66 research outputs found

    Perceived quality of life and the specific physical activities by the elderly

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    Se analizaron indicadores de salud con respecto a la percepción de la calidad de vida (CVRS) mediante el cuestionario Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) y parámetros cinemáticos manifestados en el movimiento press banca (12 kilos) como predictores de las adaptaciones neurofisiológicas que se producen con la actividad física. Se trataron valores de potencia, de velocidad, aceleraciones, fuerza y variables temporales. Se utilizaron dos grupos, uno activo, de práctica física habitual (12H, 6M, 68,4±5,6 años, 1,65±0,074m, 74,57±15,41kg, BMI 26,93±4,02; act/sem 4,5±1,65h.), y otro sedentario (16H, 7M, 69 ± 7,07 años, 1,67 ± 0,072m, 74,95 ± 7,4kg, BMI 26,84±2,78) Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0,05;gl=1,39;dz=0,5). El grupo considerado activo se percibe con mejor calidad de vida y manifiesta de manera más rápida y con mayor fuerza el movimiento solicitado. Las conclusiones son relevantes para posteriores estudios que se centren en la pérdida de propiedades neuromusculares acompañada a la falta de práctica y al efecto del envejecimiento.Quality of life related to health indicators (QLRH) were analyzed by means of the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) questionnaire and the specified kinetic parameters of the bench press movement (12 kg) as predictors of the neurophysiological adaptations produced by physical activity. These were the values of power, velocity, acceleration, strength and temporal variables. Two groups were studied: the first group was active, undertaking regular physical activity (12 male; 6 female; 68,4±5,6 years; 1,65±0,074m; 74,57±15,41kg; BMI 26,93±4,02; weekly activity 4,5±1,65h.); the second group was sedentary (16 male; 7 female; 69±7,07 years; 1,67±0,072m; 74,95±7,4kg; BMI 26,84±2,78). Significant differences were found (p<0,05;df=1,39;dz=0,5). The group regarded as active considered itself as having a better quality of life and was able to perform the requested movement with greater speed and strength. The conclusions are relevant for future studies that centre on the loss of neuromuscular properties accompanied by a lack of physical activity and the effects of aging

    Las inferencias lógicas: una vía para desarrollar el aprendizaje del escolar de secundaria básica

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    Las investigaciones en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la Matemática abarcan muchos elementos que intervienen en el proceso mediante el cual maestros y profesores tratan de desarrollar habilidades, actitudes y conocimientos matemáticos en sus alumnos. Durante el proceso de inferencia que se realiza en todo razonamiento se efectúa sobre la base de la estructura lógica de las premisas y conclusiones, de esta forma hemos podido determinar como aprenden los estudiantes de la enseñanza media las reglas de inferencia y así poder potenciar la transformación de su aprendizaje a través de la ejecución de estrategias que activen el proceso formativo. En el trabajo se muestran una serie de inferencias lógicas que de trabajarse de esa forma podrían obtenerse resultados superiores, pues contribuyen al desarrollo del pensamiento lógico del estudiante, de manera que puedan enfrentar exitosamente los contenidos con mayores dificultades en la secundaria básica, tal es el caso de la Geometría Plana, quedando explicadas en detalles y con ejemplos que ilustran lo que hemos planteado.Eje: Educación secundaria y profesional. Experiencias educativasRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Las inferencias lógicas: una vía para desarrollar el aprendizaje del escolar de secundaria básica

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    Las investigaciones en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la Matemática abarcan muchos elementos que intervienen en el proceso mediante el cual maestros y profesores tratan de desarrollar habilidades, actitudes y conocimientos matemáticos en sus alumnos. Durante el proceso de inferencia que se realiza en todo razonamiento se efectúa sobre la base de la estructura lógica de las premisas y conclusiones, de esta forma hemos podido determinar como aprenden los estudiantes de la enseñanza media las reglas de inferencia y así poder potenciar la transformación de su aprendizaje a través de la ejecución de estrategias que activen el proceso formativo. En el trabajo se muestran una serie de inferencias lógicas que de trabajarse de esa forma podrían obtenerse resultados superiores, pues contribuyen al desarrollo del pensamiento lógico del estudiante, de manera que puedan enfrentar exitosamente los contenidos con mayores dificultades en la secundaria básica, tal es el caso de la Geometría Plana, quedando explicadas en detalles y con ejemplos que ilustran lo que hemos planteado.Eje: Educación secundaria y profesional. Experiencias educativasRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The Mediation of Emotions in Sport Events: A Case Study in Badminton

