50 research outputs found

    Sport Talent, Media Value and Equal Prize Policies in Tennis

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    Given the economic and commercial implications of sports, the media value of players and teams is considered a major asset in professional sports businesses. This paper aims to assess the economic value of intangible assets in the tennis industry. In order to rank the media value of professional tenni s players (both men and women), we measure the intangible talent of players based on their exposure in the mass media. We use the ESI (Economics, Sports and Intangibles) methodology to examine some issues related to the competitive structure of tennis. Then, we explore whether policies regarding prize money could be more efficiently designed to account for the economic contribution of the players. The paper uses weekly data on the media presence and popularity of 1,400 professional tennis players (700 women and 700 men competing in 2007, respectively, in the WTA and ATP)

    Risk Factors for Nosocomial Bacterremia Due to Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

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    In a prospective surveillance study (February 1990–December 1991) performed at a 1000-bed teaching hospital to identify risk factors for nosocomial methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia, 309 patients were found to be colonized (n=103; 33 %) or infected (n=206; 67 %) by MRSA. Sixty-three of them developed bacteremia. Compared with 114 patients who had nosocomial bacteremia caused by methicillin-sensitiveStaphylococcus aureus during the same period of time, MRSA bacteremic patients had more severe underlying diseases (p<0.01), were more often in intensive care units (p<0.01) and had received prior antibiotic therapy more frequently (p<0.01). To further identify risk factors for MRSA bacteremia, univariate and multivariate analyses of this series of 309 patients were performed using the occurrence of MRSA bacteremia as the dependent variable. Among 14 variables analyzed, intravascular catheterization, defined as one or more intravascular catheters in place for more than 48 h, was the only variable selected by a logistic regression model as an independent risk factor (OR=2.7, CI=1.1–6.6). The results of this study reinforce the concept that recent antibiotic therapy may predispose patients to MRSA infection and suggest that among patients colonized or infected by MRSA, those with intravascular catheters are at high risk of developing MRSA bacteremia

    Implementació d'un Laboratori d'Habilitats Clíniques

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524L’ensenyament en Ciències de la Salut complementa la formació teòrica amb la realització de pràctiques clíniques. Els nous plans d’estudis contemplen les competències i habilitats obligatòries a adquirir. El seu aprenentatge es complexa, intens i perllongat en el temps, integrant coneixements teòrics i habilitat en el maneig de les diferents tècniques. Els maniquins simuladors permeten l’ensenyament i entrenament sense estres per l’alumne i el professorat i sense riscos ple malalt. L’any 2005 es va crear al nostre Campus un Laboratori d’habilitats Clíniques (LHC)..

    Innovación, redes y flujos en el estudio del territorio (mesa redonda del XVIII Congreso de la AGE. Bellaterra, 26 de septiembre de 2003)

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    L'espai s'encongeix però l'abast dels béns i relacions en l'espai s'eixamplen. Grans invencions en la història han marcat la reorganització de l'espai i també les activitats, les relacions i els valors en el territori. Aquest ha reaccionat oferint nous escenaris, adaptant-se a noves necessitats i creant nous reptes. La geografia ha estat la protagonista, ciència que ha analitzat i intervingut en aquests processos. Els "espais de mercat", el paral·lelisme entre el món digital i el món real, la "geolocalització" dels e-serveis i de les noves activitats econòmiques han empès la geografia a un nivell encara més important en seu paper dins de les ciències socials. Aquesta taula rodona respon, des de la modèstia, a les preguntes següents: Com influeix l'extrema velocitat dels fluxos en el significat i la percepció que les persones atribueixen a les coses, en una gran varietat d'escenaris socials i culturals? Com influeix aquesta velocitat en el significat i la percepció que les persones atribueixen a les coses, en una gran varietat d'escenaris socials i culturals?El espacio se encoge pero el alcance de los bienes y relaciones en el espacio se agranda. Grandes invenciones en la historia han marcado la reorganización del espacio y con el de las actividades, las relaciones y los valores en el territorio. Éste ha reaccionado ofreciendo nuevos escenarios, adaptándose a nuevas necesidades y creando nuevos retos. La geografía ha sido la protagonista, ciencia que ha analizado e intervenido en estos procesos. Los "espacios de mercado", el paralelismo entre el mundo digital y el mundo real, la "geolocalización" de los e-servicios y de las nuevas actividades económicas han empujado a la geografía a un plano aún más importante en su papel dentro de las ciencias sociales. Esta mesa redonda responde, desde la modestia, a las siguientes preguntas. ¿Cómo influye la extrema velocidad de los flujos en el significado y la percepción que las personas atribuyen a las cosas, en una gran variedad de escenarios sociales y culturales? ¿Cómo influye esta velocidad en el significado y la percepción que las personas atribuyen a las cosas, en una gran variedad de escenarios sociales y culturales?While space might shrink, the flows of goods in space gets constantly wider. Great inventions in history have marked the reorganization of space as well as some activities, some spatial relations and the value of territory. Space has been adapting to these needs offering new opportunities and challenges. Geography has become the leading science to analyze and mediate in these processes. The space of markets, the relations between the digital world and the real world, "geolocalization" of services and new economic activities have moved geography to a new level within social sciences. This round table starts from the following standpoint: How do the extreme speed of flows affects the meaning and perception that in different social and cultural settings people have

    Biological parameters, ecology and population trends of the Mediterranean endemic skate, Raja polystigma, in the Balearic Islands

