71 research outputs found

    Propuesta de intervención para estimular el lenguaje oral a través de la metodología lúdica

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    Este trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio el lenguaje oral, así como sus dimensiones, ya que éste es clave para el desarrollo integral del alumnado, por tanto, es esencial que se trabaje de manera específica y transversal en las aulas de Educación Infantil, atendiendo siempre a las individualidades de cada alumno. Tras una revisión bibliográfica se propone una intervención destinada a alumnos de 3º de Educación Infantil (5 años) cuyo objetivo principal es estimular el lenguaje oral a través de la metodología lúdica, ya que ésta se relaciona positivamente con el lenguaje, y además ayuda a que el niño desarrolle otros aspectos de su personalidad.This project has as object of study not only the oral language but also its dimensions, because the oral language is essential to students comprehensive development, in this way, it is necessary working specifically and transversely in early childhood education. Before a bibliographical review we propose an intervention destined to 5-year old pupils which principal aim is stimulate the oral language through a ludic methodology, considering that it connects positively with language, and it also helps children to develop another personality aspects.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Los procesos autorreguladores en la elaboración de un portafolio formativo. Estudio de caso en un programa en línea de formación de profesores de español como lengua extranjera

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    En este estudio se analizan los procesos autorreguladores que una profesora en formación manifiesta en la reflexión que lleva a cabo en el portafolio de un postgrado en línea de formación de profesores de español lengua extranjera y de qué manera la ayuda pedagógica que recibe, especialmente por parte de la tutora, contribuye a ello. La acción pedagógica objeto de estudio se enmarca en un modelo de formación del profesorado crítico-reflexivo que se concreta en una metodología basada en la Práctica Reflexiva y en el desarrollo de la autonomía. Los referentes teóricos de la investigación se encuentran en el aprendizaje experiencial, reflexivo e indagador (Dewey, 1910; Korthagen, 2001, 2010; Perrenoud, 2004a; Schón, 1983, 1987; Van Manen, 1995; Wallace, 1991; Zeichner, 1997), la teoría sociocultural y de la actividad (Vygotsky, 1979; Lantolf, 2006; Engestrón, 1999), la pedagogía dialógica (Esteve, 2007, 2009; Littleton y Mercer, 2013; Mercer, 1997, 2001; Van Lier, 1996, 2004) y la línea de investigación de interacción e influencia educativa (Coll, 1990; Coll, Onrubia y Mauri, 2008; Mauri y Onrubia, 2008; Onrubia, 1993b). En este contexto el portafolio formativo del docente se entiende como un instrumento de mediación y autorregulador que tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de profesionales autónomos (Esteve et al. 2006; González Argüello, 2007; Pujolá y González, 2007, 2008). Desde el punto de vista metodológico, el estudio se inscribe en el paradigma interpretativo y, en concreto, sigue los postulados de la investigación etnográfica y de estudio de caso único. Por tanto, su propósito es la elaboración de constructos teóricos que expliquen los fenómenos objeto de estudio y no modelos generalizables.The purpose of this study is to analyze the self-regulatory processes shown by a teacher-trainee as she engages in self-reflection through a portfolio in an online postgraduate training program for teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. How pedagogical assistance contributes to the process especially that from her tutor, is also a fundamental part of the study. The pedagogy that is the focus of this research comes from a model of critical-reflective teacher education based on Reflective Practice methodology that leads to the development of autonomy. The theoretical framework is rooted in experiential, reflective, and inquiry learning (Dewey, 1910; Korthagen, 2001, 2010; Perrenoud, 2004a; Schon, 1983, 1987; Van Manen, 1995; Wallace, 1991; Zeichner, 1997), socio-cultural and activity theories (Vygotsky, 1979; Lantolf, 2006; Engestr6n, 1999), dialogue pedagogy (Esteve, 2007, 2009; Littleton y Mercer, 2013; Mercer, 1997, 2001; Van Lier, 1996, 2004), and the line of research in interaction and educational influence (Coll, 1990; Coll, Onrubia y Mauri, 2008; Mauri y Onrubia, 2008; Onrubia, 1993b). Within this context, the role of the portfolio in teacher education is that of a mediating and self-regulatory tool that aims to the development of autonomous professionals (Esteve et al. 2006; Gonzalez Arguello, 2007; Pujola y Gonzalez, 2007, 2008). The methodology used in this research is interpretative; specifically ethnographic based on one, single case study. Rather than proposing generalizable models, the goal is to define theoretical constructs that explain the observed phenomena