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    This study examines the relationships between functional quality, outcome quality, satisfaction, and future intentions, influenced by emotions, of spectators who attended the 2018 European Badminton Championships. The population studied was 686 spectators. The mean age was 36.08 ± 14.15 years, 39.1% were females, and 66.1% were local resident spectators. The results allow to affirm that functional quality and outcome quality have an impact on satisfaction, either directly or indirectly through emotions. In the same way, it has been possible to observe the relationship between satisfaction and future intentions of the spectators. These results help understand the factors that predict the loyalty of spectators of sports events of badminton

    Submarine geomorphology of the passage of Lanzarote (East Canary Islands region)

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    International Symposium on Marine Sciences (6º. 2018. Vigo)Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, EspañaCentro oceanográfico de Cádiz, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, EspañaInstituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaFacultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales, Universidad de Cádiz, EspañaCentro Oceanográfico de Canarias, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Españ

    Características geomorfológicas del Pasaje de Lanzarote (Región oriental de las Islas Canarias)

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    The Passage of Lanzarote is an example of a wide oceanic corridor. It extends between the eastern Canary Islands and the Western Africa continental margin. Seafloor morphology of this passage has been analyzed with the aim to know the morphogenetic processes related to both the oceanography and the geology. Multibeam bathymetric data and high and very high resolution seismic profiles obtained in the SUBVENT2 cruise have been used. Five main morphological groups were analyzed: (a) Volcanic or diapiric submarine hills; (b) Tectonic features on the continental slope (linear scarps and a rhomboid-like depression) related to normal faults at the top of buried diapirs; (c) Giant circular depressions initially triggered by submarine venting at the top of diapirs; (d) Sedimentary instabilities and canyons (gullies, canyons, mass transport deposits) that are present specially on the Fuerteventura-Lanzarote ridge must be related to the high energy geological processes, both constructive and dismantling, associated to the evolution of these volcanic domains; and (e) Contouritic features both erosive (central channel, contourite channels) and depositional (mounded and plastered drifts) that occur in the central part of the bottom surface of the passage, and are generated by the interaction of the MW and the interface MW-AAIW with the seafloor.Versión del edito

    The Interactive Role of Hydrocarbon Seeps, Hydrothermal Vents and Intermediate Antarctic/Mediterranean Water Masses on the Distribution of Some Vulnerable Deep-Sea Habitats in Mid Latitude NE Atlantic Ocean

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    In this work, we integrate five case studies harboring vulnerable deep-sea benthic habitats in different geological settings from mid latitude NE Atlantic Ocean (24–42° N). Data and images of specific deep-sea habitats were acquired with Remoted Operated Vehicle (ROV) sensors (temperature, salinity, potential density, O2, CO2, and CH4). Besides documenting some key vulnerable deep-sea habitats, this study shows that the distribution of some deep-sea coral aggregations (including scleractinians, gorgonians, and antipatharians), deep-sea sponge aggregations and other deep-sea habitats are influenced by water masses’ properties. Our data support that the distribution of scleractinian reefs and aggregations of other deep-sea corals, from subtropical to north Atlantic could be dependent of the latitudinal extents of the Antarctic Intermediate Waters (AAIW) and the Mediterranean Outflow Waters (MOW). Otherwise, the distribution of some vulnerable deep-sea habitats is influenced, at the local scale, by active hydrocarbon seeps (Gulf of Cádiz) and hydrothermal vents (El Hierro, Canary Island). The co-occurrence of deep-sea corals and chemosynthesis-based communities has been identified in methane seeps of the Gulf of Cádiz. Extensive beds of living deep-sea mussels (Bathymodiolus mauritanicus) and other chemosymbiotic bivalves occur closely to deep-sea coral aggregations (e.g., gorgonians, black corals) that colonize methane-derived authigenic carbonates.Versión del edito

    Micro-morphologies, habitats and associated biodiversity in a fluid venting submarine structure using ROV underwater images: Mercator mud volcano (Gulf of Cádiz)

