeästä ja ajankohtaisesta aiheesta, koskettaen ekokriisin keskellä eläessämme meistä jokaista, nähtiin myös teoksen, tutkimuksen sekä sen kirjallisen osuuden oleellisena tavoitteena. Tutkimus toteutettiin talviolosuhteissa Inarissa, Pohjois-Lapissa aikavälillä 4.- 20.3.2022, autenttista liikettä ja liikeimprovisaatiota hyödyntäen, (eko)somaattisen ja kinesteettisen havainnoinnin ohella. Tutkimuksen koosteena syntyi taiteellinen videoteos Kehon luonto, joka editoitiin Rovaniemellä toukokuun 2022 aikana. Teos esitettiin ITAK-näyttämöllä Kuopiossa 21.-22.5.2022, osana Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun tanssin-opettajaopiskelijoiden TEOT-koreografiakokonaisuutta. Esityksen jälkeen kartoitettiin kirjallisella palautteella, millaisia ajatuksia teoksen audiovisuaalinen kokeminen sen katsojissa herätti. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todettiin, että kokonaisvaltainen luonnon kokeminen talviolosuhteissa lumen, pakkasen ja viiman keskellä oli erinomainen keino syventää omakohtaista psykofyysisen luontoyhteyden tiedostamista. Teoksen näkeminen synnytti myös katsojissa muistoja, tunteita ja pohdintaa ihmisen ja luonnon välisestä yhteydestä sekä kiitosta aiheen esiintuomisesta taiteen keinoin. Kokonaisuutena (eko)fenomenologinen tutkiminen, sen pohjalta syntynyt taiteellinen teos sekä tutkimuksen kirjallinen osuus toivat moniulotteisesti esiin sen merkittävän potentiaalin, joka kehollisen kokemustiedon, tieteellisen tiedon sekä taiteen näkökulman yhdistämisessä oli.The holistic connection between human and nature and the impact of nature on human was examined in this artistic thesis. The research was especially focusing on the perspective of human embodiment, taking into consideration human as a psychophysical part of nature, based on several prior studies, expert knowledge as well as knowledge of experience about the subject. The purpose of the experience that took place in the process was to investigate the subject (eco)phenomenologically in person, to deepen the holistic awareness, and by dance as a form of art, to bring out the symbiosis and interdependence of nature and human. To raise thoughts about this globally important topic which affects us all living in the middle of an ecological crisis, was also seen as an essential goal of the research, the art piece as well as the written part of this study. The research took place in winter conditions in The North of Lapland, Inari, between 4 - 20 March 2022 utilizing authentic movement and movement improvisation alongside (eco)somatic and kinesthetic observation. The artistic video piece called Body´s Nature was created as a compilation of the research, and it was edited in Rovaniemi in May 2022. The artwork was performed on stage ITAK in Kuopio 21 – 22 May 2022 as a part of a choreographic ensemble called TEOT, performed by the dance teacher students of Savonia University of Applied Sciences. The thoughts that awoke in the audience after experiencing the audiovisual piece were collected by written feedback after the show. As a result of the research, it was stated that to experience nature holistically in winter conditions in the middle of snow, freezing cold and wind was an excellent way to deepen the awareness of one´s personal, psychophysical connection to nature. By experiencing the art piece as a viewer, brought memories, emotions as well as thoughts about the connection between nature and human into their mind, awaking gratitude of bringing the subject out in an artistic way. The (eco)phenomenological study, the artistic work piece based on the study and the written part of the study as a whole, brought multidimensionally into question the profound potential it had by combining the embodied knowledge, scientific research and artistic point of view together

    Index of environmental friendliness : a methodological study

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    A Methological Study on the Aggregation of Problem of Specific Pressure Data of the Production Phase, Valuation of Environmental and Formation of the Index of Environmental Friendliness ‒ A Case Study on Manufacturing and Related IndustriesPublication available in the Library of Statistics.Julkaisu saatavilla Tilastokirjastossa:https://tilastokeskus.finna.fi/Record/tilda.14990Suomen virallinen tilasto (SVT