    Programa de intervención para la mejora del retraso simple del lenguaje mediante el juego simbólico

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    El juego es un aspecto vital para el desarrollo del niño en todas sus vertientes, ya que le beneficia en muchos aspectos, entre ellos, potenciar la adquisición y el desarrollo del lenguaje oral, debido a que lenguaje y juego, especialmente el juego simbólico, tienen una relación recíproca. En el presente documento se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de dichos aspectos, así como una propuesta de intervención que tiene como objetivo mejorar el lenguaje oral y dar respuesta a las necesidades de los niños que padecen Retraso Simple del Lenguaje, utilizando para ello el juego simbólico. Esta propuesta se ha realizado teniendo en cuenta las características del alumnado para el cual ha sido diseñado, alumnos de 2º y 3º de Educación Infantil.Grado en Educación Primari

    Los procesos autorreguladores en la elaboración de un portafolio formativo. Estudio de caso en un programa en línea de formación de profesores de español como lengua extranjera

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    [spa] En este estudio se analizan los procesos autorreguladores que una profesora en formación manifiesta en la reflexión que lleva a cabo en el portafolio de un postgrado en línea de formación de profesores de español lengua extranjera y de qué manera la ayuda pedagógica que recibe, especialmente por parte de la tutora, contribuye a ello. La acción pedagógica objeto de estudio se enmarca en un modelo de formación del profesorado crítico-reflexivo que se concreta en una metodología basada en la Práctica Reflexiva y en el desarrollo de la autonomía. Los referentes teóricos de la investigación se encuentran en el aprendizaje experiencial, reflexivo e indagador (Dewey, 1910; Korthagen, 2001, 2010; Perrenoud, 2004a; Schón, 1983, 1987; Van Manen, 1995; Wallace, 1991; Zeichner, 1997), la teoría sociocultural y de la actividad (Vygotsky, 1979; Lantolf, 2006; Engestrón, 1999), la pedagogía dialógica (Esteve, 2007, 2009; Littleton y Mercer, 2013; Mercer, 1997, 2001; Van Lier, 1996, 2004) y la línea de investigación de interacción e influencia educativa (Coll, 1990; Coll, Onrubia y Mauri, 2008; Mauri y Onrubia, 2008; Onrubia, 1993b). En este contexto el portafolio formativo del docente se entiende como un instrumento de mediación y autorregulador que tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de profesionales autónomos (Esteve et al. 2006; González Argüello, 2007; Pujolá y González, 2007, 2008). Desde el punto de vista metodológico, el estudio se inscribe en el paradigma interpretativo y, en concreto, sigue los postulados de la investigación etnográfica y de estudio de caso único. Por tanto, su propósito es la elaboración de constructos teóricos que expliquen los fenómenos objeto de estudio y no modelos generalizables[eng] The purpose of this study is to analyze the self-regulatory processes shown by a teacher-trainee as she engages in self-reflection through a portfolio in an online postgraduate training program for teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. How pedagogical assistance contributes to the process especially that from her tutor, is also a fundamental part of the study. The pedagogy that is the focus of this research comes from a model of critical-reflective teacher education based on Reflective Practice methodology that leads to the development of autonomy. The theoretical framework is rooted in experiential, reflective, and inquiry learning (Dewey, 1910; Korthagen, 2001, 2010; Perrenoud, 2004a; Schon, 1983, 1987; Van Manen, 1995; Wallace, 1991; Zeichner, 1997), socio-cultural and activity theories (Vygotsky, 1979; Lantolf, 2006; Engestr6n, 1999), dialogue pedagogy (Esteve, 2007, 2009; Littleton y Mercer, 2013; Mercer, 1997, 2001; Van Lier, 1996, 2004), and the line of research in interaction and educational influence (Coll, 1990; Coll, Onrubia y Mauri, 2008; Mauri y Onrubia, 2008; Onrubia, 1993b). Within this context, the role of the portfolio in teacher education is that of a mediating and self-regulatory tool that aims to the development of autonomous professionals (Esteve et al. 2006; Gonzalez Arguello, 2007; Pujola y Gonzalez, 2007, 2008). The methodology used in this research is interpretative; specifically ethnographic based on one, single case study. Rather than proposing generalizable models, the goal is to define theoretical constructs that explain the observed phenomen

