11 research outputs found

    Javnozdravstveni značaj dojenja

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    Zaštita, promicanje i potpora dojenju prioriteti su javnog zdravstva u cijelom svijetu. Rani prestanak dojenja ima negativne posljedice za žene, djecu i okolinu, a rezultira se povećanim troškovima za zdravstvenu njegu i povećava nejednakost u zdravlju. Radi povećanja stope dojene djece Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija i UNICEF su 1991.god. pokrenuli inicijativu „Rodilište – prijatelj djece“. Inicijativa se ostvaruje kroz „10 koraka prema uspješnom dojenju“. U ovom radu je analiziran utjecaj provođenja inicijative „Rodilište – prijatelj djece“ na stopu dojenja u Čazmi kod dojenčadi rođene 2000.god. i 2010.god., dakle, prije i za vrijeme provođenja inicijative. Retrospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 208 parova majka – dijete (106 parova u 2000.god. i 102 para u 2010. god.). Ukupna učestalost dojenja je statistički značajno duža u skupini iz 2010. godine (hi-kvadrat test 154,45, p=o) za vrijeme provođenja inicijative „Rodilište – prijatelj djece“. Rezultati istraživanja u čazmanskoj populaciji pokazuju da je učestalost dojenja jednomjesečne, tromjesečne i šestomjesečne dojenčadi podjednaka u oba promatrana razdoblja (2000.god i 2010.god), dakle i prije i nakon provođenja inicijative. Međutim, majke koje su odlučile dojiti ipak su nakon provođenja inicijative dojile znatno duže . Duže od 6 mjeseci dojilo je 10,4% majki u 2000.god i 24,5% u 2010.god. Dugotrajno dojenje pozitivno je povezano s namjeravanim trajanjem dojenja od 6 mjeseci. Povezanost trajanja dojenja s potencijalno modificirajućim antenatalnim čimbenicima, i to s vremenom donošenja odluke o dojenju te s namjeravanim trajanjem dojenja pokazuje da u našoj sredini aktivnosti promicanja prirodne prehrane treba usmjeriti u tom pravcu uz daljnje poticanje rada grupa za potporu dojenju. Uspješan program pronicanja dojenja zahtijeva sveobuhvatnu aktivnost u smislu edukacije i potpore za dojenje antenatalno i postnatalno

    Javnozdravstveni značaj dojenja

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    Zaštita, promicanje i potpora dojenju prioriteti su javnog zdravstva u cijelom svijetu. Rani prestanak dojenja ima negativne posljedice za žene, djecu i okolinu, a rezultira se povećanim troškovima za zdravstvenu njegu i povećava nejednakost u zdravlju. Radi povećanja stope dojene djece Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija i UNICEF su 1991.god. pokrenuli inicijativu „Rodilište – prijatelj djece“. Inicijativa se ostvaruje kroz „10 koraka prema uspješnom dojenju“. U ovom radu je analiziran utjecaj provođenja inicijative „Rodilište – prijatelj djece“ na stopu dojenja u Čazmi kod dojenčadi rođene 2000.god. i 2010.god., dakle, prije i za vrijeme provođenja inicijative. Retrospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 208 parova majka – dijete (106 parova u 2000.god. i 102 para u 2010. god.). Ukupna učestalost dojenja je statistički značajno duža u skupini iz 2010. godine (hi-kvadrat test 154,45, p=o) za vrijeme provođenja inicijative „Rodilište – prijatelj djece“. Rezultati istraživanja u čazmanskoj populaciji pokazuju da je učestalost dojenja jednomjesečne, tromjesečne i šestomjesečne dojenčadi podjednaka u oba promatrana razdoblja (2000.god i 2010.god), dakle i prije i nakon provođenja inicijative. Međutim, majke koje su odlučile dojiti ipak su nakon provođenja inicijative dojile znatno duže . Duže od 6 mjeseci dojilo je 10,4% majki u 2000.god i 24,5% u 2010.god. Dugotrajno dojenje pozitivno je povezano s namjeravanim trajanjem dojenja od 6 mjeseci. Povezanost trajanja dojenja s potencijalno modificirajućim antenatalnim čimbenicima, i to s vremenom donošenja odluke o dojenju te s namjeravanim trajanjem dojenja pokazuje da u našoj sredini aktivnosti promicanja prirodne prehrane treba usmjeriti u tom pravcu uz daljnje poticanje rada grupa za potporu dojenju. Uspješan program pronicanja dojenja zahtijeva sveobuhvatnu aktivnost u smislu edukacije i potpore za dojenje antenatalno i postnatalno

    Leptospiroza- stanje u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji

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    U ovom radu prikazana je jedna od najraširenijih zoonoza, leptospiroza. Također je uspoređena učestalost leptospiroze u svijetu i Republici Hrvatskoj, te u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji, koja je najbrojnija po učestalosti pojavljivanja leptospiroza u Hrvatskoj. Prikazan je opis slučaja bolesnika oboljeloga od Weilove bolesti, najtežeg oblika ove bolesti.

    Leptospiroza- stanje u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji

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    U ovom radu prikazana je jedna od najraširenijih zoonoza, leptospiroza. Također je uspoređena učestalost leptospiroze u svijetu i Republici Hrvatskoj, te u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji, koja je najbrojnija po učestalosti pojavljivanja leptospiroza u Hrvatskoj. Prikazan je opis slučaja bolesnika oboljeloga od Weilove bolesti, najtežeg oblika ove bolesti.

    DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): modifiable determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in children and adolescents aged 5–19 years–a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction Physical activity among children and adolescents remains insufficient, despite the substantial efforts made by researchers and policymakers. Identifying and furthering our understanding of potential modifiable determinants of physical activity behaviour (PAB) and sedentary behaviour (SB) is crucial for the development of interventions that promote a shift from SB to PAB. The current protocol details the process through which a series of systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses (MAs) will be conducted to produce a best-evidence statement (BESt) and inform policymakers. The overall aim is to identify modifiable determinants that are associated with changes in PAB and SB in children and adolescents (aged 5–19 years) and to quantify their effect on, or association with, PAB/SB. Methods and analysis A search will be performed in MEDLINE, SportDiscus, Web of Science, PsychINFO and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled trials (CTs) that investigate the effect of interventions on PAB/SB and longitudinal studies that investigate the associations between modifiable determinants and PAB/SB at multiple time points will be sought. Risk of bias assessments will be performed using adapted versions of Cochrane’s RoB V.2.0 and ROBINS-I tools for RCTs and CTs, respectively, and an adapted version of the National Institute of Health’s tool for longitudinal studies. Data will be synthesised narratively and, where possible, MAs will be performed using frequentist and Bayesian statistics. Modifiable determinants will be discussed considering the settings in which they were investigated and the PAB/SB measurement methods used. Ethics and dissemination No ethical approval is needed as no primary data will be collected. The findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed publications and academic conferences where possible. The BESt will also be shared with policy makers within the DE-PASS consortium in the first instance

    DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): modifiable determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in children and adolescents aged 5-19 years-a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction Physical activity among children and adolescents remains insufficient, despite the substantial efforts made by researchers and policymakers. Identifying and furthering our understanding of potential modifiable determinants of physical activity behaviour (PAB) and sedentary behaviour (SB) is crucial for the development of interventions that promote a shift from SB to PAB. The current protocol details the process through which a series of systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses (MAs) will be conducted to produce a best-evidence statement (BESt) and inform policymakers. The overall aim is to identify modifiable determinants that are associated with changes in PAB and SB in children and adolescents (aged 5-19 years) and to quantify their effect on, or association with, PAB/SB. Methods and analysis A search will be performed in MEDLINE, SportDiscus, Web of Science, PsychINFO and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled trials (CTs) that investigate the effect of interventions on PAB/SB and longitudinal studies that investigate the associations between modifiable determinants and PAB/SB at multiple time points will be sought. Risk of bias assessments will be performed using adapted versions of Cochrane's RoB V.2.0 and ROBINS-I tools for RCTs and CTs, respectively, and an adapted version of the National Institute of Health's tool for longitudinal studies. Data will be synthesised narratively and, where possible, MAs will be performed using frequentist and Bayesian statistics. Modifiable determinants will be discussed considering the settings in which they were investigated and the PAB/SB measurement methods used. Ethics and dissemination No ethical approval is needed as no primary data will be collected. The findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed publications and academic conferences where possible. The BESt will also be shared with policy makers within the DE-PASS consortium in the first instance. Systematic review registration CRD42021282874

    DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt):modifiable determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in children and adolescents aged 5–19 years–a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: Physical activity among children and adolescents remains insufficient, despite the substantial efforts made by researchers and policymakers. Identifying and furthering our understanding of potential modifiable determinants of physical activity behaviour (PAB) and sedentary behaviour (SB) is crucial for the development of interventions that promote a shift from SB to PAB. The current protocol details the process through which a series of systematic literature reviews (SLRs) and meta-analyses (MAs) will be conducted to produce a best-evidence statement (BESt) and inform policy makers. The overall aim is to identify modifiable determinants that are associated with changes in PAB and SB in children and adolescents (aged 5-19 years) and to quantify their effect on, or association with, PAB/SB. Methods and analysis: A search will be performed in MEDLINE, SportDiscus, Web of Science, PsychINFO and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled trials (CTs) that investigate the effect of interventions on PAB/SB and longitudinal studies that investigate the associations between modifiable determinants and PAB/SB at multiple time points will be sought. Risk of bias assessments will be performed using adapted versions of Cochrane’s RoB 2.0 and ROBINS-I tools for RCTs and CTs, respectively, and an adapted version of the National Institute of Health’s tool for longitudinal studies. Data will be synthesised narratively and, where possible, MAs will be performed using frequentist and Bayesian statistics. Modifiable determinants will be discussed considering the settings in which they were investigated and the PAB/SB measurement methods used. Ethics and dissemination: No ethical approval is needed as no primary data will be collected. The findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed publications and academic conferences where possible. The BESt will also be shared with policy makers within the DE-PASS consortium in the first instance. Systematic review registration: CRD4202128287

    A scoping review of technological interventions to address ethnicity-related peer aggression

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    The past two decades have witnessed an increase in ethnicity-related peer aggression, driven by the intensification of the migration phenomenon and rise of information and communication technologies. The goal of the current study is to extend the scope of previous reviews on peer aggression to examine the emerging evidence on the role of technological tools in the prevention, detection, and handling of ethnicity-related peer aggression among young people. We have identified 14 relevant papers published between 2005 and 2020 that help us answer the following research questions: What forms of aggression among young ethnic minorities do these technological interventions try to address? What types of technological interventions are being used? The results indicate that the technological tools are being used to tackle both intergroup as well as intragroup peer aggression, in which ethnic minorities youth is involved (as a victim, perpetrator or bystander). Most studies have focused on adolescents and young adults in the US or in Europe. The technological tools reported on, include: online games, videos, social media, and chat-based programmes, or machine learning algorithms aimed at tackling online and offline peer aggression. They can be used either as stand - alone tools, or as part of intervention programmes (at the school, family or community level). These findings can be useful to improve and elaborate future digital technologies developed to address ethnicity-related peer aggression