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    Mercator mud volcano has been explored by direct visual observations using a ROV at 350 to 370 m depth. Underwater images, taken mainly at the summit, have allowed characterizing the fluid venting environment, where different microforms, habitats and associated biota, with typical seepage components have been identified. Chemosynthetic bacterial communities were detected and sampled at the northeastern side of the summit at 350 m, next to pockmark-like depressions with diameters ranging 1 to 3 m, bioturbation marks, sediment mounds and authigenic carbonates of different sizes (0.1-5m length). Chemosynthesis-based communities were mainly composed by bacterial mats (patch diameter 10-30 cm), however some remains of cold seep chemosymbiotic bivalves (Lucinoma asapheus) were also found on the sediment. Habitat types at Mercator MV are influenced by oceanographic and sedimentation processes deposition and favouring fauna colonizing diverse substrate types, such as large sponges on slabs and sea-pens and annelids on soft bottoms

    A relict oasis of living deep-sea mussels Bathymodiolus and microbial-mediated seep carbonates at newly-discovered active cold seeps in the Gulf of Cádiz, NE Atlantic Ocean

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    Extensive beds of the deep-sea mussel Bathymodiolus mauritanicus (currently also known as Gigantidas mauritanicus) linked to active cold seeps related to fissure-like activity on Al Gacel mud volcano, Gulf of Cádiz, were filmed and sampled for the first time during the oceanographic expedition SUBVENT-2 aboard R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa. Al Gacel mud volcano is one of up to 80 fluid venting submarine structures (mud volcanoes and mud volcano/diapir complexes) identified in the Gulf of Cádiz as result of explosive venting of hydrocarbon-enriched fluids sourced from deep seated reservoirs. This mud volcano is a cone-shaped edifice, 107 m high, 944 m in diameter constituted by mud breccias and, partially covered by pavements of seep carbonates. Extensive beds of this deep-sea mussel were detected at the northern flank at 810–815 m water depth associated with bacterial mats around intermittent buoyant vertical bubble methane plumes. High methane concentrations were measured in the water column above living mussel beds. Other chemosymbiotic species (Siboglinum sp., Solemya elarraichensis, Isorropodon sp., Thyasira vulcolutre and Lucinoma asapheus) were also found in different parts of Al Gacel mud volcano. Al Gacel mud volcano may currently represent one of the most active mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cádiz, delivering significant amounts of thermogenic hydrocarbon fluids which contribute to foster the extensive chemosynthesis-based communities detected. This finding is of paramount importance for linking extremophile bivalve populations along the North Atlantic, including cold seeps of the Gulf of México, hydrothermal vents of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and now, detailed documented at the Gulf of Cádiz.Versión del edito

    Derivation and external validation of the SIMPLICITY score as a simple immune-based risk score to predict infection in kidney transplant recipients

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    Existing approaches for infection risk stratification in kidney transplant recipients are suboptimal. Here, we aimed to develop and validate a weighted score integrating non-pathogen-specific immune parameters and clinical variables to predict the occurrence of post-transplant infectious complications. To this end, we retrospectively analyzed a single-center derivation cohort of 410 patients undergoing kidney transplantation in 2008-2013 in Madrid. Peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations, serum immunoglobulin and complement levels were measured at one-month post-transplant. The primary and secondary outcomes were overall and bacterial infection through month six. A point score was derived from a logistic regression model and prospectively applied on a validation cohort of 522 patients undergoing kidney transplantation at 16 centers throughout Spain in 2014-2015. The SIMPLICITY score consisted of the following variables measured at month one after transplantation: C3 level, CD4+ T-cell count, CD8+ T-cell count, IgG level, glomerular filtration rate, recipient age, and infection within the first month. The discrimination capacity in the derivation and validation cohorts was good for overall (areas under the receiver operating curve of 0.774 and 0.730) and bacterial infection (0.767 and 0.734, respectively). The cumulative incidence of overall infection significantly increased across risk categories in the derivation (low-risk 13.7%; intermediate-risk, 35.9%; high-risk 77.6%) and validation datasets (10.2%, 28.9% and 50.4%, respectively). Thus, the SIMPLICITY score, based on easily available immune parameters, allows for stratification of kidney transplant recipients at month one according to their expected risk of subsequent infection