    En tren por Estados Unidos: Recuerdos de viaje de Eduarda Mansilla - Testimonio y texto autobiográfico de una viajera privilegiada

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    Sumario Esta tesis tiene por objeto aportar un nuevo análisis de Recuerdos de Viaje, el primer relato de viaje publicado en Argentina en 1882 y escrito con pinceladas autobiográficas por Eduarda Mansilla, una de las escritoras argentinas más influyentes del siglo XIX. Analizo la metáfora del tren, la voz de la viajera en diferentes espacios y su inversión del binomio civilizaciónbarbarie. Sus viajes en tren invitan al lector a conocer la Costa Este de Estados Unidos en ese primer año de guerra de secesión en 1861, en fase inicial de la modernización del país y del turismo. La elegante narración sin pseudónimo transmite al lector un nuevo enfoque literario con respecto a numerosos temas culturales. Con su mirada femenina desvela la realidad de la utopía estadounidense, fruto del Destino Manifiesto, ocultada por los escritores varoniles argentinos. El cuadro teórico se basa en definir el relato de viaje y presentar las características de la literatura de viaje y la autobiográfica según investigadores canónicos. El presente trabajo y su análisis se apoyan en nuevas publicaciones internacionales, además de archivos históricos parcialmente facilitados por Manuel Rafael García-Mansilla, el tataranieto de la autora.Abstract The aim of this thesis is to provide a new analysis of Recuerdos de Viaje (Memories of Travel), the first travel story published in Argentina in 1882 and written with autobiographical strokes by Eduarda Mansilla, one of the most influential Argentinian writers of the 19th century. I analyse the train metaphor, the voice of the traveller in different spaces and its inversion of the civilization-barbarism binomial. Her train trips invite the reader to visit the East Coast of the United States in that first year of war of secession in 1861, which is also the initial phase of modernization of the country and tourism. The elegant narrative without pseudonym conveys to the reader a new literary approach to many cultural issues. With her feminine gaze, she reveals the reality of American utopia, the fruit of Manifesto Fate, hidden by Argentinian male writers. The theoretical approach emphasizes on defining the travel narrative and presenting the characteristics of travel literature and autobiography according to canonical researchers. The present work and its analysis are based on new international publications and historical archives partially provided by Manuel Rafael García-Mansilla, authors great-great-grandson.Mastergradsoppgave i spansk og latinamerikastudierMAHF-SPLAMAHF-LÆFRSPLA35

    Traducción de "Obesity and Overweight", un texto de información para pacientes.

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    Este trabajo indaga en las características y funcionalidad de los textos médicos de información para pacientes para poder llevar a cabo la traducción de uno de ellos. Para dicha traducción se presentan dos propuestas igualmente válidas, una de ellas adoptando una postura más fiel al texto original, mientras que la otra opta por ser más libre y desapegarse de él en favor de lograr una mayor naturalidad del discurso. Finalmente, estas dos traducciones son contrastadas y analizadas para comentar los problemas y dificultades de traducción más comunes y las estrategias que han sido más utilizadas para solventarlos.Palabras clave: traducción biomédica, información para pacientes, obesidad, sobrepeso, dieta, salud, estrategias de traducción, problemas de traducción. This essay looks into the characteristics and functionality of fact sheets for patients in order to translate one example of them. For this translation, two different and valid proposals are presented. One of them adopting an approach more faithful or close to the original text, while the other is more detached in order to be perceived as more natural by Spanish speakers. Finally, these two proposals are contrasted and analysed to comment on the more common translation problems and difficulties, and the strategies used to solve them.Keywords: biomedical translation, fact sheet for patients, obesity, overweight, health, translation strategies, translation problems.<br /

    "Manifiesto Antropófago", El Restaurante

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    Se trata de la realización de la "obra total" de un restaurante, dicha "obra total" abarca la parte conceptual y filosófica, la parte estética y funcional y la parte gastronómica. Es así como el proyecto muestra la identidad corporativa y la señalética, la elaboración de las recetas de la carta, y el diseño de mobiliario del restaurante "Manifiesto Antropófago"

    Changes in Motor Competence after a Brief Physical Education Intervention Program in 4 and 5-Year-Old Preschool Children