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    Elasmobranchs are a vulnerable group that has been overexploited for almost half a century in the Mediterranean. However, few elasmobranch species have been assessed because information on their basic biological parameters is lacking for most species. Raja polystigma is a poorly studied endemic skate in the Mediterranean. The aim of this work is to determine some basic life history parameters of this skate in the Balearic Islands. Data were collected from commercial catches and during MEDITS surveys. Total length varied from 17 to 59 cm for both sexes, with a higher proportion of females than males. Allometric and morphometric relationships differed between sexes, females being heavier for a given size. Females matured at a larger size than males (L50 47.7 cm and 38.4 cm, respectively). Potential fecundity ranged between 11 and 45 yolked oocytes per female, and spawning was observed mainly during winter and spring. Persistent hotspots of adults and juveniles were detected on the shallow shelf off the northwest of Mallorca and east of Menorca, with adults being found mainly in the shallow and juveniles in deeper areas. Time series of abundance and frequency of appearance showed stable trends throughout the study period (2003-2018).En prensa1,00

    Nosocomial Staphylococcus Aureus Bacterimia among Nasal Carriers of Methicillin- Resistant and Methicillin-Susceptible Strains

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    Objectives To determine the relevance of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus, either methicillin-sensitive (MSSA) or methicillinresistant (MRSA), as a risk factor for the development of nosocomial S aureus bacteremia during an MRSA outbreak. patients and methods: In this prospective cohort study, 488 patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) during a 1-year period were screened with nasal swabs within 48 hours of admission and weekly thereafter in order to identify nasal S aureus carriage. Nasal staphylococcal carriers were observed until development of S aureus bacteremia, ICU discharge, or death. Results One hundred forty-seven (30.1%) of 488 patients were nasal S aureus carriers; 84 patients (17.2%) harbored methicillin-sensitive S aureus; and 63 patients (12.9%) methicillinresistant S aureus. Nosocomial S aureus bacteremia was diagnosed in 38 (7.7%) of 488 patients. Rates of bacteremia were 24 (38%) of the MRSA carriers, eight (9.5%) of the MSSA carriers, and six (1.7%) of noncarriers. After adjusting for other predictors of bacteremia by means of a Cox proportional hazard regression model, the relative risk for S aureus bacteremia was 3.9 (95% confidence interval, 1.6–9.8; P = 0.002) for MRSA carriers compared with MSSA carriers. Conclusions Among ICU patients, nasal carriers of S aureus are at higher risk for S aureus bacteremia than are noncarriers; in the setting of an MRSA outbreak, colonization by methicillin-resistant strains represents a greater risk than does colonization by MSSA and strongly predicts the occurrence of MRSA bacteremia

    El portafoli electrònic com a complement docent d'habilitats clíniques en ciències de la salut

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524[cast] Introducción: El portafolio es una herramienta docente útil para la enseñanza y evaluación, de amplia difusión en los últimos años. Su objetivo es mejorar el aprendizaje mediante la reflexión del alumno y el feed-back continuado de las evaluaciones. En Ciencias de la Salud ha de mostrado ser útil para la evaluación de competencias trasversales y técnicas realizadas mediante prácticas clínicas y talleres. La implantación de la informática ha facilitado la introducción del portafolio electrónico (e-portafolio). Nuestra experiencia previa en portafolio en papel, nos decidió a implantarlo en alguna asignatura de nuestro Departamento. Objetivos: 1. Valorar la realización del e-portafolio. 2. Evaluar la satisfacción del alumnado. 3 Determinar la carga del proceso en el profesorado..

    What does the media say about palliative care? A descriptive study of news coverage in written media in Spain

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    INTRODUCTION: The goal of palliative care (PC) is to improve the quality of life of terminal stage patients and their families. The subject frequently appears in the mass-media and this helps create a socially accepted identity. The aim of this study is to describe and analyse PC related news items appeared in the Spanish written media. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive cross-sectional study was designed. Considering diffusion, scope and the range in editorial policy criteria, four printed newspapers (PN) were selected, together with four exclusively digital media sources (DM). Through Mynews, a newspaper content depository, and the search tool for each DM website, articles published between 2009 and 2014 which included the terms "palliative care" and "palliative medicine" were sought. A questionnaire was created to characterise each article identified and a descriptive analysis was undertaken. RESULTS: A total of 627 articles were identified, of which 359 (57%) were published in PN (42% in the printed editions -PE- 16% in their online editions -OE-) and 268 (43%) in DM. In general, they appeared mainly in sections concerning Health (23%), Culture and Society (18%) and General/Home News (15%). In PE, just 2% were found in the Health section and nearly 70% in Culture and Society and General/Home News. Most of the articles were informative in nature and contained socio-political messages (90%). Statements by PC professionals were found in 35% of the articles and by politicians in 32%. The most frequent content was related to facing end of life (74%) and patient quality of life (70%). CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish written media reflects the socio-political interest aroused by PC. Nevertheless, messages circulating about PC do not describe professional practice, or the contribution of the same for patients. Content more in line with the clinical practice might help contribute to the development of this new area of medicine

    Preferències dels estudiants en relació al tema d’estudi del TFG de Farmàcia (UB)

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524El TFG del grau de farmàcia UB es porta a terme en el marc d’un àmbit docent principal i integra coneixements de com a mínim, dos àmbits docents addicionals atès la seva funció integradora. En el moment de definir les directrius i organització de l’assignatura, es van establir a la Facultat de Farmàcia 27 àmbits docents. Tanmateix, les característiques del TFG quan a tipus de projectes o estudis es van establir inicialment en base a tres opcions..