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    Low motor competence (MC) can cause low participation in physical activities in preschool children, and together with a high caloric intake, it can lead to obesity. Interventions on motor skills are effective in the short term to improve MC, therefore the objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the effect of a short six-week program on levels of motor competence in preschool children, and (2) to examine the effects of gender-based intervention. A total of 156 preschool children (5.20 ± 0.54 years old) from Lugo (Spain) participated. A quasi-experimental pre–post-test design was used with a control group of 76 students. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children—2nd Edition (MABC-2) was used to collect the data. Significant differences between the control and experimental groups were found after the intervention program in aiming and catching (p < 0.001), balance (p < 0.001), the total score of eight tests (p < 0.001), and total percentile score (p < 0.001). The results regarding gender in the experimental group showed a reduction in differences with respect to the initial results except in aiming and catching, where scores were higher in boys. The data suggest that the application of specific intervention programs in MC could positively influence the improvement of MC in preschool children, thus reducing differences between gendersS

    Is Quarter of Birth a Risk Factor for Developmental Coordinator Disorder in Preschool Children?

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the probability that preschool children have severe motor difficulties or are at risk of motor difficulties, according to quarter of birth and gender. Five hundred and eighty-eight preschool-age children were evaluated, of which 318 (54.08%) were boys and 270 (45.92%) were girls, with a mean age of 4.66 years (SD = 0.53). The Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) was used to collect the data. The results obtained were the following: Regarding students with severe motor difficulties: 6.7% born in quarter 1 (Q1); 13.3% born in the second quarter (Q2); 20.0% born in the third quarter (Q3); and 60.0% born in the fourth quarter (Q4). The probabilities found (OR) were: Q1 vs. Q2 (OR = 3.15; p < 0.05); Q1 vs. Q3 (OR = 4.68; p < 0.005); Q1 vs. Q4 (OR = 12.40; p < 0.001); Q2 vs. Q4 (OR = 4.04; p < 0.001); and Q3 vs. Q4 (OR = 2.65; p < 0.005). The adjusted ORs, with respect to the probabilities of having severe motor difficulties, were the following: Being born in Q4 is 13.03 times more likely than being born in Q1 (p < 0.001); those born in Q3 are 4.85 times more likely than those born in Q1 (p < 0.05); and those born in Q2 4.14 times more than those born in Q1 (p < 0.05). The conclusion is that children born in Q4 are more likely to be classified as children with severe difficulties compared to children born in the other quarters of the same yearS

    Perceptions of the body and body dissatisfaction in primary education children according to gender and age. A cross-sectional study

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    Body image (BI) is a trending topic of study since health problems derived from a negative perception of the body are increasing and affecting people of all ages, with an increasing incidence among children from the age of eight. The objective of this study was to evaluate the current perception of the body against the desired body and the degree of body satisfaction of Galician primary education students. A total of 355 students (167 boys (47%)) between 9 and 12 years old participated (mean = 10.53; SD = 0.84). Sociodemographic data (sex, age, height, and weight) were collected, and the Figure Rating Scale was used. There are statistically significant differences between boys and girls in the current perceived figure (p = 0.003) and in the desired figure (p < 0.001). Depending on age, the differences were in current (p = 0.010) and desired (p = 0.021) body perception. In conclusion, boys perceive themselves as having a larger figure than girls do, but this perception is far from reality according to the body mass index. For the desired figure, both boys and girls want to be slimmer, but girls want a slimmer figure. Regarding age, the current perceived figure size increases with age as it increases in those students dissatisfied with their bodyBody image (BI) is a trending topic of study since health problems derived from a negative perception of the body are increasing and affecting people of all ages, with an increasing incidence among children from the age of eight. The objective of this study was to evaluate the current perception of the body against the desired body and the degree of body satisfaction of Galician primary education students. A total of 355 students (167 boys (47%)) between 9 and 12 years old participated (mean = 10.53; SD = 0.84). Sociodemographic data (sex, age, height, and weight) were collected, and the Figure Rating Scale was used. There are statistically significant differences between boys and girls in the current perceived figure (p = 0.003) and in the desired figure (p < 0.001). Depending on age, the differences were in current (p = 0.010) and desired (p = 0.021) body perception. In conclusion, boys perceive themselves as having a larger figure than girls do, but this perception is far from reality according to the body mass index. For the desired figure, both boys and girls want to be slimmer, but girls want a slimmer figure. Regarding age, the current perceived figure size increases with age as it increases in those students dissatisfied with their bodyS